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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

CASE Network Reports / CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research


Impact Factor


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19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.19000 (%)0.09
19970.21100 (%)0.08
19980.2112211 (%)0.12
19990.277910221 (10%)0.15
20000.250.360.2221130.278292 (%)0.14
20010.440.360.36112260.2717941141 (5.9%)10.090.17
20020.370.0532510.046313221 (%)0.18
20030.210.390.1712660.232143244 (%)0.18
20040.750.410.2932980.2812432471 (8.3%)0.18
20050.750.430.65433130.392432013 (%)0.22
20060.430.450.64437140.3897322142 (22.2%)0.19
20070.380.33744100.2338155 (%)10.140.17
20080.550.380.42650130.262116198 (%)0.17
20090.350.0485870.1214132411 (7.1%)0.17
20100.140.320.1462120.192142293 (%)0.15
20110.080.410.11173120.16121212934 (33.3%)20.180.2
20120.330.460.28578170.22315536101 (33.3%)0.21
20130.310.490.29684220.2651653410 (%)10.170.22
20140.090.560.0648860.072111342 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Centraland Eastern Europe. (2002). Ganev, Georgy ; Wozniak, Przemyslaw ; Rybinski, Krzysztof . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0052.

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2004Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. (2004). Rawdanowicz, Lukasz ; Wozniak, Przemyslaw ; Blaszkiewicz, Monika . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0057.

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2009Deep Integration with the EU and its Likely Impact on Selected ENP Countries and Russia. (2009). Orlova, Irina ; Taran, Svitlana ; Maliszewska, Maryla . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0088.

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2001Restructuring and Development of the Banking Sector in Poland. Lessons to be Learnt by Less Advanced Transition Countries. (2001). Bratkowski, Andrzej ; Balcerowicz, Ewa . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0044.

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2006Tax Wedge and Skills: Case of Poland in International Perspective. (2006). Sowa, Agnieszka ; Walewski, Mateusz ; Gora, Marek ; Radziwill, Artur . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0064.

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1999Privatization and Company Restructuring in Poland. (1999). Blaszczyk, Barbara ; Woodward, Richard . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0018.

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2001Secondary Privatization in Slovenia: Evolution of Ownership Structure and Company Performance Following Mass Privatization. (2001). Bohm, Andreja ; Rojec, Matija ; Simoneti, Marko ; Rems, Marko ; Majcen, Boris . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0046.

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2001The Evolution of Ownership Structure in Firms Privatized through Wholesale Schemes in the Czech Republic and Poland. (2001). Hashi, Iraj ; Grosfeld, Irena . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0049.

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2011Shallow versus Deep Integration between Mediterranean Countries and the EU and within the Mediterranean Region. (2011). Ghoneim, Ahmed Farouk ; Mogilevsky, Roman ; Peridy, Nicolas ; Parra, Maximiliano Mendez ; Gonzalez, Javier Lopez ; Lopezgonzalez, Javier ; Omorova, Anara . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0096.

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2006Non-tariff barriers in Ukrainian export to the EU. (2006). Orlova, Irina ; Vavryschuk, Vitaly ; Maliszewska, Maryla ; Jakubiak, Malgorzata ; Rokicka, Magdalena . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0068.

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2009Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and the Commonwealth of the Independent States. (2009). Francois, Joseph ; Manchin, Miriam . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0084.

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Social Security, Labour Market and Restructuring: Current Situation and Expected Outcomes of Reforms. (2009). Ruzik, Anna ; Rohozynsky, Oleksandr ; Gora, Marek ; Rokicka, Magdalena ; Kula, Grzegorz . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0090.

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1999Disinflation, Monetary Policy and Fiscal Constraints. Experience of the Countries in Transition. (1999). . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0016.

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2009Economic Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. (2009). Ayadi, Rym ; Ghoneim, Ahmed ; Holmes, Peter ; El Elj, Moez ; Gasiorek, Michael ; Maliszewska, Maryla ; Tekce, Mahmut ; De Wulf, Luc ; DeWulf, Luc ; Gonzalez, Javier Lopez ; Lopezgonzalez, Javier ; Guerin, Selen ; Kassal, Hammad . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0089.

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1998Barriers to Entry and Growth of Private Companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Albania and Lithuania. (1998). Balcerowicz, Ewa ; Hashi, Iraj . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0014.

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2011Public Expenditures on Education and Health in the Kyrgyz Republic before and during the Global Crisis. (2011). . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0097.

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2011Information and Communications Technology in the Middle East: Situation as of 2010 and Prospective Scenarios for 2030. (2011). Abbassi, Jawad . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0105.

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2007The New EU Frontier: Perspectives on Enhanced Economic Integration. (2007). Kolesnichenko, Anna ; Paczynski, Wojciech ; lgen, Sinan ; Jakubiak, Malgorzata ; Roberts, John . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0071.

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2001Secondary Privatization in the Czech Republic: Changes in Ownership and Enterprise Performance in Voucher-Privatized Firms. (2001). Kocenda, Evzen ; Valachy, Juraj . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0045.

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2013The Relationship Between Energy and Socio-Economic Development in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean. (2013). Bergasse, Emanuel ; Paczyski, Wojciech ; Dbrowski, Marek ; De Wulf, Luc ; DeWulf, Luc . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0112.

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2004The Lisbon Strategy at Midterm: Expectations and Reality. (2004). Mogensen, Urlik Butzow ; Royuela-Mora, Vicente . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0058.

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2009Income and Distribution Effects of Migration and Remittances: an Analysis Based on CGE Models for Selected CIS Countries. (2009). Uzagalieva, Ainura ; Vavryschuk, Vitaly ; Mahmoud, Toman Omar ; Mogilevsky, Roman ; Tourdyeva, Natalia A. ; Luecke, Matthias ; Tereshchenko, Kseniya ; Atamanov, Aziz . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0086.

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2010Pension Reform Options for Russia and Ukraine: A Critical Analysis of Available Options and Their Expected Outcomes. (2010). Gora, Marek ; Rohozynsky, Oleksandr ; Sinyavskaya, Oksana . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0091.

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2011The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Public Expenditures on Education and Health in the Economies of the Former Soviet Union. (2011). Chubrik, Alexander ; Mogilevsky, Roman ; Dabrowski, Marek ; Sinitsina, Irina . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0100.

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20142012 Update Report to the Study to quantify and analyse the VAT Gap in the EU-27 Member States. (2014). Barbone, Luca ; Bonch-Osmolovskiy, Mikhail . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0120.

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2003The Sources of Economic Growth in Ukraine after 1998 Currency Crisis and the Countrys Prospects. (2003). Jakubiak, Malgorzata . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0055.

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2008The Development Gap Between the CIS and EU. (2008). Chubrik, Alexander ; Dubrovskiy, Vladimir ; Tokmazishvili, Michael ; Kartseva, Marina ; Rokicka, Magdalena ; Sinitsina, Irina ; Makenbaeva, Irina ; Lukashova, Irina ; Denisova, Irina ; Atamanov, Aziz . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0081.

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2011Tourism in the MED 11 Countries. (2011). Lanquar, Robert . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0098.

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1999Effects of Privatization of Industrial Enterprises in Bulgaria. Report on Empirical Research. (1999). Pankow, Julian ; Kozarzewski, Piotr ; Dimitrov, Lubomir . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0034.

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2012The Costs of VAT: A Review of the Literature. (2012). Caro, Jaime Vazquez ; Bird, Richard ; Barbone, Luca . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0106.

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2007Price Convergence in the Enlarged Internal Market. (2007). Dreger, Christian ; Wozniak, Przemyslaw ; Kholodilin, Konstantin ; Lommatzsch, Kirsten ; Slacalek, Jirka . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0076.

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2013Labour Migration from the Eastern Partnership Countries: Evolution and Policy Options for Better Outcomes. (2013). Barbone, Luca ; Bonch-Osmolovskiyi, Mikhail ; Luecke, Matthias . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0113.

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2005Understanding Reform: The Case of Poland. (2005). Kochanowicz, Jacek ; Woodward, Richard ; Kozarzewski, Piotr . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0059.

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1999Macroeconomic and Fiscal Challenges Facing Central European Countries During the EU Accession Process. (1999). . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0026.

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1999Banking Sector Systemic Risk in Selected Cenral European Countries. Review of: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. (1999). Kawalec, Stefan . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0023.

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2011Public Expenditures on Education and Health in Belarus before and during the Global Crisis. (2011). Kruk, Dmitrij ; Shymanovich, Gleb . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0102.

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2001Secondary Privatisation: The Evolution of Ownership Structures of Privatised Enterprises. (2001). Blaszczyk, Barbara ; Woodward, Richard . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0050.

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2013Economic Development, Trade and Investment in the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean Region. (2013). DeWulf, Luc ; De Wulf, Luc . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0111.

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2001The Episodes of Currency Crises in the European Transition Economies. (2001). Radziwill, Artur ; Antczak, Rafal ; Sasin, Marcin ; Markiewicz, Malgorzata . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0040.

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2012Transport Infrastructure for MED11 Countries. (2012). Carruthers, Robin . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0108.

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2001Secondary Privatization in Poland (Part I): Evolution of Ownership Structure and Company Performance in Firms Privatized by Employee Buyouts. (2001). Kozarzewski, Piotr ; Woodward, Richard . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0047.

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2013Study to quantify and analyse the VAT Gap in the EU-27 Member States. (2013). Bettendorf, Leon ; Bird, Richard ; Belkindas, Misha V. ; Bonch-Osmolovskiy, Mikhail ; Smart, Michael ; Barbone, Luca . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0116.

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Sustaining Low Inflation in Ukraine. (2005). Jakubiak, Malgorzata ; Paczynski, Wojciech ; Hryvniv, Volodymyr ; Wozniak, Przemyslaw ; Novoseletska, Oksana ; Mykhaylychenko, Mykyta . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0063.

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2002Poverty Dynamics in Poland. Selected Quantitative Analyses. (2002). Sowa, Agnieszka ; Golinowska, Stanislawa ; Beblo, Miriam ; Pietka, Katarzyna ; Lauer, Charlotte . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0054.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2002Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Centraland Eastern Europe. (2002). Ganev, Georgy ; Wozniak, Przemyslaw ; Rybinski, Krzysztof . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0052.

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2009Deep Integration with the EU and its Likely Impact on Selected ENP Countries and Russia. (2009). Orlova, Irina ; Taran, Svitlana ; Maliszewska, Maryla . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0088.

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2011Tourism in the MED 11 Countries. (2011). Lanquar, Robert . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0098.

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2009Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and the Commonwealth of the Independent States. (2009). Francois, Joseph ; Manchin, Miriam . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0084.

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2013The Relationship Between Energy and Socio-Economic Development in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean. (2013). Bergasse, Emanuel ; Paczyski, Wojciech ; Dbrowski, Marek ; De Wulf, Luc ; DeWulf, Luc . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0112.

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2012The Costs of VAT: A Review of the Literature. (2012). Caro, Jaime Vazquez ; Bird, Richard ; Barbone, Luca . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0106.

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20142012 Update Report to the Study to quantify and analyse the VAT Gap in the EU-27 Member States. (2014). Barbone, Luca ; Bonch-Osmolovskiy, Mikhail . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0120.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 1:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Determinants of VAT Gap in EU. (2014). Zidkova, Hana . In: Prague Economic Papers. RePEc:prg:jnlpep:v:2014:y:2014:i:4:id:496:p:514-530.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2014

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Recent citations received in: 2013

[Click on heading to sort table]

2013Report No. 56: Labour Migration from EaP Countries to the EU – Assessment of Costs and Benefits and Proposals for Better Labour Market Matching. (2013). Biavaschi, Costanza ; Kurekova, Lucia . In: IZA Research Reports. RePEc:iza:izarrs:56.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2012

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Recent citations received in: 2011

[Click on heading to sort table]

2011Tourism in the MED 11 Countries. (2011). Lanquar, Robert . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0098.

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[Citation Analysis]
2011The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Public Expenditures on Education and Health in the Economies of the Former Soviet Union. (2011). Chubrik, Alexander ; Mogilevsky, Roman ; Dabrowski, Marek ; Sinitsina, Irina . In: CASE Network Reports. RePEc:sec:cnrepo:0100.

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[Citation Analysis]

Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results.

Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.