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Working Papers / Latvijas Banka


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.3611400 (%)0.16
20020.372310.336111 (16.7%)0.18
20030.393610.1719332 (10.5%)0.19
20040.40.40.3341020.21652621 (6.3%)0.18
20050.710.420.751570.477751073 (42.9%)0.2
20060.110.450.431880.448911561 (12.5%)10.330.19
20070.380.1232130.141081722 (20%)10.330.16
20080.330.390.2852670.2733621853 (9.1%)10.20.17
20090.250.360.1543070.2310822034 (40%)10.250.17
20101.220.340.75333210.641191120151 (9.1%)0.15
20110.570.40.5336130.3612741893 (25%)0.19
20121.170.440.56642190.45276718103 (11.1%)50.830.2
20131.330.490.95345240.53591221202 (40%)0.2
20140.670.520.37651160.3129961972 (6.9%)30.50.23
20151.560.541.05657430.752091421226 (30%)40.670.24
201610.60.71562240.39312122417 (%)0.27
20170.270.640.27466150.231113267 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12014Measuring the Effectiveness of Cost and Price Competitiveness in External Rebalancing of Euro Area Countries: What Do Alternative HCIs Tell Us?. (2014). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Christodoulopoulou, Styliani . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201406.

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22015Labour market adjustment during 2008-2013 in Latvia: firm level evidence. (2015). Krasnopjorov, Oleg ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Krasnopjorovs, Olegs . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201502.

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32014What Drives the Market Share Changes? Price Versus Non-Price Factors. (2014). Woerz, Julia ; Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201403.

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42004Pass-Through of Exchange Rates to Domestic Prices in East European Countries and the Role of Economic Enviroment. (2004). Bitans, Martins . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200404.

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52008Is there a Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy in Latvia? Evidence from Bank Level Data. (2008). Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200801.

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62003Transmission of Monetary Shocks in Latvia. (2003). Tillers, Ivars ; Stikuts, Dainis ; Bitans, Martins . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200301.

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72012Evaluation of Non-price Competitiveness of Exports from Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Countries in the EU Market. (2012). Woerz, Julia ; Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201201.

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82003Measuring Output Gap in Latvia. (2003). Stikuts, Dainis . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200302.

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92008Dynamic Factor Models in Forecasting Latvias Gross Domestic Product. (2008). Ajevskis, Viktors ; Davidsons, Gundars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200802.

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102010The Quality and Variety of Exports from New EU Member States: Evidence from Very Disaggregated Data. (2010). Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns ; Rimgailaite, Ramune . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201002.

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112012Competitiveness of Latvias Exporters. (2012). Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201203.

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122008Short-Term Forecasts of Latvias Real Gross Domestic Product Growth Using Monthly Indicators. (2008). Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200805.

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132006Latvias Macroeconomic Model. (2006). Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns ; Stikuts, Dainis . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200602.

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142012The Assesment of Equilibrium Real Echange Rate of Latvia. (2012). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Ajevskis, Viktors ; Rutkaste, Uldis ; Rimgailaite, Ramune . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201204.

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152015Misallocation of Resources in Latvia: Did Anything Change During the Crisis?. (2015). Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201505.

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162011Housing and Banking in a Small Open Economy DSGE Model. (2011). Ajevskis, Viktors ; Vitola, Kristine . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201103.

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172013Internal Labour Market Mobility in 2005-2011: The Case of Latvia. (2013). Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Opmane, Ieva ; Brauksa, Ieva . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201302.

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182009The Assessment of Natural Rate of Unemployment and Capacity Utilisation in Latvia. (2009). Zasova, Anna ; Meļihovs, Aleksejs. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200902.

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192002Real Exchange Rate in Latvia (1994-2001). (2002). Bitans, Martins . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200201.

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202008Structural Transformation of Exports in a Product Space Model. (2008). Vitola, Kristine ; Davidsons, Gundars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200804.

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212007Estimation of the Phillips Curve for Latvia. (2007). Zasova, Anna ; Meļihovs, Aleksejs. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200703.

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222009Advantages of Fixed Exchange Rate Regime from a General Equilibrium Perspective. (2009). Vitola, Kristine ; Ajevskis, Viktors. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200904.

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232001Price Dynamics in Latvia - Experience and Future Prospects. (2001). Tillers, Ivars ; Slakota, Dace ; Bitans, Martins . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200101.

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242011Price Setting Behaviour in Latvia: Econometric Evidence from CPI Microdata. (2011). Kalnberzina, Krista ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201101.

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252004Money Demand in Latvia. (2004). Tillers, Ivars. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200403.

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262007Inflation Expectations in Latvia: Consumer Survey Based Results. (2007). Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns ; Paula, Daina . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200701.

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272006The Role of Production Progress and Human Capital in the Economic Growth of Latvia. (2006). Meļihovs, Aleksejs ; Davidsons, Gundars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200603.

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282007Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Latvia. (2007). Ajevskis, Viktors. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200704.

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292005Short-Term Forecasting of Economic Development in Latvia Using Business and Consumer Survey Data. (2005). Meļihovs, Aleksejs ; Rusakova, Svetlana . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200504.

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302005Assessment of Labour Market Elasticity in Latvia. (2005). Zasova, Anna ; Meļihovs, Aleksejs. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200503.

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312008The Baltic States and Europe: Common Factors of Economic Activity. (2008). Meļihovs, Aleksejs ; Fadejeva, Ludmila. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200803.

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32Modelling Long-Term Competitiveness of Latvia. (2005). Davidsons, Gundars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200502.

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332016The role of price and cost competitiveness for intra- and extra-euro area trade of euro area countries. (2016). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Christodoulopoulou, Styliani ; Bobeica, Elena . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201604.

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342012How Important is Total Factor Productivity for Growth in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Countries?. (2012). Woerz, Julia ; Stehrer, Robert ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201205.

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352011Fixed Exchange Rate Versus Inflation Targeting: Evidence from DSGE Modelling. (2011). Ajevskis, Viktors ; Vitola, Kristine . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201102.

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362016The Impact of Sovereign Bond Yields on Fiscal Discipline. (2016). Vilerts, Karlis ; Tkacevs, Olegs. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201605.

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372009Measuring Total Factor Productivity and Variable Factor Utilisation: Sector Approach, The Case of Latvia. (2009). Meļihovs, Aleksejs ; Fadejeva, Ludmila. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200903.

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382012A New Real-Time Indicator for the Euro Area GDP. (2012). Buss, Ginters. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201202.

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392015Suite of Latvias GDP forecasting models. (2015). Bessonovs, Andrejs. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201501.

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402010Asset Prices and Financial Frictions in Monetary Transmission: The Case of Latvia. (2010). Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Vitola, Kristine . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201003.

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412013The Effect of VAT Rate on Price Setting Behaviour in Latvia: Evidence from CPI Micro Data. (2013). Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201301.

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422002Financial Market in Latvia. (2002). Tillers, Ivars ; Kauzens, Egils ; Prusis, Martins ; Zubkova, Jelena . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200202.

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432015Everything you always wanted to know about Latvias service exporters (but were afraid to ask). (2015). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201506.

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442014International Transmission of Credit Shocks: Evidence from Global Vector Autoregression Model. (2014). Feldkircher, Martin ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Reininger, Thomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201405.

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452018Importance of EU Regional Support Programmes for Firm Performance. (2018). Yashiro, Naomitsu ; Tkacevs, Olegs ; Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201801.

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462010LATCOIN: Determining Medium to Long-Run Tendencies of Economic Growth in Latvia in Real Time. (2010). Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201001.

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472004Foreign Exchange and Money Markets in the Context of the Exchange Rate Target Zone. (2004). Pogulis, Armands ; Ajevskis, Viktors ; Berzins, Gunars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200401.

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482017Why is Education Performance so Different Across Latvian Schools?. (2017). Krasnopjorov, Oleg ; Krasnopjorovs, Olegs . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201703.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12015Labour market adjustment during 2008-2013 in Latvia: firm level evidence. (2015). Krasnopjorov, Oleg ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Krasnopjorovs, Olegs . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201502.

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22014Measuring the Effectiveness of Cost and Price Competitiveness in External Rebalancing of Euro Area Countries: What Do Alternative HCIs Tell Us?. (2014). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Christodoulopoulou, Styliani . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201406.

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32015Misallocation of Resources in Latvia: Did Anything Change During the Crisis?. (2015). Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201505.

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42014What Drives the Market Share Changes? Price Versus Non-Price Factors. (2014). Woerz, Julia ; Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201403.

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52004Pass-Through of Exchange Rates to Domestic Prices in East European Countries and the Role of Economic Enviroment. (2004). Bitans, Martins . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200404.

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62011Fixed Exchange Rate Versus Inflation Targeting: Evidence from DSGE Modelling. (2011). Ajevskis, Viktors ; Vitola, Kristine . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201102.

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72016The role of price and cost competitiveness for intra- and extra-euro area trade of euro area countries. (2016). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Christodoulopoulou, Styliani ; Bobeica, Elena . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201604.

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82012The Assesment of Equilibrium Real Echange Rate of Latvia. (2012). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Ajevskis, Viktors ; Rutkaste, Uldis ; Rimgailaite, Ramune . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201204.

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92011Price Setting Behaviour in Latvia: Econometric Evidence from CPI Microdata. (2011). Kalnberzina, Krista ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Benkovskis, Konstantins ; Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201101.

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102008Dynamic Factor Models in Forecasting Latvias Gross Domestic Product. (2008). Ajevskis, Viktors ; Davidsons, Gundars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200802.

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112008Structural Transformation of Exports in a Product Space Model. (2008). Vitola, Kristine ; Davidsons, Gundars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:200804.

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122013Internal Labour Market Mobility in 2005-2011: The Case of Latvia. (2013). Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Opmane, Ieva ; Brauksa, Ieva . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201302.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 3:

2017Nowcasting Slovak GDP by a Small Dynamic Factor Model. (2017). Tóth, Peter ; Toth, Peter . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:77245.

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2017Internal Devaluation and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Latvia. (2017). Lehmann, H ; Zaiceva, A ; Razzolini, T. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bol:bodewp:wp1095.

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2017Wage Formation, Unemployment and Business Cycle in Latvia. (2017). Buss, Ginters. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201701.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Worker Flows and Labour Market Adjustment during the Great Recession: Evidence from a Large Shock. (2015). Zaiceva, Anzelika ; Razzolini, Tiziano ; Lehmann, Hartmut. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9588.

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2015Does Education Affect Wages During and After Economic Crisis? Evidence from Latvia (2006–2012). (2015). Vilerts, Karlis ; Krasnopjorov, Oleg ; Brekis, Edgars ; Krasnopjorovs, Olegs . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201503.

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2015Misallocation of Resources in Latvia: Did Anything Change During the Crisis?. (2015). Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201505.

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2015Everything you always wanted to know about Latvias service exporters (but were afraid to ask). (2015). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201506.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Measuring the effectiveness of cost and price competitiveness in external rebalancing of euro area countries: What do alternative HCIs tell us?. (2014). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Christodoulopoulou, Styliani . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20141736.

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2014Made in China - How Does it Affect Measures of Competitiveness?. (2014). Woerz, Julia ; Benkovskis, Konstantins. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201404.

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2014Measuring the Effectiveness of Cost and Price Competitiveness in External Rebalancing of Euro Area Countries: What Do Alternative HCIs Tell Us?. (2014). Tkacevs, Olegs ; Christodoulopoulou, Styliani . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ltv:wpaper:201406.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team