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Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria / Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.42000 (%)0.19
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.45000 (%)0.2
20070.39000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.37000 (%)0.18
20100.3312121100 (%)0.15
20110.080.410.08112310.044121121 (%)0.2
20120.040.460.0462910.03231231 (%)0.21
20130.060.50.193830.08171293 (%)0.21
20140.540.13145260.12515385 (%)10.070.26
20150.090.60.0896160.14232524 (%)20.220.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010The long-run decline in the share of agricultural and food products in international trade, 1951-2000: a gravity equation approach of its causes. (2010). Serrano, Raul ; Pinilla, Vicente. In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1002.

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22014Methodology and conversion factors to estimate the net primary productivity of historical and contemporary agroecosystems. (2014). Cid, Antonio ; Ruiz, Roberto Garcia ; de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez ; Infante, Juan ; Villa, Inmaculada ; Guzman, Gloria ; Aguilera, Eduardo ; Soto, David ; Herrera, Antonio . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1407.

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32011Land-use profiles of agrarian income and land ownership inequality in the province of Barcelona in mid-nineteenth century. (2011). Tello, Enric ; Badia-Miró, Marc ; Badia-Miro, Marc . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1101.

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42010Governing scarcity. Water markets, equity and efficiency in pre-1950s eastern Spain. (2010). Garrido, Samuel. In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1012.

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52015Too many workers or not enough land? Why land reform fails in Spain during the 1930s. (2015). Carmona, Juan ; Simpson, James . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1509.

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62015Embodied energy in agricultural inputs. Incorporating a historical perspective. (2015). Aguilera, Eduardo ; de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez ; Carranza, Guiomar ; Torremocha, Eva ; Villa, Inmaculada ; Herrera, Antonio ; Garcia-Ruiz, Roberto ; Soto, David ; Infante-Amate, Juan ; Guzman, Gloria I. In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1507.

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72010A guide to studying the socio-ecological transition in european agriculture. (2010). de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1006.

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82014The water footprint of the spanish agricultural sector: 1860-2010. (2014). Serrano, Ana ; Pinilla, Vicente ; Duarte, Rosa . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1408.

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92014La gran transformación del sector agroalimentario español. Un análisis desde la perspectiva energética (1960-2010). (2014). Aguilera, Eduardo ; de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez ; Amate, Juan Infante . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1403.

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102010Mejorar y quedarse. La cesión de tierra a rentas por debajo del equilibrio en la Valencia del siglo XIX. (2010). Garrido, Samuel. In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1009.

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112011Land-use profiles of agrarian income and land ownership inequality in the province of Barcelona in mid-nineteenth century. (2011). Tello, Enric ; Badia-Miro, Marc . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:11101.

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122010Guideline for constructing nutrient balance in historical agricultural systemes (and its application to three case-studies in southern Spain). (2010). Fernandez, David Soto ; Ruiz, Roberto Garcia ; de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez ; Amate, Juan Infante ; Casado, Gloria Guzman . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1008.

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132011Antes y después de 1810: escenarios en la historia de las exportaciones rioplatenses de cueros desde 1760 hasta 1860. (2011). Moraes, María Inés ; Stalla, Natalia . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1110.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12014Methodology and conversion factors to estimate the net primary productivity of historical and contemporary agroecosystems. (2014). Cid, Antonio ; Ruiz, Roberto Garcia ; de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez ; Infante, Juan ; Villa, Inmaculada ; Guzman, Gloria ; Aguilera, Eduardo ; Soto, David ; Herrera, Antonio . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1407.

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22010The long-run decline in the share of agricultural and food products in international trade, 1951-2000: a gravity equation approach of its causes. (2010). Serrano, Raul ; Pinilla, Vicente. In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1002.

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32010Governing scarcity. Water markets, equity and efficiency in pre-1950s eastern Spain. (2010). Garrido, Samuel. In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1012.

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42015Too many workers or not enough land? Why land reform fails in Spain during the 1930s. (2015). Carmona, Juan ; Simpson, James . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1509.

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52010A guide to studying the socio-ecological transition in european agriculture. (2010). de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1006.

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62015Embodied energy in agricultural inputs. Incorporating a historical perspective. (2015). Aguilera, Eduardo ; de Molina, Manuel Gonzalez ; Carranza, Guiomar ; Torremocha, Eva ; Villa, Inmaculada ; Herrera, Antonio ; Garcia-Ruiz, Roberto ; Soto, David ; Infante-Amate, Juan ; Guzman, Gloria I. In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1507.

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72014The water footprint of the spanish agricultural sector: 1860-2010. (2014). Serrano, Ana ; Pinilla, Vicente ; Duarte, Rosa . In: Documentos de Trabajo de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria. RePEc:seh:wpaper:1408.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 2:

2015Land use change effects on carbon and nitrogen stocks in the Pyrenees during the last 150 years: A modeling approach. (2015). Lo, Yueh-Hsin ; Castillo, Federico J ; Imbert, Bosco J ; san Emeterio, Leticia ; de Andres, Ester Gonzalez ; Canals, Rosa M ; Blanco, Juan A. In: Ecological Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecomod:v:312:y:2015:i:c:p:322-334.

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2015How Sustainable is the Increase in the Water Footprint of the Spanish Agricultural Sector? A Provincial Analysis between 1955 and 2005–2010. (2015). Serrano, Ana ; Pinilla, Vicente ; Martín-Retortillo, Miguel ; Cazcarro, Ignacio ; Duarte, Rosa ; Martin-Retortillo, Miguel . In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:7:y:2015:i:5:p:5094-5119:d:48783.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Spanish land reform in the 1930s: economic necessity or political opportunism?. (2015). Rosés, Joan ; Roses, Joan R. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:64498.

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2015Spanish Land Reform in the 1930s: Economic Necessity or Political Opportunism?. (2015). Rosés, Joan ; Carmona, Juan ; Simpson, James ; Ross, Joan R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hes:wpaper:0090.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Water scarcity and agricultural growth in Spain: from curse to blessing?. (2014). Serrano, Ana ; Pinilla, Vicente ; Martín-Retortillo, Miguel ; Duarte, Rosa ; Cazcarro, Ignacio ; Martin-Retortillo, Miguel . In: Documentos de Trabajo (DT-AEHE). RePEc:ahe:dtaehe:1419.

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team