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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1992 0 0.13 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.09
1994 0 0.17 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 0 0 0.08
1997 0 0.28 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0.15
2000 0 0.54 0.48 0 41 44 379 19 23 0 1 6 31.6 19 0.46 0.25
2001 0.63 0.49 0.49 0.62 24 68 201 31 56 41 26 42 26 8 25.8 1 0.04 0.28
2002 0.55 0.54 0.52 0.55 32 100 221 48 108 65 36 66 36 7 14.6 8 0.25 0.31
2003 0.38 0.53 0.51 0.55 34 134 245 68 176 56 21 97 53 7 10.3 12 0.35 0.3
2004 0.8 0.6 0.92 0.87 29 163 193 147 326 66 53 131 114 31 21.1 20 0.69 0.36
2005 0.68 0.6 0.66 0.58 29 192 239 124 452 63 43 160 93 27 21.8 4 0.14 0.37
2006 0.67 0.59 0.58 0.61 56 248 528 142 595 58 39 148 90 21 14.8 18 0.32 0.34
2007 0.75 0.52 0.59 0.57 29 277 162 163 758 85 64 180 102 11 6.7 5 0.17 0.29
2008 0.82 0.59 0.75 0.69 44 321 373 238 999 85 70 177 123 45 18.9 19 0.43 0.29
2009 0.79 0.58 0.7 0.81 34 355 195 248 1248 73 58 187 152 36 14.5 9 0.26 0.33
2010 0.76 0.52 0.54 0.65 43 398 221 213 1462 78 59 192 124 22 10.3 7 0.16 0.3
2011 0.48 0.62 0.6 0.68 31 429 173 256 1719 77 37 206 141 17 6.6 6 0.19 0.37
2012 0.66 0.68 0.53 0.7 29 458 232 240 1960 74 49 181 127 12 5 11 0.38 0.36
2013 0.87 0.67 0.61 0.81 30 488 186 294 2256 60 52 181 146 23 7.8 7 0.23 0.35
2014 1.05 0.67 0.53 0.77 43 531 179 281 2538 59 62 167 129 27 9.6 22 0.51 0.34
2015 0.86 0.66 0.49 0.79 20 551 124 268 2806 73 63 176 139 8 3 6 0.3 0.36
2016 0.68 0.64 0.45 0.75 17 568 96 258 3064 63 43 153 115 8 3.1 11 0.65 0.34
2017 0.86 0.62 0.36 0.67 15 583 69 206 3271 37 32 139 93 5 2.4 1 0.07 0.35
2018 0.84 0.61 0.34 0.63 15 598 15 204 3475 32 27 125 79 3 1.5 3 0.2 0.34
2019 0.47 0.62 0.28 0.59 11 609 14 168 3643 30 14 110 65 3 1.8 2 0.18 0.36
2020 0.27 0.71 0.28 0.51 16 625 92 176 3819 26 7 78 40 2 1.1 7 0.44 0.76
2021 1.63 0.97 0.28 0.92 10 635 2 176 3995 27 44 74 68 1 0.6 1 0.1 0.4
2022 0.73 0.71 0.18 0.54 10 645 0 118 4113 26 19 67 36 2 1.7 0 0.23
2023 0.1 0.61 0.13 0.34 5 650 0 82 4195 20 2 62 21 1 1.2 1 0.2 0.19
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12006Calculation of multivariate normal probabilities by simulation, with applications to maximum simulated likelihood estimation. (2006). Jenkins, Stephen ; Cappellari, Lorenzo. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-16.

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22003Training in Europe. (2003). Bryan, Mark ; Booth, Alison ; Arulampalam, Wiji. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2003-23.

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32013Regression analysis of country effects using multilevel data: a cautionary tale. (2013). Jenkins, Stephen ; Bryan, Mark. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-14.

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42012Using EU-SILC data for cross-national analysis: strengths, problems and recommendations. (2012). Levy, Horacio ; Kaminska, Olena ; Iacovou, Maria. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2012-03.

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52008The nature and causes of attrition in the British Household Panel Study. (2008). Uhrig, SC Noah ; S. C. Noah Uhrig, ; S. C. Noah Uhrig, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-05.

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62016What has been happening to UK income inequality since the mid-1990s? Answers from reconciled and combined household survey and tax return data. (2016). Wilkins, Roger ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Burkhauser, Richard ; Hrault, Nicolas . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2016-03.

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72020The gender gap in mental well-being during the Covid-19 outbreak: evidence from the UK. (2020). Spantig, Lisa ; Etheridge, Ben. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-08.

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82002The effect of family income during childhood on later-life attainment: evidence from Germany. (2002). Jenkins, Stephen ; Schluter, Christian. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2002-20.

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92000My home was my castle: evictions and repossessions in Britain. (2000). Taylor, Mark. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-04.

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102020Worker productivity during lockdown and working from home: evidence from self-reports. (2020). Wang, Yikai ; Tang, Li ; Etheridge, Ben. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-12.

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112009Benefits and problems of linking micro and macro models - evidence from a flat tax analysis. (2009). Peichl, Andreas. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-02.

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122011Trends in individual income growth: measurement methods and British evidence. (2011). Van Kerm, Philippe ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Jenkins S, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2011-06.

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132006Summarizing multiple deprivation indicators. (2006). Jenkins, Stephen ; Cappellari, Lorenzo. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-40.

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142006The welfare cost of means-testing: pensioner participation in income support. (2006). pudney, stephen ; Hernández, Moisés ; Hernandez Alava, Monica ; Hancock, Ruth . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-12.

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152005Methods for summarizing and comparing wealth distributions. (2005). Jenkins, Stephen ; Jantti, Markus. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2005-05.

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162012What determines attitudes to immigration in European countries? An analysis at the regional level. (2012). Markaki, Yvonni ; Longhi, Simonetta. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2012-25.

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172006The impact of immigration on the employment of natives in regional labour markets: a meta-analysis. (2006). Poot, Jacques ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Longhi, Simonetta. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-10.

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182006Friendship ties and geographical mobility: evidence from the BHPS. (2006). Ermisch, John ; Belot, Michèle. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-33.

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192008The dynamics of social assistance receipt: measurement and modelling issues, with an application to Britain. (2008). Jenkins, Stephen ; Cappellari, Lorenzo. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-34.

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202013Unemployment and endogenous reallocation over the business cycle. (2013). Visschers, Ludo ; Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-01.

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212009Google it! Forecasting the US unemployment rate with a Google job search index. (2009). Marcucci, Juri ; D'amuri F, ; Marcucci J, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-32.

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222008Estimating trends in US income inequality using the Current Population Survey: the importance of controlling for censoring. (2008). Larrimore, Jeff ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Feng, Shuaizhang ; Burkhauser, Richard ; Feng S, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-25.

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232010The British Household Panel Survey and its income data. (2010). Jenkins, Stephen ; Jenkins S, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2010-33.

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24Temporary jobs: who gets them, what are they worth, and do they lead anywhere?. (2000). Francesconi, Marco ; Frank, Jeff ; Booth, Alison. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-13.

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252001Fertility and female labour supply. (2001). Iacovou, Maria. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2001-19.

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262000Women and part-time employment: workers choices and wage penalties in five industrialized countries. (2000). Bardasi, Elena ; Gornick, Janet. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-11.

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272005Busyness as the badge of honour for the new superordinate working class. (2005). Gershuny, Jonathan . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2005-09.

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282008Measuring peoples trust. (2008). Uhrig, SC Noah ; Siedler, Thomas ; Laurie, Heather ; Ermisch, John ; Gambetta, Diego ; S. C. Noah Uhrig, ; S. C. Noah Uhrig, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2007-32.

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292014University choice: the role of expected earnings, non-pecuniary outcomes and financial constraints. (2014). Zafar, Basit ; Delavande, Adeline. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2014-38.

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302002Labour as a buffer: do temporary workers suffer?. (2002). Francesconi, Marco ; Frank, Jeff ; Booth, Alison. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2002-29.

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312015Tax evasion and measurement error: An econometric analysis of survey data linked with tax records. (2015). Paulus, Alari. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2015-10.

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322000Unemployment duration and exit states in Britain. (2000). Taylor, Mark. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-01.

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332003Nobody to play with? The implications of leisure coordination. (2003). Osberg, Lars ; Jenkins, Stephen. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2003-19.

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342001Family composition and childrens educational outcomes. (2001). Iacovou, Maria. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2001-12.

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352004Validation of survey data on income and employment: the ISMIE experience. (2004). Lynn, Peter ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Jäckle, Annette ; Sala, Emanuela . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-14.

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362008Keeping up or falling behind? The impact of benefit and tax uprating on incomes and poverty. (2008). Zantomio, Francesca ; Sutherland, Holly ; Hills, John ; Hancock, Ruth . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-18.

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372007Clash of career and family: fertility decisions after job displacement. (2007). Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf ; Weber, Andrea ; Del Bono, Emilia ; DelBono, Emilia . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2007-33.

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382008Heaping and leaping: survey response behaviour and the dynamics of self-reported consumption expenditure. (2008). pudney, stephen. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-09.

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39Do current income and annual income measures provide different pictures of Britains income distribution?. (2000). Jenkins, Stephen. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-16.

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402009Recent trends in top income shares in the USA: reconciling estimates from March CPS and IRS tax return data. (2009). Larrimore, Jeff ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Feng, Shuaizhang ; Burkhauser, Richard ; Burkhauser R, ; Larrimore J, ; Jenkins S, ; Feng S, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-27.

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412000Re-employment probabilities for Spanish men: what role does the unemployment benefit system play?. (2000). Jenkins, Stephen ; Garcia-Serrano, Carlos. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-17.

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422012Measuring living standards with income and consumption: evidence from the UK. (2012). O'Dea, Cormac ; Brewer, Mike. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2012-05.

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432006Social norms and household time allocation. (2006). Sevilla, Almudena ; Fernández, Cristina ; Sanz, Almudena Sevilla. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-38.

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442010Assimilation in a new context: educational attainment of the immigrant second generation in Germany. (2010). Luthra R, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2010-21.

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452002A cross-country comparison of survey nonparticipation in the ECHP -ISER working paper-. (2002). Peracchi, Franco ; Nicoletti, Cheti. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2002-32.

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462004The consequences of in-work benefit reform in Britain: new evidence from panel data. (2004). van der Klaauw, Wilbert ; Francesconi, Marco. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-13.

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472006Measurement error in models of welfare participation. (2006). pudney, stephen ; Hernández, Moisés ; Hernandez Alava, Monica. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-29.

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482008Leaving home and the chances of being poor: the case of young people in Southern European countries. (2008). Parisi, Lavinia. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-12.

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492010Household structure in the EU. (2010). Skew, Alexandra ; Iacovou, Maria ; Iacovou M, ; Skew A, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2010-10.

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502000Child poverty dynamics in seven nations. (2000). Micklewright, John ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Bradbury, Bruce. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-39.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020Worker productivity during lockdown and working from home: evidence from self-reports. (2020). Wang, Yikai ; Tang, Li ; Etheridge, Ben. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-12.

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22020The gender gap in mental well-being during the Covid-19 outbreak: evidence from the UK. (2020). Spantig, Lisa ; Etheridge, Ben. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-08.

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32015Tax evasion and measurement error: An econometric analysis of survey data linked with tax records. (2015). Paulus, Alari. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2015-10.

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42016What has been happening to UK income inequality since the mid-1990s? Answers from reconciled and combined household survey and tax return data. (2016). Wilkins, Roger ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Burkhauser, Richard ; Hrault, Nicolas . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2016-03.

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52015Income underreporting based on income-expenditure gaps: survey vs tax records. (2015). Paulus, Alari. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2015-15.

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62013Individual pro-environmental behaviour in the household context. (2013). Longhi, Simonetta. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-21.

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72017Lone parents, time-limited in-work credits and the dynamics of work and welfare. (2017). Cribb, Jonathan ; Brewer, Mike. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2017-01.

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82017Population sex ratios and violence against women: the long-run effects of sex selection in India. (2017). Bhalotra, Sonia ; Amaral, Sofia. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2017-12.

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92005Busyness as the badge of honour for the new superordinate working class. (2005). Gershuny, Jonathan . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2005-09.

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102003The impact of atypical employment on individual wellbeing: evidence from a panel of British workers. (2003). Francesconi, Marco ; Bardasi, Elena. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2003-02.

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112020Maternal investments in children: the role of expected effort and returns. (2020). Bhalotra, Sonia ; Delavande, Adeline ; Font-Gilabert, Paulino ; Maselko, Joanna. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-03.

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122009Benefits and problems of linking micro and macro models - evidence from a flat tax analysis. (2009). Peichl, Andreas. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-02.

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132012Using EU-SILC data for cross-national analysis: strengths, problems and recommendations. (2012). Levy, Horacio ; Kaminska, Olena ; Iacovou, Maria. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2012-03.

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142009Google it! Forecasting the US unemployment rate with a Google job search index. (2009). Marcucci, Juri ; D'amuri F, ; Marcucci J, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-32.

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152013The labour market impacts of leaving education when unemployment is high: evidence from Britain. (2013). Taylor, Mark. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-12.

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162008The dynamics of social assistance receipt: measurement and modelling issues, with an application to Britain. (2008). Jenkins, Stephen ; Cappellari, Lorenzo. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-34.

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172013Gender differences in educational aspirations and attitudes. (2013). Rampino, Tina ; Taylor, Mark P.. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-15.

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182018The impact of unemployment on child maltreatment in the United States. (2018). De Cao, Elisabetta ; Brown, Dan. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2018-04.

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192015Moving in and out of poverty in Mexico: What can we learn from pseudo-panel methods?. (2015). Perez, Victor . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2015-16.

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202010Who delays childbearing? The relationships between fertility, education and personality traits. (2010). Tavares, Lara ; Tavares L, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2010-17.

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212015The scarring effect of unemployment from the early ‘90s to the Great Recession. (2015). Tumino, Alberto. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2015-05.

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222013Regression analysis of country effects using multilevel data: a cautionary tale. (2013). Jenkins, Stephen ; Bryan, Mark. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-14.

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232006The impact of immigration on the employment of natives in regional labour markets: a meta-analysis. (2006). Poot, Jacques ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Longhi, Simonetta. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-10.

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242001Addressing the interpretation and the aggregation problems in totally fuzzy and relative poverty measures. (2001). Filippone, Andrea ; Cheli, Bruno ; D'Agostino, Antonella. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2001-22.

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252011The importance of independent income: understanding the role of non-means-tested earnings replacement benefits. (2011). Sutherland, Holly ; Bennett F, ; Sutherland H, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2011-09.

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262015The impact of local labour market conditions on school leaving decisions. (2015). Tumino, Alberto ; Taylor, Mark P.. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2015-14.

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272017The income-health gradient: evidence from self-reported health and biomarkers using longitudinal data on income. (2017). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, Apostolos ; Benzeval, Michaela. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2017-03.

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282008Estimating trends in US income inequality using the Current Population Survey: the importance of controlling for censoring. (2008). Larrimore, Jeff ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Feng, Shuaizhang ; Burkhauser, Richard ; Feng S, . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-25.

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292006Social norms and household time allocation. (2006). Sevilla, Almudena ; Fernández, Cristina ; Sanz, Almudena Sevilla. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-38.

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302016Does universalization of health work? Evidence from health systems restructuring and maternal and child health in Brazil. (2016). Rocha, Rudi ; Bhalotra, Sonia ; Soares, Rodigo R. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2016-16.

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312020What determines the capital share over the long run of history?. (2020). Rubolino, Enrico ; Waldenstrm, Daniel ; Bengtsson, Erik. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-05.

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322013Unemployment and endogenous reallocation over the business cycle. (2013). Visschers, Ludo ; Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-01.

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332021Relative wages and pupil performance, evidence from TIMSS. (2021). Fullard, Joshua. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2021-07.

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342008Keeping up or falling behind? The impact of benefit and tax uprating on incomes and poverty. (2008). Zantomio, Francesca ; Sutherland, Holly ; Hills, John ; Hancock, Ruth . In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-18.

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352014Partnership dissolution: how does it affect income, employment and well-being?. (2014). NANDI, ALITA ; Brewer, Mike. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2014-30.

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362014Distinguishing dimensions of pro-environmental behaviour. (2014). Lynn, Peter. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2014-19.

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372000My home was my castle: evictions and repossessions in Britain. (2000). Taylor, Mark. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-04.

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382016Pareto models, top incomes, and recent trends in UK income inequality. (2016). Jenkins, Stephen. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2016-07.

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392006Measurement error in models of welfare participation. (2006). pudney, stephen ; Hernández, Moisés ; Hernandez Alava, Monica. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-29.

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402014World Income Inequality Databases: an assessment of WIID and SWIID. (2014). Jenkins, Stephen. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2014-31.

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412007New directions in the analysis of inequality and poverty. (2007). Micklewright, John ; Jenkins, Stephen. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2007-11.

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422017Local institutional structure and clientelistic access to employment: the case of MGNREGS in three states of India. (2017). NANDI, ALITA ; Bhattacharya, Anindya ; Kar, Anirban. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2017-14.

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432005Youth poverty in Europe: what do we know?. (2005). Mencarini, Letizia ; Iacovou, Maria ; Aassve, Arnstein. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2005-02.

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442012What determines attitudes to immigration in European countries? An analysis at the regional level. (2012). Markaki, Yvonni ; Longhi, Simonetta. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2012-25.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 2
2023A Systematic Review of Agricultural Sustainability Indicators. (2023). Treimikien, Dalia ; Bathaei, Ahmad. In: Agriculture. RePEc:gam:jagris:v:13:y:2023:i:2:p:241-:d:1041259.

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2023Labour market expectations and occupational choice: evidence from teaching. (2023). Fullard, Joshua. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2023-01.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

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2021The effect of formal debt advice on financial management and knowledge: insights from a new longitudinal study in Britain. (2021). Lynn, Peter ; Muoz-Bugarin, Jair ; Fumagalli, Laura. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2021-09.

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Recent citations received in 2020

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2020COVID-19, Occupation Tasks and Mental Health in Canada. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Brodeur, Abel ; Beland, Louis-Philippe ; Wright, Taylor. In: Carleton Economic Papers. RePEc:car:carecp:20-07.

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2020Facilitating healthy dietary habits: An experiment with a low income population. (2020). Belot, Michele ; Spiteri, Jonathan ; James, Jonathan. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:129:y:2020:i:c:s0014292120301793.

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2020Worker productivity during lockdown and working from home: evidence from self-reports. (2020). Wang, Yikai ; Tang, Li ; Etheridge, Ben. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-12.

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2020The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for policy in relation to children and young people: a research review. (2020). Russell, Helen ; Smyth, Emer ; Darmody, Merike. In: Research Series. RePEc:esr:resser:sustat94.

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2020Impact of a Health Shock on Lifestyle Behaviours. (2020). Verdun, Zoey. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:eui:euiwps:eco2020/02.

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2020Impact of closing schools on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence using panel data from Japan. (2020). Yamamura, Eiji ; Tsutsui, Yoshiro. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:105023.

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2020Gender inequality in COVID-19 times: Evidence from UK Prolific participants. (2020). Quintana-Domeque, Climent ; Oreffice, Sonia. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:738.

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