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Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century / Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association


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19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.19000 (%)0.09
19970.2000 (%)0.08
19980.21000 (%)0.12
19990.27000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39000 (%)0.18
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.22
20060.45000 (%)0.19
20070.38000 (%)0.17
20080.38000 (%)0.17
20090.35000 (%)0.17
20100.32000 (%)0.15
20110.41000 (%)0.2
20120.46100100100.17600 (%)100.10.21
20130.210.490.21100210.211002110021 (%)0.22
20140.210.560.21100210.211002110021 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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2012Is there monopsonistic discrimination against immigrants? First evidence from linked employer employee data. (2012). Hirsch, Boris ; Jahn, Elke . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65417.

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2012Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earnings. (2012). Antoni, Manfred . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65404.

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2012Real wages and the origins of modern economic growth in Germany, 16th to 19th centuries. (2012). Riedel, Jana ; Pfister, Ulrich ; Uebele, Martin . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62076.

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2012Unequal Pay or Unequal Employment? What Drives the Skill-Composition of Labor Flows in Germany?. (2012). Lehmer, Florian ; Gregory, Terry ; Arntz, Melanie . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62309.

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2012Plan selection in Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data. (2012). Leive, Adam ; Winter, Joachim ; Heiss, Florian ; McFadden, Daniel . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65406.

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2012Dual liquidity crises under alternative monetary frameworks. (2012). Winkler, Adalbert ; Bindseil, Ulrich . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62032.

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2012Identification of Animal Spirits in a Bounded Rationality Model: An Application to the Euro Area. (2012). Sacht, Stephen ; Jang, Tae-Seok . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62071.

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2012Establishment Exits in Germany: The Role of Size and Age. (2012). Schnabel, Claus ; Wagner, Joachim ; Fackler, Daniel . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62025.

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2012Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty Using Long-Term Panel Data. (2012). Landau, Katja ; Zucchini, Walter ; Klasen, Stephan . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:66057.

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2012Labour Market Frictions, Monetary Policy, and Durable Goods. (2012). di Pace, Federico . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62052.

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2012Should unemployment insurance be asset-tested?. (2012). Koehne, Sebastian . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:66056.

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2012Wages, Rents, Unemployment, and the Quality of Life. (2012). Wrede, Matthias . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62034.

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2012Patient Preferences and Treatment Thresholds under Diagnostic Risk: An Economic Laboratory Experiment. (2012). Krieger, Miriam ; Mayrhofer, Thomas . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62033.

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2012Abolishing Public Guarantees in the Absence of Market Discipline. (2012). Schnabel, Isabel ; Korner, Tobias . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65401.

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2012Effective Labor Taxation and the International Location of Headquarters. (2012). Radulescu, Doina ; Egger, Peter ; Strecker, Nora . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62086.

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2012Portfolio Complexity and Herd Behavior: Evidence from the German Mutual Fund Market. (2012). Franck, Alexander ; Walter, Andreas . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62015.

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2012Online accessibility of academic articles and the diversity of economics. (2012). Staub, Kevin ; Boppart, Timo . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62040.

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2012Why Countries Compete in Ad Valorem Instead of Unit Capital Taxes. (2012). Hoffmann, Magnus ; Runkel, Marco . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62079.

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2012Home Voters, House Prices, and the Political Economy of Zoning. (2012). . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62069.

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2012A Dynamic North-South Model of Demand-Induced Product Cycles. (2012). Kohler, Andreas ; Hanslin, Sandra ; Follmi, Reto . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62023.

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2012Give them a break! Did activation of young welfare recipients overshoot in Germany? (A regression discontinuity analysis). (2012). Nivorozhkin, Anton ; Wolff, Joachim . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62046.

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2012Fiscal Policy, Monetary Regimes and Current Account Dynamics. (2012). Herz, Bernhard ; Hohberger, Stefan . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:66054.

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2012Entry Regulation and Entrepreneurship. (2012). Rostam-Afschar, Davud . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62067.

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2012The impact of risk perception and risk attitudes on corrupt behavior: Evidence from a petty corruption experiment. (2012). Djawadi, Behnud Mir ; Fahr, Rene . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62022.

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2012Profit Sharing and Relative Consumption. (2012). Goerke, Laszlo . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:66064.

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2012Nonlinear Expectations in Speculative Markets. (2012). Stadtmann, Georg ; Reitz, Stefan ; Rulke, Jan . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62045.

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2012Lifetime Earnings Inequality in Germany. (2012). Corneo, Giacomo ; Bonke, Timm ; Luthen, Holger . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62074.

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2012The Effects of Minimum Wages in the German Construction Sector - Reconsidering the Evidence. (2012). Moller, Joachim ; Konig, Marion . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62064.

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2012The forward premium puzzle and latent factors day by day. (2012). de Vries, Casper ; Bernoth, Kerstin ; von Hagen, Jurgen . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62017.

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2012Fiscal Union in Europe? Efficiency, Equity and Stabilizing Effects of an EU-Wide Income Tax. (2012). Peichl, Andreas ; Bargain, Olivier ; Dolls, Mathias ; NEUMANN, Dirk ; Fuest, Clemens . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:66063.

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2012On the Optimal Size of Committees of Experts. (2012). Hahn, Volker . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62041.

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2012IV-Based Cointegration Testing in Dependent Panels with Time-Varying Variance. (2012). Tarcolea, Adina ; Demetrescu, Matei ; Hanck, Christoph . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62072.

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The effect of involuntary unemployment on the mental health of spouses. (2012). Marcus, Jan . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65413.

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2012Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union under the Zero Lower Bound constraint. (2012). Flotho, Stefanie . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62028.

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2012The Polarization of Employment in German Local Labor Markets. (2012). Senftleben, Charlotte ; Wielandt, Hanna . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62063.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2012Is there monopsonistic discrimination against immigrants? First evidence from linked employer employee data. (2012). Hirsch, Boris ; Jahn, Elke . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65417.

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2012Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earnings. (2012). Antoni, Manfred . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65404.

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2012Real wages and the origins of modern economic growth in Germany, 16th to 19th centuries. (2012). Riedel, Jana ; Pfister, Ulrich ; Uebele, Martin . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62076.

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2012Unequal Pay or Unequal Employment? What Drives the Skill-Composition of Labor Flows in Germany?. (2012). Lehmer, Florian ; Gregory, Terry ; Arntz, Melanie . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62309.

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2012Establishment Exits in Germany: The Role of Size and Age. (2012). Schnabel, Claus ; Wagner, Joachim ; Fackler, Daniel . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62025.

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2012Dual liquidity crises under alternative monetary frameworks. (2012). Winkler, Adalbert ; Bindseil, Ulrich . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62032.

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2012Plan selection in Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data. (2012). Leive, Adam ; Winter, Joachim ; Heiss, Florian ; McFadden, Daniel . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65406.

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2012Patient Preferences and Treatment Thresholds under Diagnostic Risk: An Economic Laboratory Experiment. (2012). Krieger, Miriam ; Mayrhofer, Thomas . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62033.

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2012Labour Market Frictions, Monetary Policy, and Durable Goods. (2012). di Pace, Federico . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62052.

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2012Should unemployment insurance be asset-tested?. (2012). Koehne, Sebastian . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:66056.

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2012Wages, Rents, Unemployment, and the Quality of Life. (2012). Wrede, Matthias . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:62034.

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2012Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty Using Long-Term Panel Data. (2012). Landau, Katja ; Zucchini, Walter ; Klasen, Stephan . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:66057.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 21:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014The capitalization of non-market attributes into regional housing rents and wages: Evidence on German functional labor market areas. (2014). Hiller, Norbert ; Lerbsy, Oliver . In: CAWM Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:cawmdp:71.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Mutual assistance between Federal Reserve Banks, 1913-1960 as prolegomena to the TARGET2 debate. (2014). Mehl, Arnaud ; Chiu, Livia ; Richardson, Gary ; Eichengreen, Barry . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20141686.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014TARGET Balances and Macroeconomic Adjustment to Sudden Stops in the Euro Area. (2014). Fagan, Gabriel ; McNelis, Paul . In: The Institute for International Integration Studies Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:iis:dispap:iiisdp465.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Higher-order Risk Preferences in Social Settings - An Experimental Analysis. (2014). Mayrhofer, Thomas ; Heinrich, Timo . In: Ruhr Economic Papers. RePEc:rwi:repape:0508.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Higher-order Risk Preferences in Social Settings - An Experimental Analysis. (2014). Heinrich, Timo ; Mayrhofer, Thomas . In: Ruhr Economic Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwirep:508.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Cycling in stochastic general equilibrium. (2014). Xu, Bin . In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:1410.8432.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The French Revolution and German industrialization: The new institutional economics rewrites history. (2014). Bromley, Daniel W. ; Kopsidis, Michael . In: IAMO Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:iamodp:149.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Paving the way to modernity: Prussian roads and grain market integration in Westphalia, 1821-1855. (2014). Gallardo-Albarrn, Daniel ; Uebele, Martin . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hes:wpaper:0059.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The risk and return of human capital investments. (2014). Koerselman, Kristian ; Uusitalo, Roope . In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:30:y:2014:i:c:p:154-163.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Federal coordination of local housing demolition in the presence of filtering and migration. (2014). . In: International Tax and Public Finance. RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:21:y:2014:i:3:p:375-396.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Optimal Life Cycle Unemployment Insurance. (2014). Michelacci, Claudio . In: EIEF Working Papers Series. RePEc:eie:wpaper:1411.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Optimal Life Cycle Unemployment Insurance. (2014). Michelacci, Claudio ; Ruffo, Hernan . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10167.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Examining the Number of Competitors and the Cost of Medicare Part D: Working Paper 2014-04. (2014). Stocking, Andrew ; Buntin, Melinda ; Baumgardner, James ; Cook, Anna . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbo:wpaper:45553.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The composition of wage differentials between migrants and natives. (2014). Schluter, Christian ; Nanos, Panagiotis . In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:65:y:2014:i:c:p:23-44.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Monopsony, Minimum Wages and Migration. (2014). Walsh, Frank . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ipg:wpaper:2014-069.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Inter-Firm Mobility and Return Migration Patterns of Skilled Guest Workers. (2014). Depew, Briggs ; Sorensen, Todd A. ; Norlander, Peter . In: Departmental Working Papers. RePEc:lsu:lsuwpp:2014-06.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Do Employers Prefer Undocumented Workers? Evidence from Chinas Hukou System. (2014). Shen, Kailing ; Kuhn, Peter J.. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8289.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Wage discrimination against immigrants in Austria?. (2014). Titelbach, Gerlinde . In: Economics working papers. RePEc:jku:econwp:2014_06.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Wage discrimination against immigrants in Austria?. (2014). Titelbach, Gerlinde . In: NRN working papers. RePEc:jku:nrnwps:2014_07.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The cyclical behaviour of employers monopsony power and workers wages. (2014). Hirsch, Boris ; Jahn, Elke ; Schnabel, Claus . In: Annual Conference 2014 (Hamburg): Evidence-based Economic Policy. RePEc:zbw:vfsc14:100426.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Heterogeneous Tax Sensitivity of Firm-level Investments. (2014). Keuschnigg, Christian ; Egger, Peter ; Erhardt, Katharina . In: Economics Series. RePEc:ihs:ihsesp:306.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2012

[Click on heading to sort table]

2012On the optimal mix of fiscal and monetary policy actions. (2012). Philippopoulos, Apostolis ; Vassilatos, Vanghelis ; Varthalitis, Petros . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bog:wpaper:150.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012European Fiscal Union: What Is It? Does It work? And Are There Really No Alternatives?. (2012). Peichl, Andreas ; Fuest, Clemens . In: CESifo Forum. RePEc:ces:ifofor:v:13:y:2012:i:1:p:03-09.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Wie wirkt sich der Wegfall staatlicher Garantien auf die Risikoübernahme von Banken aus?. (2012). Hainz, Christa ; Steffen, Sascha ; Fischer, Markus ; Rocholl, Jorg . In: Ifo Schnelldienst. RePEc:ces:ifosdt:v:65:y:2012:i:18:p:17-21.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Target2 Redux: The simple accountancy and slightly more complex economics of Bundesbank loss exposure through the Eurosystem. (2012). Buiter, Willem H.. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:9211.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Trade Union Membership and Sickness Absence: Evidence from a Sick Pay Reform. (2012). Pannenberg, Markus . In: IAAEU Discussion Papers. RePEc:iaa:dpaper:201207.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Suit the action to the word, the word to the action: Hypothetical choices and real decisions in Medicare Part D. (2012). McFadden, Daniel ; Winter, Joachim ; Kesternich, Iris ; Heiss, Florian . In: Discussion Papers in Economics. RePEc:lmu:muenec:14124.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Structural estimation of the New-Keynesian Model: a formal test of backward- and forward-looking expectations. (2012). Jang, Tae-Seok . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:39669.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Structural estimation of the New-Keynesian Model: a formal test of backward- and forward-looking expectations. (2012). Jang, Tae-Seok . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:40278.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012The social welfare function of forests in the light of the theory of public goods. (2012). . In: BERG Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:bamber:87.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Trade and growth in an unequal global economy. (2012). Kohler, Andreas . In: ECON - Working Papers. RePEc:zur:econwp:081.

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[Citation Analysis]

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