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Handbook of the Economics of Innovation / Elsevier


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.42000 (%)0.19
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.45000 (%)0.2
20070.39000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.370400 (%)0.18
20100.332929130.45403002 (%)100.340.15
20110.970.410.972929129282928 (%)0.2
20121.380.461.3829451.5529402940 (%)0.21
20130.52.4129772.6602970 (%)0.21
20140.542.8629903.102983 (%)0.26
20150.62.9329883.0302985 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010Using Innovation Surveys for Econometric Analysis. (2010). Mairesse, Jacques ; Mohnen, Pierre . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1129.

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22010Fifty Years of Empirical Studies of Innovative Activity and Performance. (2010). Cohen, Wesley M. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_129.

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32010Stylized Facts in the Geography of Innovation. (2010). Feldman, Maryann P ; Kogler, Dieter F. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_381.

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42010The Market for Technology. (2010). Arora, Ashish ; Gambardella, Alfonso . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_641.

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52010Energy, the Environment, and Technological Change. (2010). Popp, David ; Newell, Richard G. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_873.

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62010International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Technology Spillovers. (2010). Keller, Wolfgang . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_793.

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72010Patent Statistics as an Innovation Indicator. (2010). Nagaoka, Sadao ; Goto, Akira ; Motohashi, Kazuyuki . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1083.

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82010Measuring the Returns to R&D. (2010). Hall, Bronwyn H ; Mohnen, Pierre ; Mairesse, Jacques . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1033.

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92010Technical Change and Industrial Dynamics as Evolutionary Processes. (2010). Dosi, Giovanni ; Nelson, Richard R. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_51.

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102010The Economics of Science. (2010). Stephan, Paula E. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_217.

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112010Learning by Doing. (2010). Thompson, Peter . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_429.

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122010Innovation and Economic Development. (2010). Fagerberg, Jan ; Verspagen, Bart ; Srholec, Martin . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_833.

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132010The Diffusion of New Technology. (2010). Stoneman, Paul ; Battisti, Giuliana . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_733.

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142010Economics of Technology Policy. (2010). Steinmueller, Edward W. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1181.

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152010The Contribution of Economic History to the Study of Innovation and Technical Change. (2010). Mokyr, Joel . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_11.

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162010Systems of Innovation. (2010). Soete, Luc ; Weel, Bas Ter ; Verspagen, Bart . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1159.

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172010General Purpose Technologies. (2010). . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_761.

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182010The Economics of Innovation and Technical Change in Agriculture. (2010). Pardey, Philip G ; Ruttan, Vernon W ; Alston, Julian M. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_939.

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192010Growth Accounting*. (2010). Hulten, Charles R. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_987.

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202010University Research and Public–Private Interaction. (2010). Foray, Dominique ; Lissoni, Francesco . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_275.

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212010The Financing of R&D and Innovation. (2010). Hall, Bronwyn H ; Lerner, Josh . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_609.

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222010Pharmaceutical Innovation. (2010). Scherer, F M. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_539.

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232010Property Rights and Invention. (2010). Rockett, Katharine . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_315.

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242010Innovative Conduct in Computing and Internet Markets. (2010). Greenstein, Shane . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_477.

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252010Collective Invention and Inventor Networks. (2010). Powell, Walter W ; Giannella, Eric . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_575.

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262010Military R&D and Innovation. (2010). Mowery, David C. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1219.

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272010Open User Innovation. (2010). von Hippel, Eric . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_411.

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282010Technological Innovation and the Theory of the Firm. (2010). Teece, David J. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_679.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12010Using Innovation Surveys for Econometric Analysis. (2010). Mairesse, Jacques ; Mohnen, Pierre . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1129.

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22010Fifty Years of Empirical Studies of Innovative Activity and Performance. (2010). Cohen, Wesley M. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_129.

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32010Energy, the Environment, and Technological Change. (2010). Popp, David ; Newell, Richard G. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_873.

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42010Stylized Facts in the Geography of Innovation. (2010). Feldman, Maryann P ; Kogler, Dieter F. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_381.

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52010The Market for Technology. (2010). Arora, Ashish ; Gambardella, Alfonso . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_641.

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62010International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Technology Spillovers. (2010). Keller, Wolfgang . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_793.

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72010Patent Statistics as an Innovation Indicator. (2010). Nagaoka, Sadao ; Goto, Akira ; Motohashi, Kazuyuki . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1083.

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82010Technical Change and Industrial Dynamics as Evolutionary Processes. (2010). Dosi, Giovanni ; Nelson, Richard R. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_51.

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92010Measuring the Returns to R&D. (2010). Hall, Bronwyn H ; Mohnen, Pierre ; Mairesse, Jacques . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1033.

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102010Learning by Doing. (2010). Thompson, Peter . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_429.

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112010Innovation and Economic Development. (2010). Fagerberg, Jan ; Verspagen, Bart ; Srholec, Martin . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_833.

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122010Economics of Technology Policy. (2010). Steinmueller, Edward W. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1181.

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132010The Economics of Science. (2010). Stephan, Paula E. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_217.

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142010The Economics of Innovation and Technical Change in Agriculture. (2010). Pardey, Philip G ; Ruttan, Vernon W ; Alston, Julian M. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_939.

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152010Systems of Innovation. (2010). Soete, Luc ; Weel, Bas Ter ; Verspagen, Bart . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_1159.

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162010The Contribution of Economic History to the Study of Innovation and Technical Change. (2010). Mokyr, Joel . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_11.

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172010General Purpose Technologies. (2010). . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_761.

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182010The Diffusion of New Technology. (2010). Stoneman, Paul ; Battisti, Giuliana . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_733.

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192010The Financing of R&D and Innovation. (2010). Hall, Bronwyn H ; Lerner, Josh . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_609.

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202010Collective Invention and Inventor Networks. (2010). Powell, Walter W ; Giannella, Eric . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_575.

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212010Property Rights and Invention. (2010). Rockett, Katharine . In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v1_315.

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222010Growth Accounting*. (2010). Hulten, Charles R. In: Handbook of the Economics of Innovation. RePEc:eee:haechp:v2_987.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team