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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

PGDA Working Papers / Program on the Global Demography of Aging


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19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.19000 (%)0.09
19970.20100 (%)0.08
19980.21000 (%)0.12
19990.27000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.390100 (%)0.18
20040.410400 (%)0.18
20050.436640.67900 (%)0.22
20060.451420160.878668 (10.3%)110.790.19
20070.550.380.55828150.5461201120119 (14.8%)20.250.17
20080.590.380.51341210.51692213281410 (14.5%)20.150.17
20090.620.350.441051200.3934211341184 (11.8%)20.20.17
20100.220.320.491162320.522423551255 (20.8%)10.090.15
20110.710.410.882082550.6741211556491 (2.4%)20.10.2
20120.450.460.681496590.619311462421 (11.1%)50.360.21
20130.560.490.4611107490.46334196831 (%)0.22
20140.120.560.23107240.222536615 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2008Demographic Change and Economic Growth in Asia. (2008). Bloom, David E. ; Finlay, Jocelyn E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4108.

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2006The Economics of HIV/AIDS in Low-Income Countries: The Case for Prevention. (2006). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1806.

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2008Population Aging and Economic Growth. (2008). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:3108.

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2007Fertility, Female Labor Force Participation, and the Demographic Dividend. (2007). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2507.

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2009Disease and Development Revisited. (2009). Canning, David ; Fink, Gunther ; Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4409.

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2007The Height of Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Role of Health, Nutrition, and Income in Childhood. (2007). Akachi, Yoko . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2207.

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2006Endogenous Longevity and Economic Growth. (2006). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:0706.

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2007A Theory of Retirement. (2007). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2607.

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2007Realizing the Demographic Dividend: Is Africa any different?. (2007). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2307.

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2008Population Aging and Economic Growth in Asia. (2008). Bloom, David E. ; Finlay, Jocelyn . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4008.

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2009Financial incentives for return of service in underserved areas: a systematic review. (2009). Bloom, David E. ; Barnighausen, Till . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4309.

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2006The Effect of Subjective Survival Probabilities on Retirement and Wealth in the United States. (2006). Song, Younghwan . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1706.

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2011Population aging and endogenous economic growth. (2011). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7211.

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2010The Fertility Transition Around the World - 1950-2005. (2010). Vollmer, Sebastian . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:5710.

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2008Urbanization and the Wealth of Nations. (2008). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:3008.

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2005Perceptions of Risk and Strategies for Prevention: Responses to HIV/AIDS in Rural Malawi. (2005). Smith, Kirsten P. ; Watkins, Susan Cotts . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:0305.

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2011Implications of Population Aging for Economic Growth. (2011). Bloom, David E. ; Fink, Gnther . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:6411.

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2008Social Interactions and Fertility in Developing Countries. (2008). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:3408.

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2006The global implications of freer skilled migration. (2006). Vedi, Jahnvi. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1006.

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2011Population Aging: Facts, Challenges, and Responses. (2011). Seike, Atsushi ; McGee, Patrick ; Bloom, David E. ; Boersch-Supan, Axel . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7111.

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2006Demographic Change, Social Security Systems, and Savings. (2006). Bloom, David ; Mansfield, Rick ; Moore, Michael . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1906.

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2010The Long-run Determinants of Fertility: One Century of Demographic Change 1900-1999. (2010). Herzery, Dierk ; Vollmer, Sebastian ; Strulik, Holger . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:6310.

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2011Long-Run Trends of Human Aging and Longevity. (2011). Strulik, Holger ; Vollmer, Sebastian . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7311.

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2012Declining fertility and economic well-being: do education and health ride to the rescue?. (2012). Bloom, David E. ; Prettner, Klaus ; Strulik, Holger . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:8412.

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2006Chinas Growth to 2030: Demographic Change and the Labour Supply Constraint. (2006). Golley, Jane . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1106.

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2010Economic security arrangements in the context of population ageing in India. (2010). Bloom, David E. ; Rosenberg, Larry ; Sevilla, Jaypee . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:6010.

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2006Does Age Structure Forecast Economic Growth?. (2006). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2006.

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2011Population Dynamics in India and Implications for Economic Growth. (2011). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:6511.

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2006Chinas Growth to 2030: The Roles of Demographic Change and Investment Premia. (2006). Golley, Jane . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1206.

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2011From Burden to Best Buys: Reducing the Economic Impact of Non-Communicable Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (2011). Stein, Adam ; Jane-Llopis, Eva ; Bloom, David E. ; Chisholm, Dan ; Feigl, Andrea . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7511.

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2010Optimal Aging and Death. (2010). Strulik, Holger . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:5810.

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2009The Effect of Social Security Reform on Male Retirement in High and Middle Income Countries. (2009). Canning, David ; Finlay, Jocelyn ; Fink, Gunther ; Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4809.

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2009The Graying of Global Population and Its Macroeconomic Consequences. (2009). Canning, David ; Fink, Gunther ; Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4709.

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2011Demographic Change and Economic Growth in South Asia. (2011). Bloom, David E. ; Rosenberg, Larry . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:6711.

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2011The Causes and Consequences of the Demographic Transition. (2011). Canning, David . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7911.

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2008The Mortality and Morbidity Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Adult Heights. (2008). Akachi, Yoko . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:3308.

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2006Epidemics and Economics. (2006). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:0906.

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2008Demographic Change, Institutional Settings, and Labor Supply. (2008). Bloom, David E. ; Finlay, Jocelyn E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4208.

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2006Global Demography: Fact, Force and Future. (2006). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1406.

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2012The Global Economic Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases. (2012). Weiss, Jonathan ; Stein, Adam Z. ; Jane-Llopis, Eva ; Ozaltin, Emre ; Cafiero, Elizabeth ; Bloom, David E. ; Gaziano, Tom ; OFarrell, Danny ; Abrahams-Gessel, Shafika ; Weinstein, Cara ; Fathima, Sana ; Seligman, Benjamin ; Mowafi, Mona ; Pandya, Ankur ; Rosenberg, Larry ; Feigl, Andrea B. ; Hamandi, Ali . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:8712.

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2007The Contribution of Population Health and Demographic Change to Economic Growth in China and India. (2007). Bloom, David E. ; Liu, Yuanli ; Hu, Linlin. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2807.

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Assessing the Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS on Nigerian Households: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. (2006). Odumosu, Kunle ; OkonkwoZhiwei, Prosper. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1606.

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2007Valuing Lives Equally and Welfare Economics. (2007). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2707.

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2005Global Demographic Change: Dimensions and Economic Significance. (2005). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:0105.

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2012Microeconomic Foundations of the Demographic Dividend. (2012). Canning, David ; Finlay, Jocelyn E. ; Fink, Gunther ; Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:9312.

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2010Population Aging and Economic Growth in China. (2010). Bloom, David E. ; Rosenberg, Larry ; Banister, Judith . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:5310.

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2006Booms, Busts, and Echoes: How the biggest demographic upheaval in history is affecting global development. (2006). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1506.

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2013The Economic Impact of Non-communicable Disease in China and India: Estimates, Projections, and Comparisons. (2013). Stanciole, Anderson ; Bakkila, Samuel ; Rosenberg, Larry ; Weiss, Jonathan ; Cafiero, Elizabeth T. ; Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:10713.

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2011The Economic Effects of Malaria Eradication: Evidence from an Intervention in Uganda. (2011). Chase, Claire ; Anekwe, Tobenna ; Barofsky, Jeremy ; Farzadfar, Farshad . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7011.

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2012Increasing life expectancy and optimal retirement:does population aging necessarily undermine economic prosperity?. (2012). Canning, David . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:9112.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2006The Economics of HIV/AIDS in Low-Income Countries: The Case for Prevention. (2006). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1806.

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2009Disease and Development Revisited. (2009). Canning, David ; Fink, Gunther ; Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4409.

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2010The Fertility Transition Around the World - 1950-2005. (2010). Vollmer, Sebastian . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:5710.

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2007The Height of Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Role of Health, Nutrition, and Income in Childhood. (2007). Akachi, Yoko . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2207.

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2011Population Aging: Facts, Challenges, and Responses. (2011). Seike, Atsushi ; McGee, Patrick ; Bloom, David E. ; Boersch-Supan, Axel . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7111.

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2009Financial incentives for return of service in underserved areas: a systematic review. (2009). Bloom, David E. ; Barnighausen, Till . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:4309.

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2011Population Dynamics in India and Implications for Economic Growth. (2011). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:6511.

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2008Urbanization and the Wealth of Nations. (2008). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:3008.

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2011Population aging and endogenous economic growth. (2011). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7211.

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2011Implications of Population Aging for Economic Growth. (2011). Bloom, David E. ; Fink, Gnther . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:6411.

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2005Perceptions of Risk and Strategies for Prevention: Responses to HIV/AIDS in Rural Malawi. (2005). Smith, Kirsten P. ; Watkins, Susan Cotts . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:0305.

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2007Realizing the Demographic Dividend: Is Africa any different?. (2007). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2307.

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2007Fertility, Female Labor Force Participation, and the Demographic Dividend. (2007). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:2507.

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2011From Burden to Best Buys: Reducing the Economic Impact of Non-Communicable Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (2011). Stein, Adam ; Jane-Llopis, Eva ; Bloom, David E. ; Chisholm, Dan ; Feigl, Andrea . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7511.

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2006The Effect of Subjective Survival Probabilities on Retirement and Wealth in the United States. (2006). Song, Younghwan . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:1706.

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2011Long-Run Trends of Human Aging and Longevity. (2011). Strulik, Holger ; Vollmer, Sebastian . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7311.

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2008Social Interactions and Fertility in Developing Countries. (2008). Bloom, David E.. In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:3408.

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2012Declining fertility and economic well-being: do education and health ride to the rescue?. (2012). Bloom, David E. ; Prettner, Klaus ; Strulik, Holger . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:8412.

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2011The Causes and Consequences of the Demographic Transition. (2011). Canning, David . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:7911.

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2006Endogenous Longevity and Economic Growth. (2006). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:0706.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 3:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Multiple Chronic Diseases and Their Linkages with Functional health and Subjective Wellbeing among adults in the low-middle income countries: An Analysis of SAGE Wave1 Data, 2007/10. (2014). Jain, Kshipra ; Uttamacharya, Uttamacharya ; Arokiasamy, Perianayagam . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:54914.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Do fertility transitions influence infant mortality declines? Evidence from early modern Germany. (2014). Fernihough, Alan ; McGovern, Mark . In: Journal of Population Economics. RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:27:y:2014:i:4:p:1145-1163.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Multiple Chronic Diseases and Their Linkages with Functional health and Subjective Wellbeing among adults in the low-middle income countries: An Analysis of SAGE Wave1 Data, 2007/10. (2014). Jain, Kshipra ; Uttamacharya, Uttamacharya ; Arokiasamy, Perianayagam . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:54914.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2013

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Recent citations received in: 2012

[Click on heading to sort table]

2012Human Capital Accumulation and the Macroeconomy in an Ageing Society. (2012). Heijdra, Ben J. ; Laurie S. M. Reijnders, ; Laurie S. M. Reijnders, . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4046.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Economic Development and Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases. (2012). Villouta, Claudia Pescetto ; David A. Mayer Foulkes, . In: Working papers. RePEc:emc:wpaper:dte543.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Public education, technological change and economic prosperity: semi-endogenous growth revisited. (2012). . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:9012.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Demographic change and R&D-based economic growth: Reconciling theory and evidence. (2012). Trimborn, Timo . In: Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:cegedp:139.

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[Citation Analysis]
2012Public education, technological change and economic prosperity: semi-endogenous growth revisited. (2012). . In: Annual Conference 2012 (Goettingen): New Approaches and Challenges for the Labor Market of the 21st Century. RePEc:zbw:vfsc12:65414.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2011

[Click on heading to sort table]

2011The Effect of Childhood Measles Vaccination on School Enrollment in Matlab, Bangladesh. (2011). Razzaque, Abdur ; Driessen, Julia ; Canning, David ; Walker, Damian . In: PGDA Working Papers. RePEc:gdm:wpaper:8111.

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[Citation Analysis]
2011Employment growth patterns in South Asia : some evidence from interim enterprise survey data. (2011). . In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:5856.

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[Citation Analysis]

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