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2011 Meeting Papers / Society for Economic Dynamics


Impact Factor


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19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.360100 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.42000 (%)0.19
20050.430100 (%)0.21
20060.45000 (%)0.2
20070.390100 (%)0.17
20080.390100 (%)0.17
20090.370400 (%)0.18
20100.3301200 (%)0.15
20110.41429429910.21892006 (%)790.180.2
20120.480.460.484292410.56429206429206 (%)0.21
20130.450.50.454292260.53429194429194 (%)0.21
20140.540.364291770.410429153 (%)0.26
20150.60.314291530.360429134 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12011Credit Crises, Precautionary Savings and the Liquidity Trap. (2011). Lorenzoni, Guido ; Guerrieri, Veronica . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1414.

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22011Household Leverage and the Recession. (2011). PHILIPPON, Thomas ; Midrigan, Virgiliu . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:261.

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32011The Evolution of Comparative Advantage: Measurement and Welfare Implications. (2011). Zhang, Jing ; Levchenko, Andrei. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:302.

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42011Unemployment in an Estimated New Keynesian model. (2011). Wouters, Raf ; Smets, Frank ; Gali, Jordi . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1451.

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52011Indias Mysterious Manufacturing Miracle. (2011). Sharma, Gunjan ; Klenow, Pete ; Bollard, Albert. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1176.

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62011Dissecting the Effect of Credit Supply on Trade: Evidence from Matched Credit-Export Data. (2011). Rappoport, Veronica ; Wolfenzon, Daniel ; Paravisini, Daniel ; Schnabl, Philipp . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:180.

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72011Income Distribution, Product Quality and International Trade. (2011). Fajgelbaum, Pablo D. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:415.

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82011Global Banking and International Business Cycles. (2011). Kollmann, Robert. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:20.

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92011A Model of the Consumption Response to Fiscal Stimulus Payments. (2011). Kaplan, Greg ; Violante, Gianluca . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:243.

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102011Trade Adjustment and Productivity in Large Crises. (2011). Neiman, Brent ; Gopinath, Gita . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:975.

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112011Credit Constraints and Growth in a Global Economy. (2011). Jin, Keyu ; Guibaud, Stéphane ; Coeurdacier, Nicolas. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1040.

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122011International Recessions. (2011). Perri, Fabrizio ; Quadrini, Vincenzo . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:123.

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132011Referral-based Job Search Networks. (2011). Schoenberg, Uta ; Glitz, Albrecht ; dustmann, christian. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:350.

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142011The Cyclicality of Productivity Dispersion. (2011). Kehrig, Matthias. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:484.

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152011Bubbles and Credit Constraints. (2011). Wang, Pengfei ; Miao, Jianjun. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:94.

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162011Ambiguous Business Cycles. (2011). Ilut, Cosmin ; Schneider, Martin . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:612.

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172011A Feasible Equilibrium Search Model of Individual Wage Dynamics with Experience Accumulation. (2011). Robin, Jean-Marc ; Postel-Vinay, Fabien ; Fontaine, Francois ; Bagger, Jesper. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:278.

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182011Heterogeneous Information and Trade Policy. (2011). Ponzetto, Giacomo. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:189.

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192011The Incidence of Local Labor Demand Shocks. (2011). Notowidigdo, Matthew. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:629.

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202011Trade Liberalization, Growth, and Productivity. (2011). Kehoe, Timothy ; Gibson, Mark ; Bajna, Claustre ; Ruhl, Kim J. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:794.

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212011Inflation Dynamics and Time-Varying Uncertainty: New Evidence and an Ss Interpretation. (2011). Vavra, Joseph. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:126.

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222011Business Cycles and Endogenous Uncertainty. (2011). Moscarini, Giuseppe ; Bachmann, Ruediger. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:36.

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232011Consumer Spending and the Economic Stimulus Payments of 2008. (2011). Parker, Jonathan. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:254.

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242011Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation. (2011). Uhlig, Harald ; Drautzburg, Thorsten. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:481.

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252011Lets Twist Again: A High-Frequency Event-Study Analysis of Operation Twist and Its Implications for QE2. (2011). Swanson, Eric. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:982.

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262011The Effect of Homeownership on Geographic Mobility and Labor Market Outcomes. (2011). Winkler, Hernan. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:196.

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272011Optimal Devaluations. (2011). Hevia, Constantino. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1070.

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282011Demographic Patterns and Household Saving in China. (2011). Mark, Nelson ; Lugauer, Steven ; Curtis, Chadwick R. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:529.

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292011Managing a Liquidity Trap: Monetary and Fiscal Policy. (2011). Werning, Iván. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1435.

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302011The Impact of Weather Insurance on Consumption, Investment, and Welfare. (2011). de Nicola, Francesca. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:548.

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312011The Union Threat. (2011). Taschereau-Dumouchel, Mathieu. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:434.

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322011Job Referral Networks and the Determination of Earnings in Local Labor Markets. (2011). Schmutte, Ian. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:536.

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332011Solving the new Keynesian model in continuous time. (2011). Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F ; Posch, Olaf ; Fernandez-Villaverde, Jesus. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:829.

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342011How do Switching Costs Affect Market Concentration and Prices in Network Industries?. (2011). Chen, Jiawei. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1428.

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352011An Elementary Theory of Global Supply Chains. (2011). Vogel, Jonathan ; Costinot, Arnaud ; Wang, Su. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:95.

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362011Credit Supply and the Price of Housing. (2011). Imbs, Jean ; Favara, Giovanni. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1342.

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372011Health Insurance Reform: The impact of a Medicare Buy-In. (2011). Lee, Junsang ; Hsu, Minchung ; Hansen, Gary. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:699.

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382011Financial Markets and Fluctuations in Uncertainty. (2011). Kehoe, Patrick ; Bai, Yan ; Arellano, Cristina. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:896.

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392011Marriage with Labor Supply. (2011). Robin, Jean-Marc ; Jacquemet, Nicolas. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:446.

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402011Trading Dynamics in Decentralized Markets with Adverse Selection. (2011). Lester, Benjamin ; Camargo, Braz. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1300.

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412011Human Capital and Unemployment Dynamics: Why More Educated Workers Enjoy Greater Employment Stability. (2011). Cajner, Tomaz ; Cairo, Isabel . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1145.

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422011Heterogeneous Mark-Ups and Endogenous Misallocation. (2011). Peters, Michael . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:78.

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432011The Effects of Quantitative Easing on Long-term Interest Rates. (2011). Vissing-Jorgensen, Annette ; Krishnamurthy, Arvind . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1447.

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442011New Results in Recursive Contract Theory. (2011). Marimon, Ramon . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:752.

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452011Rational Inattention to Discrete Choices: A New Foundation for the Multinomial Logit Model. (2011). McKay, Alisdair ; Matejka, Filip. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:535.

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462011Credit Lines. (2011). Mateos-Planas, Xavier. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1293.

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472011Bubbly Liquidity. (2011). Tirole, Jean ; Farhi, Emmanuel. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1081.

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482011The Fiscal Multiplier Morass: A Bayesian Perspective. (2011). Walker, Todd ; Traum, Nora ; Leeper, Eric. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:583.

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492011Gasoline Prices, Fuel Economy, and the Energy Paradox. (2011). Wozny, Nathan ; Allcott, Hunt . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:222.

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502011Housing Dynamics. (2011). Gyourko, Joseph ; Morales, Eduardo ; Glaeser, Edward ; Nathanson, Charles . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:307.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12011Credit Crises, Precautionary Savings and the Liquidity Trap. (2011). Lorenzoni, Guido ; Guerrieri, Veronica . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1414.

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22011Household Leverage and the Recession. (2011). PHILIPPON, Thomas ; Midrigan, Virgiliu . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:261.

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32011Income Distribution, Product Quality and International Trade. (2011). Fajgelbaum, Pablo D. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:415.

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42011Credit Constraints and Growth in a Global Economy. (2011). Jin, Keyu ; Guibaud, Stéphane ; Coeurdacier, Nicolas. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1040.

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52011Global Banking and International Business Cycles. (2011). Kollmann, Robert. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:20.

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62011Indias Mysterious Manufacturing Miracle. (2011). Sharma, Gunjan ; Klenow, Pete ; Bollard, Albert. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1176.

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72011The Evolution of Comparative Advantage: Measurement and Welfare Implications. (2011). Zhang, Jing ; Levchenko, Andrei. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:302.

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82011Lets Twist Again: A High-Frequency Event-Study Analysis of Operation Twist and Its Implications for QE2. (2011). Swanson, Eric. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:982.

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92011Referral-based Job Search Networks. (2011). Schoenberg, Uta ; Glitz, Albrecht ; dustmann, christian. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:350.

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102011Business Cycles and Endogenous Uncertainty. (2011). Moscarini, Giuseppe ; Bachmann, Ruediger. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:36.

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112011The Incidence of Local Labor Demand Shocks. (2011). Notowidigdo, Matthew. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:629.

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122011Managing a Liquidity Trap: Monetary and Fiscal Policy. (2011). Werning, Iván. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1435.

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132011Heterogeneous Information and Trade Policy. (2011). Ponzetto, Giacomo. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:189.

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142011The Effect of Homeownership on Geographic Mobility and Labor Market Outcomes. (2011). Winkler, Hernan. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:196.

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152011Ambiguous Business Cycles. (2011). Ilut, Cosmin ; Schneider, Martin . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:612.

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162011International Recessions. (2011). Perri, Fabrizio ; Quadrini, Vincenzo . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:123.

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172011Financial Markets and Fluctuations in Uncertainty. (2011). Kehoe, Patrick ; Bai, Yan ; Arellano, Cristina. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:896.

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182011Unemployment in an Estimated New Keynesian model. (2011). Wouters, Raf ; Smets, Frank ; Gali, Jordi . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1451.

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192011Bubbles and Credit Constraints. (2011). Wang, Pengfei ; Miao, Jianjun. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:94.

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202011Dissecting the Effect of Credit Supply on Trade: Evidence from Matched Credit-Export Data. (2011). Rappoport, Veronica ; Wolfenzon, Daniel ; Paravisini, Daniel ; Schnabl, Philipp . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:180.

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212011The Cyclicality of Productivity Dispersion. (2011). Kehrig, Matthias. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:484.

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222011The Union Threat. (2011). Taschereau-Dumouchel, Mathieu. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:434.

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232011Trading Dynamics in Decentralized Markets with Adverse Selection. (2011). Lester, Benjamin ; Camargo, Braz. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1300.

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242011Human Capital and Unemployment Dynamics: Why More Educated Workers Enjoy Greater Employment Stability. (2011). Cajner, Tomaz ; Cairo, Isabel . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1145.

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252011Demographic Patterns and Household Saving in China. (2011). Mark, Nelson ; Lugauer, Steven ; Curtis, Chadwick R. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:529.

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262011Marriage with Labor Supply. (2011). Robin, Jean-Marc ; Jacquemet, Nicolas. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:446.

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272011Credit Channels in a Liquidity Trap. (2011). Ravn, Morten ; Mertens, Karel. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1452.

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282011Health Insurance Reform: The impact of a Medicare Buy-In. (2011). Lee, Junsang ; Hsu, Minchung ; Hansen, Gary. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:699.

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292011Job Referral Networks and the Determination of Earnings in Local Labor Markets. (2011). Schmutte, Ian. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:536.

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302011The Effects of Quantitative Easing on Long-term Interest Rates. (2011). Vissing-Jorgensen, Annette ; Krishnamurthy, Arvind . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1447.

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312011Worker Sorting and Agglomeration Economies. (2011). Papageorgiou, Theodore. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:660.

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322011How do Switching Costs Affect Market Concentration and Prices in Network Industries?. (2011). Chen, Jiawei. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1428.

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332011Solving the new Keynesian model in continuous time. (2011). Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F ; Posch, Olaf ; Fernandez-Villaverde, Jesus. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:829.

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342011Trade Adjustment and Productivity in Large Crises. (2011). Neiman, Brent ; Gopinath, Gita . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:975.

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352011Credit Supply and the Price of Housing. (2011). Imbs, Jean ; Favara, Giovanni. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1342.

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362011Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation. (2011). Uhlig, Harald ; Drautzburg, Thorsten. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:481.

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372011New Results in Recursive Contract Theory. (2011). Marimon, Ramon . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:752.

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382011A Model of the Consumption Response to Fiscal Stimulus Payments. (2011). Kaplan, Greg ; Violante, Gianluca . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:243.

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392011An Elementary Theory of Global Supply Chains. (2011). Vogel, Jonathan ; Costinot, Arnaud ; Wang, Su. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:95.

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402011Collateral Requirements and Asset Prices. (2011). Schmedders, Karl ; Kubler, Felix ; Grill, Michael ; Brumm, Johannes . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:737.

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412011Inflation Dynamics and Time-Varying Uncertainty: New Evidence and an Ss Interpretation. (2011). Vavra, Joseph. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:126.

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422011When Should Policymakers Make Announcements?. (2011). Reis, Ricardo. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:122.

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432011Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession. (2011). Ríos-Rull, José-Víctor ; Krueger, Dirk ; Heathcote, Jonathan ; Glover, Andy . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:141.

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442011What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Occupations and Employment over the Life Cycle and Business Cycle. (2011). Yedid-Levi, Yaniv ; Siu, Henry ; Gervais, Martin ; Jaimovic, Nir . In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:893.

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452011Distributional Effects of Public Health Insurance Reform. (2011). Janicki, Hubert. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:423.

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462011Optimal Government Spending at the Zero Bound: Nonlinear and Non-Ricardian Analysis. (2011). Nakata, Taisuke. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:831.

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472011Knowledge Growth and the Allocation of Time. (2011). Moll, Benjamin ; Lucas, Robert. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1030.

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482011Directed search with endogenous capacity. (2011). kultti, klaus ; Godenhielm, Mats. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:1025.

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492011Financial Markets as a Commitment Device for the Government. (2011). Simon, Jenny. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:447.

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502011Consumer Spending and the Economic Stimulus Payments of 2008. (2011). Parker, Jonathan. In: 2011 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed011:254.

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