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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Working Papers / Universidad de San Andres, Departamento de Economia


Impact Factor


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19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.11100 (%)0.05
19940.1145111 (%)0.05
19950.1549155 (%)0.1
19960.1961556897 (12.5%)0.09
19970.10.20.071530.2101151 (%)0.08
19980.170.210.0711610.063611511 (33.3%)0.12
19990.270.242060.31611533 (18.8%)0.15
20000.360.0762640.152451518 (33.3%)10.170.14
20010.20.360.29103670.19441021754 (9.1%)10.10.17
20020.50.370.621349230.475916821139 (15.3%)20.150.18
20030.390.390.44857350.6110523934152 (1.9%)91.130.18
20040.570.410.511875320.4344211241211 (2.3%)10.060.18
20050.770.430.61388480.55162262055335 (3.1%)90.690.22
20060.450.450.65290490.5410311462402 (20%)0.19
20071.470.380.69494420.4545152254371 (2.2%)0.17
200810.380.78296500.5216645351 (100%)0.17
20090.670.350.67197500.523643926 (%)110.17
20100.320.9511108530.493832221 (%)70.640.15
20110.580.410.62110440.471272012 (%)0.2
20120.690.460.951111590.5311392019 (%)0.21
20131.330.490.761112350.31341713 (%)0.22
20140.50.560.385117440.38221166 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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2005Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Water Services on Child Mortality. (2005). Gertler, Paul ; Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:54.

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2007Fertility and Female Labor Supply in Latin America: New Causal Evidence. (2007). Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:84.

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2003The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Wage Inequality: Evidence from Argentina. (2003). Sanguinetti, Pablo ; Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:65.

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2010Firms Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints. (2010). Sivadasan, Jagadeesh ; Hallak, Juan Carlos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:99.

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1996Where Are We in the Political Economy of Reform?. (1996). Velasco, Andres ; Tommasi, Mariano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:11.

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2005The Effect of a Large Expansion of Pre-Primary School Facilities on Preschool Attendance and Maternal Employment. (2005). Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:77.

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2003Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes, and Policy Outcomes. An Intertemporal Transactions Framework. (2003). Stein, Ernesto ; Spiller, Pablo T.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:59.

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2001Fiscal Federalism in Argentina: Policies, Politics, and Institutional Reform. (2001). Tommasi, Mariano ; Saiegh, Sebastian M. ; Sanguinetti, Pablo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:32.

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2003Financial Dollarization and Debt Deflation under a Currency Board. (2003). Yeyati, Eduardo Levy ; Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:64.

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1996Recurrent High Inflation and Stabilization: A Dynamic Game. (1996). Sturzenegger, Federico ; Tommasi, Mariano ; Mondino, Guillermo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:10.

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2004Sustaining Social Security. (2004). Niepelt, Dirk . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:72.

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2000The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy: A Transactions Approach with Application to Argentina. (2000). Tommasi, Mariano ; Spiller, Pablo T.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:29.

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2004The Institutions of Regulation. (2004). Spiller, Pablo T.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:67.

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2002Amateur Legislators-Professional Politicians: The Argentine Congress. (2002). Tommasi, Mariano ; Saiegh, Sebastian M. ; Spiller, Pablo T. ; Jones, Mark P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:31.

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2002The Term Structure of Country Risk and Valuation in Emerging Markets. (2002). Alonso, Joaquin ; Buscaglia, Marcos ; Cruces, Juan Jose . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:46.

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2002Judicial Decision Making in Unstable Environments, Argentina 1935-1998. (2002). Tommasi, Mariano ; Spiller, Pablo T. ; Iaryczower, Matias . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:30.

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2001Evaluating the Impact of School Decentralization on Education Quality. (2001). Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:41.

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2006A Note on the Suboptimality of Right-of-First-Refusal Clauses. (2006). Arozamena, Leandro . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:92.

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2002Federalism in Argentina and the Reforms of the 1990s. (2002). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:48.

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2005The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy. (2005). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:90.

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Banks Liquidity Demand in the Presence of a Lender of Last Resort. (2003). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:61.

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1999Politics, Institutions and Public Sector Spending in the Argentine Provinces. (1999). Tommasi, Mariano ; Sanguinetti, Pablo ; Jones, Mark P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:17.

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2002The Political Economy of Economic Reforms in Argentina. (2002). Bambaci, Juliana ; Saront, Tamara . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:43.

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1999A Principal-Agent Building Block for the Study of Decentralization and Integration. (1999). Tommasi, Mariano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:20.

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2002Fiscal Rules for Subnational Governments. Some Organizing Principles and Latin American Experiences. (2002). Braun, Miguel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:44.

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2001Income Taxation and Marital Decisions. (2001). Ventura, Gustavo ; Chade, Hector . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:35.

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2000Explaining and Predicting Bank Failure in Argentina Using Duration Models. (2000). Dabos, Marcelo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:26.

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2004Financial Innovation, Market Participation, and Asset Prices. (2004). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:76.

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2000Politics, Institutions, and Fiscal Performance in the Argentine Provinces. (2000). Tommasi, Mariano ; Sanguinetti, Pablo ; Jones, Mark P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:16.

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2011Evolving to the Impatience Trap: The Example of the Farmer-Sheriff Game. (2011). Levine, David K. ; Modica, Salvatore ; Zurita, Felipe . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:109.

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2002The Benefits and Costs of Privatization in Argentina: A Microeconomics Analysis. (2002). Gertler, Paul ; Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:53.

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2004Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and the Absorption Capabilities of Domestic Firms in the Argentine Manufacturing Sector (1992-2001). (2004). Lopez, Andres ; Rossi, Gaston ; Chudnovsky, Daniel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:74.

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2004Persistence and Regional Disparities in Unemployment. (2004). Porto, Alberto ; Galiani, Sebastian ; Lamarche, Carlos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:71.

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2009Testing Under Local Misspecification and Artificial Regressions. (2009). BERA, Anil K. ; MontesRojas, Gabriel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:97.

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1996Crisis Bancaria y Medicion de Riesgo de Default. Metodos y el Caso de los Bancos Cooperativos en Argentina. (1996). Dabos, Marcelo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:12.

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2011Export Emergence of Differentiated Goods from Developing Countries: Four Argentine Cases. (2011). Artopoulos, Alejandro ; Friel, Daniel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:107.

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1999The Tequila Banking Crisis in Argentina. (1999). Dabos, Marcelo ; Maria Laura Gomez Mera, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:19.

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2002Crime Victimization and Income Distribution. (2002). DiTella, Rafael ; Galiani, Sebastian ; di Tella, Rafael . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:50.

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1998Fiscal Crisis and Inflation in XIX Century Argentina. (1998). Conde, Roberto Cortes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:18.

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1999Real Exchange Rate Response to Capital Flows in Mexico: An Empirical Analysis. (1999). Juan-Ramon, Hugo V. ; Dabos, Marcelo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:21.

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2001Measuring the Level of Competition in the Argentine Banking Industry. (2001). Aromi, Daniel ; Dabos, Marcelo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:34.

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2004Implicit Rents from Own-Housing and Income Distribution. Econometric Estimates for Greater Buenos Aires. (2004). Gasparini, Leonardo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:58.

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2003Las Recientes Crisis Sistemicas en Paises Emergentes: Las Peculiaridades del Caso Argentino. (2003). Lopez, Andres ; Pupato, German ; Chudnovsky, Daniel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:63.

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Banking and Markets in a Monetary Model. (2005). Kawamura, Enrique L. ; Antinolfi, Gaetano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:79.

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2002Nonparametric Estimation and Nonadditive Hedonic Models. (2002). Heckman, James ; Matzkin, Rosa L. ; Nesheim, Lars . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:51.

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2005Insider Trading and Corporate Governance in Latin America: A Sequential Trade Model Approach. (2005). Kawamura, Enrique L. ; Cruces, Juan Jose . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:86.

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2014State Capacity and the Quality of Policies. Revisiting the Relationship between Openness and Government Size. (2014). Scartascini, Carlos ; Tommasi, Mariano ; Chuaire, Maria Franco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:115.

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2000Corruption with Competition Among Hidden Principals. (2000). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:24.

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Crisis, Political Institutions and Policy Reform: It Is Not the Policy, It Is the Polity, Stupid. (2004). . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:49.

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1994Estimaciones del Producto Bruto Interno de Argentina, 1875-1935. (1994). Conde, Roberto Cortes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:3.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2005Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Water Services on Child Mortality. (2005). Gertler, Paul ; Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:54.

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2007Fertility and Female Labor Supply in Latin America: New Causal Evidence. (2007). Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:84.

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2010Firms Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints. (2010). Sivadasan, Jagadeesh ; Hallak, Juan Carlos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:99.

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1996Where Are We in the Political Economy of Reform?. (1996). Velasco, Andres ; Tommasi, Mariano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:11.

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2002The Term Structure of Country Risk and Valuation in Emerging Markets. (2002). Alonso, Joaquin ; Buscaglia, Marcos ; Cruces, Juan Jose . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:46.

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2005The Effect of a Large Expansion of Pre-Primary School Facilities on Preschool Attendance and Maternal Employment. (2005). Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:77.

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2003The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Wage Inequality: Evidence from Argentina. (2003). Sanguinetti, Pablo ; Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:65.

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2011Evolving to the Impatience Trap: The Example of the Farmer-Sheriff Game. (2011). Levine, David K. ; Modica, Salvatore ; Zurita, Felipe . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:109.

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2014State Capacity and the Quality of Policies. Revisiting the Relationship between Openness and Government Size. (2014). Scartascini, Carlos ; Tommasi, Mariano ; Chuaire, Maria Franco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:115.

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2002The Political Economy of Economic Reforms in Argentina. (2002). Bambaci, Juliana ; Saront, Tamara . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:43.

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2003Financial Dollarization and Debt Deflation under a Currency Board. (2003). Yeyati, Eduardo Levy ; Galiani, Sebastian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:64.

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2009Testing Under Local Misspecification and Artificial Regressions. (2009). BERA, Anil K. ; MontesRojas, Gabriel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:97.

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2004Persistence and Regional Disparities in Unemployment. (2004). Porto, Alberto ; Galiani, Sebastian ; Lamarche, Carlos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:71.

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2010Veto Players and Policy Trade-offs. An Intertemporal Approach to Study the Effects of Political Institutions on Policy. (2010). Scartascini, Carlos ; Stein, Ernesto . In: Working Papers. RePEc:sad:wpaper:101.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 1:

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2014Optimal nondiscriminatory auctions with favoritism. (2014). Shunda, Nicholas . In: Economics Bulletin. RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-13-00718.

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