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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers / The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw


Impact Factor


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19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.19000 (%)0.09
19970.2000 (%)0.08
19980.21000 (%)0.12
19990.276610.178002 (25%)10.170.15
20000.170.360.171710.146161 (%)0.14
20010.140.360.14273410.03771711 (14.3%)0.17
20020.040.370.03225630.0517281341 (%)10.050.18
20030.120.390.11147070.11496566 (%)0.18
20040.030.410.035312360.05233617023 (13%)30.060.18
20050.060.430.0512390.076741176 (%)0.22
20060.040.450.042414750.031653211652 (12.5%)0.19
20070.380.0314750.03241133 (%)0.17
20080.040.380.05415180.0592419153 (33.3%)10.250.17
20090.250.350.041816940.0210418132 (20%)10.060.17
20100.050.320.11817770.041221465 (%)0.15
20110.080.410.071619380.044262544 (%)10.060.2
20120.040.460.091020380.041241464 (%)0.21
20130.120.490.115208100.05263566 (%)0.22
20140.560.07208100.0515574 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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2002Making EU Trade Agreements Work: The Role of Rules of Origin. (2002). Manchin, Miriam ; Brenton, Paul . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:027.

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2008Economic Inequality in Central, East and Southeast Europe. (2008). Holzner, Mario ; Leitner, Sebastian . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:074.

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1999Balkan Reconstruction and European Integration. (1999). Tsoukalis, Loukas ; Gligorov, Vladimir ; Kaldor, Mary . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:001.

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2004Household Tax Compliance and the Shadow Economy in Central and Southeastern Europe. (2004). Christie, Edward ; Holzner, Mario . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:038.

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2009The Impact of the Flat Tax Reform on Inequality: The Case of Romania. (2009). Mihaescu, Flaviu ; Voinea, Liviu . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:081.

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2001Structure of Trade in Manufactured Products Between Southeast European Countries and the European Union. (2001). Astrov, Vasily . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:014.

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2006Real Exchange Rate Distortion in Southeast Europe. (2006). Holzner, Mario . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:068.

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2006The Effect of Trade Liberalization in South-Eastern European Countries. (2006). de Sousa, Jose ; Lamotte, Olivier ; Damijan, Joze P.. In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:070.

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2004GSIM Measurement of the Costs of Protection in Southeast Europe. (2004). Holzner, Mario . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:055.

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2004Trade Flows in Southeast Europe. (2004). Christie, Edward . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:059.

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2002Southeast Europe: History of Divergence. (2002). Gligorov, Vladimir . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:024.

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2006Euroisation in Albania: From Spontaneous to Consensual. (2006). Sojli, Elvira ; Muco, Marta ; Luci, Erjon . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:071.

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2009Determinants of Inequality in Selected SEE Countries: Results from Shapley Value Decompositions. (2009). Stehrer, Robert ; Leitner, Sebastian . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:084.

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2004Illegal Trade in South East Europe. (2004). Holzner, Mario ; Gligorov, Vladimir . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:061.

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2011Do Social Transfers Crowd-Out Remittances: Evidence from Bosnia. (2011). Oru, Nermin . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:092.

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2004Infrastructural Needs & Economic Development in Southeastern Europe: The Case of Rail and Road Transport Infrastructure. (2004). Christie, Edward ; Gligorov, Vladimir ; Holzner, Mario . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:060.

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2011Sources of Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria. (2011). Naydenov, Alexander ; Boshnakov, Venelin . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:089.

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2004Understanding Reforms in Macedonia. (2004). Bishev, Gligor ; Petkovski, Mihail . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:042.

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2004Private Sector and Labour Market Developments in Albania: Formal versus Informal. (2004). Luci, Erjon ; Sanfey, Peter ; Muco, Marta ; Hashorva, Genti . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:039.

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2006Return Migration’s Profile and Experience: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria. (2006). Boshnakov, Venelin ; Mintchev, Vesselin . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:065.

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2012Measuring the Effects of Trade Liberalization in Kosovo. (2012). Peci, Florin ; Holzner, Mario . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:098.

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2002International and Regional Economic Integration in South East Europe: The Case of Macedonia. (2002). Miljovski, Jane ; Uzunov, Vanco . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:019.

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2004Inflation and Endogenous Growth in Underground Economies. (2004). Cziraky, Dario . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:050.

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2003The Process of EU Accession: What Will it Bring to Southeast Europe?. (2003). Grabbe, Heather . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:031.

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2009Determinants and Implications of Remittances in Albania and Romania. (2009). Bleahu, Ana ; Calmuc, Rodica ; Duval, Laetitia ; de Sousa, Jose ; Wolff, Franois-Charles . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:080.

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2004Unemployment and Labour Market Rigidities in Southeast Europe. (2004). Micevska, Maja . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:049.

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2002SEE and the Trade Potential of Croatia. (2002). Vujcic, Boris ; Sosic, Vedran . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:028.

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2009Labour Supply, Remittances and the New Flat Tax in Albania. (2009). Narazani, Edlira . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:077.

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2001Recovery and Growth in the Manufacturing Sectors of CEE Transition Economies: Short and Long-Term Efficiency Improving Factors. (2001). Majcen, Boris ; Damijan, Joze P.. In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:012.

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2006Labour Market Dynamics and Characteristics in Bulgaria and Romania: Challenges for a Successful Integration in the European Union. (2006). Pauna, Bianka ; Kotzeva, Mariana . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:066.

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2010Decomposing Redistributive and Reranking Effects to Reveal Contributions of Taxes and Benefits. (2010). . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:085.

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2004Southeast Europe: Regional Cooperation with Multiple Equilibria. (2004). Gligorov, Vladimir . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:058.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2009The Impact of the Flat Tax Reform on Inequality: The Case of Romania. (2009). Mihaescu, Flaviu ; Voinea, Liviu . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:081.

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2006The Effect of Trade Liberalization in South-Eastern European Countries. (2006). de Sousa, Jose ; Lamotte, Olivier ; Damijan, Joze P.. In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:070.

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2008Economic Inequality in Central, East and Southeast Europe. (2008). Holzner, Mario ; Leitner, Sebastian . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:074.

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2011Do Social Transfers Crowd-Out Remittances: Evidence from Bosnia. (2011). Oru, Nermin . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:092.

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1999Balkan Reconstruction and European Integration. (1999). Tsoukalis, Loukas ; Gligorov, Vladimir ; Kaldor, Mary . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:001.

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2004Trade Flows in Southeast Europe. (2004). Christie, Edward . In: wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers. RePEc:wii:bpaper:059.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 0:

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Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2011

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2011Providing and Financing the Social Services in the Community – International Experience, Bulgarian Practice, Opportunities for Changes. (2011). Georgi Shopov, Stefan Ivanov, . In: Economic Studies journal. RePEc:bas:econst:y:2011:i:4:p:57-93.

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[Citation Analysis]

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.