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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

WIPO Economic Research Working Papers / World Intellectual Property Organization - Economics and Statistics Division


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

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Raw data

19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.19000 (%)0.09
19970.2000 (%)0.08
19980.21000 (%)0.12
19990.27000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39000 (%)0.18
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.22
20060.45000 (%)0.19
20070.38000 (%)0.17
20080.38000 (%)0.17
20090.35000 (%)0.17
20100.3244300 (%)0.15
20110.414820.251441 (100%)0.2
20120.250.460.2521030.318282 (%)0.21
20130.491121100.48216102 (9.5%)90.820.22
20140.540.560.431132140.445137219 (%)20.180.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2013Measuring the International Mobility of Inventors: A New Database. (2013). Fink, Carsten ; Miguelez, Ernest . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:08.

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2013What makes companies pursue an open science strategy?. (2013). Simeth, Markus . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:6.

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2013What makes companies pursue an open science strategy?. (2013). Raffo, Julio ; Simeth, Markus . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:06.

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2013The use of intellectual property in Chile. (2013). Abud, Maria Jose . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:11.

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2010How Robust is the R&D – Productivity relationship? Evidence from OECD Countries. (2010). Theodoris, Konstantinos ; Khan, Mosahid ; Luintel, Kul B.. In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:01.

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2014Inventor Data for Research on Migration and Innovation: A Survey and a Pilot. (2014). Lissoni, Francesco ; Breschi, Stefano ; Tarasconi, Gianluca . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:17.

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2013How does geographical mobility of inventors influence network formation?. (2013). Miguelez, Ernest . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:07.

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2014The Emergence of An Educational Tool Industry: Opportunities and Challenges For Innovation in Education. (2014). Foray, Dominique. In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:19.

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2013Measuring the International Mobility of Inventors: A New Database. (2013). Fink, Carsten . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:8.

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2013Exploring the worldwide patent surge. (2013). Zhou, Hao . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:12.

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2012Getting Patents & Economic Data to Speak to Each Other: An ‘Algorithmic Links with Probabilities’ Approach for Joint Analyses of Patenting & Economic Activity. (2012). Zolas, Nikolas J. ; Lybbert, Travis J.. In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:5.

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2012Getting Patents & Economic Data to Speak to Each Other: An ‘Algorithmic Links with Probabilities’ Approach for Joint Analyses of Patenting & Economic Activity. (2012). Zolas, Nikolas J. ; Lybbert, Travis J.. In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:05.

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2011Disembodied Knowledge Flows in the World Economy. (2011). Athreye, Suma ; Yang, Yong . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:3.

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2010How Robust is the R&D – Productivity relationship? Evidence from OECD Countries. (2010). Theodoris, Konstantinos ; Khan, Mosahid ; Luintel, Kul B.. In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:1.

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2011Disembodied Knowledge Flows in the World Economy. (2011). Athreye, Suma ; Yang, Yong . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:03.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2013Measuring the International Mobility of Inventors: A New Database. (2013). Fink, Carsten ; Miguelez, Ernest . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:08.

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2013The use of intellectual property in Chile. (2013). Abud, Maria Jose . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:11.

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2014Inventor Data for Research on Migration and Innovation: A Survey and a Pilot. (2014). Lissoni, Francesco ; Breschi, Stefano ; Tarasconi, Gianluca . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:17.

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2013What makes companies pursue an open science strategy?. (2013). Raffo, Julio ; Simeth, Markus . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:06.

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2013How does geographical mobility of inventors influence network formation?. (2013). Miguelez, Ernest . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:07.

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2013What makes companies pursue an open science strategy?. (2013). Simeth, Markus . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:6.

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2014The Emergence of An Educational Tool Industry: Opportunities and Challenges For Innovation in Education. (2014). Foray, Dominique. In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:19.

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2013Measuring the International Mobility of Inventors: A New Database. (2013). Fink, Carsten . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:8.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 7:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Not all scientists pay to be scientists: PhDs’ preferences for publishing in industrial employment. (2014). Sauermann, Henry ; Roach, Michael . In: Research Policy. RePEc:eee:respol:v:43:y:2014:i:1:p:32-47.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014U.S. High-Skilled Immigration, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: Empirical Approaches and Evidence. (2014). Kerr, William R.. In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:16.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Inventor Diasporas and the Internalionalization of Technology. (2014). . In: CReAM Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:crm:wpaper:1425.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Inventor diasporas and the internationalization of technology. (2014). Miguelez, Ernest . In: Cahiers du GREThA. RePEc:grt:wpegrt:2014-12.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014INVENTOR DIASPORAS AND THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY. (2014). Ernest, Miguelez . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p1030.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The Egyptian Information Technology Sector and the Role of Intellectual Property: Economic Assessment and Recommendations. (2014). Ramel, Florian ; Pohlmann, Tim ; Wunsch-Vincent, Sacha ; Blind, Knut . In: WIPO Economic Research Working Papers. RePEc:wip:wpaper:18.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Governance, Firm Size and Innovative Capacity: Regional Empirical Evidence for Germany. (2014). Berlemann, Michael ; Jahn, Vera . In: Annual Conference 2014 (Hamburg): Evidence-based Economic Policy. RePEc:zbw:vfsc14:100412.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2014

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Emergence and evolution of new industries: The path-dependent dynamics of knowledge creation. An introduction to the special section. (2014). Storz, Cornelia ; Lechevalier, Sebastien . In: Research Policy. RePEc:eee:respol:v:43:y:2014:i:10:p:1663-1665.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Emergence and evolution of new industries: The path-dependent dynamics of knowledge creation. An introduction to the special section. (2014). Storz, Cornelia . In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01076410.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2013

[Click on heading to sort table]

2013“Mobility, networks and innovation: The role of regions’ absorptive capacity”. (2013). Moreno, Rosina . In: AQR Working Papers. RePEc:aqr:wpaper:201308.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013Proximity and Innovation: From Statics to Dynamics. (2013). Frenken, Koen . In: Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG). RePEc:egu:wpaper:1314.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013Empirical Studies of Trade Marks: The Existing Economic Literature. (2013). Greenhalgh, Christine ; Schautschick, Philipp . In: Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series. RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2013n25.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013“Mobility, networks and innovation: The role of regions’ absorptive capacity”. (2013). Moreno, Rosina . In: IREA Working Papers. RePEc:ira:wpaper:201316.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013U.S. High-Skilled Immigration, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: Empirical Approaches and Evidence. (2013). Kerr, William R.. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:19377.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013Patent Commons, Thickets, and Open Source Software Entry by Start-Up Firms. (2013). Forman, Chris ; Wen, Wen ; Ceccagnoli, Marco . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:19394.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013Cross-Licensing and Competition. (2013). Jeon, Doh-Shin ; Lefouili, Yassine . In: Working Papers. RePEc:net:wpaper:1311.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013Empirical studies of trade marks - the existing economic literature. (2013). Greenhalgh, Christine ; Schautschick, Philipp . In: Economics Series Working Papers. RePEc:oxf:wpaper:659.

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[Citation Analysis]
2013World Intellectual Property Indicators, 2013 edition. (2013). WIPO, . In: WIPO Economics & Statistics Series. RePEc:wip:report:2013:941.

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[Citation Analysis]

10 most frequent citing series:

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.