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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Chapters / Edward Elgar


Impact Factor


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19900.560100 (%)0.3
19910.560200 (%)0.3
19920.560100 (%)0.3
19930.560100 (%)0.3
19940.5625125120.015900 (%)100.3
199500.56025130.0125112511 (%)0.3
19960.5625120.01251251 (%)0.3
19970.560.01251100.0402512 (%)0.3
19980.560.02374625150.0260025151 (1.7%)0.3
19990.010.560.0172697110.026437446255 (%)30.040.3
20000.020.560.0284781550.0780446944691 (1.3%)30.040.3
20010.010.560.01183964150.026115625303 (%)0.3
20020.040.560.023791343410.031342671071316 (%)20.010.3
20030.020.560.024281771450.03955629109223 (%)40.010.3
20040.030.560.0360823791120.0573080722114635 (%)330.050.3
20050.070.560.0568630652080.07538103671168289 (%)410.060.3
20060.110.560.07133243972850.06100412941462284169 (%)530.040.3
20070.060.560.06133157283430.0639620181223433219 (%)230.020.3
20080.050.560.0682065483830.0660726631384385275 (%)160.020.3
20090.040.560.07102375714930.0710362151924777316 (%)560.050.3
20100.110.560.08121887895990.0723718432025192402 (%)140.010.3
20110.090.560.081703104927050.0723922411935724452 (%)150.010.3
20120.020.560.061526120187610.062892921626095379 (%)350.020.3
20130.030.560.071608136268450.0630032291036290458 (%)370.020.3
20140.050.560.0710551468110400.0711331341717078485 (%)260.020.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2006Introduction. (2006). Donaghy, K. ; Kirshen, P. ; Ruth, M.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3989_1.

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2009Introduction. (2009). Rosser, Barkley J.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3625_1.

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2004Introduction. (2004). Wray, Randall L. ; Bell, Stephanie . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3204_1.

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2005Labour. (2005). Durrenberger, Paul E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2904_8.

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2009India. (2009). Narayan, S.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13242_7.

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2008Introduction. (2008). Peters, Guy B. ; Derlien, Hans-Ulrich . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3214_1.

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2008India. (2008). Dev, Mahendra S.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3554_1.

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2008Foreign Direct Investment. (2008). Balasubramanyam, V. N.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3813_39.

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2005East Asia. (2005). Eades, J. S.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2904_34.

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2012Labour. (2012). Durrenberger, Paul E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14267_8.

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2013Introduction. (2013). van Ark, Bart ; D. S. Prasada Rao, ; D. S. Prasada Rao, . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13753_1.

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2004South Africa. (2004). Williams, Gavin ; Vink, Nick ; Kirsten, Johann . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3130_12.

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2000Ideology and analysis in macroeconomics. (2000). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:750_18.

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2000Inflation and economic performance. (2000). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:750_8.

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2009Sustainability. (2009). Opschoor, J. B.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4252_69.

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2009Innovation System Research and Developing Countries. (2009). Lundvall, Bengt-ke ; Joseph, K. J. ; Vang, Jan . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12943_1.

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2009Market. (2009). OaNeill, John . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4252_42.

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2002Regional Inequality. (2002). Zhang, Kevin Honglin . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2589_8.

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2013Fiscal policy. (2013). Ferris, Stephen J.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14039_16.

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2010Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS). (2010). Strambach, Simone . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13218_7.

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2008Entrepreneurship and Development. (2008). Nafziger, Wayne E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3813_26.

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2008Introduction. (2008). Kaloudis, Aris ; Mariussen, ge ; Carayannis, Elias G.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12673_1.

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2004A. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_1.

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2004S. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_18.

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2004F. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_6.

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2004R. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_17.

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2004E. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_5.

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2004I. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_9.

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2004O. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_15.

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2004T. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_19.

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2004L. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_12.

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2004D. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_4.

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2004H. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_8.

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2004N. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_14.

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2006Introduction. (2006). Pitelis, Christos ; Sugden, Roger ; Wilson, James R.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3334_1.

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2005Introduction. (2005). Zak, Paul J. ; Mundell, Robert A.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3665_1.

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2004Political Economy of Antitrust. (2004). Rathbone, Anne ; Rowley, Charles . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2783_6.

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2005Internationalization of the Business Firm. (2005). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4000_5.

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2007Introduction. (2007). Richardson, Harry W. ; Gordon, Peter ; Moore, James E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4113_1.

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2004C. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_3.

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2007Experimental Economics. (2007). Berninghaus, S. ; Guth, W.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2973_66.

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2004G. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_7.

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2007Australia. (2007). Christie, Andrew ; Moritz, Sarah . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12515_6.

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2006Is Lending in Central and Eastern Europe Developing Too Fast?. (2006). Boissay, Frdric ; Kozluk, Tomasz ; Calvo-Gonzalez, Oscar . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12523_14.

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2006National Innovation Systems and India’s IT Capability: Are There Any Lessons for ASEAN Newcomers?. (2006). Joseph, K. J. ; Kumar, Nagesh . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4090_10.

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2012Transnational companies and finance. (2012). Ietto-Gillies, Grazia . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14083_42.

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2012The Economics and Theory of the Firm. (2012). Krafft, Jackie ; Dietrich, Michael . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13623_1.

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1999Canadas Economic Development and Integration. (1999). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:1799_5.

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2004M. (2004). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2763_13.

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2008 Time Inconsistency of Robust Control?. (2008). Hansen, Lars Peter ; Sargent, Thomas J. ; ThomasJ. Sargent, . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13236_7.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2009Introduction. (2009). Rosser, Barkley J.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3625_1.

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2006Introduction. (2006). Donaghy, K. ; Kirshen, P. ; Ruth, M.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3989_1.

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2004Introduction. (2004). Wray, Randall L. ; Bell, Stephanie . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3204_1.

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2008Introduction. (2008). Peters, Guy B. ; Derlien, Hans-Ulrich . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3214_1.

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2009India. (2009). Narayan, S.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13242_7.

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2013Introduction. (2013). van Ark, Bart ; D. S. Prasada Rao, ; D. S. Prasada Rao, . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13753_1.

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2008India. (2008). Dev, Mahendra S.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3554_1.

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2012Labour. (2012). Durrenberger, Paul E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14267_8.

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2005Labour. (2005). Durrenberger, Paul E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2904_8.

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2013Fiscal policy. (2013). Ferris, Stephen J.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14039_16.

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2000Ideology and analysis in macroeconomics. (2000). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:750_18.

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2000Inflation and economic performance. (2000). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:750_8.

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2008Foreign Direct Investment. (2008). Balasubramanyam, V. N.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3813_39.

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2009Innovation System Research and Developing Countries. (2009). Lundvall, Bengt-ke ; Joseph, K. J. ; Vang, Jan . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12943_1.

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2008Introduction. (2008). Kaloudis, Aris ; Mariussen, ge ; Carayannis, Elias G.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12673_1.

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2009Sustainability. (2009). Opschoor, J. B.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4252_69.

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2008 Time Inconsistency of Robust Control?. (2008). Hansen, Lars Peter ; Sargent, Thomas J. ; ThomasJ. Sargent, . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13236_7.

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2005East Asia. (2005). Eades, J. S.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:2904_34.

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2008Entrepreneurship and Development. (2008). Nafziger, Wayne E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3813_26.

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2014The discrete choice experiment approach to environmental contingent valuation. (2014). Czajkowski, Mikoaj ; Carson, Richard T.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14820_9.

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2012The Economics and Theory of the Firm. (2012). Krafft, Jackie ; Dietrich, Michael . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13623_1.

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2013Regional economic development and competitiveness. (2013). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:15331_3.

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2013Political stability and economic development. (2013). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14293_5.

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2010The Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: The Role of Inventors’ Mobility Across Firms and in Space. (2010). Vezzulli, Andrea ; Breschi, Stefano ; Lissoni, Francesco ; Lenzi, Camilla . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12864_16.

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2005Three Dimensions of Internationalization. (2005). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4000_6.

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2012Immigration and innovation in European regions. (2012). Ozgen, Ceren ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Poot, Jacques . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14476_8.

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2013The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index. (2013). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14236_4.

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2005Internationalization of the Business Firm. (2005). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4000_5.

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2011Population aging and the generational economy: key findings. (2011). Mason, Andrew ; Lee, Ronald . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13816_1.

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1999Canadas Economic Development and Integration. (1999). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:1799_5.

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2014The financial cycle and macroeconomics: what have we learned and what are the policy implications?. (2014). Borio, Claudio . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:15914_2.

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2011Creative Milieus in the Stockholm Region. (2011). JOHANSSON, BRJE ; Klaesson, Johan . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13973_23.

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2009Market. (2009). OaNeill, John . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4252_42.

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2012Personal Income Tax Evasion in Italy: An Estimate by Taxpayer Type. (2012). Zizza, Roberta ; Marino, Rosaria M.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14580_3.

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2012Informal Care. (2012). Van Houtven, Courtney H. ; Norton, Edward C. ; Grabowski, David C.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14021_30.

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2009The Architecture of Platforms: A Unified View. (2009). Baldwin, Carliss Y. ; Woodard, Jason C.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13257_2.

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2013Informal work. (2013). Peterson, Spike V.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14323_11.

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2012Transnational companies and finance. (2012). Ietto-Gillies, Grazia . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14083_42.

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2009Public Enforcement of Law. (2009). Polinsky, Mitchell A. ; Shavell, Steven . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12729_1.

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2007Introduction. (2007). Richardson, Harry W. ; Gordon, Peter ; Moore, James E.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4113_1.

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2010Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS). (2010). Strambach, Simone . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:13218_7.

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1998Technological Change. (1998). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:851_171.

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2006Introduction. (2006). Pitelis, Christos ; Sugden, Roger ; Wilson, James R.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3334_1.

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2013Population and key macroeconomic variables. (2013). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14293_2.

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1999Mexicos Economic Development. (1999). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:1799_6.

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2008Introduction. (2008). van Wee, Bert ; Bliemer, Michiel ; Steg, Linda ; Verhoef, Erik . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:4192_1.

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2015Behavioral dimensions of contests. (2015). Sheremeta, Roman M.. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:15325_10.

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2010Growth, Instability and Cycles: Harrodian and Kaleckian Models of Accumulation and Income Distribution. (2010). Skott, Peter . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:12814_5.

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2007Introduction and overview. (2007). , . In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:3413_1.

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2012Introduction. (2012). Toporowski, Jan ; Michell, Jo. In: Chapters. RePEc:elg:eechap:14083_.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 171:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014What drives the German current account? And how does it affect other EU member states?. (2014). Roeger, Werner . In: CAMA Working Papers. RePEc:een:camaaa:2014-35.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014What drives the German current account? and how does it affect other EU member states?. (2014). in't Veld , Jan, ; Roeger, Werner ; in 't Veld, Jan, ; In't Veld, Jan, . In: Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper. RePEc:fip:feddgw:176.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Does Redistribution Increase Output? The Centrality of Labor Supply. (2014). Owens, Andrew ; Artheya, Kartik ; Schwartzman, Felipe . In: Working Paper. RePEc:fip:fedrwp:14-04.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Reserve requirements in the brave new macroprudential world. (2014). Vegh, Carlos ; Federico, Pablo ; Vuletin, Guillermo . In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:6793.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Can structural reforms help Europe?. (2014). Ferrero, Andrea ; Eggertsson, Gauti ; Raffo, Andrea . In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:61:y:2014:i:c:p:2-22.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Effectiveness of countercyclical fiscal policy: Evidence from developing Asia. (2014). Park, Donghyun ; Mallick, Sushanta K. ; Jha, Shikha ; Quising, Pilipinas F.. In: Journal of Macroeconomics. RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:40:y:2014:i:c:p:82-98.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Fiscal policy in an unemployment crisis. (2014). Rendahl, Pontus . In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:58132.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Financial Stress, Sovereign Debt and Economic Activity in Industrialized Countries: Evidence from Dynamic Threshold Regressions. (2014). Proao, Christian R. ; Semmler, Willi ; Schoder, Christian . In: Department of Economics Working Papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwwuw:wuwp167.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Liquidity Traps and Monetary Policy: Managing a Credit Crunch. (2014). Buera, Francisco J. ; Nicolini, Juan Pablo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedmwp:714.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Liquidity Traps and Monetary Policy: Managing a Credit Crunch. (2014). Buera, Francisco J. ; Nicolini, Juan Pablo . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:fip:fedhwp:wp-2014-14.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Reserve Requirements in the Brave New Macroprudential World. (2014). CARLOS A. VÉGH, ; Cordella, Tito ; Federico, Pablo M. ; Vuletin, Guillermo ; Vegh, Carlos A.. In: World Bank Publications. RePEc:wbk:wbpubs:17584.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Progressive tax reform in OECD countries : perspectives and obstacles. (2014). Truger, Achim ; Godar, Sarah ; Paetz, Christoph . In: ILO Working Papers. RePEc:ilo:ilowps:485510.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Fiscal Federalism in Four Federal Countries. (2014). Virkola, Tuomo . In: ETLA Reports. RePEc:rif:report:38.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Analyses of the Czech Republics Current Economic Alignment with the Euro Area 2014. (2014). Kulhava, Kamila ; Saxa, Branislav ; Ambrisko, Robert ; Lesanovska, Jitka ; Pasalicova, Renata ; Solc, Jan ; Snobl, Radek ; Bruha, Jan ; Kral, Petr ; Babecky, Jan ; Soukup, Pavel ; Mateju, Jakub ; Komarkova, Zlatuse ; Kucharcukova, Oxana Babecka ; Kubicova, Ivana ; Dingova, Vilma ; Vozar, Mario ; Novotny, Filip ; Holub, Tomas ; Rusnak, Marek ; Hromadkova, Eva ; Adam, Tomas ; Ruzicka, Lubos ; Kocourek, David ; Benecka, Sona ; Komarek, Lubos ; Hajkova, Dana ; Zamazalova, Romana . In: Occasional Publications - Edited Volumes. RePEc:cnb:ocpubv:as14.

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2014Fiscal policy analysis in the euro area: Expanding the toolkit. (2014). Pedregal, Diego J. ; Paredes, Joan ; Perez, Javier J.. In: Journal of Policy Modeling. RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:36:y:2014:i:5:p:800-823.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Financial stress, sovereign debt and economic activity in industrialized countries: Evidence from dynamic threshold regressions. (2014). Proao, Christian R. ; Semmler, Willi ; Schoder, Christian . In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:45:y:2014:i:c:p:17-37.

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[Citation Analysis]

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[Citation Analysis]
2014International capital flows and the boom-bust cycle in Spain. (2014). Pataracchia, Beatrice ; Roeger, Werner ; in 't Veld, Jan, ; In't Veld, Jan, ; in't Veld , Jan, . In: Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper. RePEc:fip:feddgw:181.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014International Capital Flows and the Boom-Bust Cycle in Spain. (2014). Pataracchia, Beatrice ; Roeger, Werner ; Kollmann, Robert ; Ratto, Marco ; Veld, Jan int. In: CAMA Working Papers. RePEc:een:camaaa:2014-40.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Fiscal Multipliers in Japan. (2014). Auerbach, Alan J.. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:19911.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014International capital flows and the boom-bust cycle in Spain. (2014). Pataracchia, Beatrice ; Roeger, Werner ; Kollmann, Robert ; Ratto, Marco ; in 't Veld, Jan, ; In't Veld, Jan, ; in't Veld , Jan, . In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:48:y:2014:i:pb:p:314-335.

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2014The Impact of Informal Caregiving Intensity on Womens Retirement in the United States. (2014). Laporte, Audrey ; Coyte, Peter ; Jacobs, Josephine ; van Houtven, Courtney . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cch:wpaper:140008.

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2014Baby Boomer caregivers in the workforce: Do they fare better or worse than their predecessors?. (2014). Laporte, Audrey ; Coyte, Peter ; Jacobs, Josephine ; van Houtven, Courtney . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cch:wpaper:140001.

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2014Innovation and finance: a stock flow consistent analysis of great surges of development. (2014). Caiani, Alessandro ; Lucarelli, Stefano ; Godin, Antoine . In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics. RePEc:spr:joevec:v:24:y:2014:i:2:p:421-448.

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2014Low-Carbon Innovation and Development. (2014). . In: Globelics Thematic Reviews. RePEc:aal:glothr:low-carbon.

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2014High Growth Firms and Technological Knowledge: Do gazelles follow exploration or exploitation strategies?. (2014). Colombelli, Alessandra . In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-00666707.

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2014Institutional Barriers and Job Creation in Central and Eastern Europe. (2014). Vincelette, Gallina A.. In: Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:ris:sbgwpe:2014_001.

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2014High-growth firms and technological knowledge: do gazelles follow exploration or exploitation strategies?. (2014). . In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01070569.

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2014Institutional barriers and job creation in Central and Eastern Europe. (2014). Cuaresma, Jesus ; Vincelette, Gallina ; Oberhofer, Harald . In: IZA Journal of European Labor Studies. RePEc:spr:izaels:v:3:y:2014:i:1:p:1-29:10.1186/2193-9012-3-3.

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2014Economic Shocks in the Fisheries Sector and Maritime Piracy. (2014). Fluckiger, Matthias . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:56959.

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2014Disaggregated energy demand by fuel type and economic growth in Malaysia. (2014). . In: Applied Energy. RePEc:eee:appene:v:132:y:2014:i:c:p:168-177.

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2014Competitive effects of the airlines-within-airlines strategy – Pricing and route entry patterns. (2014). Homsombat, Winai ; Lei, Zheng ; Fu, Xiaowen . In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. RePEc:eee:transe:v:63:y:2014:i:c:p:1-16.

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2014Like Doktorvater, like Son? Tracing Role Model Learning in the Evolution of German Laser Research. (2014). Buensdorf, Guido ; Geissler, Matthias . In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik). RePEc:jns:jbstat:v:234:y:2014:i:2-3:p:158-184.

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2014Hacia una información corporativa integrada: evidencias en la industria de productos del cuidado de la salud. (2014). Martin, Alejandro Saez ; Maria del Carmen Caba Perez, ; de Rosario, Arturo Haro . In: REVISTA FINANZAS Y POLÍTICA ECONÓMICA. RePEc:col:000443:012594.

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2014Evaluating communication to optimise consumer-directed energy efficiency interventions. (2014). Wilson, Caroline . In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:74:y:2014:i:c:p:300-310.

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2014Whither Multilateral Development Finance?. (2014). Wihtol, Robert . In: ADBI Working Papers. RePEc:ris:adbiwp:0491.

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2014Changing patterns of export of goods versus macroeconomic competitiveness. A comparative analysis for East-Central European countries in the period 2000-2011.. (2014). Lechman, Ewa . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:53639.

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2014Evaluating the Equal-Interval Hypothesis with Test Score Scales. (2014). Domingue, Ben . In: Psychometrika. RePEc:spr:psycho:v:79:y:2014:i:1:p:1-19.

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2014Labor demand research: Toward a better match between better theory and better data. (2014). Addison, John T. ; Portugal, Pedro ; Varejo, Jose . In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:30:y:2014:i:c:p:4-11.

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2014Quantifying policy tradeoffs to support aging populations. (2014). Mamolo, Marija ; Sanderson, Warren C. ; Scherbov, Sergei . In: Demographic Research. RePEc:dem:demres:v:30:y:2014:i:20.

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2014Self-employment and business cycle persistence: Does the composition of employment matter for economic recoveries?. (2014). . In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:46:y:2014:i:c:p:200-218.

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2014Labour Market Reforms and Current Account Imbalances: Beggar-thy-neighbour policies in a currency union?. (2014). Belke, Ansgar ; Baas, Timo . In: CEPS Papers. RePEc:eps:cepswp:9621.

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2014Impacts of energy subsidy reform on the Malaysian economy and transportation sector. (2014). Kari, Fatimah ; Solaymani, Saeed . In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:70:y:2014:i:c:p:115-125.

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2014The relationship between forgone health care and high school dropout. (2014). Migali, Giuseppe . In: Working Papers. RePEc:lan:wpaper:71679142.

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2014Will Europe’s industry survive the crisis? Competitiveness, employment and the need for an industrial policy. (2014). Guarascio, Dario ; Cirillo, Valeria . In: Working Papers. RePEc:urb:wpaper:14_08.

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2014Labor Market Reforms and Current Account Imbalances – Beggar-thy-neighbor Policies in a Currency Union?. (2014). . In: ROME Working Papers. RePEc:rmn:wpaper:201407.

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2014Unemployment and Spare Capacity in the Labour Market. (2014). Ballantyne, Alexander ; Jacobs, David ; De Voss, Daniel . In: RBA Bulletin. RePEc:rba:rbabul:sep2014-02.

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2014Back to Work : Growing with Jobs in Europe and Central Asia. (2014). Gruen, Carola ; Arias, Omar S. ; Natasha de Andrade Falcão, ; Davalos, Maria E. ; Santos, Indhira ; Saiovici, Gady ; Tiongson, Erwin R. ; Cancho, Cesar A. ; Sanchez-Paramo, Carolina . In: World Bank Publications. RePEc:wbk:wbpubs:16570.

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2014Are There Racial Gaps in High School Leadership Opportunities? Do Academics Matter More?. (2014). Weinberger, Catherine . In: The Review of Black Political Economy. RePEc:spr:blkpoe:v:41:y:2014:i:4:p:393-409.

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2014Labor Market Reforms and Current Account Imbalances: Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Policies in a Currency Union?. (2014). Belke, Ansgar ; Baas, Timo . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8453.

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2014Variability of Dynamic Correlation – The Evidence of Sector-Specific Shocks in V4 Countries. (2014). Pomnkova, Jitka ; Kapounek, Svatopluk ; Maralek, Roman . In: Prague Economic Papers. RePEc:prg:jnlpep:v:2014:y:2014:i:3:id:489:p:371-387.

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2014Data for Studying Earnings, the Distribution of Household Income and Poverty in China. (2014). Gustafsson, Bjorn Anders ; Li, Shi ; Sato, Hiroshi . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8244.

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2014The Effect of Maritime Security Regime (ISPS Code) on World Supply of Seafarers. (2014). Anastasakos, Agisilaos ; Gatzoli, Androniki ; Goulielmos, Alexandros M.. In: SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business. RePEc:spd:journl:v:64:y:2014:i:1:p:63-77.

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2014Cross-border labour mobility: are East-West and East-East cross-border labour flows differ?. (2014). Paas, Tiiu . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p50.

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2014Product market integration and wage bargaining institutions. (2014). Santoni, Michele . In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:27:y:2014:i:c:p:1-15.

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2014Time-consistent consumption taxation. (2014). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:lan:wpaper:67495267.

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2014The implications of phasing out energy subsidies in Egypt. (2014). Elshennawy, Abeer . In: Journal of Policy Modeling. RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:36:y:2014:i:5:p:855-866.

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2014Can US Coordination Failure Explain Why Americans Work So Much More than Europeans?. (2014). Schiff, Maurice . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8041.

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2014Labor Market Reforms and Current Account Imbalances - Beggar-thy-Neighbor Policies in a Currency Union?. (2014). Belke, Ansgar ; Baas, Timo . In: Ruhr Economic Papers. RePEc:rwi:repape:0505.

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2014The Spatial Polish Wage Curve with Gender Effects: Evidence from the Polish Labor Survey. (2014). Baltagi, Badi ; Rokicki, Bartlomiej . In: Center for Policy Research Working Papers. RePEc:max:cprwps:171.

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2014Harmonization versus Mutual Recognition: Some pitfalls for the coordination of product standards under imperfect competition. (2014). Jorgensen, Jan Guldager ; Schroder, Philipp J. H., . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2014_023.

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2014Behavioral dynamics of tax evasion – A survey. (2014). Prinz, Aloys ; Pickhardt, Michael . In: Journal of Economic Psychology. RePEc:eee:joepsy:v:40:y:2014:i:c:p:1-19.

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2014Benfords law predicted digit distribution of aggregated income taxes: the surprising conformity of Italian cities and regions. (2014). Ausloos, Marcel ; Mir, Tariq Ahmad ; Cerqueti, Roy . In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:1410.2890.

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2014El impacto de las respuestas inconsistentes en las medidas de bienestar estimadas con el método del experimento de elección. (2014). Rocamora, Beatriz ; Colombo, Sergio ; Glenk, Klaus . In: Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales. RePEc:ags:earnsa:195721.

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2014The MIRAB Model of Small Island Economies in the Pacific and their Security Issues: Revised Version. (2014). . In: Social Economics, Policy and Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:uqsese:165087.

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2014Principle of progressive (gradual) use of contractual remedies. (2014). Oglinda, Bazil . In: Juridical Tribune (Tribuna Juridica). RePEc:asr:journl:v:4:y:2014:i:2:p:226-239.

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2014Decoding the Growth-Nutrition Nexus in China: Inequality, Uncertainty and Food Insecurity. (2014). Gaiha, Raghav . In: Brooks World Poverty Institute Working Paper Series. RePEc:bwp:bwppap:20714.

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2014Non-linearity in the inflation–growth relationship in developing economies: Evidence from a semiparametric panel model. (2014). Baglan, Deniz ; Yoldas, Emre . In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:125:y:2014:i:1:p:93-96.

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2014Assessment of EU Postal Sector Policy during the Second Barroso Administration (2010-2014). (2014). . In: EUI-RSCAS Working Papers. RePEc:erp:euirsc:p0414.

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2014Social norms, Morals and Self-interest as Determinants of Pro-environment Behaviours. (2014). Hanley, Nick . In: Memorandum. RePEc:hhs:osloec:2014_018.

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2014THE THREATS TO EU INTERREGIONAL COHESION IN THE POST-LISBON AGENDA. (2014). CORPADEAN, Adrian-Gabriel . In: EURINT. RePEc:jes:eurint:y:2014:v:1:p:73-82.

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2014Significant drivers of growth in Africa. (2014). Henderson, Daniel ; Houssa, Romain ; Badunenko, Oleg . In: Journal of Productivity Analysis. RePEc:kap:jproda:v:42:y:2014:i:3:p:339-354.

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2014Emissionshandelssysteme für Treibhausgase: Funktionsweise und Vergleich bestehender Ausprägungsformen. (2014). Amelung, Adrian . In: Otto-Wolff-Institut Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:kln:owiwdp:dp_05_2014.

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2014Pseudo-Goodwin Cycles in a Minsky Model. (2014). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:pke:wpaper:pkwp1405.

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2014A steindlian account of the distribution of corporate profits and leverage: A stock-flow consistent macroeconomic model with agent-based microfoundations. (2014). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:pke:wpaper:pkwp1412.

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2014Clustering Value-Added Trade: Structural and Policy Dimensions. (2014). Gaudin, Hadrien . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:57276.

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2014Trade in tasks, tariff policy and effective protection rates. (2014). Diakantoni, Antonia . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:60675.

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2014EVALUATING THE INFORMATION SOCIETY IN ROMANIA. (2014). POPA, Alexandru-Emil ; URITU, Daniel . In: Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. RePEc:rom:mancon:v:8:y:2014:i:1:p:763-771.

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2014Assessment of EU Postal Sector Policy during the Second Barroso Administration (2010-2014). (2014). . In: RSCAS Working Papers. RePEc:rsc:rsceui:2014/117.

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2014Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviour. (2014). Hanley, Nick . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sss:wpaper:2014-03.

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2014Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviour. (2014). Czajkowski, Mikoaj . In: Working Papers. RePEc:war:wpaper:2014-17.

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2014Clustering value-added trade: Structural and policy dimensions. (2014). Gaudin, Hadrien ; Escaith, Hubert . In: WTO Staff Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:wtowps:ersd201408.

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2014Trade in tasks, tariff policy and effective protection rates. (2014). Diakantoni, Antonia . In: WTO Staff Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:wtowps:ersd201422.

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2014Firm growth, innovation and the business cycle: Background report for the 2014 competitiveness report. (2014). Peters, Bettina ; Rammer, Christian ; Kohler, Christian ; Hud, Martin ; Dunser, Martina ; Dachs, Bernhard . In: ZEW Expertises. RePEc:zbw:zewexp:110577.

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2013What Do We Learn From Schumpeterian Growth Theory?. (2013). Brown, Peter ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Aghion, Philippe . In: PIER Working Paper Archive. RePEc:pen:papers:13-026.

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2013Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map. (2013). . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:47627.

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2013Cognitive Load and Strategic Sophistication. (2013). Allred, Sarah ; Duffy, Sean . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:47997.

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2013Public-private sector wage differentials in Spain. An updated picture in the midst of the Great Recession.. (2013). de Bustillo, Rafael Muoz . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:48888.

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2013Public-private sector wage differentials in Spain. An updated picture in the midst of the Great Recession.. (2013). de Bustillo, Rafael Muoz . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:48897.

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2013Olympic Games and their Commercialization. (2013). Dionysopoulos, Ioannis . In: Ekonomika a Management. RePEc:prg:jnleam:v:2013:y:2013:i:4:id:212.

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2013The Division of Policy Research and Analysis at the National Science Foundation: Its Support of Research on the Returns to R&D. (2013). Hall, Michael J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ris:uncgec:2013_006.

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2013Impact of energy policy instruments on the estimated level of underlying energy efficiency in the EU residential sector. (2013). Zoric, Jelena . In: Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC), School of Economics Discussion Papers (SEEDS). RePEc:sur:seedps:139.

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2013Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis. (2013). Valickova, Petra . In: William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series. RePEc:wdi:papers:2013-1045.

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2013Alterung in Berufen: Der Beitrag ökonomischer Einflüsse. (2013). Henseke, Golo ; Tivig, Thusnelda . In: Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order. RePEc:zbw:vfsc13:80001.

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Recent citations received in: 2012

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2012House prices, credit growth, and excess volatility: Implications for monetary and macroprudential policy. (2012). Mendicino, Caterina ; Gelain, Paolo ; Lansing, Kevin J. ; KevinJ. Lansing, . In: Working Paper. RePEc:bno:worpap:2012_08.

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2012Cost Competitiveness and Export Performance of the Irish Economy. (2012). O'Brien, Derry ; Scally, John . In: Quarterly Bulletin Articles. RePEc:cbi:qtbart:y:2012:m:07:p:86-102.

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2012The Effect of Long-Term-Care Subsidies on Female Labor Supply and Fertility. (2012). Korn, Evelyn ; Wrede, Matthias . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_3931.

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2012Defining and financing an intermodal USO. (2012). Haller, Andreas ; Trinkner, Urs ; Jaag, Christian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:chc:wpaper:0035.

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2012Vocational Education, On-the-Job Training and Labour Market Integration of Young Workers in Urban West Africa. (2012). Nordman, Christophe J. ; Pasquier-Doumer, Laure . In: Economics Papers from University Paris Dauphine. RePEc:dau:papers:123456789/10596.

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2012Corporate Governance within Financial Institutions: Asset or Liability?. (2012). Chirlesan, Dan ; Apostoaie, Marius Constantin . In: Economics and Applied Informatics. RePEc:ddj:fseeai:y:2012:i:1:p:45-52.

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2012The ‘Economics of Attention’: A New Avenue of Research in Cognitive Economics. (2012). . In: GREDEG Working Papers. RePEc:gre:wpaper:2012-12.

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2012High Growth Firms and Technological Knowledge: Do gazelles follow exploration or exploitation strategies?. (2012). Quatraro, Francesco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00666707.

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2012The Efficiency of the Matching Process: Exploring the Impact of Regional Employment Offices in Croatia. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:iez:wpaper:1204.

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2012Hyperinflations Are Rare, but a Breakup of the Euro Area Could Prompt One. (2012). . In: Policy Briefs. RePEc:iie:pbrief:pb12-22.

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2012Evaluate the Effectiveness of Manager Compensation. (2012). Cheng, Cheng-Feng . In: International Journal of Business and Economics. RePEc:ijb:journl:v:11:y:2012:i:1:p:25-44.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Tackling the youth employment crisis : a macroeconomic perspective. (2012). Islam, Iyanatul ; Hengge, Martina ; Matsumoto, Makiko . In: ILO Working Papers. RePEc:ilo:ilowps:470297.

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2012Growth and Non-Regular Employment. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:iuj:wpaper:ems_2012_04.

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2012Extensive vs. Intensive Margin in Japan. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:iuj:wpaper:ems_2012_14.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Patent Citations, University Inventor Patents, and Survival in the German Laser Source Industry (1960-2005). (2012). Luis F. Medrano E., . In: Jena Economic Research Papers. RePEc:jrp:jrpwrp:2012-009.

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2012The employment costs of caregiving in Norway. (2012). . In: International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics. RePEc:kap:ijhcfe:v:12:y:2012:i:4:p:269-283.

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2012Aggregate Total Factor Productivity and Resource Reallocation Effect of ICT Sectors in Korea: A Comparison with the USA, Japan and EU7. (2012). Keun Hee Rhee, Hak K. Pyo, . In: Korean Economic Review. RePEc:kea:keappr:ker-20121231-28-2-04.

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2012The effect of long term subsidies on female labor supply and fertility. (2012). Korn, Evelyn ; Wrede, Matthias . In: MAGKS Papers on Economics. RePEc:mar:magkse:201243.

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2012The Determinants of National Competitiveness. (2012). Ketels, Christian ; Stern, Scott ; Porter, Michael E. ; Delgado, Mercedes . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:18249.

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2012The Great Trade Collapse. (2012). Yi, Kei-Mu ; Bems, Rudolfs ; Johnson, Robert C.. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:18632.

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2012The Vulnerability of Sub-Saharan Africa to Financial Crises: The Case of Trade. (2012). Berman, Nicolas ; Martin, Philippe . In: IMF Economic Review. RePEc:pal:imfecr:v:60:y:2012:i:3:p:329-364.

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2012Country Road Take Me Home: Migration Patterns in the Appalachia America and Place-Based Policy. (2012). Partridge, Mark ; Betz, Mike . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:38293.

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2012Wettbewerbspolitischer Handlungsbedarf bei der Verknüpfung von zweiseitigen Märkten im Internet: Der Fall Google. (2012). Freytag, Andreas ; Kollmann, Volker ; Engelhardt, Sebastian . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:43326.

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2012Job Creation and the Intra-distribution Dynamics of the Firm Size Distribution. (2012). . In: Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:ris:sbgwpe:2012_005.

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2012Troubling Times-The GFC and its Implications for Regional Performance. Part One: The United States And Europe. (2012). Stimson, Robert J.. In: Romanian Journal of Regional Science. RePEc:rrs:journl:v:6:y:2012:i:2:p:1-30.

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2012MATTERS ON THE LEGAL REGIME OF EMPLOYEES’ INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES. (2012). Patru, Radu Stefan . In: Perspectives of Business Law” Journal. RePEc:sja:journl:v:1:y:2012:i:1:p:119-123.

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2012Les conséquences des allègements généraux de cotisations patronales sur les bas salaires. (2012). Cahuc, Pierre ; Carcillo, Stephane . In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/6b7kf1issd8leb93o27ofdm8cu.

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2012Optimal life-cycle portfolios for heterogeneous workers. (2012). Fugazza, Carolina ; Nicodano, Giovanna ; Bagliano, Fabio C.. In: Working papers. RePEc:tur:wpapnw:012.

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2012Neo-Kaleckian and Sraffian controversies on accumulation theory. (2012). Cesaratto, Sergio . In: Department of Economics University of Siena. RePEc:usi:wpaper:650.

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2012Innovation Barriers across Firms and Countries. (2012). Janger, Jurgen ; Holzl, Werner . In: WIFO Working Papers. RePEc:wfo:wpaper:y:2012:i:426.

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2012Monthly Report No. 4/2012. (2012). Hanzl-Weiss, Doris ; Podkaminer, Leon ; Laski, Kazimierz ; Vidovic, Hermine . In: wiiw Monthly Reports. RePEc:wii:mpaper:mr:2012-04.

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2012Monthly Report No. 12/2012. (2012). Toporowski, Jan ; Astrov, Vasily ; Podkaminer, Leon . In: wiiw Monthly Reports. RePEc:wii:mpaper:mr:2012-12.

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2012Will Portugal turn into a second Greece?. (2012). Laaser, Claus-Friedrich ; Schrader, Klaus . In: Open Access Publications from Kiel Institute for the World Economy. RePEc:zbw:ifwkie:56378.

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2012Will Portugal turn into a second Greece?. (2012). Laaser, Claus-Friedrich ; Schrader, Klaus . In: Kiel Policy Brief. RePEc:zbw:ifwkpb:42.

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2012Regulation and digital innovation: Theory and evidence. (2012). Bauer, Johannes M. ; Shim, Woohyun . In: 23rd European Regional ITS Conference, Vienna 2012. RePEc:zbw:itse12:60364.

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2011The future of the USO - Economic rationale for universal services and implications for a future-oriented USO. (2011). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:chc:wpaper:0026.

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2011Regulation, Privatization, and Airport Charges: Panel Data Evidence from European Airports. (2011). Zhang, Anming ; Bilotkach, Volodymyr ; Mueller, Juergen ; Clougherty, Joseph A.. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:8618.

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2011Do Infrastructure Reforms Reduce the Effect of Corruption? Theory and Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean.. (2011). Wren-Lewis, Liam . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/96919.

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2011Theory, history, and the great recession. (2011). Horwitz, Steven . In: The Review of Austrian Economics. RePEc:kap:revaec:v:24:y:2011:i:2:p:171-184.

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2011Economic Determinants of Third Party Intervention in Civil Conflict. (2011). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:nam:wpaper:1115.

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2011Do infrastructure reforms reduce the effect of corruption? Theory and evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean. (2011). Wren-Lewis, Liam . In: Economics Series Working Papers. RePEc:oxf:wpaper:576.

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2011The role of external factors versus managerial ability in determining seaports’ relative efficiency: An input-by-input analysis through a multi-step approach on a panel of Southern European port. (2011). Bergantino, Angela Stefania ; Musso, Enrico . In: Maritime Economics and Logistics. RePEc:pal:marecl:v:13:y:2011:i:2:p:121-141.

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2011Fonduri Structurale - valoare adăugată şi costuri. (2011). Berica, Corina . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:28151.

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2011Peace economists and peace economics. (2011). Brauer, Jurgen ; Caruso, Raul . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:34927.

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2011Escenarios para las regiones europeas y las provincias del Arco Latino. (2011). Capello, Roberta ; Camagni, Roberto . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:36877.

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2011Economic Determinants of Third-Party Intervention in Civil Conflict. (2011). Sekeris, Petros ; Bove, Vincenzo . In: NEPS Working Papers. RePEc:ris:nepswp:2011_004.

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2011Limits of Policy Intervention in a World of Neoliberal Mechanism Designs: Paradoxes of the Global Crisis. (2011). Dymski, Gary A.. In: Panoeconomicus. RePEc:voj:journl:v:58:y:2011:i:3:p:285-308.

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2011Skills, Education and Productivity in the Service Sector - Firm Level Evidence on the Presence of Externalities. (2011). Wixe, Sofia . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa11p754.

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