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2013 Meeting Papers / Society for Economic Dynamics


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


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Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.10100 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.16
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39000 (%)0.19
20040.4000 (%)0.18
20050.42000 (%)0.2
20060.45000 (%)0.19
20070.38000 (%)0.16
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.36000 (%)0.17
20100.340200 (%)0.15
20110.40300 (%)0.19
20120.4401400 (%)0.2
20130.49423423810.191205004 (%)780.180.2
20140.510.520.514232340.55423217423217 (%)0.23
20150.560.540.564232460.58423237423237 (%)0.24
20160.60.634232840.670423266 (%)0.27
20170.640.564232450.580423238 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12013When Credit Bites Back. (2013). Taylor, Alan ; Schularick, Moritz ; Jorda, Oscar. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:71.

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22013Household risk management. (2013). Viswanathan, S ; Rampini, Adriano. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:647.

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32013Unemployment Benefits and Unemployment in the Great Recession: The Role of Macro Effects. (2013). Mitman, Kurt ; Manovskii, Iourii ; Karahan, Fatih ; Hagedorn, Marcus. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1260.

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42013Global Production with Export Platforms. (2013). Tintelnot, Felix. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:211.

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52013Macroprudential Regulation Versus Mopping Up After the Crash. (2013). Korinek, Anton ; Jeanne, Olivier. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:405.

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62013Stochastic Search Equilibrium. (2013). Postel-Vinay, Fabien ; Moscarini, Giuseppe. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:159.

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72013Uncertainty Traps. (2013). Taschereau-Dumouchel, Mathieu ; Schaal, Edouard ; Fajgelbaum, Pablo. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:677.

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82013Uncertainty at the Zero Lower Bound. (2013). Nakata, Taisuke. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:924.

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92013Taxing Top Earners: A Human Capital Perspective. (2013). Huggett, Mark ; Badel, Alejandro. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:625.

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102013Rising Intangible Capital, Shrinking Debt Capacity, and the US Corporate Savings Glut. (2013). Sim, Jae ; Falato, Antonio ; Kadyrzhanova, Dalida. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1151.

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112013Urbanization with and without Structural Transformation. (2013). Vollrath, Dietrich ; Jedwab, Remi ; Gollin, Douglas. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:344.

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122013Sectoral Shocks, the Beveridge Curve and Monetary Policy. (2013). Sergeyev, Dmitriy ; Mehrotra, Neil. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:919.

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132013A Model of Chinas State Capitalism. (2013). Wang, Yong ; Liu, Xue Wen. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:853.

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142013The Effect of Economic Reform and Industrial Policy in a Panel of Chinese Cities. (2013). Zilibotti, Fabrizio ; Shao, Lin ; Alder, Simon. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1309.

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152013Business Networks, Production Chains, and Productivity: A Theory of Input-Output Architecture. (2013). Oberfield, Ezra. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:120.

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162013Financial Frictions in Production Networks. (2013). Bigio, Saki. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:121.

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172013Long-term Unemployment: Attached and Mismatched?. (2013). Wiczer, David. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1101.

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182013Trading Dynamics With Adverse Selection and Search. (2013). Koeppl, Thorsten ; Chiu, Jonathan. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:201.

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192013In for a Penny, In for a 100 Billion Pounds: Quantifying the Welfare Benefits from Debt Relief. (2013). Wright, Mark ; Richmond, Christine ; Dias, Daniel. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:646.

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202013Housing and Liquidity. (2013). He, Chao ; Zhu, YU ; Wright, Randall. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:168.

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212013Dynamic Wage and Employment Effects of Elder Parent Care. (2013). Skira, Meghan. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:79.

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222013Estimating Platform Market Power in Two-Sided Markets with an Application to Magazine Advertising. (2013). Song, Minjae. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1264.

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232013First- and Second-order Subjective Expectations in Strategic Decision-Making: Experimental Evidence. (2013). Neri, Claudia ; Manski, Charles. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:73.

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242013Debt Dilution and Seniority in a Model of Defaultable Sovereign Debt. (2013). Eyigungor, Burcu ; Chatterjee, Satyajit. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:654.

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252013Optimal Taxation of Wealthy Individuals. (2013). Shourideh, Ali. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:261.

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262013Social Security is NOT a Substitute for Annuities. (2013). Hosseini, Roozbeh ; Caliendo, Frank ; Guo, Lei. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:680.

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272013The Welfare Effects of Vertical Integration in Multichannel Television Markets. (2013). Yurukoglu, Ali ; Whinston, Michael ; Lee, Robin ; Crawford, Gregory . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:81.

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282013Is Bank Debt Special for the Transmission of Monetary Policy? Evidence from the Stock Market. (2013). Ozdagli, Ali ; Ippolito, Filippo ; Perez, Ander. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1219.

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292013Achieving Fiscal Balance in Japan. (2013). Yamada, Tomoaki ; Kitao, Sagiri ; Imrohoroglu, Selahattin. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:736.

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302013How credible is the Federal Reserve?:A structural estimation of policy re-optimizations. (2013). Lakdawala, Aeimit ; Debortoli, Davide. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1333.

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312013Trade, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy. (2013). Cacciatore, Matteo. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:724.

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322013On the Identification of Financial and Uncertainty Shocks. (2013). Zakrajsek, Egon ; Gilchrist, Simon ; Fuentes-Albero, Cristina ; Caldara, Dario . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:965.

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332013Capital Controls or Real Exchange Rate Policy? A Pecuniary Externality Perspective. (2013). Young, Eric ; Rebucci, Alessandro ; Otrok, Christopher. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:641.

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342013The One-Child Policy and Household Savings in China. (2013). Coeurdacier, Nicolas ; Jin, Keyu . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:790.

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352013Who Should Pay for Credit Ratings and How?. (2013). Kovrijnykh, Natalia ; Kashyap, Anil. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1125.

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362013BKK the EZ way. An International Production Economy with Recursive Preferences.. (2013). Howard, Philip ; Colacito, Riccardo ; Croce, Mariano . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:112.

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372013The Macro-dynamics of Sorting between Workers and Firms. (2013). Robin, Jean-Marc ; Lise, Jeremy. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:218.

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382013The Financing and Growth of Firms in China and India: Evidence from Capital Markets. (2013). Schmukler, Sergio ; Didier, Tatiana. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:98.

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392013The Great Recession: A Self-Fulfilling Global Panic. (2013). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:413.

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402013Job Uncertainty and Deep Recessions. (2013). Ravn, Morten ; Sterk, Vincent. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:921.

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412013Screening as a Unified Theory of Delinquency, Renegotiation and Bankruptcy. (2013). Livshits, Igor ; Kovrijnykh, Natalia. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1014.

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422013Capital Controls: a Normative Analysis. (2013). Lipinska, Anna ; De Paoli, Bianca. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:861.

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432013The Market for Used Capital: Endogenous Irreversibility and Reallocation over the Business Cycle. (2013). Lanteri, Andrea. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:608.

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442013Monetary and Macroprudential Policy in an Estimated DSGE Model of the Euro Area. (2013). Rabanal, Pau ; Quint, Dominic. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:604.

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452013How Well Did Social Security Mitigate the Effects of the Great Recession?. (2013). Peterman, William ; Sommer, Kamila. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1150.

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462013Career Progression, Economic Downturns, and Skills. (2013). Robin, Jean-Marc ; Meghir, Costas ; dustmann, christian ; Adda, Jerome. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:993.

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472013Dynamics of Firms and Trade in General Equilibrium. (2013). Jeong, Hyeok ; Dekle, Robert ; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:469.

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482013Fiscal Reform and Government Debt in Japan: A Neoclassical Perspective. (2013). Imrohoroglu, Selahattin ; Hansen, Gary. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:697.

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492013Limited Stock Market Participation Among Renters and Home Owners. (2013). Vestman, Roine. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:549.

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502013Sectoral Shocks, Reallocation and Unemployment in a Model of Competitive Labor Markets. (2013). Dvorkin, Maximiliano. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1229.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12013When Credit Bites Back. (2013). Taylor, Alan ; Schularick, Moritz ; Jorda, Oscar. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:71.

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22013Macroprudential Regulation Versus Mopping Up After the Crash. (2013). Korinek, Anton ; Jeanne, Olivier. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:405.

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32013Unemployment Benefits and Unemployment in the Great Recession: The Role of Macro Effects. (2013). Mitman, Kurt ; Manovskii, Iourii ; Karahan, Fatih ; Hagedorn, Marcus. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1260.

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42013Stochastic Search Equilibrium. (2013). Postel-Vinay, Fabien ; Moscarini, Giuseppe. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:159.

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52013Rising Intangible Capital, Shrinking Debt Capacity, and the US Corporate Savings Glut. (2013). Sim, Jae ; Falato, Antonio ; Kadyrzhanova, Dalida. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1151.

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62013Uncertainty Traps. (2013). Taschereau-Dumouchel, Mathieu ; Schaal, Edouard ; Fajgelbaum, Pablo. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:677.

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72013Global Production with Export Platforms. (2013). Tintelnot, Felix. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:211.

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82013The Effect of Economic Reform and Industrial Policy in a Panel of Chinese Cities. (2013). Zilibotti, Fabrizio ; Shao, Lin ; Alder, Simon. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1309.

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92013Household risk management. (2013). Viswanathan, S ; Rampini, Adriano. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:647.

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102013Uncertainty at the Zero Lower Bound. (2013). Nakata, Taisuke. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:924.

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112013First- and Second-order Subjective Expectations in Strategic Decision-Making: Experimental Evidence. (2013). Neri, Claudia ; Manski, Charles. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:73.

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122013Business Networks, Production Chains, and Productivity: A Theory of Input-Output Architecture. (2013). Oberfield, Ezra. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:120.

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132013Sectoral Shocks, the Beveridge Curve and Monetary Policy. (2013). Sergeyev, Dmitriy ; Mehrotra, Neil. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:919.

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142013Is Bank Debt Special for the Transmission of Monetary Policy? Evidence from the Stock Market. (2013). Ozdagli, Ali ; Ippolito, Filippo ; Perez, Ander. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1219.

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152013A Model of Chinas State Capitalism. (2013). Wang, Yong ; Liu, Xue Wen. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:853.

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162013Dynamic Wage and Employment Effects of Elder Parent Care. (2013). Skira, Meghan. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:79.

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172013Taxing Top Earners: A Human Capital Perspective. (2013). Huggett, Mark ; Badel, Alejandro. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:625.

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182013The Market for Used Capital: Endogenous Irreversibility and Reallocation over the Business Cycle. (2013). Lanteri, Andrea. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:608.

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192013Job Uncertainty and Deep Recessions. (2013). Ravn, Morten ; Sterk, Vincent. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:921.

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202013The Financing and Growth of Firms in China and India: Evidence from Capital Markets. (2013). Schmukler, Sergio ; Didier, Tatiana. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:98.

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212013How credible is the Federal Reserve?:A structural estimation of policy re-optimizations. (2013). Lakdawala, Aeimit ; Debortoli, Davide. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1333.

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222013The One-Child Policy and Household Savings in China. (2013). Coeurdacier, Nicolas ; Jin, Keyu . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:790.

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232013How Does Risk Management Influence Production Decisions? Evidence From a Field Experiment. (2013). Vickery, James ; Gine, Xavier ; Cole, Shawn . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:676.

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242013Fiscal Reform and Government Debt in Japan: A Neoclassical Perspective. (2013). Imrohoroglu, Selahattin ; Hansen, Gary. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:697.

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252013Screening as a Unified Theory of Delinquency, Renegotiation and Bankruptcy. (2013). Livshits, Igor ; Kovrijnykh, Natalia. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1014.

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262013Contingent Convertible Bonds and Capital Structure Decisions. (2013). Jaffee, Dwight ; Albul, Boris ; Tchistyi, Alexei . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:682.

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272013Trade, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy. (2013). Cacciatore, Matteo. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:724.

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282013The Welfare Effects of Vertical Integration in Multichannel Television Markets. (2013). Yurukoglu, Ali ; Whinston, Michael ; Lee, Robin ; Crawford, Gregory . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:81.

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292013Optimal Taxation of Wealthy Individuals. (2013). Shourideh, Ali. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:261.

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302013The Macro-dynamics of Sorting between Workers and Firms. (2013). Robin, Jean-Marc ; Lise, Jeremy. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:218.

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312013Job Search Behavior over the Business Cycle. (2013). Sahin, Aysegul ; Mukoyama, Toshihiko ; Patterson, Christina. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:988.

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322013Can Employer Credit Checks Create Poverty Traps?. (2013). Glover, Andy ; Corbae, P. Dean ; Chen, Daphne. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:875.

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332013The Great Recession: A Self-Fulfilling Global Panic. (2013). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:413.

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342013The Role of Allocative Efficiency in A Decade of Recovery. (2013). Chen, Kaiji. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:886.

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352013Trading Dynamics With Adverse Selection and Search. (2013). Koeppl, Thorsten ; Chiu, Jonathan. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:201.

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362013Robust preference expansions. (2013). Borovička, Jaroslav ; Hansen, Lars . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1199.

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372013Long-term Unemployment: Attached and Mismatched?. (2013). Wiczer, David. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1101.

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382013Sectoral Shocks, Reallocation and Unemployment in a Model of Competitive Labor Markets. (2013). Dvorkin, Maximiliano. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1229.

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392013How Well Did Social Security Mitigate the Effects of the Great Recession?. (2013). Peterman, William ; Sommer, Kamila. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1150.

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402013Who Should Pay for Credit Ratings and How?. (2013). Kovrijnykh, Natalia ; Kashyap, Anil. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1125.

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412013Capital Controls or Real Exchange Rate Policy? A Pecuniary Externality Perspective. (2013). Young, Eric ; Rebucci, Alessandro ; Otrok, Christopher. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:641.

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422013Eliciting Maternal Beliefs about the Technology of Skill Formation. (2013). Cunha, Flavio. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:1051.

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432013Signaling in Online Credit Markets. (2013). Kawai, Kei ; Uetake, Kosuke ; Onishi, Ken . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:516.

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442013Capital Controls: a Normative Analysis. (2013). Lipinska, Anna ; De Paoli, Bianca. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:861.

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452013A Bayesian DSGE Model of Stock Market Bubbles and Business Cycles. (2013). Xu, Zhiwei ; Wang, Pengfei ; Miao, Jianjun. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:167.

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462013Debt Dilution and Seniority in a Model of Defaultable Sovereign Debt. (2013). Eyigungor, Burcu ; Chatterjee, Satyajit. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:654.

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472013Sectoral Technology and Structural Transformation. (2013). Valentinyi, Akos ; Herrendorf, Berthold. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:349.

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482013A Theory of Targeted Search. (2013). Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina ; Cheremukhin, Anton ; Tutino, Antonella . In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:664.

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492013Trading and Information Diffusion in Over-the-Counter Markets. (2013). Kondor, Péter ; Babus, Ana. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:792.

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502013Urbanization with and without Structural Transformation. (2013). Vollrath, Dietrich ; Jedwab, Remi ; Gollin, Douglas. In: 2013 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed013:344.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team