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Research Department Publications / Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.110100 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.1444200 (%)0.06
19950.17121689444 (4.5%)0.1
19960.560.220.563450190.3822916916915 (6.6%)60.180.09
19970.460.220.4475125270.221594621502230 (18.9%)20.030.09
19980.330.240.3781206760.37256109361254639 (15.2%)160.20.12
19990.190.30.26712771000.36286156292065447 (16.4%)170.240.15
20000.520.360.49873642040.566961527927313440 (5.7%)330.380.14
20010.450.360.33564201580.383891587134811657 (14.7%)140.250.16
20020.480.370.36534732260.483661436837013443 (11.7%)260.490.18
20030.610.390.44555282180.415031096734815435 (7%)120.220.19
20040.780.40.61425702810.495331088432219529 (5.4%)120.290.18
20050.990.420.85786483730.58298979629324924 (8.1%)270.350.2
20060.560.450.63767243650.54771206728418039 (8.2%)320.420.19
20070.680.380.7838073980.4929515410530421323 (7.8%)160.190.16
20080.60.390.71858924270.483761599533423616 (4.3%)170.20.17
20090.520.360.55489403820.41256168883642019 (3.5%)100.210.17
20100.410.340.37509903300.33236133543701366 (2.5%)190.380.15
20110.530.40.586110514070.3913998523421995 (3.6%)50.080.19
20120.620.440.586511164150.37207111693271892 (1%)180.280.2
20130.480.490.494911653770.3215312660309152 (%)50.10.2
20140.470.520.471311783260.283611454273128 (%)60.460.23
20150.90.540.6611784160.356256238158 (%)0.24
20160.460.60.5211783500.313618898 (%)0.27
20170.640.5111782630.22012765 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12004On the Empirics of Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects. (2004). Mejía, Luis-Fernando ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Calvo, Guillermo ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, ; Luis Fernando Mejia Author-X-Name_First: Luis Fern, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4367.

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22003The Currency Union Effect on Trade: Early Evidence from EMU. (2003). Stein, Ernesto ; Micco, Alejandro ; Ernesto H. Stein Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto H. A, ; Guillermo Luis Ordoñez Author-X-Name_First: Guill, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4339.

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32000The Cost of Job Security Regulation: Evidence from Latin American Labor Markets. (2000). Pages, Carmen ; Heckman, James. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4227.

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42001Structural Reforms in Latin America: What Has Been Reformed and How to Measure It. (2001). Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4293.

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51999Financial Turmoil and Choice of Exchange Rate Regime. (1999). Stein, Ernesto ; Pages, Carmen ; Hausmann, Ricardo ; Ernesto H. Stein Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto H. A, ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, ; Michael Gavin Author-X-Name_First: Michael Author-, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4170.

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62002Structural Reforms in Latin America under Scrutiny. (2002). Panizza, Ugo ; Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4303.

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72006Phoenix Miracles in Emerging Markets: Recovering without Credit from Systemic Financial Crises. (2006). Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Calvo, Guillermo ; Ernesto Talvi Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto Author-, ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4474.

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81996The Roots of Banking Crises: The Macroeconomic Context. (1996). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Michael Gavin Author-X-Name_First: Michael Author-, ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4026.

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92008Systemic Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects and Financial Integration. (2008). Mejía, Luis-Fernando ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Calvo, Guillermo ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, ; Luis Fernando Mejia Author-X-Name_First: Luis Fern, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4581.

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102000Foreign Direct Investment: Good Cholesterol?. (2000). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Fernandez-Arias, Eduardo ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4203.

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112001Intergenerational Mobility in Latin America. (2001). Gaviria, Alejandro ; Behrman, Jere ; Miguel Szekely Author-X-Name_First: Miguel Author-, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4267.

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122002Structural Reforms in Latin America under Scrutiny. (2002). Panizza, Ugo ; Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4301.

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132001Structural reforms in Latin America: What has been reformed and how to measure it?. (2001). Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4287.

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142007Procyclicality or Reverse Causality?. (2007). Panizza, Ugo ; Jaimovich, Dany. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4508.

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151995Varieties of Capital-Market Crises. (1995). Calvo, Guillermo ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4008.

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16Why Do Countries Float the Way They Float?. (2000). Stein, Ernesto ; Panizza, Ugo ; Hausmann, Ricardo ; Ernesto H. Stein Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto H. A, ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4205.

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172005Currency Mismatches, Balance-Sheet Effects and Hedging in Chilean Non-Financial Corporations. (2005). Hansen, Erwin ; Cowan, Kevin ; Erwin Hansen Author-X-Name_First: Erwin Author-X-N, ; Luis Oscar Herrera Author-X-Name_First: Luis Oscar, ; Kevin Cowan Author-X-Name_First: Kevin Author-X-Na, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4387.

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182000Politics and Exchange Rates: A Cross-Country Approach to Latin America. (2000). Stein, Ernesto ; Frieden, Jeffry ; Ernesto H. Stein Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto H. A, ; Piero Ghezzi Author-X-Name_First: Piero Author-X-N, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3119.

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192002Credit Frictions and Sudden Stops in Small Open Economies: An Equilibrium Business Cycle Framework for Emerging Markets Crises. (2002). Mendoza, Enrique ; Arellano, Cristina. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4307.

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201996Securing Stability and Growth in a Shock Prone Region: The Policy Challenge for Latin America. (1996). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Michael Gavin Author-X-Name_First: Michael Author-, ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4020.

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212008Booms and Busts in Latin America: The Role of External Factors. (2008). Romero-Aguilar, Randall ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Ernesto Talvi Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto Author-, ; Randall Romero Author-X-Name_First: Randall Author, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4569.

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222010Estimating the Direct Economic Damage of the Earthquake in Haiti. (2010). Powell, Andrew ; Cavallo, Eduardo ; Becerra, Oscar. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4652.

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232008Growth Diagnostics: Perú. (2008). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Olivera, Mauricio. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:2005.

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242009Television and Divorce: Evidence from Brazilian Novelas. (2009). La Ferrara, Eliana ; Chong, Alberto ; Laferrara, Eliana . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4611.

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252009The Economics of Natural Disasters: A Survey. (2009). Noy, Ilan ; Cavallo, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4649.

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262006Public Debt around the World: A New Dataset of Central Government Debt. (2006). Panizza, Ugo ; Jaimovich, Dany. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4461.

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272006Weak Instruments and Weak Identification in Estimating the Effects of Education on Democracy. (2006). Coviello, Decio ; Bobba, Matteo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4472.

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281998Institutional Arrangements and Fiscal Performance: The Latin American Experience. (1998). Stein, Ernesto ; Alejandro Grisanti Author-X-Name_First: Alejandro , ; Ernesto Talvi Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto Author-, ; Ernesto H. Stein Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto H. A, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4110.

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292000What Makes Reforms Likely? Timing and Sequencing of Structural Reforms in Latin America. (2000). Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4217.

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301998Labor Markets in Latin America: A Supply-Side Story. (1998). Duryea, Suzanne ; Miguel Szekely Author-X-Name_First: Miguel Author-, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4120.

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312012(In)Formal and (Un)Productive: The Productivity Costs of Excessive Informality in Mexico. (2012). Busso, Matias ; Fazio, Maria Victoria ; Algazi, Santiago Levy. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4789.

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322008Soap Operas and Fertility: Evidence from Brazil. (2008). La Ferrara, Eliana ; Duryea, Suzanne ; Chong, Alberto ; Eliana La Ferrara Author-X-Name_First: Eliana Auth, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4573.

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332012Technology and Child Development: Evidence from the One Laptop per Child Program. (2012). IBARRARAN, PABLO ; Cueto, Santiago ; Cristia, Julian ; Severin, Eugenio . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4764.

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341998Measuring Aid Flows: A New Approach. (1998). Servén, Luis ; Fernandez-Arias, Eduardo ; Charles C. Chang Author-X-Name_First: Charles C. A, ; Luis Serven Author-X-Name_First: Luis Author-X-Nam, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4146.

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352001Social Mobility in Latin America: Links with Adolescent Schooling. (2001). Andersen, Lykke. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3130.

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361996Managing Fiscal Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Volatility, Procyclicality, and Limited Creditworthiness. (1996). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Ernesto Talvi Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto Author-, ; Roberto Perotti Author-X-Name_First: Roberto Autho, ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, ; Michael Gavin Author-X-Name_First: Michael Author-, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4032.

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372000Labor Market Reforms and Their Impact on Formal Labor Demand and Job Market Turnover: The Case of Peru. (2000). Torero, Maximo ; Saavedra, Jaime. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3095.

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382013Tax Compliance and Enforcement in the Pampas: Evidence from a Field Experiment. (2013). Scartascini, Carlos ; Castro, Lucio. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-472.

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392002Sudden Stops, the Real Exchange Rate and Fiscal Sustainability: Argentinas Lessons. (2002). Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Calvo, Guillermo ; Ernesto Talvi Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto Author-, ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4299.

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402002Decentralization, Fiscal Discipline in Sub-National Governments and the Bailout Problem: The Case of Argentina. (2002). Tommasi, Mariano ; Sanguinetti, Pablo ; Nicolini, Juan Pablo ; Josefina Posadas Author-X-Name_First: Josefina Aut, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3160.

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411997A Decade of Structural Reform in Latin America: What Has Been Reformed and How to Measure It. (1997). Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4074.

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422000Economics Reform and Wage Differentials in Latin America. (2000). Birdsall, Nancy ; Behrman, Jere ; Miguel Szekely Author-X-Name_First: Miguel Author-, ; Nancy Birdsall Author-X-Name_First: Nancy Author-X, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4235.

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432003Better the Devil that You Know: Evidence on Entry Costs Faced by Foreign Banks. (2003). Micco, Alejandro ; Galindo, Arturo ; Cesar Manuel Serra Author-X-Name_First: Cesar Manu, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4313.

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441998Macro Policy and Employment Problems in Latin America. (1998). Olivera, Mauricio ; Lora, Eduardo ; Mauricio Olivera Author-X-Name_First: Mauricio Aut, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4116.

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452004Bank Ownership and Performance. (2004). Yanez-Pagans, Monica ; Panizza, Ugo ; Micco, Alejandro ; Monica Yañez Author-X-Name_First: Monica Author-X, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4381.

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461995Macroeconomics of Capital Flows to Latin America: Experience and Policy Issues. (1995). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Leonardo Leiderman Author-X-Name_First: Leonardo A, ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, ; Michael Gavin Author-X-Name_First: Michael Author-, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4012.

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472005Targeting Inflation in a Dollarized Economy: The Peruvian Experience. (2005). Grippa, Francisco ; Armas, Adrian ; Adrian Armas Author-X-Name_First: Adrian Author-X-, ; Francisco Grippa Author-X-Name_First: Francisco Au, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4423.

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482006Sovereign Debt in the Americas: New Data and Stylized Facts. (2006). Sturzenegger, Federico ; Panizza, Ugo ; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo ; Cowan, Kevin ; Federico Sturzenegger Author-X-Name_First: Federic, ; Kevin Cowan Author-X-Name_First: Kevin Author-X-Na, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4480.

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492003Privatization in Colombia: A Plant Performance Analysis. (2003). Ramirez, Manuel ; Pombo, Carlos. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3151.

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502003La crisis de financiamiento hipotecario en Colombia: Causas y consecuencias. (2003). Cardenas, Mauricio ; Badel, Alejandro. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4355.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12003The Currency Union Effect on Trade: Early Evidence from EMU. (2003). Stein, Ernesto ; Micco, Alejandro ; Ernesto H. Stein Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto H. A, ; Guillermo Luis Ordoñez Author-X-Name_First: Guill, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4339.

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22004On the Empirics of Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects. (2004). Mejía, Luis-Fernando ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Calvo, Guillermo ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, ; Luis Fernando Mejia Author-X-Name_First: Luis Fern, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4367.

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32012(In)Formal and (Un)Productive: The Productivity Costs of Excessive Informality in Mexico. (2012). Busso, Matias ; Fazio, Maria Victoria ; Algazi, Santiago Levy. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4789.

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42010Estimating the Direct Economic Damage of the Earthquake in Haiti. (2010). Powell, Andrew ; Cavallo, Eduardo ; Becerra, Oscar. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4652.

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52008Systemic Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects and Financial Integration. (2008). Mejía, Luis-Fernando ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Calvo, Guillermo ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, ; Luis Fernando Mejia Author-X-Name_First: Luis Fern, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4581.

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62000The Cost of Job Security Regulation: Evidence from Latin American Labor Markets. (2000). Pages, Carmen ; Heckman, James. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4227.

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72013Tax Compliance and Enforcement in the Pampas: Evidence from a Field Experiment. (2013). Scartascini, Carlos ; Castro, Lucio. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-472.

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82009Rising Mortality and Life Expectancy Differentials by Lifetime Earnings in the United States. (2009). Cristia, Julian. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4607.

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92006Phoenix Miracles in Emerging Markets: Recovering without Credit from Systemic Financial Crises. (2006). Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Calvo, Guillermo ; Ernesto Talvi Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto Author-, ; Guillermo A. Calvo Author-X-Name_First: Guillermo, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4474.

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102012Technology and Child Development: Evidence from the One Laptop per Child Program. (2012). IBARRARAN, PABLO ; Cueto, Santiago ; Cristia, Julian ; Severin, Eugenio . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4764.

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112005Currency Mismatches, Balance-Sheet Effects and Hedging in Chilean Non-Financial Corporations. (2005). Hansen, Erwin ; Cowan, Kevin ; Erwin Hansen Author-X-Name_First: Erwin Author-X-N, ; Luis Oscar Herrera Author-X-Name_First: Luis Oscar, ; Kevin Cowan Author-X-Name_First: Kevin Author-X-Na, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4387.

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122008Booms and Busts in Latin America: The Role of External Factors. (2008). Romero-Aguilar, Randall ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Ernesto Talvi Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto Author-, ; Randall Romero Author-X-Name_First: Randall Author, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4569.

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132001Intergenerational Mobility in Latin America. (2001). Gaviria, Alejandro ; Behrman, Jere ; Miguel Szekely Author-X-Name_First: Miguel Author-, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4267.

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142009The Economics of Natural Disasters: A Survey. (2009). Noy, Ilan ; Cavallo, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4649.

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152009Television and Divorce: Evidence from Brazilian Novelas. (2009). La Ferrara, Eliana ; Chong, Alberto ; Laferrara, Eliana . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4611.

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162013Bank Linkages and International Trade. (2013). Hale, Galina ; Caballero, Julian ; Candelaria, Christopher ; Borisov, Sergey . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-445.

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172013A New Taxonomy of Sudden Stops: Which Sudden Stops Should Countries Be Most Concerned About?. (2013). Powell, Andrew ; Pedemonte, Mathieu ; Cavallo, Eduardo ; Tavella, Pilar. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-430.

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182007Procyclicality or Reverse Causality?. (2007). Panizza, Ugo ; Jaimovich, Dany. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4508.

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192013Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full? School Enrollment, Graduation, and Dropout Rates in Latin America. (2013). Munoz, Juan ; Busso, Matias ; Bassi, Marina. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-462.

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202012Productivity and Resource Misallocation in Latin America. (2012). Pages, Carmen ; Madrigal, Lucia ; Busso, Matias ; Pages-Serra, Carmen . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4753.

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212011Protecting Workers against Unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from Argentina. (2011). Ruffo, Hernán ; Ronconi, Lucas ; Gonzalez-Rozada, Martin ; Gonzalezrozada, Martin . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4759.

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222009Financial Dependence, Formal Credit and Informal Jobs - New Evidence from Brazilian Household Data. (2009). Pages, Carmen ; Catão, Luis ; Rosales, Maria Fernanda . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4642.

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232013Credit Constraints, Sector Informality and Firm Investments: Evidence from a Panel of Uruguayan Firms. (2013). Rasteletti, Alejandro ; Gandelman, Nestor. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-392.

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242004Effects of Land Titling on Child Health. (2004). Schargrodsky, Ernesto ; Galiani, Sebastian. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3184.

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252000Foreign Direct Investment: Good Cholesterol?. (2000). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Fernandez-Arias, Eduardo ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4203.

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262003Better the Devil that You Know: Evidence on Entry Costs Faced by Foreign Banks. (2003). Micco, Alejandro ; Galindo, Arturo ; Cesar Manuel Serra Author-X-Name_First: Cesar Manu, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4313.

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272002Credit Frictions and Sudden Stops in Small Open Economies: An Equilibrium Business Cycle Framework for Emerging Markets Crises. (2002). Mendoza, Enrique ; Arellano, Cristina. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4307.

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282009New Century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Latin America. (2009). Ñopo, Hugo ; Nopo, Hugo ; Winder, Natalia ; Atal, Juan Pablo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4640.

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292014Inflation Targeting in Colombia, 2002-2012. (2014). Urrutia, Miguel ; Hofstetter, Marc ; Hamann, Franz. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-487.

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302009Gender and Racial Wage Gaps in Brazil 1996-2006: Evidence Using a Matching Comparisons Approach. (2009). Salardi, Paola ; Ñopo, Hugo ; Garcia, Luana Marquez . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4626.

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311996Securing Stability and Growth in a Shock Prone Region: The Policy Challenge for Latin America. (1996). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Michael Gavin Author-X-Name_First: Michael Author-, ; Ricardo Hausmann Author-X-Name_First: Ricardo Auth, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4020.

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322006Weak Instruments and Weak Identification in Estimating the Effects of Education on Democracy. (2006). Coviello, Decio ; Bobba, Matteo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4472.

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332006The Unexplained Part of Public Debt. (2006). Panizza, Ugo ; Jaimovich, Dany ; Camil F. S. Campos Author-X-Name_First: Camil F. S, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4449.

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342008Growth Diagnostics: Perú. (2008). Hausmann, Ricardo ; Olivera, Mauricio. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:2005.

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352013Capital Controls or Real Exchange Rate Policy? A Pecuniary Externality Perspective. (2013). Young, Eric ; Rebucci, Alessandro ; Otrok, Christopher ; Benigno, Gianluca ; Chen, Huigang. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-393.

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362012Capital Inflow Surges in Emerging Economies: How Worried Should LAC Be?. (2012). Powell, Andrew ; Tavella, Pilar. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4782.

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372014Commodity Price Booms and Breaks: Detection, Magnitude and Implications for Developing Countries. (2014). Powell, Andrew ; Mariscal, Rodrigo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-444.

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382003Regional Integration and the Location of FDI. (2003). Stein, Ernesto ; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo ; Daude, Christian ; Ernesto H. Stein Author-X-Name_First: Ernesto H. A, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4343.

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392001Structural reforms in Latin America: What has been reformed and how to measure it?. (2001). Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4287.

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402011Latin American Middle Classes: The Distance between Perception and Reality. (2011). Lora, Eduardo ; Fajardo-Gonzalez, Johanna. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4727.

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412001Social Mobility in Latin America: Links with Adolescent Schooling. (2001). Andersen, Lykke. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3130.

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422012Export Pioneers in Latin America. (2012). Stein, Ernesto ; Rodriguez-Clare, Andres ; Hausmann, Ricardo ; Fernandez-Arias, Eduardo ; Fernandez -Arias, Eduardo ; Sabel, Charles. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4769.

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432000Geography and Income Convergence among Brazilian States. (2000). Menezes-Filho, Naercio ; Azzoni, Carlos ; Naercio Menezes-Filho Author-X-Name_First: Naercio, ; Tatiana de Menezes Author-X-Name_First: Tatiana Au, ; Raul Silveira-Neto Author-X-Name_First: Raul Autho, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:3096.

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442005Loyal Lenders or Fickle Financiers: Foreign Banks in Latin America. (2005). Powell, Andrew ; Micco, Alejandro ; Galindo, Arturo ; Andrew Powell Author-X-Name_First: Andrew Author-X, . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4403.

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452013Decentralization and Accountability: The Curse of Local Underdevelopment. (2013). Machado, Fabiana. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:idb-wp-397.

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462010Financial Integration and Foreign Banks in Latin America: How Do They Impact the Transmission of External Financial Shocks?. (2010). ROJAS-SUAREZ, LILIANA ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Galindo, Arturo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4651.

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472011Productive Development Policies in Argentina. (2011). Sanchez, Gabriel ; Rozemberg, Ricardo ; Butler, Ines. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4700.

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482012Banking Crises and Financial Integration. (2012). Caballero, Julian. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4816.

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492011Unemployment in Bolivia: Risks and Labor Market Policies. (2011). Hernani-Limarino, Werner ; Yanez, Ernesto ; Villegas, Maria . In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4758.

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502001Structural Reforms in Latin America: What Has Been Reformed and How to Measure It. (2001). Lora, Eduardo. In: Research Department Publications. RePEc:idb:wpaper:4293.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2014

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2014Inflation targeting in Latin America. (2014). Villar, Leonardo ; STEINER, ROBERTO ; Pabón, César ; Barajas, Adolfo ; Pabon, Cesar . In: WORKING PAPERS SERIES. DOCUMENTOS DE TRABAJO. RePEc:col:000123:011550.

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2014The Effects of Shared School Technology Access on Students Digital Skills in Peru. (2014). IBARRARAN, PABLO ; Cristia, Julian ; Bet, German . In: IDB Publications (Working Papers). RePEc:idb:brikps:4765.

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2014Is Entrepreneurship a Channel of Social Mobility in Latin America?. (2014). Lora, Eduardo ; Castellani, Francesca. In: Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía. RePEc:ioe:cuadec:v:51:y:2014:i:2:p:179-194.

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2014The Effects of Shared School Technology Access on Students Digital Skills in Peru. (2014). IBARRARAN, PABLO ; Cristia, Julian ; Bet, German . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7954.

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2014Medium-Term Health Impacts of Shocks Experienced In Utero and After Birth: Evidence from Detailed Geographic Information on War Exposure. (2014). Thirumurthy, Harsha ; Caruso, German ; Akresh, Richard. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:20763.

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2014 The Impact of High School Exit Exams on Graduation Rates and Achievement. (2014). Caves, Katherine ; Balestra, Simone. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zrh:wpaper:346.

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