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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Working Papers / Bogazici University, Department of Economics


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19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.1922800 (%)0.09
19970.2222 (%)0.08
19980.212420221 (5%)0.12
19990.50.270.25410.252141 (%)0.15
20000.3615624 (%)0.14
20010.360.4131830.17371526 (16.2%)10.080.17
20020.140.370.25321100.48131421642 (15.4%)10.330.18
20030.130.390.262160.29162195 (%)0.18
20040.330.410.2422390.392311741 (50%)10.50.18
20050.430.1132620.082192 (%)0.22
20060.450.482147180.3847521102 (4.3%)30.140.19
20070.170.380.242471150.2131244297 (%)10.040.17
20080.090.380.08273110.15454504 (%)0.17
20090.150.350.15679120.154264528 (%)0.17
20100.320.181594210.22428561014 (33.3%)20.130.15
20110.240.410.1810104180.17521568121 (20%)0.2
20120.440.460.2812116330.28502511571612 (24%)50.420.21
20130.730.490.6716132550.4210221645303 (30%)0.22
20140.710.560.5110142370.26228205930 (%)20.20.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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2012Shadow Economies around the World: Model Based Estimates. (2012). Elgin, Ceyhun ; Oztunali, Oguz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/05.

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2010Political Turnover, Taxes and the Shadow Economy. (2010). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/08.

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1998Some Observations on Turkish Inflation: A Random Walk Down the Past Decade. (1998). Ucer, Murat . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:1998/02.

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2006Governance Institutions and Private Investment: An Application to the Middle East and North Africa. (2006). M-A Veganzones-Varoudakis, ; Nabli, M. K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/08.

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2001The Turkish Liquidity Crisis of 2000: What Went Wrong.... (2001). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2001/11.

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2007Concentration, Competition, Efficiency and Profitability of the Turkish Banking Sector in the Post-Crises Period. (2007). Gunes, Ali ; Abbasoglu, Osman Furkan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/20.

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2001The Transmission of a Sudden Capital Outflow: Evidence from Turkey. (2001). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2001/09.

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2002Soft Budget Constraints, Government Ownership of Banks and Regulatory Failure: The Political Economy of the Turkish Banking System in the Post-Capital Account Liberalization Era. (2002). Onis, Ziya . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2002/02.

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1996Budget Deficit, Money Supply and Inflation: Evidence from Low and High Frequency Data for Turkey. (1996). Akcay, Cevdet O.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:1996/12.

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2006Assessing the Preconditions in Establishing an Independent Regulatory and Supervisory Agency in Globalized Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey. (2006). Al, H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/06.

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2007The Economics of Uncovered Interest Parity Condition for Emerging Markets: A Survey. (2007). Fendoglu, Salih . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/13.

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2006Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence From Turkey. (2006). Damar, Evren H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/19.

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2007What Determines the Banking Sector Performance in Globalized Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey?. (2007). Ceyhan, Sanli Pinar . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/21.

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2012Cyclicality of the Informal Economy. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/02.

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2010Not-Quite-Great Depressions of Turkey: A Quantitative Analysis of Economic Growth over 1968 - 2004. (2010). Cicek, Deniz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/07.

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2000Stylized Facts of Business Cycles, Excess Volatility and Capital Flows: Evidence from Mexico and Turkey. (2000). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2000/11.

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2012Citizens’ Preferences over Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources: Evidence from Turkey. (2012). Adaman, Fikret ; Zenginobuz, unal ; Akyazi, Pinar Ertor . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/01.

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2001Budget Deficit, Inflation and Debt Sustainability: Evidence from Turkey(1970-2000). (2001). Akcay, Cevdet O.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2001/12.

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2012Wage-Productivity Gap in Turkish Manufacturing Sector. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/03.

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Private Provision of a Public Good in a General Equilibrium Model. (2001). Villanacci, Antonio . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2001/05.

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2006Why Do Foreign Banks Invest in Turkey?. (2006). Ceyhan, S. P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/22.

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2002Emerging Market Crises and the IMF: Rethinking the Role of the IMF in the Light of Turkeys 2000-2001 Financial Crises. (2002). Onis, Ziya . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2002/03.

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2013Financial Deglobalization: Is The World Getting Smaller?. (2013). di Mauro, Beatrice Weder ; Van Rijckeghem, Caroline . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2013/14.

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2001On Environmental Concern, Willingness to Pay, and Postmaterialist Values: Evidence from Istanbul. (2001). Goksen, Fatos ; Adaman, Fikret . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2001/10.

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2011Optimal Sequencing of Presidential Primaries. (2011). Selman, Deniz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2011/09.

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2006The Effects of Volatility on Growth and Financial Development through Capital Market Imperfections. (2006). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/12.

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2010Contracting with a Time-Inconsistent Agent. (2010). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/15.

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2007Cost of Labor in Manufacturing Sectors of Turkey Compared with Other Transition Countries: Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. (2007). Dincsoy, Burcu . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/04.

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2004Estimating the Term Structure of Government Securities in Turkey. (2004). Akdemir, Aras ; Kazimov, Kazim . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2004/03.

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2010Endogenous Social Networks in the Labor Market. (2010). Kuzubas, Tolga U.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/13.

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2012Public Debt, Sovereign Default Risk and Shadow Economy. (2012). Uras, Burak R. ; Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/10.

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2006The Role of Efficiency of Redistributive Institutions on Redistribution: An Empirical Assessment. (2006). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/14.

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2010Can Sustained Economic Growth and Declining Population Coexist? Barro-Becker Children Meet Lucas. (2010). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/11.

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2006A Multinomial Logit Model of Bank Choice: An Application to Turkey. (2006). Yuzereroglu, Uygar . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/02.

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2011Public Trust, Taxes and the Informal Sector. (2011). Elgin, Ceyhun ; Garcia, Mario-Solis . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2011/04.

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2012Is Informality a Barrier to Financial Development?. (2012). Uras, Burak R. ; Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/12.

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2010Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy and the Shadow Economy. (2010). Cicek, Deniz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/09.

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2007How Do Political and Governance Institutions Affect Private Investment Decisions? An Application to the Middle East and North Africa. (2007). M-A Veganzones-Varoudakis, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/05.

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2013Lurking in the Cities: Urbanization and the Informal Economy. (2013). Oyvat, Cem . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2013/10.

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2006Yurttaslarin Cebinden Devletin Kasasina: Turkiyede Kim Ne kadar Vergi Oduyor?. (2006). Goksen, Fatos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/18.

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2012Unionization and Informal Economy. (2012). Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/11.

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2014Informal economy in Africa: Building human capital to set the Gazelles free. (2014). A. Bwn Youssef, ; Arouri, M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2014/04.

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2013Neoliberal reason and its forms:Depoliticization through economization*. (2013). Adaman, Fikret . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2013/07.

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2009Ottoman State Finances in Comparative European Perspective, 1500-1914. (2009). PAMUK, EVKET ; Karaman, Kvan K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2009/05.

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2006Network Effects in Risk Sharing and Credit Market Access: Evidence from Istanbul. (2006). Tuzemen, Didem ; Adaman, Fikret . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/17.

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2007Independence and Accountability of Regulatory Agencies in Turkey. (2007). Sosay, Gul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/17.

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2013Goodness-of-fit of the Heston, Variance-Gamma and Normal-Inverse Gaussian Models. (2013). Goncu, Ahmet ; Cepni, Oguzhan ; Karahan, Mehmet Oguz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2013/16.

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2013Environmental Kuznets Curve for the Informal Sector of Turkey (1950-2009). (2013). Oztunali, Oguz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2013/05.

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2001The Likely Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Turkish Banking Sector: A Stylized Model and Simulations. (2001). Orhan, Mehmet Aras . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2001/02.

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2009MIDAS Volatility Forecast Performance Under Market Stress: Evidence from Emerging and Developed Stock Markets. (2009). Saltoglu, Burak ; Fendoglu, Salih . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2009/04.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2012Shadow Economies around the World: Model Based Estimates. (2012). Elgin, Ceyhun ; Oztunali, Oguz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/05.

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2010Political Turnover, Taxes and the Shadow Economy. (2010). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/08.

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2012Citizens’ Preferences over Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources: Evidence from Turkey. (2012). Adaman, Fikret ; Zenginobuz, unal ; Akyazi, Pinar Ertor . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/01.

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2006Governance Institutions and Private Investment: An Application to the Middle East and North Africa. (2006). M-A Veganzones-Varoudakis, ; Nabli, M. K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/08.

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2007Concentration, Competition, Efficiency and Profitability of the Turkish Banking Sector in the Post-Crises Period. (2007). Gunes, Ali ; Abbasoglu, Osman Furkan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/20.

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2010Not-Quite-Great Depressions of Turkey: A Quantitative Analysis of Economic Growth over 1968 - 2004. (2010). Cicek, Deniz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/07.

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2012Wage-Productivity Gap in Turkish Manufacturing Sector. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/03.

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2006Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence From Turkey. (2006). Damar, Evren H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/19.

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2012Cyclicality of the Informal Economy. (2012). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/02.

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2013Financial Deglobalization: Is The World Getting Smaller?. (2013). di Mauro, Beatrice Weder ; Van Rijckeghem, Caroline . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2013/14.

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2007What Determines the Banking Sector Performance in Globalized Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey?. (2007). Ceyhan, Sanli Pinar . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/21.

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2013Lurking in the Cities: Urbanization and the Informal Economy. (2013). Oyvat, Cem . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2013/10.

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2010Endogenous Social Networks in the Labor Market. (2010). Kuzubas, Tolga U.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/13.

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2007How Do Political and Governance Institutions Affect Private Investment Decisions? An Application to the Middle East and North Africa. (2007). M-A Veganzones-Varoudakis, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/05.

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2006Assessing the Preconditions in Establishing an Independent Regulatory and Supervisory Agency in Globalized Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey. (2006). Al, H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2006/06.

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2011Optimal Sequencing of Presidential Primaries. (2011). Selman, Deniz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2011/09.

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2010Can Sustained Economic Growth and Declining Population Coexist? Barro-Becker Children Meet Lucas. (2010). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2010/11.

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2001The Turkish Liquidity Crisis of 2000: What Went Wrong.... (2001). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2001/11.

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2007The Economics of Uncovered Interest Parity Condition for Emerging Markets: A Survey. (2007). Fendoglu, Salih . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2007/13.

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2012Public Debt, Sovereign Default Risk and Shadow Economy. (2012). Uras, Burak R. ; Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/10.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 20:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Sector strength and efficiency on developed and emerging financial markets. (2014). Fiedor, Pawe . In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. RePEc:eee:phsmap:v:413:y:2014:i:c:p:180-188.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Informal economy in Africa: Building human capital to set the Gazelles free. (2014). A. Bwn Youssef, ; Arouri, M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2014/04.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Effects of urbanization on economic growth and human capital formation in Africa. (2014). ben Youssef, Adel ; Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, ; Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, ; Nguyen-Viet, Cuong ; Soucat, Agnes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-01068271.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Internationalization of Finance and Changing Vulnerabilities in Emerging and Developing Economies. (2014). Akyuz, Ylmaz . In: UNCTAD Discussion Papers. RePEc:unc:dispap:217.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Pollution and Informal Economy. (2014). Oztunali, Oguz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2014/03.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Sectoral asymmetries in a small open economy. (2014). . In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:43:y:2014:i:c:p:465-475.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014HOW POLITICAL INDICES AFFECT THE SHADOW ECONOMY. (2014). Jamalmanesh, Arash ; Razmi, Mohammad Javad . In: Romanian Economic Business Review. RePEc:rau:journl:v:9:y:2014:i:1:p:45-55.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Determinants of the weight for leisure in preferences. (2014). Elgin, Ceyhun ; Yucel, Emekcan . In: Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal. RePEc:zbw:ifweej:20149.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Determinants of the price-premium for Green Energy: Evidence from an OECD cross-section. (2014). Kristrom, Bengt ; Krishnamurthy, Chandra Kiran . In: CERE Working Papers. RePEc:hhs:slucer:2013_007.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Is the value of environmental goods sensitive to the public funding scheme? Evidence from a marine restoration programme in the Black Sea. (2014). Adaman, Fikret ; Koundouri, Phoebe ; Nunes, Paulo ; Remoundou, Kyriaki . In: Empirical Economics. RePEc:spr:empeco:v:47:y:2014:i:4:p:1173-1192.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Tax evasion, financial development and inflation: Theory and empirical evidence. (2014). Stander, Lardo ; Gupta, Rangan . In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:41:y:2014:i:c:p:194-208.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The relationship between GDP and the size of the informal economy: Empirical evidence for Spain. (2014). Duarte, Pablo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:leiwps:127.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Tax Enforcement, Technology, and the Informal Sector. (2014). Solis-Garcia, Mario . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2014/05.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Pollution and Informal Economy. (2014). Oztunali, Oguz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2014/03.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Informal economy in Africa: Building human capital to set the Gazelles free. (2014). A. Bwn Youssef, ; Arouri, M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2014/04.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Environmental Kuznets Curve for the Informal Sector of Turkey (1950-2009). (2014). Elgin, Ceyhun ; Oiztunala, Ogiuz . In: Panoeconomicus. RePEc:voj:journl:v:61:y:2014:i:4:p:471-485.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Homeownership, Informality and the Transmission of Monetary Policy. (2014). Uras, Burak R.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2014/09.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Global corruption and the shadow economy: spatial aspects. (2014). Saunoris, James ; Goel, Rajeev . In: Public Choice. RePEc:kap:pubcho:v:161:y:2014:i:1:p:119-139.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Homeownership, Informality and the Transmission of Monetary Policy. (2014). . In: Discussion Paper. RePEc:tiu:tiucen:8e4ba433-9a16-4e06-8227-caae0856f78e.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The Role of Government Debt in Economic Growth. (2014). Alves, Jose . In: Working Papers Department of Economics. RePEc:ise:isegwp:wp162014.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2014

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Effects of urbanization on economic growth and human capital formation in Africa. (2014). ben Youssef, Adel ; Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, ; Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, ; Nguyen-Viet, Cuong ; Soucat, Agnes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-01068271.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Tax Evasion, Tax Policies and the Role Played by Financial Markets.. (2014). . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:58977.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2013

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Recent citations received in: 2012

[Click on heading to sort table]

2012Environmental Regulation, Pollution and the Informal Economy. (2012). Elgin, Ceyhun ; Mazhar, Ummad . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/07.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Internet Usage and the Shadow Economy: Evidence from Panel Data. (2012). Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/09.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Public Debt, Sovereign Default Risk and Shadow Economy. (2012). Uras, Burak R. ; Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/10.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Unionization and Informal Economy. (2012). Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bou:wpaper:2012/11.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Unionization and informal economy. (2012). Elgin, Ceyhun . In: Economics Bulletin. RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-12-00353.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2011

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