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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2007 0 0.52 0 0 2 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 0.29
2008 0 0.59 0.07 0 13 15 52 1 1 2 2 0 1 0.08 0.29
2009 0.07 0.58 0.08 0.07 9 24 21 2 3 15 1 15 1 0 1 0.11 0.33
2010 0.23 0.52 0.17 0.25 11 35 37 6 9 22 5 24 6 0 0 0.3
2011 0.45 0.62 0.43 0.46 14 49 97 20 30 20 9 35 16 1 5 1 0.07 0.37
2012 0.2 0.68 0.42 0.35 6 55 87 23 53 25 5 49 17 2 8.7 5 0.83 0.36
2013 1.05 0.67 0.78 0.74 4 59 9 45 99 20 21 53 39 3 6.7 1 0.25 0.35
2014 1.9 0.67 0.69 0.82 11 70 28 47 147 10 19 44 36 9 19.1 6 0.55 0.34
2015 0.27 0.66 0.33 0.39 13 83 59 27 174 15 4 46 18 7 25.9 0 0.36
2016 0.83 0.64 0.62 0.81 12 95 61 59 233 24 20 48 39 1 1.7 2 0.17 0.34
2017 1.04 0.62 0.69 0.93 12 107 27 74 307 25 26 46 43 2 2.7 0 0.35
2018 0.5 0.61 0.38 0.37 13 120 33 45 352 24 12 52 19 1 2.2 3 0.23 0.34
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12011High development and fertility: fertility at older reproductive ages and gender equality explain the positive link. (2011). Billari, Francesco ; Myrskyla, Mikko ; Kohler, Hans-Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:049.

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22012The Economic Costs of Organized Crime: Evidence from Southern Italy. (2012). pinotti, paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:054.

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32011Grandparenting and childbearing in the extended family. (2011). Pronzato, Chiara ; Meroni, Elena ; Aassve, Arnstein ; Arnstein Aassve, Elena Meroni, Chiara Pronzato, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:038.

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42016Gender Quotas: Challenging the Boards, Performance and the Stock Market. (2016). Pronzato, Chiara ; Profeta, Paola ; Ferraro, Valeria ; Ferrari, Giulia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:092.

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52012Does fertility behavior spread among friends?. (2012). Barban, Nicola ; Balbo, Nicoletta. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:050.

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62015Optimal Wage Redistribution in the Presence of Adverse Selection in the Labor Market. (2015). Micheletto, Luca ; Bastani, Spencer ; Blumkin, Tomer. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:077.

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72015Tax structure and macroeconomic performance. (2015). Casarico, Alessandra ; Arachi, Giampaolo ; Bucci, Valeria . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:074.

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82012Trust, Firm Organization and the Structure of Production. (2012). pinotti, paolo ; Cingano, Federico. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:053.

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92011Family trajectories and health: A life course perspective. (2011). Barban, Nicola. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:039.

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102007Preference theory and low fertility: A comparative perspective. (2007). Vitali, Agnese ; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia ; Billari, Francesco ; Testa, Maria Rita . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:001.

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112016The impact of investment incentives: evidence from UK corporation tax returns. (2016). Devereux, Michael P ; Xing, Jing ; Maffini, Giorgia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:085.

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122008If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands! Survey design and the analysis of satisfaction. (2008). pudney, stephen ; Conti, Gabriella. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:016.

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132017Goals and Gaps: Educational Careers of Immigrant Children. (2017). Carlana, Michela ; Pinotti, Paolo ; la Ferrara, Eliana ; Laferrara, Eliana . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:111.

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142014Economic inequality in northwestern Italy: A long-term view (fourteenth to eighteenth centuries). (2014). Alfani, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:061.

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152008Motherhood and market work decisions in institutional context: A European perspective. (2008). Pronzato, Chiara ; Pasqua, Silvia ; Del Boca, Daniela. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:011.

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162014Economic inequality and poverty in the very long run: The case of the Florentine State. (2014). Alfani, Guido ; Ammannati, Francesco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:070.

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172018Do Electoral Rules Matter for Female Representation?. (2018). Profeta, Paola ; Woodhouse, Eleanor. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:121.

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182018Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs. (2018). Vlassopoulos, Michael ; Tonin, Mirco ; Jones, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:123.

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192010Secularization, union formation practices and marital stability: Evidence from Italy. (2010). Impicciatore, Roberto ; Billari, Francesco. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:026.

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202009Happiness and childbearing across Europe. (2009). Sironi, Maria ; Aassve, Arnstein ; Goisis, Alice . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:010.

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212008Who delays childbearing? The relationships between fertility, education and personality traits. (2008). Tavares, Lara. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:009.

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222016Origins and implications of family structure across Italian provinces in historical perspective. (2016). Bozzano, Monica ; Bertocchi, Graziella. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:094.

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232010Climate, population and famine in Northern Italy: General tendencies and Malthusian crisis, ca. 1450-1800. (2010). Alfani, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:027.

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242017Political Contributions and Public Procurement: Evidence from Lithuania. (2017). Baltrunaite, Audinga ; Beltrunaite, Audinga. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:100.

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252018Trustlab Italy: a New Dataset for the study of Trust, Family Demography and Personality. (2018). Mencarini, Letizia ; Mattioli, Francesco ; Gatta, Arianna ; Gandolfi, Francesco ; Chiocchio, Francesco ; Aassve, Arnstein. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:115.

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262014Economic inequality and growth before the industrial revolution: A case study of the Low Countries (14th-19th centuries). (2014). Ryckbosch, Wouter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:067.

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272009Now or later? The theory of planned behaviour and fertility intentions. (2009). Klobas, Jane ; Dommermuth, Lars ; Lappegrd, Trude. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:020.

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282010Entrepreneurs, formalisation of social ties and trustbuilding in Europe (14th-20th centuries). (2010). Gourdon, Vincent ; Alfani, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:025.

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292015Peers’ Composition Effects in the Short and in the Long Run: College Major, College Performance and Income. (2015). Peri, Giovanni ; Anelli, Massimo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:078.

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302011Grandparenting and mothersí labour force participation: A comparative analysis using the Generations and Gender Survey. (2011). arpino, bruno ; Aassve, Arnstein ; Goisis, Alice . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:036.

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312012Trust and fertility dynamics. (2012). Billari, Francesco ; Aassve, Arnstein ; Pessin, Lea . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:055.

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322014Misurare la diseguaglianza economica nell’età preindustriale: un confronto fra realtà dell’Italia centro-settentrionale. (2014). Di Tullio, Matteo ; Ammannati, Francesco ; De Franco, Davide . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:065.

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332015Dinamiche di lungo periodo della disuguaglianza in Italia settentrionale: una nota di ricerca. (2015). Di Tullio, Matteo ; Alfani, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:071.

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342011Classifying life course trajectories: A comparison of latent class and sequence analysis. (2011). Billari, Francesco ; Barban, Nicola. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:041.

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352010Living arrangements of second generation immigrants in Spain: A cross-classified multilevel analysis. (2010). Vitali, Agnese ; arpino, bruno. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:031.

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362017The Impact of Unemployment on Child Maltreatment in the United States. (2017). De Cao, Elisabetta ; Brown, Dan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:106.

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372008Are lone mothers responsive to policy changes? The effects of a Norwegian workfare reform on earnings, education and poverty. (2008). Pronzato, Chiara ; Mogstad, Magne. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:008.

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382011The educational aspirations of children of immigrants in Italy. (2011). Barban, Nicola ; Minello, Alessandra . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:046.

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392008Using the Theory of Planned Behavior with qualitative research. (2008). Renzi, Stefano ; Klobas, Jane. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:012.

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402016Anti-discrimination Legislation and the Efficiency-Enhancing Role of Mandatory Parental Leave. (2016). Micheletto, Luca ; Bastani, Spencer ; Blumkin, Tomer. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:088.

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412014No News, Big News. The political consequences of entertainment TV. (2014). Tesei, Andrea ; pinotti, paolo ; Durante, Ruben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:063.

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422008Why educated mothers dont make educated children: A statistical study in the intergenerational transmission of schooling. (2008). Pronzato, Chiara. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:005.

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432013Inequality (un)perceived: The emergence of a discourse on economic inequality from the Middle Ages to the Age of Revolutions. (2013). Frigeni, Roberta ; Alfani, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:058.

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442009Measuring the size and impact of public cash support for children in cross-national perspective. (2009). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Figari, Francesco. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:024.

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452010Yearning, learning and conceding: (Some of) the reasons people change their childbearing intentions. (2010). Tavares, Lara ; Iacovou, Maria. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:029.

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462012Legal status and the criminal activity of immigrants. (2012). pinotti, paolo ; Mastrobuoni, Giovanni. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:052.

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472015Corporate Tax Incentives and Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence from UK Tax Returns. (2015). Devereux, Michael ; Xing, Jing ; Maffini, Giorgia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:076.

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482013Friend and peer effects on entry into marriage and parenthood: A multiprocess approach. (2013). Barban, Nicola ; Balbo, Nicoletta ; Mills, Melinda . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:056.

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492010Stochastic population forecasts based on conditional expert opinions. (2010). Billari, Francesco ; Melilli, Eugenio ; Graziani, Rebecca . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:033.

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502011Leaving mum alone? The effect of parental divorce on childrenís leaving home decisions. (2011). Pronzato, Chiara ; Meroni, Elena ; Mencarini, Letizia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:045.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12011High development and fertility: fertility at older reproductive ages and gender equality explain the positive link. (2011). Billari, Francesco ; Myrskyla, Mikko ; Kohler, Hans-Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:049.

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22015Optimal Wage Redistribution in the Presence of Adverse Selection in the Labor Market. (2015). Micheletto, Luca ; Bastani, Spencer ; Blumkin, Tomer. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:077.

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32018Do Electoral Rules Matter for Female Representation?. (2018). Profeta, Paola ; Woodhouse, Eleanor. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:121.

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42016Gender Quotas: Challenging the Boards, Performance and the Stock Market. (2016). Pronzato, Chiara ; Profeta, Paola ; Ferraro, Valeria ; Ferrari, Giulia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:092.

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52018Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs. (2018). Vlassopoulos, Michael ; Tonin, Mirco ; Jones, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:123.

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62008Motherhood and market work decisions in institutional context: A European perspective. (2008). Pronzato, Chiara ; Pasqua, Silvia ; Del Boca, Daniela. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:011.

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72008Using the Theory of Planned Behavior with qualitative research. (2008). Renzi, Stefano ; Klobas, Jane. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:012.

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82017Goals and Gaps: Educational Careers of Immigrant Children. (2017). Carlana, Michela ; Pinotti, Paolo ; la Ferrara, Eliana ; Laferrara, Eliana . In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:111.

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92018Trustlab Italy: a New Dataset for the study of Trust, Family Demography and Personality. (2018). Mencarini, Letizia ; Mattioli, Francesco ; Gatta, Arianna ; Gandolfi, Francesco ; Chiocchio, Francesco ; Aassve, Arnstein. In: Working Papers. RePEc:don:donwpa:115.

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