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German Journal of Agricultural Economics / Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Department for Agricultural Economics


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.36515130.0633004 (12.1%)20.040.17
20020.10.370.1308160.07255155153 (12%)0.18
20030.110.40.1135116170.15478198192 (4.3%)10.030.19
20040.090.420.083815490.06236561169 (%)0.19
20050.070.430.043418870.04237351546 (%)0.21
20060.080.450.0534222120.053272618810 (%)20.060.2
20070.150.390.0920242170.075681017116 (%)0.17
20080.150.390.1338280290.151548161211 (2%)20.050.17
20090.070.370.0435315130.04255841647 (%)20.060.18
20100.10.330.07315240.0873716111 (%)0.15
20110.060.410.11315220.0735212714 (%)0.2
20120.460.16315300.109315 (%)0.21
20130.50.15315290.0907311 (%)0.21
20140.540.09315260.080353 (%)0.26
20150.6315130.0400 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12003Valuing the non-market production of agriculture. (2003). Ahlheim, Michael ; Frör, Oliver, . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98080.

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22008Automated model linkages: the example of CAPRI. (2008). Britz, Wolfgang. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97707.

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32002Struktur-, Effizienz- und Einkommenswirkungen von Direktzahlungen. (2002). Balmann, Alfons ; Happe, Kathrin. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98266.

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42003Theorie und Empirie agrarstrukturellen Wandels?. (2003). Mann, Stefan. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98354.

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52002The Influence of Per-hectare Premiums on Prices for Rented Agricultural Area and on Agricultural Land Prices. (2002). Fuchs, Clemens . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98268.

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62008How to deal with the challenges of linking a large number of individual national models: the case of the AGMEMOD Partnership. (2008). Salputra, Guna ; Esposti, Roberto ; Erjavec, Emil ; Chantreuil, Frédéric ; Dol, Wietse ; Salamon, Petra ; van Leeuwen, Myrna ; Hanrahan, Kevin . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97709.

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72006Effects of decoupling on land use: an EU wide, regionally differentiated analysis. (2006). Heckelei, Thomas ; Britz, Wolfgang. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97188.

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8Können Produktionsentscheidungen als Investitionsentscheidungen modelliert werden?. (2003). Mann, Stefan ; Ferjani, Ali . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98078.

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92003A Hedonic Pricing Model for German Wine. (2003). Schamel, Gnter. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97975.

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102005Zur Bewertung von Wetterderivaten als innovative Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft. (2005). Xu, Wei ; Odening, Martin ; Musshoff, Oliver. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97216.

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11200920 years of transition in the agri-food sector. (2009). Buchenrieder, neé Schrieder, Gertrud ; Pieniadz, Agata ; Hanf, Jon Henrich . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134881.

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122001Zur Effizienz landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen in Brandenburg – Eine Data Envelopment Analysis. (2001). Balmann, Alfons ; Czasch, Britta . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98876.

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132003Die Analyse von Lebensmittelpräferenzen mit Hilfe von Discrete-Choice-Modellen am Beispiel ökologisch produzierter Wurstwaren. (2003). Enneking, Ulrich . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98075.

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142001Consumer Perception of Traceability in the Meat Chain. (2001). Verbeke, Wim ; Gellynck, Xavier . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98909.

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152006Economies of Scale in der Produktion versus Diseconomies im Transport: Zum Strukturwandel im Molkereisektor. (2006). schröder, carsten ; Boysen, Ole ; Schroeder, Carsten . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97183.

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162006Geschützte Herkunftsangaben: Status Quo und Entwicklung der Nutzung der Verordnung (EG) 510/06. (2006). Profeta, Adriano ; Enneking, Ulrich ; Balling, Richard . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97320.

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172001Beurteilung von Agrarumweltprogrammen - eine einzelbetriebliche Analyse in Baden-Württemberg und Nordbrandenburg. (2001). Baudoux, Patrick . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98887.

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18Der Markt für Zucker. (2008). Grethe, Harald ; Nolte, Stephan . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97522.

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192002Diversifikation und Wachstum landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen. (2002). Weiss, Christoph ; Thiele, Holger . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98120.

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202005Turkey’s accession to the EU: what will the Common Agricultural Policy cost?. (2005). Grethe, Harald. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97208.

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212008Ist Geiz wirklich geil? Preis-Qualitäts-Relationen von Hersteller- und Handelsmarken im Lebensmittelmarkt. (2008). Spiller, Achim ; de Witte, Thomas ; Schulze, Holger ; Böhm, Justus, . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97700.

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222004A model-based approach to moral hazard in food chains - What contribution do principal-agent-models make to the understanding of food risks induced by opportunistic behaviour?. (2004). Hirschauer, Norbert. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97448.

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232006CAP-reform and the provision of non-commodity outputs in Brandenburg. (2006). Sahrbacher, Amanda ; Osuch, Amanda ; Uthes, Sandra ; Zander, Peter ; Damgaard, Martin ; Happe, Kathrin ; Schuler, Johannes ; Sattler, Claudia ; Piorr, Annette . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97193.

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242008Elastizitäten der Nachfrage privater Haushalte nach Nahrungsmitteln – Schätzung eines AIDS auf Basis der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe 2003. (2008). Thiele, Silke . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97604.

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252009Milk quota expiry impacts and sensitivity analyses using the CAPSIM model. (2009). Tonini, Axel ; Witzke, Heinz Peter . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134876.

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262003Bewertung von Landschaftsfunktionen mit Choice Experiments. (2003). Schmitz, Kim ; Wronka, Tobias C.. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98082.

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272001Einfluss des Images von Bio-Produkten auf den Absatz der Erzeugnisse. (2001). Vierboom, Carl ; Simons, Johannes ; Hrlen, Ingo . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98891.

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282006Simulating the effects of decoupled transfer payments using the land use model ProLand. (2006). Weinmann, Bernd ; Sheridan, Patrick ; Schroers, Jan Ole. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97191.

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292005Wetterderivate: Ein Instrument im Risikomanagement für die Landwirtschaft?. (2005). Schmitz, Bernhard ; Starp, Michael ; Trenkel, Hermann ; Berg, Ernst . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97213.

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302008Der Schutz geographischer Herkunftsangaben: Herausforderungen für agrarökonomische, rechtswissenschaftliche und interdisziplinäre Forschung. (2008). Teuber, Ramona ; Herrmann, Roland ; Marauhn, Thilo . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97701.

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312006Future land-use change in the Netherlands: an analysis based on a chain of models. (2006). van Tongeren, Frank ; Groeneveld, Rolf ; Dekkers, Jasper ; Tabeau, Andrzej ; Kuhlman, Tom ; Helming, John F. M., ; Verhoog, David ; Koole, Boudewijn ; Gaaff, Aris . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97190.

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322005Gibt es keinen Methodenbeitrag der Agrarökonomie mehr?. (2005). Herrmann, Roland. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97392.

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332004Handels- und Budgeteffekte der WTO-Agrarverhandlungen in der Doha-Runde: Der revidierte Harbinson-Vorschlag. (2004). Brockmeier, Martina ; Salamon, Petra . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97452.

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342009Estimating internal transaction costs: the case of corporate dairy farms in Russia’s Moscow oblast. (2009). Svetlov, Nikolai. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134887.

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352004Industry-mandated testing to improve food safety: the new US marketing order for pistachios. (2004). Sumner, Daniel ; Alston, Julian ; Gray, Richard S. ; Brunke, Henrich . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97502.

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362005Branchenspezifische Besonderheiten im Innovationsverhalten des Ernährungsgewerbes: Eine empirische Analyse des Mannheimer Innovationspanels. (2005). Anders, Sven ; Kubitzki, Sabine . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97205.

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372004Der Wechsel vom konventionellen zum ökologischen Landbau: Eine investitionstheoretische Betrachtung. (2004). Odening, Martin ; Musshoff, Oliver ; Muhoff, Oliver ; Utesch, Volker . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97451.

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382006Impact of the CAP reform on small-scale grassland regions. (2006). Kantelhardt, Jochen ; Roeder, Norbert ; Kapfer, Martin . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97192.

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392002Die Zukunft der Direktzahlungen an die Landwirtschaft. (2002). Khne, Manfred . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98265.

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402001Impacts of environmental regulations on the efficiency of arable farms in France and Germany. (2001). Piot-Lepetit, Isabelle ; Brmmer, Bernhard ; Kleinhanss, Werner . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98867.

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412009Consequences of a progressive reduction of direct payments in Germany: paving the way for post-2013?. (2009). Sahrbacher, Christoph ; Kellermann, Konrad ; Balmann, Alfons. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134429.

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422006Die CMA auf dem Prüfstand. (2006). Becker, Tilman. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97321.

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432008Der Markt für Milch und Milcherzeugnisse. (2008). Spiller, Achim ; Hemme, Torsten ; Ramanovich, Mikhail ; Fahlbusch, Markus ; Wocken, Christian . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97526.

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442001Die Millenniums-Runde der WTO-Verhandlungen und die Zukunft der EU-Agrarpolitik. (2001). Tangermann, Stefan . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98862.

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452008An integrated model platform for the economic assessment of agricultural policies in the European Union. (2008). Mbarek, Robert ; Gay, Stephan Hubertus . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97710.

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462009Zur Akzeptanz von gentechnisch verändertem Saatgut in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. (2009). Spiller, Achim ; Enneking, Ulrich ; Voss, Julian . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134179.

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472004Social rate of return to plant breeding research in Germany. (2004). Kirschke, Dieter ; Noleppa, Steffen ; Jechlitschka, Kurt ; Lotze-Campen, Hermann ; von Witzke, Harald . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97449.

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482003Entkoppelte Direktzahlungen: Meilenstein auf dem Weg zu einer rationalen Wirtschaftspolitik und politische Entwaffnung der Agrarlobbyisten?. (2003). Henning, Christian H. C. A., ; Henning, Christian H. C. A., . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98353.

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492001Innovations at the Borderline of Food, Nutrition and Health in Germany - A Systems Theory Approach. (2001). Menrad, Klaus. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98905.

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502008Future of European agriculture after the Health Check. (2008). Meijl, Hans ; Banse, Martin ; van Meijl, Hans ; Nowicki, Peter ; Helming, John F. M., . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97588.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12008Elastizitäten der Nachfrage privater Haushalte nach Nahrungsmitteln – Schätzung eines AIDS auf Basis der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe 2003. (2008). Thiele, Silke . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97604.

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22002Diversifikation und Wachstum landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen. (2002). Weiss, Christoph ; Thiele, Holger . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98120.

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32002The Influence of Per-hectare Premiums on Prices for Rented Agricultural Area and on Agricultural Land Prices. (2002). Fuchs, Clemens . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98268.

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42003A Hedonic Pricing Model for German Wine. (2003). Schamel, Gnter. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97975.

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52003Können Produktionsentscheidungen als Investitionsentscheidungen modelliert werden?. (2003). Mann, Stefan ; Ferjani, Ali . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98078.

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62008Automated model linkages: the example of CAPRI. (2008). Britz, Wolfgang. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97707.

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72009Zur Akzeptanz von gentechnisch verändertem Saatgut in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. (2009). Spiller, Achim ; Enneking, Ulrich ; Voss, Julian . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134179.

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82009Vertical coordination with growers in the supermarket fresh fruit and vegetables supply chain in Croatia. (2009). Pieniadz, Agata ; Njavro, Mario ; Gotz, Linde ; Hanf, Jon Henrich . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134889.

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92009Milk quota expiry impacts and sensitivity analyses using the CAPSIM model. (2009). Tonini, Axel ; Witzke, Heinz Peter . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:134876.

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102008Der Schutz geographischer Herkunftsangaben: Herausforderungen für agrarökonomische, rechtswissenschaftliche und interdisziplinäre Forschung. (2008). Teuber, Ramona ; Herrmann, Roland ; Marauhn, Thilo . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97701.

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112008Future of European agriculture after the Health Check. (2008). Meijl, Hans ; Banse, Martin ; van Meijl, Hans ; Nowicki, Peter ; Helming, John F. M., . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97588.

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122008Ist Geiz wirklich geil? Preis-Qualitäts-Relationen von Hersteller- und Handelsmarken im Lebensmittelmarkt. (2008). Spiller, Achim ; de Witte, Thomas ; Schulze, Holger ; Böhm, Justus, . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:97700.

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132003Valuing the non-market production of agriculture. (2003). Ahlheim, Michael ; Frör, Oliver, . In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:gjagec:98080.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team