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2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia / European Association of Agricultural Economists


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.44000 (%)0.19
20070.37000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.36000 (%)0.17
20100.34000 (%)0.15
20110.41000 (%)0.2
20120.45000 (%)0.21
20130.50200 (%)0.2
20140.55353353140.04132003 (2.3%)130.040.25
20150.140.570.14353600.173535135351 (%)0.26
20160.160.660.16353640.183535635356 (%)0.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12014Capitalization of the Single Payment Scheme into Land Value: Generalized Propensity Score Evidence from the EU. (2014). Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Michalek, Jerzy . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:186378.

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22014The capitalization of area payments into land rental prices: a panel sample selection approach. (2014). Veneziani, Mario ; Sckokai, Paolo ; Guastella, Gianni ; Moro, Daniele . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:186375.

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32014Measuring the impacts of production risk on technical efficiency: a state-contingent conditional order-m approach. (2014). Oude Lansink, Alfons ; Serra, Teresa . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182661.

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42014Price Damping and Price Insulating Effects of Wheat Export Restrictions in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. (2014). Götz, Linde ; Djuric, Ivan ; Gotz, Linde . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182954.

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52014Trade, import competition and productivity growth in the food industry. (2014). Pacca, Lucia ; Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182785.

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62014An Economic Model of Brazil’s Ethanol-Sugar Markets and Impacts of Fuel Policies. (2014). Just, David ; Drabik, Dusan ; de Gorter, Harry ; DeGorter, Harry ; Timilsina, Govinda R.. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182709.

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72014Agricultural trade distortions during recent international price spikes: what implications for food security?. (2014). Salvatici, Luca ; Nenci, Silvia ; Montalbano, Pierluigi ; Magrini, Emiliano. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182726.

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82014Taxing animal foods for sustainability: environmental, nutritional and social perspectives in France. (2014). Fadhuile, Adélaïde ; Nichele, Veronique ; Caillavet, France . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182863.

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92014The capitalization of fixed per hectare payment into land rental prices: a spatial econometric analysis of regions in EU. (2014). Veneziani, Mario ; Sckokai, Paolo ; Guastella, Gianni ; Moro, Daniele . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182755.

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102014Climate change impacts on European agriculture: a multi model perspective. (2014). Ciaian, Pavel ; Zimmermann, Andrea ; Frank, Stefan ; Havlik, Petr ; Witzke, Heinz-Peter . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183025.

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112014Evaluating the impact of rural development measures on farm labour use: a spatial approach. (2014). Latruffe, Laure ; Dupraz, Pierre ; Desjeux, Yann ; Maigne, Elise ; Cahuzac, Eric . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182817.

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122014The Impact of CAP Payments on the Exodus of Labour from Agriculture in Selected EU Member States. (2014). Tocco, Barbara ; Davidova, Sophia ; Bailey, Alastair. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182816.

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132014Do the CAP Subsidies Increase Employment in Sweden? Estimating the Open Economy Relative Multiplier Using an Exogenous Change in the CAP. (2014). Nordin, Martin ; Blomquist, Johan. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182814.

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142014Economic growth and nutrition transition: an empirical study comparing demand elasticities for foods in China and Russia. (2014). Zhao, Qiran ; Teuber, Ramona ; Kuhn, Lena ; Glauben, Thomas ; Burggraf, Christine. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182828.

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152014BUILDING FARMERS’ CAPACITY FOR INNOVATION GENERATION: WHAT ARE THE DETERMINING FACTORS?. (2014). Tambo, Justice A. ; Wunscher, Tobias . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182810.

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162014Economic impacts of climate change on agrifood markets: A bio-economic approach with a focus on the EU. (2014). Van Doorslaer, Benjamin ; Blanco, Maria ; Ramos, Fabien . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182826.

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172014Competitive Structure of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine in World Wheat Market: Gravity Model Approach. (2014). Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr ; Glauben, Thomas ; Imamverdiyev, Nizami ; Prehn, Soren. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182949.

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182014Impacts of CAP “greening” on Polish farms. (2014). Majewski, Edward ; Wąs, Adam, ; Czekaj, Stefania . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182699.

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192014Oil Palm Boom and Land-Use Dynamics in Indonesia: The Role of Policies and Socioeconomic Factors. (2014). Gatto, Marcel ; Wollni, Meike ; Qaim, Matin . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182805.

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202014Economy-wide Impacts of Food Waste Reduction: A General Equilibrium Approach. (2014). Ferrari, Emanuele ; Dudu, Hasan ; Britz, Wolfgang. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:186677.

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212014IMPACTS OF SUPERMARKETS ON FARM HOUSEHOLD NUTRITION IN KENYA. (2014). Andersson, Camilla I. M., ; Qaim, Matin ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Andersson, Camilla I. M., . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182724.

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222014Retailers’ promotions and the demand for sugary products in Scotland. (2014). Revoredo-Giha, Cesar ; Akaichi, Faical. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182964.

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232014Movers and Stayers in the Farming Sector: Another Look at Heterogeneity in Structural Change. (2014). Piet, Laurent ; Saint-Cyr, Legrand D. F., . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183068.

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242014Quality Upgrading, Competition and Trade Policy: Evidence from the Agri-Food Sector. (2014). Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele ; Raimondi, Valentina . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182756.

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252014Unravelling the informal silage maize trade: a multi-agent modelling approach. (2014). Mertens, Anouk ; Lauwers, Ludwig H. ; Monderlaers, Koen ; Buysse, Jeroen ; Claeys, Dakerlia . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182956.

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262014Possible effects on EU land markets of the 2013 CAP reform. (2014). Swinnen, Johan ; Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182748.

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272014A Distance Function Model with Good and Bad Outputs. (2014). Kumbhakar, Subal ; Bokusheva, Raushan. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182765.

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282014Policy impact analysis of penalty and reward scenarios to promote flower-ing cover crops using a business simulation game. (2014). Musshoff, Oliver ; Holst, Gesa Sophie . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182798.

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292014Price discrimination and pricing to market behavior of Black sea region wheat exporters. (2014). Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr ; Glauben, Thomas ; Gafarova, Gulmira . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182656.

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302014The productivity of family and hired labour in EU arable farming. (2014). Petrick, Martin ; Kloss, Mathias. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183041.

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312014Consumer acceptance of an EU/non-EU label of origin of beef: an analysis of attribute attendance in a discrete choice experiment. (2014). Hess, Sebastian ; Lagerkvist, Carl Johan . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182744.

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322014Technical Efficiency of Organic Farming in the Alpine Region – the Impact of Farm Structures and Policies. (2014). Lakner, Sebastian ; Brummer, Bernhard ; Kirchweger, Stefan ; Kantelhardt, Jochen . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182763.

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332014SIMULATING FARM LEVEL RESPONSE TO CROP DIVERSIFICATION POLICY. (2014). Dupeux, Berenice ; Mahy, Louis ; Buysse, Jeroen ; van Huylenbroeck, Guido . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182797.

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342014Spatial integration of Russian domestic wheat markets. (2014). Götz, Linde ; Glauben, Thomas ; Serebrennikov, Dmytro ; Goetz, Linde . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182754.

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352014Dairy farm cost efficiency in leading milk producing regions in Poland. (2014). Revoredo-Giha, Cesar ; Klepacka, Anna M. ; Florkowski, Wojciech Jan ; Sobczynski, Tadeusz . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182647.

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362014Emergence of cooperatives and farmer heterogeneity. (2014). Petruchenya, Anna ; Hendrikse, George . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182772.

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372014Greening direct payments in Italy: what consequences for arable farms?. (2014). Vanni, Francesco ; Henke, Roberto ; Cimino, Orlando . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182701.

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382014Land sharing vs. land sparing for biodiversity: How agricultural markets make the difference. (2014). Desquilbet, Marion ; Dorin, Bruno ; Couvet, Denis . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182809.

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392014The Architecture of Informatics Systems for Farm Management – a Cloud Computing and Big Data Approach. (2014). Gavrilescu, Camelia ; Hurduzeu, Gheorghe ; Kevorchian, Cristian . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182844.

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402014Trade Restrictiveness Indices in Presence of Externalities: An Application to Non-Tariff Measures. (2014). marette, stéphan ; Disdier, Anne-Célia ; Beghin, John. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182761.

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412014How prices affect Scottish household demand for milk products and their low carbon alternatives?. (2014). Revoredo-Giha, Cesar ; Shackley, Simon ; Chalmers, Neil George . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182965.

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422014Are ranking preferences information methods comparable with the choice experiment information in predicting actual behavior?. (2014). Akaichi, Faical ; Gil, Jose Maria . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182672.

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432014Got green milk? Field Experimental Trail of Consumer Demand for a Climate Label. (2014). Elofsson, Katarina ; Matsdotter, Elina ; Arntyr, Johan . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183076.

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442014Coping with market power: dairy farmers’ interest in producers’ organizations and contracts. (2014). Mondelaers, Koen ; Baecke, Myriam ; Lauwers, Ludwig H.. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182711.

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452014Analysing farmland rental rates using Bayesian geoadditive quantile regression. (2014). Musshoff, Oliver ; Marz, Alexander ; Kneib, Thomas ; Klein, Nadja . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182752.

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462014Adaptation to Climate Change: Farmers Risk Preferences and the Role of Irrigation. (2014). Bozzola, Martina . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182771.

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472014Efficiency of Egyptian Organic Agriculture: a Local Maximum Likelihood Approach. (2014). Radwan, Amr ; Serra, Teresa ; Gil, Jose Maria ; Guesmi, Bouali . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183023.

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482014The influence of infrastructure on regional wheat trade in Russia: A gravity model approach. (2014). Götz, Linde ; Glauben, Thomas ; Gotz, Linde ; Renner, Swetlana ; Prehn, Soren. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182840.

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492014Spatial dependence in the adoption of organic drystock farming in Ireland. (2014). Laepple, Doris ; Kelley, Hugh . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182759.

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502014Analysing impacts of changing price variability with estimated farm risk-programming models. (2014). Heckelei, Thomas ; Gocht, Alexander ; Zhang, Yinan ; Jansson, Torbjorn ; Basnet, Shyam Kumar ; Neuenfeldt, Sebastian . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182665.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12014Capitalization of the Single Payment Scheme into Land Value: Generalized Propensity Score Evidence from the EU. (2014). Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Michalek, Jerzy . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:186378.

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22014The capitalization of area payments into land rental prices: a panel sample selection approach. (2014). Veneziani, Mario ; Sckokai, Paolo ; Guastella, Gianni ; Moro, Daniele . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:186375.

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32014Measuring the impacts of production risk on technical efficiency: a state-contingent conditional order-m approach. (2014). Oude Lansink, Alfons ; Serra, Teresa . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182661.

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42014Trade, import competition and productivity growth in the food industry. (2014). Pacca, Lucia ; Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182785.

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52014Price Damping and Price Insulating Effects of Wheat Export Restrictions in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. (2014). Götz, Linde ; Djuric, Ivan ; Gotz, Linde . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182954.

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62014An Economic Model of Brazil’s Ethanol-Sugar Markets and Impacts of Fuel Policies. (2014). Just, David ; Drabik, Dusan ; de Gorter, Harry ; DeGorter, Harry ; Timilsina, Govinda R.. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182709.

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72014The capitalization of fixed per hectare payment into land rental prices: a spatial econometric analysis of regions in EU. (2014). Veneziani, Mario ; Sckokai, Paolo ; Guastella, Gianni ; Moro, Daniele . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182755.

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82014Taxing animal foods for sustainability: environmental, nutritional and social perspectives in France. (2014). Fadhuile, Adélaïde ; Nichele, Veronique ; Caillavet, France . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182863.

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92014BUILDING FARMERS’ CAPACITY FOR INNOVATION GENERATION: WHAT ARE THE DETERMINING FACTORS?. (2014). Tambo, Justice A. ; Wunscher, Tobias . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182810.

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102014Do the CAP Subsidies Increase Employment in Sweden? Estimating the Open Economy Relative Multiplier Using an Exogenous Change in the CAP. (2014). Nordin, Martin ; Blomquist, Johan. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182814.

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112014The Impact of CAP Payments on the Exodus of Labour from Agriculture in Selected EU Member States. (2014). Tocco, Barbara ; Davidova, Sophia ; Bailey, Alastair. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182816.

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122014Economic growth and nutrition transition: an empirical study comparing demand elasticities for foods in China and Russia. (2014). Zhao, Qiran ; Teuber, Ramona ; Kuhn, Lena ; Glauben, Thomas ; Burggraf, Christine. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182828.

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132014Evaluating the impact of rural development measures on farm labour use: a spatial approach. (2014). Latruffe, Laure ; Dupraz, Pierre ; Desjeux, Yann ; Maigne, Elise ; Cahuzac, Eric . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182817.

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142014Consumer acceptance of an EU/non-EU label of origin of beef: an analysis of attribute attendance in a discrete choice experiment. (2014). Hess, Sebastian ; Lagerkvist, Carl Johan . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182744.

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152014SIMULATING FARM LEVEL RESPONSE TO CROP DIVERSIFICATION POLICY. (2014). Dupeux, Berenice ; Mahy, Louis ; Buysse, Jeroen ; van Huylenbroeck, Guido . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182797.

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162014Movers and Stayers in the Farming Sector: Another Look at Heterogeneity in Structural Change. (2014). Piet, Laurent ; Saint-Cyr, Legrand D. F., . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183068.

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172014Impacts of CAP “greening” on Polish farms. (2014). Majewski, Edward ; Wąs, Adam, ; Czekaj, Stefania . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182699.

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182014Economy-wide Impacts of Food Waste Reduction: A General Equilibrium Approach. (2014). Ferrari, Emanuele ; Dudu, Hasan ; Britz, Wolfgang. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:186677.

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192014Climate change impacts on European agriculture: a multi model perspective. (2014). Ciaian, Pavel ; Zimmermann, Andrea ; Frank, Stefan ; Havlik, Petr ; Witzke, Heinz-Peter . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183025.

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202014Price discrimination and pricing to market behavior of Black sea region wheat exporters. (2014). Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr ; Glauben, Thomas ; Gafarova, Gulmira . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182656.

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212014Economic impacts of climate change on agrifood markets: A bio-economic approach with a focus on the EU. (2014). Van Doorslaer, Benjamin ; Blanco, Maria ; Ramos, Fabien . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182826.

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222014Possible effects on EU land markets of the 2013 CAP reform. (2014). Swinnen, Johan ; Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182748.

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232014Unravelling the informal silage maize trade: a multi-agent modelling approach. (2014). Mertens, Anouk ; Lauwers, Ludwig H. ; Monderlaers, Koen ; Buysse, Jeroen ; Claeys, Dakerlia . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182956.

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242014Competitive Structure of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine in World Wheat Market: Gravity Model Approach. (2014). Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr ; Glauben, Thomas ; Imamverdiyev, Nizami ; Prehn, Soren. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182949.

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252014Policy impact analysis of penalty and reward scenarios to promote flower-ing cover crops using a business simulation game. (2014). Musshoff, Oliver ; Holst, Gesa Sophie . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182798.

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262014The productivity of family and hired labour in EU arable farming. (2014). Petrick, Martin ; Kloss, Mathias. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:183041.

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272014Quality Upgrading, Competition and Trade Policy: Evidence from the Agri-Food Sector. (2014). Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele ; Raimondi, Valentina . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182756.

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282014Technical Efficiency of Organic Farming in the Alpine Region – the Impact of Farm Structures and Policies. (2014). Lakner, Sebastian ; Brummer, Bernhard ; Kirchweger, Stefan ; Kantelhardt, Jochen . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182763.

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292014Retailers’ promotions and the demand for sugary products in Scotland. (2014). Revoredo-Giha, Cesar ; Akaichi, Faical. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182964.

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302014A Distance Function Model with Good and Bad Outputs. (2014). Kumbhakar, Subal ; Bokusheva, Raushan. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182765.

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2016Using a Portfolio Approach to Evaluate Animal Health Surveillance Portfolios in the United States. (2016). Johnson, Kamina K ; Hsi, David J ; Orloski, Kathleen A ; Jones, Rebecca D ; Remmenga, Marta D ; Branan, Matthew A ; Gustafson, Lori L ; Ahola, Sara C ; Antognoli, Maria C. In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235985.

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2016Ex-post Livestock Diseases, and Pastoralists Averting Decisions in Tanzania. (2016). Ahamad, Mazbahul ; Vanwormer, Elizabeth ; Gustafson, Christopher. In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235764.

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2016The Impact of Rising Ethanol Production on the Brazilian Market for Basic Food Commodities: An Econometric Assessment. (2016). . In: Environmental & Resource Economics. RePEc:kap:enreec:v:64:y:2016:i:3:d:10.1007_s10640-015-9881-5.

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2016With a Little Help from My Friends: Multinational Retailers and Chinas consumer Market Penetration. (2016). poncet, sandra ; Emlinger, Charlotte. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cii:cepidt:2016-01.

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2016Local and regional spatial interactions of Norwegian farm growth. (2016). Heckelei, Thomas ; Storm, Hugo . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235576.

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2016USING MULTIPLE NEIGHBORING INTERACTION EFFECTS IN SPATIAL REGRESSION SPECIFICATIONS TO REDUCE OMITTED VARIABLE BIAS. (2016). Heckelei, Thomas ; Storm, Hugo . In: 56th Annual Conference, Bonn, Germany, September 28-30, 2016. RePEc:ags:gewi16:244763.

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2016Food Safety Standards and Quality Upgrading through Import Competition. (2016). Eum, Jihyun . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235518.

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2016The Lords of the Rent. (2016). Cavicchioli, Daniele ; Demartini, Eugenio ; Gaviglio, Anna ; Gelati, Marco . In: 149th Seminar, October 27-28, 2016, Rennes, France. RePEc:ags:eaa149:245705.

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2016Market Impacts of New Land Market Regulations in Eastern EU Member States. (2016). Kancs, d'Artis ; Falkowski, Jan ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Drabik, Dusan . In: EERI Research Paper Series. RePEc:eei:rpaper:eeri_rp_2016_02.

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2016Land Markets in Europe: Institutions and Market Outcomes. (2016). Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Drabik, Dusan . In: EERI Research Paper Series. RePEc:eei:rpaper:eeri_rp_2016_10.

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2016Did technical change in agricultural production decrease the emission of pollutants on the Amazon Forest during 1990-2009?. (2016). Perrin, Richard ; Fulginiti, Lilyan ; Silva, Felipe . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, February 6-9, 2016, San Antonio, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea16:230092.

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2016Trade-off between amazon forest and agriculture in Brazil – shadow price and their substitution estimative for 2006. (2016). Perrin, Richard ; Fulginiti, Lilyan ; Silva, Felipe . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235800.

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2016Agri-environmental subsidies and French suckler cow farms’ technical efficiency accounting for GHGs. (2016). Latruffe, Laure ; Dakpo, Herve K. In: 90th Annual Conference, April 4-6, 2016, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc16:236339.

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2016Deregulation and Productivity – Empirical Evidence on Dairy Production. (2016). Frick, Fabian ; Sauer, Johannes. In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:236032.

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2016DEREGULATION AND PRODUCTIVITY – EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE ON DAIRY PRODUCTION. (2016). Frick, Fabian ; Sauer, Johannes. In: 56th Annual Conference, Bonn, Germany, September 28-30, 2016. RePEc:ags:gewi16:244884.

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2016Accounting for farm heterogeneity in the assessment of agricultural policy impacts on structural change. (2016). , Legrand . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235778.

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2016Farm segmentation and agricultural policy impacts on structural change: evidence from France. (2016). , Legrand . In: 149th Seminar, October 27-28, 2016, Rennes, France. RePEc:ags:eaa149:244789.

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2016Towards a Theory of Structural Change in Agriculture: Just Economics?. (2016). Valentinov, Vladislav ; Balmann, Alfons. In: 149th Seminar, October 27-28, 2016, Rennes, France. RePEc:ags:eaa149:246420.

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2016Hunger for meat: can animal protein-based taxation reverse the trend?. (2016). Fadhuile, Adélaïde ; Caillavet, France ; Nichele, Veronique . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235982.

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2016Biodiversity productive effects in milk farms of western France: a multi-output primal system. (2016). Dupraz, Pierre ; Bareille, Franois . In: 149th Seminar, October 27-28, 2016, Rennes, France. RePEc:ags:eaa149:244774.

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2016Assessing Rural Development Programs in 4 EU regions and their potential to address climate concerns. (2016). Garcia Alvarez-Coque, Jose-Maria ; Garcia-Alvarez, Jose-Maria ; Fulop, Bence ; Zegg, Madlaina ; Rossi, Federica ; Coninx, Ingrid ; Chieco, Camilla ; Ortiz-Miranda, Dionisio ; di Virgilio, Nicola . In: 2016 Fifth AIEAA Congress, June 16-17, 2016, Bologna, Italy. RePEc:ags:aiea16:242322.

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2016Part-Time Farming in Italy: Does Farm Size Really Matter?. (2016). Tocco, Barbara ; Davidova, Sophia ; Bailey, Alastair. In: 90th Annual Conference, April 4-6, 2016, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc16:236291.

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2016ROLE OF FINANCIAL SUBSIDIES ALLOCATED BY THE CAP AND OUT EMIGRATION IN ROMANIAN RURAL AREAS. (2016). Galluzzo, Nicola . In: Annals - Economy Series. RePEc:cbu:jrnlec:y:2016:v:3:p:218-224.

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2016Rural Jobs and the CAP: Spitting into the Wind?. (2016). Davidova, Sophia ; Thomson, Ken ; Hennessy, Thia . In: 90th Annual Conference, April 4-6, 2016, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc16:236364.

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2016Rural Jobs and the CAP: Spitting into the Wind?. (2016). Davidova, Sophia ; Thomson, Ken ; Hennessy, Thia . In: 160th Seminar, December 1-2, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. RePEc:ags:eaa160:249794.

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2016Employment effects of CAP payments in the UK non-farm economy. (2016). Rizov, Marian ; Davidova, Sophia ; Bailey, Alastair. In: 160th Seminar, December 1-2, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. RePEc:ags:eaa160:249793.

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2016Is there a virtuous circle relationship between innovation activities and exports? A comparison of food and agricultural firms. (2016). Sanchez, Mercedes ; Alarcon, Silverio . In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:61:y:2016:i:c:p:70-79.

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2016Beyond adoption: welfare effects of farmer innovation behavior in Ghana. (2016). Tambo, Justice A ; Wunscher, Tobias . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:ubzefd:235297.

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2016The Rise of the Food Risk Society and the Changing Nature of the Technological Treadmill. (2016). Valentinov, Vladislav ; Müller, Daniel ; Balmann, Alfons ; Chatalova, Lioudmila . In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:8:y:2016:i:6:p:584-:d:72467.

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2016The rise of the food risk society and the changing nature of the technological treadmill. (2016). Chatalova, Lioudmila ; Balmann, Alfons ; Valentinov, Vladislav ; Muller, Daniel . In: EconStor Open Access Articles. RePEc:zbw:espost:170725.

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2016Consumer preferences regarding country of origin for multiple meat products. (2016). Fraser, Iain ; Balcombe, Kelvin ; Bradley, Dylan ; Hussein, Mohamud . In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:64:y:2016:i:c:p:49-62.

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2016A note on the theory of the firm under multiple uncertainties. (2016). Alghalith, Moawia . In: European Journal of Operational Research. RePEc:eee:ejores:v:251:y:2016:i:1:p:341-343.

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2016Evaluating the environmental efficiency of a two-stage system with undesired outputs by a DEA approach: An interest preference perspectiveAuthor-Name: Wu, Jie. (2016). Liang, Liang ; Chu, Junfei ; Sun, Jiasen ; Yin, Pengzhen . In: European Journal of Operational Research. RePEc:eee:ejores:v:254:y:2016:i:3:p:1047-1062.

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2016The influence of public subsidies on farm technical efficiency: A robust conditional nonparametric approach. (2016). Minviel, Jean Joseph ; de Witte, Kristof . In: Working Papers SMART - LERECO. RePEc:rae:wpaper:201610.

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2016Effectiveness of contract farming for improving income of smallholder farmers-Preliminary results of a systematic review. (2016). Ton, Giel ; Vellema, Wytse ; Weituschat, Sophia ; Desiere, Sam ; DHaese, Marijke . In: 149th Seminar, October 27-28, 2016, Rennes, France. RePEc:ags:eaa149:244792.

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2016Changing Dairy Consumption in an Emerging Economy: An Application of a Multivariate Two-part Model. (2016). Fu, Shengfei ; Florkowski, Wojciech J. In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235625.

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2016Consumer willingness to pay for beef grown using climate friendly production practices. (2016). Li, Xiaogu ; Lambert, Dayton ; Clark, Christopher ; Jensen, Kimberly L. In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:64:y:2016:i:c:p:93-106.

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2016The impact of different energy policy options on feedstock price and land demand for maize silage: The case of biogas in Lombardy. (2016). Rozakis, Stelios ; Olper, Alessandro ; Kremmydas, Dimitrios ; Cavicchioli, Daniele ; Bartoli, A. In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:96:y:2016:i:c:p:351-363.

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2016Incorporating farm structural change in models assessing the Common Agricultural Policy: An application in the CAPRI farm type model. (2016). Heckelei, Thomas ; gomez y paloma, sergio ; Gocht, Alexander ; Espinosa, Maria . In: Journal of Policy Modeling. RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:38:y:2016:i:6:p:1040-1059.

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2016Winners and losers from climate change in agriculture: Insights from a case study in the Mediterranean basin. (2016). Pasqui, Massimiliano ; Mula, Laura ; Roggero, Pier Paolo ; Lacetera, Nicola ; Deligios, Paola ; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, Gabriele . In: Agricultural Systems. RePEc:eee:agisys:v:147:y:2016:i:c:p:65-75.

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2016Price signals and supply responses for staple food crops in SSA countries. (2016). Magrini, Emiliano ; Opazo, Cristian Morales ; Balie, Jean . In: DARE Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:daredp:1601.

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2016How does greening affect farm behaviour? Trade-off between commitments and sanctions in the Northern Italy. (2016). Pierangeli, Fabio ; Solazzo, Roberto . In: Agricultural Systems. RePEc:eee:agisys:v:149:y:2016:i:c:p:88-98.

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2016Economic impact assessment of food waste on European countries throughout Social Accounting Matrices. (2016). Cardenete, Manuel Alejandro ; Campoy-Muñoz, Pilar ; Delgado, Maria Carmen ; Campoy-Muoz, Pilar . In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9463.

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2016Capitalization of the SPS into Agricultural Land Rental Prices under Harmonization of Payments. (2016). Salhofer, Klaus ; Klaiber, Henry ; Thompson, Stan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sed:wpaper:622016.

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2016The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on the Decoupled Payments Capitalization into Land Values. (2016). Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Espinosa, Maria . In: EERI Research Paper Series. RePEc:eei:rpaper:eeri_rp_2016_04.

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2016The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on the Decoupled Payments Capitalization into Land Values. (2016). Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Espinosa, Maria . In: JRC Working Papers. RePEc:ipt:iptwpa:jrc101619.

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2016The Effect of Biogas Production on Farmland Rental Prices: Empirical Evidences from Northern Italy. (2016). Cavicchioli, Daniele ; Demartini, Eugenio ; Gelati, Marco ; Gaviglio, Anna . In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:9:y:2016:i:11:p:965-:d:83221.

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2016How decoupled is the Single Farm Payment and does it matter for international trade?. (2016). Urban, Kirsten ; Jensen, Hans ; Brockmeier, Martina . In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:59:y:2016:i:c:p:126-138.

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2016Decoupled Single Farm Payments of the CAP and Land Rental Prices. (2016). Salhofer, Klaus ; Feichtinger, Paul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sed:wpaper:652016.

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