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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

The Electricity Journal / Elsevier


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19900.09434344242 (%)0.03
19910.09519497085 (%)0.04
19920.09651591294136 (%)0.04
19930.18724619116201 (%)0.05
19940.119333945152273 (%)0.05
19950.020.190.0296435160.046718043398 (%)20.020.07
19960.070.230.05113548210.04681891339218 (%)10.010.09
19970.040.270.04128676350.0563209845417 (%)50.040.09
19980.050.270.0314690160.0232411151716 (%)0.1
19990.040.310.0482772250.0365142644418 (%)30.040.13
20000.030.390.0397869150.028796343311 (%)20.020.15
20010.030.410.0397966250.03126179543415 (%)10.010.16
20020.040.430.02921058200.02150194841810 (%)0.19
20030.090.450.07931151400.03781891738226 (%)0.19
20040.080.510.07881239460.04711851546130 (%)0.21
20050.070.540.08831322610.051551811246736 (%)20.020.22
20060.080.520.169514171200.08821711445371 (%)40.040.21
20070.10.450.11851502990.071151781745150 (%)0.18
20080.060.480.088715891150.07551801044437 (%)0.2
20090.120.480.117916681130.071091722143849 (%)10.010.19
20100.140.440.158317511210.07711662442966 (%)10.010.16
20110.20.530.185318041700.09211623342977 (%)10.020.21
20120.10.580.1218041020.061361438745 (%)0.22
20130.130.710.1818041560.0953730255 (%)0.25
20140.810.1718041580.09021536 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2005A Capacity Market that Makes Sense. (2005). Stoft, Steven . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:7:p:43-54.

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2002The Effect on Asset Values of the Allocation of Carbon Dioxide Emission Allowances. (2002). Paul, Anthony ; Bharvirkar, Ranjit ; Palmer, Karen ; Burtraw, Dallas . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:5:p:51-62.

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2005Quantifying Customer Response to Dynamic Pricing. (2005). Faruqui, Ahmad ; George, Stephen . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:4:p:53-63.

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1996Efficiency and sustainability in restructured electricity markets: the renewables portfolio standard. (1996). Rader, Nancy A. ; Norgaard, Richard B.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:9:y:1996:i:6:p:37-49.

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2009Potential Impacts of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles on Regional Power Generation. (2009). Tsvetkova, Alexandra A. ; Hadley, Stanton W.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:10:p:56-68.

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1995Nodal prices and transmission rights: A critical appraisal. (1995). Wu, Felix ; Oren, Shmuel S. ; Varaiya, Pravin . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:8:y:1995:i:3:p:24-35.

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2010Price-Responsive Demand Management for a Smart Grid World. (2010). Chao, Hung-po . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:1:p:7-20.

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2001Uniform Pricing or Pay-as-Bid Pricing: A Dilemma for California and Beyond. (2001). Kahn, Alfred E. ; Tabors, Richard D.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:6:p:70-79.

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2000Flow-Based Transmission Rights and Congestion Management. (2000). Chao, Hung-po ; Peck, Stephen ; Oren, Shmuel . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:13:y:2000:i:8:p:38-58.

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1999Transmission Rights and Market Power. (1999). . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:12:y:1999:i:8:p:77-85.

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2005Generation Adequacy via Call Options Obligations: Safe Passage to the Promised Land. (2005). Oren, Shmuel S.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:9:p:28-42.

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2001What Is It Worth? Application of Real Options Theory to the Valuation of Generation Assets. (2001). Frayer, Julia ; Uludere, Nazli Z.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:8:p:40-51.

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2003Diagnosing the California Electricity Crisis. (2003). Wolak, Frank A.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:16:y:2003:i:7:p:11-37.

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1995Market-based IRP: Its easy!!!. (1995). . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:8:y:1995:i:3:p:50-67.

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2007The Experience with Renewable Portfolio Standards in the United States. (2007). Namovicz, Christopher ; Wiser, Ryan ; Smith, Robert ; Gielecki, Mark . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:4:p:8-20.

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2002The Value of Dynamic Pricing in Mass Markets. (2002). Faruqui, Ahmad ; George, Stephen S.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:6:p:45-55.

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2007Demand Response and Electricity Market Efficiency. (2007). Spees, Kathleen ; Lave, Lester B.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:3:p:69-85.

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2002Californias Electricity Debacle: A Guided Tour. (2002). Jurewitz, John L.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:4:p:10-29.

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2002Modeling Electricity Auctions. (2002). Fabra, Natalia . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:7:p:72-81.

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2007If the Shoe FITs: Using Feed-in Tariffs to Meet U.S. Renewable Electricity Targets. (2007). Sawin, Janet L. ; Rickerson, Wilson H. ; Grace, Robert C.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:4:p:73-86.

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1997SO2 allowance trading: How do expectations and experience measure up?. (1997). Burtraw, Dallas ; Bohi, Douglas R.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:10:y:1997:i:7:p:67-75.

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2007The Power of 5 Percent. (2007). Faruqui, Ahmad ; Newell, Sam ; Hledik, Ryan ; Pfeifenberger, Hannes . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:8:p:68-77.

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2006CO2 Allowance Allocation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the Effect on Electricity Investors. (2006). Burtraw, Dallas ; Palmer, Karen ; Kahn, Danny . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:19:y:2006:i:2:p:79-90.

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2003Gaming the Regulator: A Survey. (2003). Nillesen, Paul . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:16:y:2003:i:10:p:68-80.

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2005Development of the Internal Electricity Market in Europe. (2005). Purchala, Konrad ; Belmans, Ronnie ; Meeus, Leonardo . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:6:p:25-35.

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2000Siting Struggles: The Unique Challenge of Permitting Renewable Energy Power Plants. (2000). Kahn, Robert D.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:13:y:2000:i:2:p:21-33.

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2007Using the Federal Production Tax Credit to Build a Durable Market for Wind Power in the United States. (2007). Barbose, Galen ; Wiser, Ryan ; Bolinger, Mark . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:9:p:77-88.

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2001Installed Capacity Requirements and Price Caps: Oil on the Water, or Fuel on the Fire?. (2001). Hobbs, Benjamin F. ; Stoft, Steven E. ; Ion, Javier . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:6:p:23-34.

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2009When It Comes to Demand Response, Is FERC Its Own Worst Enemy?. (2009). Wolak, Frank A. ; Bushnell, James . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:8:p:9-18.

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2004The Value of Wind Energy as a Function of Wind Capacity. (2004). Hirst, Eric ; Hild, Jeffrey . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:17:y:2004:i:6:p:11-20.

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2001Is the Security of Electricity Supply a Public Good?. (2001). Abbott, Malcolm . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:7:p:31-33.

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2000Developments in Best-Practice Regulation: Principles, Processes, and Performance. (2000). Berg, Sanford . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:13:y:2000:i:6:p:11-18.

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1994Valuing flexibility in utility planning. (1994). Kaslow, Thomas W.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:7:y:1994:i:2:p:60-65.

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2009Wind Energy and Power System Operations: A Review of Wind Integration Studies to Date. (2009). DeCesaro, Jennifer ; Milligan, Michael ; Porter, Kevin . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:10:p:34-43.

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2001Heresy? The Case Against Deregulation of Electricity Generation. (2001). Watts, Price C.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:4:p:19-24.

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2005Electricity Resource Adequacy: Matching Policies and Goals. (2005). . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:8:p:11-21.

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1994The behavior of the allowance market: Theory and evidence. (1994). May, Carol A. ; Hahn, Robert W.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:7:y:1994:i:2:p:28-37.

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2004Protecting the Market from Hockey Stick Pricing: How the Public Utility Commission of Texas is Dealing with Potential Price Gouging. (2004). Hurlbut, David ; Oren, Shmuel ; Rogas, Keith . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:17:y:2004:i:3:p:26-33.

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2002The Political Economy of Long-Term Generation Adequacy: Why an ICAP Mechanism is Needed as Part of Standard Market Design. (2002). Besser, Janet Gail ; Tierney, Susan F. ; Farr, John G.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:7:p:53-62.

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2010Electricity Pricing for Conservation and Load Shifting. (2010). DeBenedictis, Andrew ; Orans, Ren ; Chait, Michele ; Woo, C. K. ; Horii, Brian . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:3:p:7-14.

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2001The State of Performance-Based Regulation in the U.S. Electric Utility Industry. (2001). Basheda, Gregory N. ; Sappington, David E. M., ; Sappington, DavidE. M., ; Hanser, Philip ; Pfeifenberger, Johannes P.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:8:p:71-79.

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2005Lessons from the Electricity Auctions in Brazil. (2005). Dutra, Joisa . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:10:p:11-21.

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2009How Green Is the Smart Grid?. (2009). Hledik, Ryan . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:3:p:29-41.

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2007Principles for Interregional Transmission Expansion. (2007). Benjamin, Richard . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:8:p:36-47.

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2002Market Power in Deregulated Wholesale Electricity Markets: Issues in Measurement and the Cost of Mitigation. (2002). Perekhodtsev, Dmitri ; Blumsack, Seth ; Lave, Lester B.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:9:p:11-24.

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2005Reliability Options: A Market-Oriented Approach to Long-Term Adequacy. (2005). Bidwell, Miles . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:5:p:11-25.

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2004Electricity in China: The Latest Reforms. (2004). Yeoh, Boon-Siew ; Rajaraman, Rajesh . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:17:y:2004:i:3:p:60-69.

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2006How to Get More Response from Demand Response. (2006). Vojdani, Ali ; Neumann, Scott ; Yee, Gaymond ; Sioshansi, Fereidoon . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:19:y:2006:i:8:p:24-31.

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2004The State of Retail Electricity Markets in the U.S.. (2004). Rose, Kenneth . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:17:y:2004:i:1:p:26-36.

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2002What We Can Learn from a Statistical Analysis of Electricity Prices in New South Wales. (2002). Winsen, Joseph ; Wilkinson, Louise . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:3:p:60-69.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2005A Capacity Market that Makes Sense. (2005). Stoft, Steven . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:7:p:43-54.

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2005Quantifying Customer Response to Dynamic Pricing. (2005). Faruqui, Ahmad ; George, Stephen . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:4:p:53-63.

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2007If the Shoe FITs: Using Feed-in Tariffs to Meet U.S. Renewable Electricity Targets. (2007). Sawin, Janet L. ; Rickerson, Wilson H. ; Grace, Robert C.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:4:p:73-86.

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2007The Power of 5 Percent. (2007). Faruqui, Ahmad ; Newell, Sam ; Hledik, Ryan ; Pfeifenberger, Hannes . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:8:p:68-77.

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2010Price-Responsive Demand Management for a Smart Grid World. (2010). Chao, Hung-po . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:1:p:7-20.

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2009Potential Impacts of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles on Regional Power Generation. (2009). Tsvetkova, Alexandra A. ; Hadley, Stanton W.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:10:p:56-68.

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2009Wind Energy and Power System Operations: A Review of Wind Integration Studies to Date. (2009). DeCesaro, Jennifer ; Milligan, Michael ; Porter, Kevin . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:10:p:34-43.

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2001What Is It Worth? Application of Real Options Theory to the Valuation of Generation Assets. (2001). Frayer, Julia ; Uludere, Nazli Z.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:8:p:40-51.

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2010China Rationalizes Its Renewable Energy Policy. (2010). Su, Jack H. ; Hui, Simone S. ; Tsen, Kevin H.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:3:p:26-34.

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2009How Green Is the Smart Grid?. (2009). Hledik, Ryan . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:3:p:29-41.

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2009When It Comes to Demand Response, Is FERC Its Own Worst Enemy?. (2009). Wolak, Frank A. ; Bushnell, James . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:8:p:9-18.

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2007Demand Response and Electricity Market Efficiency. (2007). Spees, Kathleen ; Lave, Lester B.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:3:p:69-85.

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2007Using the Federal Production Tax Credit to Build a Durable Market for Wind Power in the United States. (2007). Barbose, Galen ; Wiser, Ryan ; Bolinger, Mark . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:9:p:77-88.

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2002Modeling Electricity Auctions. (2002). Fabra, Natalia . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:7:p:72-81.

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2007The Experience with Renewable Portfolio Standards in the United States. (2007). Namovicz, Christopher ; Wiser, Ryan ; Smith, Robert ; Gielecki, Mark . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:4:p:8-20.

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2006The Compatibility of Economic Theory and Proactive Energy Efficiency Policy. (2006). Dennis, Keith . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:19:y:2006:i:7:p:58-73.

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2005Development of the Internal Electricity Market in Europe. (2005). Purchala, Konrad ; Belmans, Ronnie ; Meeus, Leonardo . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:6:p:25-35.

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2011Examining Electricity Price Suppression Due to Renewable Resources and Other Grid Investments. (2011). Felder, Frank A.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:24:y:2011:i:4:p:34-46.

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2004The Value of Wind Energy as a Function of Wind Capacity. (2004). Hirst, Eric ; Hild, Jeffrey . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:17:y:2004:i:6:p:11-20.

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2000Flow-Based Transmission Rights and Congestion Management. (2000). Chao, Hung-po ; Peck, Stephen ; Oren, Shmuel . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:13:y:2000:i:8:p:38-58.

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2004Protecting the Market from Hockey Stick Pricing: How the Public Utility Commission of Texas is Dealing with Potential Price Gouging. (2004). Hurlbut, David ; Oren, Shmuel ; Rogas, Keith . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:17:y:2004:i:3:p:26-33.

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1996Efficiency and sustainability in restructured electricity markets: the renewables portfolio standard. (1996). Rader, Nancy A. ; Norgaard, Richard B.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:9:y:1996:i:6:p:37-49.

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2010Modeling EU Electricity Market Competition Using the Residual Supply Index. (2010). Kessler, Brian ; Ffoulkes, Stuart ; Scully, Derek . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:9:p:41-50.

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1995Market-based IRP: Its easy!!!. (1995). . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:8:y:1995:i:3:p:50-67.

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2001Breaking The Consumption Habit: Ratemaking for Efficient Resource Decisions. (2001). Carter, Sheryl . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:10:p:66-74.

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2005Long-Term Rights for New Resources: A Crucial Missing Ingredient in RTO Markets. (2005). Bogorad, Cynthia ; Huang, William . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:7:p:11-24.

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2000Operating Hydroelectric Plants and Pumped Storage Units in a Competitive Environment. (2000). Deb, Rajat . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:13:y:2000:i:3:p:24-32.

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2001Uniform Pricing or Pay-as-Bid Pricing: A Dilemma for California and Beyond. (2001). Kahn, Alfred E. ; Tabors, Richard D.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:6:p:70-79.

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2005Lessons from the Electricity Auctions in Brazil. (2005). Dutra, Joisa . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:10:p:11-21.

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2002The Value of Dynamic Pricing in Mass Markets. (2002). Faruqui, Ahmad ; George, Stephen S.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:6:p:45-55.

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2002Control of Market Power in Electricity Auctions. (2002). Rothkopf, Michael H.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:15:y:2002:i:8:p:15-24.

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2005Determining Levels of Productivity and Efficiency in the Electricity Industry. (2005). Abbott, Malcolm . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:9:p:62-72.

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2007Principles for Interregional Transmission Expansion. (2007). Benjamin, Richard . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:20:y:2007:i:8:p:36-47.

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2003Diagnosing the California Electricity Crisis. (2003). Wolak, Frank A.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:16:y:2003:i:7:p:11-37.

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2010The Challenges and Policy Options for Integrating Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle into the Electric Grid. (2010). Srivastava, Anurag K. ; Kamalasadan, Sukumar ; Annabathina, Bharath . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:3:p:83-91.

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2010Dynamic Pricing? Not So Fast! A Residential Consumer Perspective. (2010). Alexander, Barbara R.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:6:p:39-49.

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2005Reliability Options: A Market-Oriented Approach to Long-Term Adequacy. (2005). Bidwell, Miles . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:5:p:11-25.

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2008Competitive Electricity Markets: Questions Remain about Design, Implementation, Performance. (2008). Sioshansi, Fereidoon P.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:21:y:2008:i:2:p:74-87.

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2009Measuring the Capacity Impacts of Demand Response. (2009). Macan, Edo ; Earle, Robert ; Kahn, Edward P.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:6:p:47-58.

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2009Going Completely Renewable: Is It Possible (Let Alone Desirable)?. (2009). Sovacool, Benjamin K. ; Watts, Charmaine . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:4:p:95-111.

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2008Is the Danish Wind Energy Model Replicable for Other Countries?. (2008). Sovacool, Benjamin K. ; Odgaard, Ole ; Lindboe, Hans H.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:21:y:2008:i:2:p:27-38.

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2010The Ethics of Dynamic Pricing. (2010). Faruqui, Ahmad . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:23:y:2010:i:6:p:13-27.

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2009Day-Ahead Premiums on the Midwest ISO. (2009). Payne, James ; Hu, Su ; Bowden, Nicholas . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:22:y:2009:i:2:p:64-73.

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2001Is the Security of Electricity Supply a Public Good?. (2001). Abbott, Malcolm . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:14:y:2001:i:7:p:31-33.

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2005Generation Adequacy via Call Options Obligations: Safe Passage to the Promised Land. (2005). Oren, Shmuel S.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:9:p:28-42.

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2000Mitigating Price Spikes in Wholesale Markets through Market-Based Pricing in Retail Markets. (2000). Faruqui, Ahmad ; Eakin, Kelly ; Caves, Douglas . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:13:y:2000:i:3:p:13-23.

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1989Reducing industrial electricity costs--an automative case study. (1989). Price, Alan C. ; Ross, Marc H.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:2:y:1989:i:6:p:40-51.

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2005The Costs of Winds Variability: Is There a Threshold?. (2005). Keith, David W. ; DeCarolis, Joseph F.. In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:1:p:69-77.

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2005Are Tradable Permits for Mercury Worthwhile?. (2005). Bellas, Allen . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:2:p:85-90.

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2005Competition Has Not Lowered U.S. Industrial Electricity Prices. (2005). Apt, Jay . In: The Electricity Journal. RePEc:eee:jelect:v:18:y:2005:i:2:p:52-61.

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2011Examining the Small Renewable Energy Power (SREP) Program in Malaysia. (2011). Sovacool, Benjamin K. ; Drupady, Ira Martina . In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:39:y:2011:i:11:p:7244-7256.

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[Citation Analysis]

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