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FOODSECURE Working papers / LEI Wageningen UR


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.44000 (%)0.19
20070.37000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.36000 (%)0.17
20100.34000 (%)0.15
20110.41000 (%)0.2
20120.45443002 (66.7%)0.21
20130.250.50.25111550.335441416 (11.1%)40.360.2
20140.730.550.731328180.6425151115113 (12%)40.310.25
20150.920.570.86735290.83324222824 (%)10.140.26
20160.450.660.691853290.55320935242 (66.7%)30.170.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12013Food and Nutrition Security Indicators: A Review. (2013). Torero, Maximo ; Gerber, Nicolas ; Pangaribowo, Evita . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:5.

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22013Conceptual framework for the analysis of the determinants of food and nutrition security. (2013). Vandeplas, Anneleen ; Guariso, Andrea ; Pieters, Hannah . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:13.

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32014A review of global food security scenario and assessment studies: results, gaps and research priorities. (2014). Van Dijk, Michiel ; Meijerink, Gerdien. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:20.

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42013Food price volatility and domestic stabilization policies in developing countries. (2013). Gouel, Christophe. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:9.

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52014Non-Tariff Measures when Alternative Regulatory Tools can be Chosen. (2014). marette, stéphan. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:27.

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62014National food security: a framework for public policy and international trade. (2014). Laroche Dupraz, Catherine ; C. Laroche Dupraz, ; Bourdon, Huchet M.. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:17.

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72013Conceptual framework on price volatility and its impact on food and nutrition security in the short term. (2013). Torero, Maximo ; Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Boulanger, Pierre ; Kornher, Author-Name Lukas ; Kozicka, Author-Name Marta . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:15.

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82013Are Consumers Concerned about Palm Oil? Evidence from a Lab Experiment. (2013). marette, stéphan ; Disdier, Anne-Célia ; Millet, Author-Name Guy . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:7.

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92014Are EU trade preferences really effective? A Generalized Propensity Score evaluation of the Southern Mediterranean countriess case in agriculture and fishery. (2014). Nenci, Silvia ; Montalbano, Pierluigi ; Magrini, Emiliano. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:23.

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102012Perspectives on relevant concepts related to food and nutrition security. (2012). von Braun, Joachim ; Vandeplas, Anneleen ; Torero, Maximo ; Swinnen, Johan ; Guariso, Andrea ; Gerber, Nicolas ; Sarris, Alexander ; Francken, Nathalie ; Pieters, Hannah . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:1.

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112014The Tide That Does Not Raise All Boats: An Assesment of EU Preferential Trade Policies. (2014). Salvatici, Luca ; Laborde Debucquet, David ; Cipollina, Maria. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:24.

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122016Consumption Smoothing and Precautionary Saving under Recursive Preferences. (2016). , ; Heinzel, Christoph . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:44.

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132013Long-Term Drivers of Food and Nutrition Security. (2013). Torero, Maximo ; Tokgoz, Simla ; Laborde Debucquet, David. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:6.

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142014Impact of domestic support and border measures for developing countries food security. (2014). Laroche Dupraz, Catherine ; Author-Name: C. Laroche Dupraz, ; Author-Name: M. Huchet Bourdon, . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:18.

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152015The role of crop diversity in household production and food security in Uganda: A gender-differentiated analysis.. (2015). Covarrubias, Katia. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:32.

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162015Trade Policy Coordination and Food Price Volatility. (2015). Gouel, Christophe. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:29.

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172014The impact of EU trade preferences on the extensive and intensive margins of agricultural and food products. (2014). Scoppola, Margherita ; Olper, Alessandro ; Raimondi, Valentina . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:22.

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182016Precautionary Saving in the Large: nth-Degree Deteriorations in Return Risk. (2016). Heinzel, Christoph . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:42.

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192016Food Grain Policies in India and their Implications for Stocks and Fiscal Costs: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis. (2016). Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Brockhaus, Jan ; Kozicka, Marta . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:41.

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202014Agricultural Trade Policies and Food Security: Is there a Causal Relationship?. (2014). Salvatici, Luca ; Nenci, Silvia ; Montalbano, Pierluigi ; Magrini, Emiliano. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:25.

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212012A review of global scenario exercises for food security analysis: Assumptions and results. (2012). Van Dijk, Michiel. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:2.

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222015Cost-benefit framework for policy action to navigate food price spikes. FOODSECURE Working Paper No 33.. (2015). Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Haile, Mekbib ; Kornher, Lukas ; Kozicka, Marta . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:33.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12013Food and Nutrition Security Indicators: A Review. (2013). Torero, Maximo ; Gerber, Nicolas ; Pangaribowo, Evita . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:5.

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22013Conceptual framework for the analysis of the determinants of food and nutrition security. (2013). Vandeplas, Anneleen ; Guariso, Andrea ; Pieters, Hannah . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:13.

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32014A review of global food security scenario and assessment studies: results, gaps and research priorities. (2014). Van Dijk, Michiel ; Meijerink, Gerdien. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:20.

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42014Non-Tariff Measures when Alternative Regulatory Tools can be Chosen. (2014). marette, stéphan. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:27.

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52013Food price volatility and domestic stabilization policies in developing countries. (2013). Gouel, Christophe. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:9.

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62013Are Consumers Concerned about Palm Oil? Evidence from a Lab Experiment. (2013). marette, stéphan ; Disdier, Anne-Célia ; Millet, Author-Name Guy . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:7.

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72012Perspectives on relevant concepts related to food and nutrition security. (2012). von Braun, Joachim ; Vandeplas, Anneleen ; Torero, Maximo ; Swinnen, Johan ; Guariso, Andrea ; Gerber, Nicolas ; Sarris, Alexander ; Francken, Nathalie ; Pieters, Hannah . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:1.

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82014National food security: a framework for public policy and international trade. (2014). Laroche Dupraz, Catherine ; C. Laroche Dupraz, ; Bourdon, Huchet M.. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:17.

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92014The Tide That Does Not Raise All Boats: An Assesment of EU Preferential Trade Policies. (2014). Salvatici, Luca ; Laborde Debucquet, David ; Cipollina, Maria. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:24.

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102013Conceptual framework on price volatility and its impact on food and nutrition security in the short term. (2013). Torero, Maximo ; Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Boulanger, Pierre ; Kornher, Author-Name Lukas ; Kozicka, Author-Name Marta . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:15.

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112016Consumption Smoothing and Precautionary Saving under Recursive Preferences. (2016). , ; Heinzel, Christoph . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:44.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 9:

2016Grain emergency reserve cooperation – A theoretical analysis of benefits from a common emergency reserve. (2016). Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Brockhaus, Jan. In: 2016 AAAE Fifth International Conference, September 23-26, 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. RePEc:ags:aaae16:246914.

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2016Assessment of Food Security in China: A New Perspective Based on Production-Consumption Coordination. (2016). Wu, Jianzhai ; Kong, Fantao ; Wang, Shengwei ; Zhang, Jianhua . In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:8:y:2016:i:3:p:183-:d:64865.

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2016Assessment of Food Security in China: A New Perspective Based on Production-Consumption Coordination. (2016). Wu, Jianzhai ; Kong, Fantao ; Wang, Shengwei ; Zhang, Jianhua . In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:8:y:2016:i:3:p:183:d:64865.

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2016Scenarios to explore global food security up to 2050: Development process, storylines and quantification of drivers. (2016). Valin, Hugo ; Van Dijk, Michiel ; Laborde Debucquet, David ; Zellmer, Katharina ; Stehfest, Elke ; Shutes, Lindsay ; Gramberger, Marc ; Mandryk, Maryia . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:38.

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2016Agricultural support and vulnerability of food security to trade in developing countries. (2016). Laroche Dupraz, Catherine ; Laroche-Dupraz, Cathie ; Huchet-Bourdon, Marilyne . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:234941.

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2016How important is economic growth for reducing undernourishment in developing countries?. (2016). Soriano, Barbara ; Garrido, Alberto . In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:63:y:2016:i:c:p:87-101.

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2016Agricultural support and vulnerability of food security to trade in developing countries. (2016). Larochez-Dupraz, C ; Huchet-Bourdon, M. In: Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food. RePEc:spr:ssefpa:v:8:y:2016:i:6:d:10.1007_s12571-016-0623-5.

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2016FOOD SECURITY: OVERVIEW OF CURRENT SITUATION IN SELECTED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. (2016). Palkovi, Jozef ; Fuskova, Martina . In: Journal of Central European Green Innovation. RePEc:ags:hukrgr:253388.

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2016Regional wheat price effects of extreme weather events and wheat export controls in Russia and Ukraine. (2016). Nivievskyi, Oleg ; Götz, Linde ; Djuric, Ivan ; Gotz, Linde . In: IAMO Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:iamodp:154.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016What Drives India’s Rice Stocks? Empirical Evidence. (2016). Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Brockhaus, Jan ; Kozicka, Marta . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235659.

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2016Precautionary Saving in the Large: nth-Degree Deteriorations in Return Risk. (2016). Heinzel, Christoph . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:42.

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2016Precautionary Saving in the Large under Higher-Order Risk and Recursive Utility. (2016). Heinzel, Christoph . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:43.

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Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015A Typology for Price-related Food and Nutrition Risks and Policy Responses.. (2015). Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Kornher, Lukas . In: FOODSECURE Technical papers. RePEc:fsc:fstech:5.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Domestic support and border measures: some instruments to reduce vulnerability of food security to trade in developing countries. (2014). Laroche Dupraz, Catherine ; Bourdon, Marilyne Huchet . In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182691.

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2014Agricultural trade distortions during recent international price spikes: what implications for food security?. (2014). Salvatici, Luca ; Nenci, Silvia ; Montalbano, Pierluigi ; Magrini, Emiliano. In: 2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. RePEc:ags:eaae14:182726.

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2014Agricultural Trade Policies and Food Security: Is there a Causal Relationship?. (2014). Salvatici, Luca ; Nenci, Silvia ; Montalbano, Pierluigi ; Magrini, Emiliano. In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:25.

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2014Agricultural Trade Policies and Food Security: Is there a Causal Relationship?. (2014). Salvatici, Luca ; Nenci, Silvia ; Montalbano, Pierluigi ; Magrini, Emiliano. In: Working Papers. RePEc:saq:wpaper:9/14.

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Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013Determinants of food-poverty states and the demand for dietary diversity in Nigeria. (2013). Ogundari, Kolawole. In: 2013 AAAE Fourth International Conference, September 22-25, 2013, Hammamet, Tunisia. RePEc:ags:aaae13:161302.

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2013Institutional Environments for Enabling Agricultural Technology Innovations: The role of Land Rights in Ethiopia, Ghana, India and Bangladesh. (2013). Schadler, Manuel ; Gatzweiler, Franz W. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:ubonwp:159373.

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2013Mobile Technology Trends and their Potential for Agricultural Development. (2013). Baumuller, Heike . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:ubonwp:160565.

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2013Conceptual framework on price volatility and its impact on food and nutrition security in the short term. (2013). Torero, Maximo ; Kalkuhl, Matthias ; Boulanger, Pierre ; Kornher, Author-Name Lukas ; Kozicka, Author-Name Marta . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:15.

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10 most frequent citing series


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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team