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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-01-07 21:26:51]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2019 0.23 0.62 6 0.54 12 12 7 72 72 40 9 69 37 2 2.8 4 0.33 0.37
2020 0.36 0.7 2.44 0.28 27 39 31 94 167 25 9 71 20 3 3.2 10 0.37 0.72
2021 0.36 1.01 2.5 0.32 3 42 1 105 272 39 14 90 29 0 1 0.33 0.42
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12014Institutions, Human Capital and Development. (2014). Robinson, James ; Gallego, Francisco ; Acemoglu, Daron ; JamesA. Robinson, . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:449.

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22009Market Power in Pollution Permit Markets. (2009). Montero, Juan-Pablo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:355.

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3Lessons from the Chilean Stabilization and Recovery. (). Corbo, Vittorio ; Fischer, Stanley. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:158.

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42002Market Structure and Environmental Innovation. (2002). Montero, Juan-Pablo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:215.

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52004Spatial Inequality, Migration, and Economic Growth in Chile. (2004). Torche, Arístides ; Soto, Raimundo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:274.

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62013The Effect of Transport Policies on Car Use: A Bundling Model with Applications. (2013). Montero, Juan-Pablo ; Gallego, Francisco ; Salas, Christian . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:432.

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7Social Security Reforms in Chile. (). Valdés, Salvador ; Diamond, Peter ; Valdes, Salvador . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:161.

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82009School Choice in Chile: Looking at the Demand Side. (2009). Hernando, Andres ; Gallego, Francisco. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:356.

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92016State History and Contemporary Conflict: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. (2016). Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:475.

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10Economía Chilena 1810-1995. Estadísticas Históricas. (). Wagner, Gert ; Díaz-Bahamonde, José ; Briones, Ignacio ; Luders, Rolf ; Braun-Llona, Matias . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:187.

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112012Resource Rents, Political Institutions and Economic Growth. (2012). Soto, Raimundo ; Elbadawi, Ibrahim Ahmed . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:413.

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122012Do Good Institutions Promote Counter-Cyclical Macroeconomic Policies?. (2012). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus ; Duncan, Roberto ; Calderon, Cesar. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:419.

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132011End of the line: A Note on Environmental Policy and Innovation when Governments cannot Commit. (2011). Montero, Juan-Pablo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:394.

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142002Testing Real Business Cycle Models in an Emerging Economy.. (2002). Soto, Raimundo ; Bergoeing, Raphael. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:219.

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152008On the Determinants and Implications of School Choice: Semi-Structural Simulations for Chile. (2008). Gallego, Francisco ; Hernando, Andres E.. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:343.

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162004Taxation and Private Investment: Evidence for Chile. (2004). Vergara, Rodrigo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:268.

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172016Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles. (2016). Lafortune, Jeanne ; Iyigun, Murat. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:468.

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18Structural Adjustment, Stabilization and Policy Reform: Domestic and International Finance. (). Corbo, Vittorio ; Fischer, Stanley. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:170.

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192012Making Yourself Attractive: Pre-Marital Investments and the Returns to Education in the Marriage Market. (2012). Lafortune, Jeanne. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:422.

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202011Characterizing the Business Cycles of Emerging Economies. (2011). Fuentes, Rodrigo ; Calderon, Cesar. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:371.

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212009Los Retornos a la Educación en Chile: Estimaciones por Corte Transversal y por Cohortes. (2009). Sapelli, Claudio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:349.

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222002Inflation Targeting in Latin America. (2002). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus ; Corbo, Vittorio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:230.

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232009Aid, Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2009). Soto, Raimundo ; Elbadawi, Ibrahim A. ; Kaltani, Linda . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:368.

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242017Using output-based allocations to manage volatility and leakage in pollution markets. (2017). Ponssard, Jean-Pierre ; Montero, Juan-Pablo ; MEUNIER, Guy. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:489.

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252012Changing the Rules Midway: The Impact of Granting Alimony Rights on Existing and Newly-Formed Partnerships. (2012). Weiss, Yoram ; Lafortune, Jeanne ; Iyigun, Murat ; Chiappori, Pierre. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:424.

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262008Historical Origins of Schooling: The Role of Democracy and Political Decentralization. (2008). Gallego, Francisco. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:342.

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27Macroeconomic Adjustment to Capital Inflows: Rational and Some Recent Experiences. (). Corbo, Vittorio ; Hernandez, Le onardo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:164.

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282007Theory and Empirics of Real Exchange Rates in Developing Countries. (2007). Soto, Raimundo ; Elbadawi, Ibrahim A.. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:324.

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292020The Virus of Fear: The Political Impact of Ebola in the U.S.. (2020). Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio ; Campante, Filipe ; Durante, Ruben. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:552.

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30Economía Chilena 1810-1995. Cuentas Fiscales. (). Wagner, Gert ; Jofre, Jose ; Luders, Rolf . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:188.

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312002Policy-driven productivity in Chile and Mexico in the 1980s and 1990s. (2002). Soto, Raimundo ; Kehoe, Patrick ; Bergoeing, Raphael. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:213.

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322010Evaluating Public Policies with High Frequency Data: Evidence for Driving Restrictions in Mexico City Revisited. (2010). Salas, Christian . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:374.

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332002Competencia y Resultados Educativos: Teoría y Evidencia para Chile. (2002). Gallego, Francisco. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:217.

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342002Second Generation Electricity Reforms in Latin America and the California Paradigm. (2002). Montero, Juan-Pablo ; Rudnick, Hugh . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:216.

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352010Institutions and Cyclical Properties of Macroeconomic Policies in the Global Economy. (2010). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus ; Duncan, Roberto ; Calderon, Cesar. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:372.

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362007Economía Chilena 1810-2000. Producto Total y Sectorial. Una Nueva Mirada. (2007). Wagner, Gert ; Díaz-Bahamonde, José ; Luders, Rolf . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:315.

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372002The Temporal Efficiency of SO2 Emissions Trading. (2002). Montero, Juan-Pablo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:225.

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382006Sovereign Defaulters: Do International Capital Markets Punish Them?. (2006). Saravia, Diego ; Fuentes, Miguel. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:314.

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392009Inflation Targeting Twenty Years on: Where, When, Why, With what Effects, What lies ahead?. (2009). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:360.

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402007Pass-Through to Import Prices: Evidence from Developing Countries. (2007). Fuentes, Miguel. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:320.

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41Economic Reforms in Chile: An Overview. (). Corbo, Vittorio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:160.

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422005Catalyzing Private Capital Flows: Do IMF Programs Work as Commitment Devices?. (2005). Saravia, Diego ; Mody, Ashoka. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:280.

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432012Fiscal Institutions in Resource-Rich Economies: Lessons from Chile and Norway. (2012). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:416.

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442004Latin American Economic Growth in the Late 20th. Century: Evidence and Interpretation. (2004). Soto, Raimundo ; Solimano, Andres . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:276.

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452002Exchange Rate Regimes in the Americas: Is Dollarization the Solution?. (2002). Corbo, Vittorio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:229.

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462004Política Comercial: Instrumentos y Antecedentes. Chile en los Siglos XIX y XX. (2004). Wagner, Gert ; Díaz-Bahamonde, José. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:223.

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472008La Predicción de la Insolvencia de Empresas Chilenas. (2008). Zurita, Felipe. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:336.

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482005Private vs Public Voucher Schools in Chile: New Evidence on Efficiency and Peer Effects. (2005). Vial, Bernardita ; Sapelli, Claudio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:289.

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492011The Effect of Transport Policies on Car Use: Theory and Evidence from Latin American Cities. (2011). Montero, Juan-Pablo ; Gallego, Francisco ; Salas, Christian . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:407.

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50Economía Chilena 1810-1995: Evolución Cuantitativa del Producto Total y Sectorial. (). Wagner, Gert ; Díaz-Bahamonde, José ; Luders, Rolf . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:186.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014Institutions, Human Capital and Development. (2014). Robinson, James ; Gallego, Francisco ; Acemoglu, Daron ; JamesA. Robinson, . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:449.

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22013The Effect of Transport Policies on Car Use: A Bundling Model with Applications. (2013). Montero, Juan-Pablo ; Gallego, Francisco ; Salas, Christian . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:432.

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32020The Virus of Fear: The Political Impact of Ebola in the U.S.. (2020). Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio ; Campante, Filipe ; Durante, Ruben. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:552.

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42002Market Structure and Environmental Innovation. (2002). Montero, Juan-Pablo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:215.

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52011End of the line: A Note on Environmental Policy and Innovation when Governments cannot Commit. (2011). Montero, Juan-Pablo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:394.

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62020Privatization and business groups: Evidence from the Chicago Boys in Chile. (2020). Prem, Mounu ; González, Felipe ; Gonzalez, Felipe ; Urzua, Francisco ; Aldunate, Felipe . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:537.

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72009Market Power in Pollution Permit Markets. (2009). Montero, Juan-Pablo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:355.

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82018The Value of Political Capital: Dictatorship Collaborators as Business Elites. (2018). Prem, Mounu ; González, Felipe ; Gonzalez, Felipe. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:507.

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92017Using output-based allocations to manage volatility and leakage in pollution markets. (2017). Ponssard, Jean-Pierre ; Montero, Juan-Pablo ; MEUNIER, Guy. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:489.

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102012Do Good Institutions Promote Counter-Cyclical Macroeconomic Policies?. (2012). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus ; Duncan, Roberto ; Calderon, Cesar. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:419.

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112016State History and Contemporary Conflict: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. (2016). Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:475.

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122009School Choice in Chile: Looking at the Demand Side. (2009). Hernando, Andres ; Gallego, Francisco. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:356.

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13Economía Chilena 1810-1995. Estadísticas Históricas. (). Wagner, Gert ; Díaz-Bahamonde, José ; Briones, Ignacio ; Luders, Rolf ; Braun-Llona, Matias . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:187.

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142016Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles. (2016). Lafortune, Jeanne ; Iyigun, Murat. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:468.

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152013A Dominance Solvable Global Game with Strategic Substitutes. (2013). Jara-Moroni, Pedro ; Harrison, Rodrigo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:440.

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162020Borderline Disorder: (De facto) Historical Ethnic Borders and Contemporary Conflict in Africa. (2020). Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio ; Ozak, Omer. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:551.

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172012Resource Rents, Political Institutions and Economic Growth. (2012). Soto, Raimundo ; Elbadawi, Ibrahim Ahmed . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:413.

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182018Do you like me enough? The impact of restricting preferences ranking in a university matching process. (2018). Saenz, Alejandro ; Lafortune, Jeanne ; Figueroa, Nicolas. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:518.

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192017Personalized Information as a Tool to Improve Pension Savings: Results from a Randomized Control Trial in Chile. (2017). Villatoro, Félix ; Tessada, José ; Lafortune, Jeanne ; Fuentes, Olga ; Riutort, Julio . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:483.

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202008On the Determinants and Implications of School Choice: Semi-Structural Simulations for Chile. (2008). Gallego, Francisco ; Hernando, Andres E.. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:343.

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212004Spatial Inequality, Migration, and Economic Growth in Chile. (2004). Torche, Arístides ; Soto, Raimundo. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:274.

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222017Dynamic Coordination with Timing Frictions: Theory and Applications. (2017). guimaraes, bernardo ; Pereira, Ana Elisa ; Machado, Caio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:502.

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232008Historical Origins of Schooling: The Role of Democracy and Political Decentralization. (2008). Gallego, Francisco. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:342.

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242017Public Expenditures and Debt at the Subnational Level: Evidence of Fiscal Smoothing from Argentina. (2017). Besfamille, Martin ; Sanguinetti, P ; Manzano, O ; Jorrat, D ; Grosman, N. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:482.

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252010Evaluating Public Policies with High Frequency Data: Evidence for Driving Restrictions in Mexico City Revisited. (2010). Salas, Christian . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:374.

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262020Public Transport and Urban Structure. (2020). Silva, Hugo ; Navarro, Matias ; Basso, Leonardo J. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:549.

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27Economía Chilena 1810-1995. Cuentas Fiscales. (). Wagner, Gert ; Jofre, Jose ; Luders, Rolf . In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:188.

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282020Do Coronavirus Containment Measures Work? Worldwide Evidence. (2020). Soto, Raimundo ; Emrullahu, Drilona ; Blanco, Fernando. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:557.

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292010Institutions and Cyclical Properties of Macroeconomic Policies in the Global Economy. (2010). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus ; Duncan, Roberto ; Calderon, Cesar. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:372.

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302017Unexpected Guests: The Impact of Internal Displacement Inflows of Rental Prices in Colombian Host Cities. (2017). Santos, Rafael J ; Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:493.

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312018Followed by Violence: Forced Immigration and Homicides. (2018). Santos, Rafael J ; Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:513.

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322002A Cross-Country Estimation of the Elasticity of Substitution between Labor and Capital in Manufacturing Industries. (2002). Claro, Sebastian. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:226.

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332018Collective Action in Networks: Evidence from the Chilean Student Movement. (2018). González, Felipe ; Gonzalez, Felipe. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:509.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 14
2021A regional resource curse? A synthetic-control approach to oil extraction in Basilicata, Italy. (2021). Spartaco, Andrea ; Tasciotti, Luca ; Pellegrini, Lorenzo. In: Ecological Economics. RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:185:y:2021:i:c:s0921800921000999.

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2021The impact of fare-free public transport on travel behavior: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. (2021). Silva, Hugo E ; Muoz, Juan Carlos ; Bull, Owen. In: Regional Science and Urban Economics. RePEc:eee:regeco:v:86:y:2021:i:c:s016604622030301x.

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2021Authorial control of the Supreme Court: Chief Justice Roberts and the Obamacare surprise. (2021). Tiller, Emerson H ; Bustos, Alvaro. In: International Review of Law and Economics. RePEc:eee:irlaec:v:67:y:2021:i:c:s0144818821000259.

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2021The Legacy of the Pinochet Regime. (2021). Prem, Mounu ; González, Felipe ; Gonzalez, Felipe. In: SocArXiv. RePEc:osf:socarx:v5yjf.

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2021Lost in transition? The persistence of dictatorship mayors. (2021). Prem, Mounu ; Muñoz, Pablo ; González, Felipe ; Muoz, Pablo ; Gonzalez, Felipe. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:151:y:2021:i:c:s0304387821000481.

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2021The Legacy of the Pinochet Regime. (2021). Prem, Mounu ; González, Felipe ; Gonzlez, F. In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:col:000092:019446.

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2021The internal labor markets of business groups. (2021). Prem, Mounu ; Huneeus, Federico ; Larrain, Mauricio. In: Journal of Corporate Finance. RePEc:eee:corfin:v:69:y:2021:i:c:s0929119921001383.

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2021Make the Economy Scream? U.S. Banks and Foreign Firms During the Cold War. (2021). Prem, Mounu ; Gonzalez, Felipe ; Aldunate, Felipe. In: SocArXiv. RePEc:osf:socarx:bhwk7.

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2021Lines spacing and scale economies in the strategic design of transit systems in a parametric city.. (2021). Jara-Diaz, Sergio ; Gschwender, Antonio ; Fielbaum, Andres. In: Research in Transportation Economics. RePEc:eee:retrec:v:90:y:2021:i:c:s073988592030189x.

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2021Scale analysis for on-demand ridepooling systems and comparison with public transport. (2021). Alonso-Mora, Javier ; Tirachini, Alejandro ; Fielbaum, Andres. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2106.15270.

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2021The long-term effects of the slave trade on political violence in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2021). Kibriya, Shahriar ; Xu, Zhicheng Phil ; Zhang, YU. In: Journal of Comparative Economics. RePEc:eee:jcecon:v:49:y:2021:i:3:p:776-800.

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2021The political economy of health epidemics: Evidence from the Ebola outbreak. (2021). Maffioli, Elisa M. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:151:y:2021:i:c:s0304387821000304.

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2021Too afraid to vote? The effects of COVID-19 on voting behaviour. (2021). Tercero-Lucas, David ; Polo-Muro, Eduardo ; Fernandez-Navia, Tania. In: European Journal of Political Economy. RePEc:eee:poleco:v:69:y:2021:i:c:s0176268021000136.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Unconventional Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: A Tale of Three Shocks. (2021). Marsi, Antonio ; Fanelli, Luca. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bol:bodewp:wp1164.

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Recent citations received in 2020

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2020The political scar of epidemics. (2020). Saka, Orkun ; Eichengreen, Barry ; Aksoy, Cevat Giray. In: BOFIT Discussion Papers. RePEc:bof:bofitp:2020_014.

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2020Immigration and Violent Crime: Evidence from the Colombia-Venezuela Border. (2020). Tribín, Ana ; Knight, Brian ; Tribin, Ana. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bro:econwp:2020-21.

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2020The Political Scar of Epidemics. (2020). Eichengreen, Barry ; Aksoy, Cevat Giray ; Saka, Orkun. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:14879.

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2020Collateral Damage: The Legacy of the Secret War in Laos. (2020). Valencia Caicedo, Felipe ; Riano, Juan ; Riao, Juan Felipe. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15349.

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2020What and how did people buy during the Great Lockdown? Evidence from electronic payments. (2020). Peralta, Susana ; Carvalho, Bruno ; Dos, Joao Pereira. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/307531.

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2020Regional and Sectorial Impacts of the Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from Electronic Payments. (2020). Dos, Joao Pereira ; Peralta, Susana ; Carvalho, Bruno. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/315048.

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2020Global financial markets and oil price shocks in real time. (2020). Veronese, Giovanni ; Venditti, Fabrizio. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20202472.

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2020The Political Scar of Epidemics. (2020). Eichengreen, Barry ; Aksoy, Cevat Giray ; Saka, Orkun. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13351.

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2020The Political Scar of Epidemics. (2020). Eichengreen, Barry ; Saka, Orkun ; Aksoy, Cevat Giray. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27401.

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2020Immigration and Violent Crime: Evidence from the Colombia-Venezuela Border. (2020). Tribín, Ana ; Knight, Brian. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27620.

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