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MNB Occasional Papers / Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary)


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.221100 (%)0.09
19970.22111 (%)0.09
19980.24111 (%)0.12
19990.31201 (%)0.15
20000.36212 (%)0.14
20010.3624212 (%)0.16
20020.373710.141923 (%)10.330.18
20030.20.390.172910.1115161 (%)0.19
200410.40.6311050.5655851 (16.7%)0.18
20050.330.420.1391930.163831811 (2.6%)10.110.2
20061.10.450.94423170.7429101117163 (10.3%)10.250.19
20070.620.380.53427120.441313819101 (7.7%)20.50.16
20080.750.390.5734110.327862010 (%)10.140.17
20090.090.360.36539100.2612111259 (%)0.17
20100.250.340.31140110.2821123299 (%)0.15
20111.330.40.71545230.5116682115 (%)510.19
20120.50.440.27550130.261363226 (%)20.40.2
20130.50.490.48353210.421052311 (%)0.2
20140.250.520.58558170.296821911 (%)0.23
20150.130.540.42361110.18281198 (%)0.24
20160.630.60.33364140.22585217 (%)310.27
20170.170.640.37670140.2161197 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010Foreign currency borrowing of households in new EU member states. (2010). Csajbok, Attila ; Hudecz, Andras ; Tamasi, Balint . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2010/87.

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22002Adopting the euro in Hungary: expected costs, benefits and timing. (2002). Csajbok, Attila ; Csermely, gnes . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2002/24.

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32005Estimating the immediate impact of monetary policy shocks on the exchange rate and other asset prices in Hungary. (2005). Rezessy, András. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2005/38.

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42006The Hungarian Quarterly Projection Model (NEM). (2006). Vadas, Gabor ; Reppa, Zoltán ; Jakab, Zoltán ; Benk, Szilard ; Parkanyi, Balazs ; Kovacs, Mihaly Andras . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2006/60.

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52006Myths and Maths: Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Adjustments in Hungary. (2006). P.Kiss, Gabor ; Jakab, Zoltán ; Parkanyi, Balazs ; Horvath, gnes . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2006/52.

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62009The information content of Hungarian sovereign CDS spreads. (2009). Varga, Lóránt. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2009/78.

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72012How are firms’ wages and prices linked: survey evidence in Europe. (2012). Sabbatini, Roberto ; Martins, Fernando ; Lamo, Ana ; Kezdi, Gabor ; Fabiani, Silvia ; Druant, Martine . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2012/102.

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82005The sustainability of the Hungarian pension system: a reassessment. (2005). Palotai, Daniel ; Orban, Gabor . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2005/40.

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92011Nothing is free: a survey of the social cost of the main payment instruments in Hungary. (2011). Turján, Anikó ; Divéki, Éva ; Turjan, Aniko ; Keszy-Harmath, va ; Diveki, va ; Takacs, Kristof ; Koczan, Gergely . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2011/93.

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102004The Effects of Macroeconomic News on Money Markets. (2004). Kiss M., Norbert. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2004/30.

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112011The role of currency swaps in the domestic banking system and the functioning the swap market during the crisis. (2011). Páles, Judit ; Kuti, Zsolt ; Csávás, Csaba ; Csavas, Csaba ; Pales, Judit . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2011/90.

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122006Topology of the Hungarian large-value transfer system. (2006). Lublóy, Ágnes ; Lubloy, gnes. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2006/57.

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132005Hungarian Inflation Dynamics. (2005). Lendvai, Julia . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2005/46.

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142005Potential Output Estimations for Hungary: A Survey of Different Approaches. (2005). Vadas, Gabor ; Jakab, Zoltán ; Benk, Szilard. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2005/43.

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152007Wealth portfolio of Hungarian households – Urban legends and facts. (2007). Vadas, Gabor. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2007/68.

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162016MODELLING BANKRUPTCY USING HUNGARIAN FIRM-LEVEL DATA. (2016). Endresz, Marianna ; Bauer, Peter. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2016/122.

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172007Fiscal Responsibility Framework: International Experience and Implications for Hungary. (2007). Kopits, George . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2007/62.

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182012A system-wide financial stress indicator for the Hungarian financial system. (2012). Hollo, Daniel . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2012/105.

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192009Secondary market trading infrastructure of government securities. (2009). Balogh, Csaba ; Koczan, Gergely . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2009/74.

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202006Adjustment of global imbalances: Illustrative scenarios for Hungary. (2006). Toth, Mate ; Jakab, Zoltán ; Hornok, Cecília. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2006/59.

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212008Contagion and the beginning of the crisis – pre-Lehman period. (2008). Király, Julia ; Kiraly, Julia ; Szabo, Viktor E. ; Nagy, Marton . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2008/76.

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222014Banking union through Hungarian eyes - The MNB’s assessment of a possible close cooperation. (2014). Szombati, Aniko ; Kisgergely, Kornel . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2014/115.

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232001Liquidity management operations at the National Bank of Hungary. (2001). Barabas, Gyula ; Czeti, Tamas ; Major, Klara ; Antal, Judit . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2001/9.

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242011Moving target indication: Fiscal indicators employed by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. (2011). P.Kiss, Gabor. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2011/92.

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252007Basel II and financial stability: An investigation of sensitivity and cyclicality of capital requirements based on QIS 5. (2007). Zsamboki, Balazs. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2007/67.

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262015Exchange rate pass - through after the crisis: the Hungarian experience. (2015). Hajnal, Mihaly ; Varhegyi, Judit ; Molnar, Gyorgy. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2015/121.

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272008The forint interest rate swap market and the main drivers of swap spreads. (2008). Varga, Lóránt ; Csávás, Csaba ; Balogh, Csaba . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2008/64.

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282017The cyclical position of housing prices – a VECM approach for Hungary. (2017). Berki, Tamas ; Szendrei, Tibor. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2017/126.

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292014Inflation Expectations in Hungary. (2014). Gábriel, Péter ; Gabriel, Peter ; Varhegyi, Judit ; Rariga, Judit . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2014/113.

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302008Labour market institutions in Hungary with a focus on wage and employment flexibility. (2008). Horvath, Hedvig ; Szalai, Zoltan. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2008/77.

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312012Wage setting in Hungary: evidence from a firm survey. (2012). Kónya, István ; Kezdi, Gabor ; Konya, Istvan. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2012/103.

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322003Studies On The Potential Impacts Of The New Basel Capital Accord. (2003). Naszodi, Anna ; Bethlendi, András ; Mer, Katalin ; Czajlik, Istvan ; Horvath, Edit ; Zsamboki, Balazs ; Szombati, Aniko . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2003/27.

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332014Discriminatory versus uniform-price auctions. (2014). Monostori, Zoltán. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2014/111.

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342005Implied volatility of foreign exchange options: is it worth tracking?. (2005). Pinter, Klara ; Gereben, Áron. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2005/39.

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352013Transforming subsidiaries into branches - Should we be worrying about it?. (2013). Szigel, Gabor ; Faykiss, Peter ; Grosz, Gabriella . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2013/106.

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362008Estimating yield curves from swap, BUBOR and FRA data. (2008). Reppa, Zoltán. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2008/73.

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372011Identifying supply and demand in the Hungarian corporate loan market. (2011). Sovago, Sandor . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2011/94.

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382007Pain or Gain? Short-term Budgetary Effects of Surprise Inflation - the Case of Hungary. (2007). P.Kiss, Gabor. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2007/61.

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392002Studies on the procyclical behaviour of banks. (2002). Zsamboki, Balazs ; Mer, Katalin ; Horvath, Edit. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2002/10.

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402013International experiences and domestic opportunities of applying unconventional monetary policy tools. (2013). Vonnák, Balázs ; Vonnak, Balazs ; Matrai, Robert ; Lehmann, Kristof ; Kreko, Judit ; Pulai, Gyorgy ; Balogh, Csaba . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2013/100.

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412005Attila Csajbók - András Rezessy : Hungarys euro zone entry date: what do the markets think and what if they change their minds?. (2005). Rezessy, András ; Csajbok, Attila. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2005/37.

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422014The Effect of Emigration on the Hungarian Labour Market. (2014). Szabó, Lajos ; Bodnar, Katalin ; Szabo, Lajos Tamas . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2014/114.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12010Foreign currency borrowing of households in new EU member states. (2010). Csajbok, Attila ; Hudecz, Andras ; Tamasi, Balint . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2010/87.

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22016MODELLING BANKRUPTCY USING HUNGARIAN FIRM-LEVEL DATA. (2016). Endresz, Marianna ; Bauer, Peter. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2016/122.

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32012How are firms’ wages and prices linked: survey evidence in Europe. (2012). Sabbatini, Roberto ; Martins, Fernando ; Lamo, Ana ; Kezdi, Gabor ; Fabiani, Silvia ; Druant, Martine . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2012/102.

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42014Banking union through Hungarian eyes - The MNB’s assessment of a possible close cooperation. (2014). Szombati, Aniko ; Kisgergely, Kornel . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2014/115.

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52005Potential Output Estimations for Hungary: A Survey of Different Approaches. (2005). Vadas, Gabor ; Jakab, Zoltán ; Benk, Szilard. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2005/43.

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62015Exchange rate pass - through after the crisis: the Hungarian experience. (2015). Hajnal, Mihaly ; Varhegyi, Judit ; Molnar, Gyorgy. In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2015/121.

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72012A system-wide financial stress indicator for the Hungarian financial system. (2012). Hollo, Daniel . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2012/105.

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82007Fiscal Responsibility Framework: International Experience and Implications for Hungary. (2007). Kopits, George . In: MNB Occasional Papers. RePEc:mnb:opaper:2007/62.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 1:

2017A Survey on Exchange Rate Pass through in Emerging Markets. (2017). Tunc, Cengiz. In: Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis. RePEc:ris:betajl:0015.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Dynamics. (2016). Varela, Liliana ; Salomao, Juliana. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hou:wpaper:2016-278-05.

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2016Supervision by robust risk monitoring – a cycle-independent Hungarian corporate credit rating system. (2016). Inzelt, Gyorgy ; Armai, Zsolt ; Szappanos, Gabor . In: Financial and Economic Review. RePEc:mnb:finrev:v:15:y:2016:i:3:p:51-78.

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2016How to set listing criteria for small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary?. (2016). Erhart, Szilárd ; Banai, Adam ; Varga, Peter ; Vago, Nikolett . In: Financial and Economic Review. RePEc:mnb:finrev:v:15:y:2016:i:3:p:79-109.

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Recent citations received in 2015

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Recent citations received in 2014

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team