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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1995 0 0.22 0.5 0 4 4 29 1 2 0 0 0 1 0.25 0.13
1996 0 0.25 0.17 0 26 30 84 5 7 4 4 0 5 0.19 0.14
1997 0.17 0.28 0.18 0.17 3 33 0 6 13 30 5 30 5 0 0 0.15
1998 0.07 0.32 0.13 0.06 7 40 16 5 18 29 2 33 2 0 2 0.29 0.18
1999 0.2 0.39 0.43 0.23 13 53 85 23 41 10 2 40 9 0 3 0.23 0.26
2000 0.25 0.54 0.13 0.13 9 62 9 8 49 20 5 53 7 0 0 0.25
2001 0.18 0.49 0.17 0.12 2 64 0 11 60 22 4 58 7 1 9.1 0 0.28
2002 0.18 0.54 0.15 0.15 4 68 18 9 70 11 2 34 5 4 44.4 4 1 0.31
2003 1.33 0.53 0.32 0.29 13 81 25 26 96 6 8 35 10 7 26.9 4 0.31 0.3
2004 0.06 0.6 0.39 0.2 3 84 15 33 129 17 1 41 8 0 3 1 0.36
2005 0.13 0.6 0.19 0.16 5 89 9 17 146 16 2 31 5 0 1 0.2 0.37
2006 0.5 0.59 0.18 0.3 2 91 17 16 162 8 4 27 8 0 0 0.34
2008 0.5 0.59 0.29 0.26 3 94 35 27 206 2 1 23 6 0 1 0.33 0.29
2009 0.33 0.58 0.17 0.54 1 95 1 16 222 3 1 13 7 0 0 0.33
2011 1 0.62 0.16 0.67 5 100 18 16 248 1 1 6 4 2 12.5 0 0.37
2012 0.4 0.68 0.14 0.44 1 101 1 14 262 5 2 9 4 0 0 0.36
2013 1 0.67 0.26 1.2 1 102 0 27 289 6 6 10 12 0 0 0.35
2014 0 0.67 0.13 0.5 2 104 9 14 303 2 8 4 0 0 0.34
2016 1 0.64 0.23 0.44 1 105 1 24 340 2 2 9 4 0 0 0.34
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11999Effects of Agricultural Commercialization on Food Crop Input Use and Productivity in Kenya. (1999). Yamano, Takashi ; Strauss, John ; Jayne, Thomas ; Karanja, Daniel ; Strasberg, Paul J. ; Nyoro, James . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11463.

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22008Promoting Fertilizer Use in Africa: Current Issues and Empirical Evidence from Malawi, Zambia, and Kenya. (2008). Jayne, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Ariga, Joshua ; Minde, Isaac ; Jones, Govereh . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:54509.

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31999Successes and Challenges of Food Market Reform: Experiences from Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. (1999). Weber, Michael ; Johansson, Robert ; Jayne, Thomas ; Zulu, Ballard ; Santos, Paula ; Chisvo, Munhamo ; Mukumbu, Mulinge ; Tschirley, David ; Soroko, David. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11270.

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41996Cash Crop and Foodgrain Productivity in Senegal: Historical View, New Survey Evidence, and Policy Implications. (1996). Reardon, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Diagana, Bocar ; Kelley, Valerie ; Gaye, Matar. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11459.

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51996Zambias Stop-And-Go Revolution: The Impact of Policies and Organizations on the Development and Spread of Hybrid Maize. (1996). Mungoma, Catherine ; Howard, Julie A.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11274.

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61999Effects of Cash Crop Production on Food Crop Productivity in Zimbabwe: Synergies or Trade-Offs?. (1999). Jayne, Thomas ; Govereh, Jones . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11371.

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71995Promoting Farm Investment for Sustainable Intensification of African Agriculture. (1995). Reardon, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Diagana, Bocar ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11352.

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81996Determinants of Farm Productivity in Africa: A Synthesis of Four Case Studies. (1996). Reardon, Thomas ; Jayne, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Clay, Daniel ; Kelly, Valerie ; Savadogo, Kimseyinga . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11279.

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92011The New Generation of African Fertilizer Subsidies: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?. (2011). Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob ; Crawford, Eric ; Kelly, Valerie A.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:107460.

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102006Smallholder Farming Under Increasingly Difficult Circumstances: Policy and Public Investment Priorities for Africa. (2006). Jayne, Thomas ; Mather, D. ; Mghenyi, E.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:54507.

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112002Smallholder Income and Land Distribution in Africa: Implications for Poverty Reduction Strategies. (2002). Yamano, Takashi ; Weber, Michael ; Tschirley, David ; Jayne, Thomas ; Chapoto, Antony ; Benfica, Rui ; Neven, David ; Zulu, Ballard . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11295.

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122004A Cross-Country Analysis of Household Response to Adult Mortality in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for HIV/AIDS Mitigation and Rural Development Policies. (2004). Yamano, Takashi ; Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Donovan, Cynthia ; Chapoto, Antony ; Bailey, Linda ; Yoo, Kyeongwon ; Mghenyi, Elliot ; Mazhangara, Edward ; Mather, David. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11322.

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132014DOES THE CURRENT SUGAR MARKET STRUCTURE BENEFIT CONSUMERS AND SUGARCANE GROWERS?. (2014). Sitko, Nicholas ; Chisanga, Brian ; Winter-Nelson, Alex ; Meyer, Ferdinand H.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:196830.

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141996Promoting Food Security in Rwanda through Sustainable Agricultural Productivity: Meeting the Challenges of Population Pressure, Land Degradation, and Poverty. (1996). Reardon, Thomas ; Sibomana, Bosco ; Uwamariya, Laurence ; Kangasniemi, Jaakko ; Byiringiro, Fidele ; Tardif-Douglin, David ; Clay, Daniel . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11425.

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151995IMPROVING THE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF AFRICAN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY: PROMOTING COMPLEMENTARITIES BETWEEN MICRO AND MACRO DATA. (1995). Reardon, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Hopkins, Jane ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:272257.

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161995Improving the Measurement and Analysis of African Agricultural Productivity: Promoting Complementarities between Micro and Macro Data. (1995). Reardon, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Kelly, Valerie ; Hopkins, Jane. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11375.

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171995Trends in Real Food Prices in Six Sub-Saharan African Countries. (1995). Staatz, John ; Jayne, Thomas ; Ferris, John ; Sanankoua, Abdel Kader ; Mukumbu, Mulinge ; Lundberg, Mattias ; Aldridge, Kim ; Howard, Julie ; Duncan, John ; Keita, Francis ; Nakaponda, Bethel. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11327.

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182003Coordination for Long-Term Food Security by Government, Private Sector and Donors: Issues and Challenges. (2003). Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Donovan, Cynthia ; Boughton, Duncan ; Mwiinga, Billy ; Arlindo, Pedro ; Shaffer, James D. ; Nijhoff, J. J. ; Tembo, Gelson ; Tschirley, David. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11319.

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192004Interactions Between the Agricultural Sector and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Implications for Agricultural Policy. (2004). Pingali, Prabhu ; Jayne, Thomas ; Henrich, Gunter ; Villarreal, Marcela. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11454.

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201999Green Revolution Technology Takes Root in Africa: The Promise and Challenge of the Ministry of Agriculture/Sg2000 Experiment with Improved Cereals Technology in Ethiopia. (1999). Maredia, Mywish ; Howard, Julie ; Kelly, Valerie ; Mararedia, Mywish ; Demeke, Mulat ; Stepanek, Julie . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11400.

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212006The Many Paths of Cotton Sector Reform in Eastern and Southern Africa: Lessons from a Decade of Experience. (2006). Tschirley, David ; Boughton, Duncan ; Poulton, Colin. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:54506.

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222002Understanding and Reducing Child Malnutrition in Mali: Interim Research Findings for the Project on Linkages between Child Nutrition and Agricultural Growth (LICNAG). (2002). Tefft, James ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11462.

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232000Malis Market Information System: Innovative Evolution in Support of a Dynamic Private Sector. (2000). Staatz, John ; Dembele, Nango ; Tefft, James F.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11470.

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242000How does Agricultural Development Affect Child Nutrition in Mali?. (2000). Staatz, John ; Penders, Christopher L. ; Tefft, James F.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11313.

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252003Agricultural Input Use and Market Development in Africa: Recent Perspectives and Insights. (2003). Jayne, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Kelly, Valerie A.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11342.

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262011What Kind of Agricultural Strategies Lead to Broad-Based Growth: Implications For Country-Led Agricultural Investment Programs. (2011). Jayne, Thomas ; Boughton, Duncan. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:107459.

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272005Using Empirical Information in the Era of HIV/AIDS to Inform Mitigation and Rural Development Strategies: Selected Results from African Country Studies. (2005). Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Donovan, Cynthia ; Mather, David. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11444.

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281998Restoring Soil Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Technical and Economic Issues. (1998). Weight, David ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11374.

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292003Malis Rural Communes: A Potential Catalyst for Improving Child Nutrition?. (2003). Staatz, John ; Keita, Daouda ; Wise, Victoria ; Kelly, Valerie ; Tefft, James. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11442.

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301998Is Agricultural Intensification Profitable For Mozambican Smallholders? An Appraisal of the Inputs Subsector and the 1996/97 DNER/Sg2000 Program. (1998). Weber, Michael ; Crawford, Eric ; Tschirley, David ; Strasberg, Paul ; Howard, Julie A. ; Jeje, Jose Jaime. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11396.

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312005Alternative Approaches for Promoting Fertilizer Use in Africa, with Emphasis on the Role of Subsidies. (2005). Jayne, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Kelly, Valerie A.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11292.

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321998Facilitating Seed Sector Transformation in Africa: Key Findings from the Literature. (1998). Maredia, Mywish ; Howard, Julie . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11366.

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331998Seed Sector Evolution in Zambia and Zimbabwe: Has Farmer Access Improved Following Economic Reforms?. (1998). Maredia, Mywish ; Rusike, Joseph ; Howard, Julie . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11284.

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341996Relief through Development: Maize Market Liberalization in Urban Kenya. (1996). Jayne, Thomas ; Argwings-Kodhek, Gem . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11298.

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352003Regional Trade in Maize in Southern Africa: Examining the Experience of Northern Mozambique and Malawi. (2003). Tschirley, David ; Arlindo, Pedro. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11429.

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361996Effects of Market Reform on Access to Food by Low-Income Households: Evidence from Four Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. (1996). Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Santos, Ana Paula ; Diskin, Patrick ; Chisvo, Munhamo ; Mukumbu, Mulinge ; Rubey, Lawrence ; Tschirley, David. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11456.

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372003Enabling Small-Scale Maize Marketing and Processing to Assure Supplies of Low-Cost Staples. (2003). Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Mwiinga, Billy ; Arlindo, Pedro ; Shaffer, James ; Nijhoff, J. J. ; Tembo, Gelson ; Tschirley, David. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11296.

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382002Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Child Feeding and Care: Preliminary Insights from the Project on Linkages between Child Nutrition and Agricultural Growth. (2002). Staatz, John ; Tefft, James ; Wise, Victoria ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11467.

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391996Will the CFA Franc Devaluation Enhance Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in the Senegalese Peanut Basin?. (1996). Diagana, Bocar ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11423.

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402003Impact of the Malian Cereals Market Reform Program on Farmers. (2003). Weber, Michael ; Staatz, John ; Dembele, Nango. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11418.

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411998Fertilizer in Sub-Saharan Africa: Breaking the Vicious Circle of High Prices and Low Demand. (1998). Reardon, Thomas ; Naseem, Anwar ; Kelly, Valerie ; Yanggen, David . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11449.

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421996Food Marketing and Pricing Policy in Eastern and Southern Africa: Lessons for Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Access to Food. (1996). Jayne, Thomas ; Jones, Stephen. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11337.

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432016The Rewards of an Improved Enabling Environment: How Input Market Reform Helped Kenyan Farmers Raise Their Fertilizer Use By 36%. (2016). Jayne, Thomas ; Sheahan, Megan ; Ariga, Joshua. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:234947.

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441999Reflections on Poverty and Prospects for Growth in the Mozambican Rural Sector. (1999). Weber, Michael ; Benfica, Rui ; Tschirley, David ; Strasberg, Paul ; de Marrule, Higino. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11329.

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452003Fertilizer Consumption Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2003). Jayne, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11328.

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461996A Strategic Approach to Agricultural Research Program Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa. (1996). Staatz, John ; Crawford, Eric ; Boughton, Duncan ; Howard, Julie ; Shaffer, James ; Oehmke, James . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11450.

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471998Developing Cereal-Based Demand for Fertilizer among Smallholders in Southern Africa: Lessons Learned and Implications for Other African Regions. (1998). Reardon, Thomas ; Rusike, Joseph ; Kelly, Valerie ; Howard, Julie . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11344.

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482011What is the Scope for Horticulture to Drive Smallholder Poverty Reduction in Africa?. (2011). Tschirley, David. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:157940.

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492009Improving Food Security in Africa: Highlights of 25 Years of Research, Capacity-Building, and Outreach.. (2009). MSU Food Security Group, . In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:55050.

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502012Zambian Smallholder Behavioral Responses To Food Reserve Agency Activities (Revised Version). (2012). Mason, Nicole M. ; Jayne, Thomas S. ; Myers, Robert J.. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:140910.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11995Promoting Farm Investment for Sustainable Intensification of African Agriculture. (1995). Reardon, Thomas ; Crawford, Eric ; Diagana, Bocar ; Kelly, Valerie. In: Food Security International Development Policy Syntheses. RePEc:ags:midips:11352.

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