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Food Security International Development Working Papers / Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.12210.535203 (100%)0.06
19910.092714 (%)0.05
19920.11210.527 (%)0.06
19930.142430.75607 (%)0.07
19940.1291350.38222912 (54.5%)20.220.06
19950.270.160.2351890.5151131332 (13.3%)0.1
19960.50.20.51331541.74421471685 (11.9%)0.09
19970.060.210.07334140.4113181292 (%)0.09
19980.060.220.09337160.43401613235 (12.5%)10.330.13
19990.170.280.3946410.89536133104 (7.5%)10.110.16
20000.420.370.27248170.3561253391 (16.7%)0.14
20010.180.360.2748100.21112308 (%)0.17
20020.370.29250110.222175 (%)0.18
20030.40.38151150.29221661 (50%)0.19
20040.420.5253340.641731471 (5.9%)0.19
200520.430.86154210.3943676 (%)110.21
20061.330.450.83559160.272934654 (13.8%)20.40.2
20070.830.390.55362210.3418651161 (5.6%)0.17
200810.391466270.41168812121 (6.3%)10.250.17
20090.140.370.47672220.3126711576 (23.1%)10.170.18
20100.30.330.37880190.24311031974 (12.9%)10.130.15
20110.860.410.651191270.322141226173 (13.6%)30.270.2
20120.260.460.38899270.27519532121 (20%)0.21
20130.320.50.514103410.4519637193 (60%)0.21
20140.170.540.516109350.3221223719 (%)20.330.26
20150.30.60.542111340.311033720 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

11986Contract Farming and Its Effect on Small Farmers in Less Developed Countries. (1986). Minot, Nicholas. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54740.

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21998Incentives for Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of Empirical Evidence on Fertilizer Response and Profitability. (1998). Reardon, Thomas ; Naseem, Anwar ; Kelly, Valerie ; Yanggen, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54677.

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31985Periodicals for Microcomputers: An Annotated Bibliography, Second Edition. (1985). Stilwell, Thomas C.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54750.

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4Patterns and Trends in Food Staples Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa: Toward the Identification of Priority Investments and Strategies for Developing Markets and Promoting Smallholder Productivi. (2010). Myers, Robert ; Mason, Nicole ; Jayne, Thomas ; Ferris, John ; Chapoto, Antony ; Boughton, Duncan ; Lenski, Natalie ; Beaver, Margaret ; Mather, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:62148.

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51999Successes and Challenges of Food Market Reform: Experiences from Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. (1999). Weber, Michael ; Johansson, Robert ; Jayne, Thomas ; Zulu, Ballard ; Santos, Paula ; Chisvo, Munhamo ; Mukumbu, Mulinge ; Tschirley, David ; Soroko, David. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54672.

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61983Software Directories for Microcomputers: An Annotated Bibliography. (1983). Stilwell, Thomas C.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54762.

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71986Rapid Reconnaissance Guidelines for Agricultural Marketing and Food System Research in Developing Countries. (1986). Holtzman, John S.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54741.

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81994Agricultural Research Impact Assessment: The Case of Maize Technology Adoption in Southern Mali. (1994). Boughton, Duncan ; DE FRAHAN, Bruno HENRY . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54729.

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92011A Farm Gate-to-Consumer Value Chain Analysis of Kenya’s Maize Marketing System. (2011). Sitko, Nicholas ; Jayne, Thomas ; Karin, Francis ; Muyanga, Milu ; Sheahan, Megan ; Kirimi, Lilian ; Flock, James ; Bor, Gilbert . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:101172.

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102009The Impacts of Trade Barriers and Market Interventions on Maize Price Predictability: Evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa. (2009). Jayne, Thomas ; Chapoto, Antony. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:56798.

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111989Small Scale Manufacturing Growth in Africa: Initial Evidence. (1989). Liedholm, Carl ; Parker, Joan . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54738.

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121986The Effect of Policy and Policy Reforms on Non-Agricultural Enterprises and Employment in Developing Countries: A Review of Past Experiences. (1986). Haggblade, Steven ; Liedholm, Carl ; Mead, Donald C.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54744.

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131996Intrahousehold Allocations: A Review of Theories, Empirical Evidence and Policy Issues. (1996). Strauss, John ; Beegle, Kathleen. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54688.

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141997Improving the Impact of Market Reform on Agricultural Productivity in Africa: How Institutional Design Makes a Difference. (1997). Staatz, John ; Reardon, Thomas ; Jayne, Thomas ; Shaffer, James D.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54684.

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152006Anticipating and Responding to Drought Emergencies in Southern Africa: Lessons from the 2002-2003 Experience. (2006). Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Mwinga, Billy ; Arlindo, Pedro ; Nijhoff, Jan J. ; Tschirley, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54564.

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161999Effects of Agricultural Commercialization on Food Crop Input Use and Productivity in Kenya. (1999). Yamano, Takashi ; Strauss, John ; Jayne, Thomas ; Karanja, Daniel ; Strasberg, Paul J. ; Nyoro, James . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54675.

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172004A Cross-Country Analysis of Household Responses to Adult Mortality in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications For HIV/AIDS Mitigation And Rural Development Policies.. (2004). Yamano, Takashi ; Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Donovan, Cynthia ; Chapoto, Antony ; Bailey, Linda ; Yoo, Kyeongwon ; Mghenyi, Elliot ; Mazhangara, Edward ; Mather, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54571.

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182007Factors Associated with Farm Households’ Movement Into and Out of Poverty in Kenya: The Rising Importance of Livestock.. (2007). Jayne, Thomas ; Burke, William ; Freeman, Ade H. ; Kristjanson, P.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54563.

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192007Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement: An Assessment of Experience in Africa and Elements of Good Donor Practice.. (2007). Tschirley, David ; del Castillo, Anne Marie . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54562.

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202008The 2008/09 Food Price and Food Security Situation in Eastern and Southern Africa: Implications for Immediate and Longer Run Responses.. (2008). Jayne, Thomas ; Donovan, Cynthia ; Chapoto, Antony ; Minde, Isaac . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54556.

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211999Macro Trends and Determinates of Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa. (1999). Naseem, Anwar ; Kelly, Valerie . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54671.

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221999Effects of Cash Crop Production on Food Crop Productivity in Zimbabwe: Synergies or Trade-offs?. (1999). Jayne, Thomas ; Govereh, Jones . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54670.

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232010Modernizing Africa’s Fresh Produce Supply Chains without Rapid Supermarket Takeover: Towards a Definition of Research and Investment Priorities. (2010). Hichaambwa, Munguzwe ; Tschirley, David L. ; Loescher, Wayne ; Ayieko, Miltone W. ; Goeb, Joey . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:93030.

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241983Microcomputers and Programmable Calculators for Agricultural Research in Developing Countries. (1983). Weber, Michael ; Crawford, Eric ; Vincent, Warren ; Stilwell, Thomas ; Pease, James . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54765.

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252004The Effects of Market Reform on Maize Marketing Margins in South Africa.. (2004). Traub, Lulama ; Jayne, Thomas. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54570.

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261994The Rate of Return to Agricultural Research in Uganda: The Case of Oilseeds and Maize. (1994). Laker-Ojok, Rita. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54728.

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271993The Impact of Investments in Maize Research and Dissemination in Zambia Part I: Main Report. (1993). Chitala, George M. ; Kalonge, Sylvester M. ; Howard, Julie A.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54732.

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281995Who Eats Yellow Maize? Preliminary Results of a Survey of Consumer Maize Preferences in Maputo, Mozambique. (1995). Santos, Ana Paula ; Tschirley, David L.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54697.

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291996Zambias Stop-And-Go Revolution: The Impact of Policies and Organizations on the Development and Spread of Maize Technology. (1996). Mungoma, Catherine ; Howard, Julie A.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54689.

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302006The Many Paths of Cotton Sector Reform in Eastern and Southern Africa: Lessons from a Decade of Experience. (2006). Tschirley, David ; Boughton, Duncan. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54565.

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311998The Effect of Liberalization on Grain Prices and Marketing Margins in Ethiopia. (1998). Myers, Robert ; Jayne, Thomas ; Negassa, Asfaw . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54681.

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321996Trends in Real Food Prices in Six Sub-Saharan African Countries. (1996). Staatz, John ; Jayne, Thomas ; Ferris, John ; Sanankoua, Abdel Kader ; Mukumbu, Mulinge ; Lundberg, Mattias ; Aldridge, Kim ; Howard, Julie ; Duncan, John ; Keita, Francis ; Nakaponda, Bethel. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54695.

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331984Small Enterprises in Egypt: A Study of Two Governorates. (1984). Seale, James ; Saidi, Abdel Rahman ; El Sheikh, Nadia ; Badr, Mahmoud ; Mead, Donald C.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54755.

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341994Interactions Between Food Market Reform and Regional Trade in Zimbabwe and South Africa: Implications for Food Security. (1994). Jayne, Thomas ; van Zyl, Johan ; Takavarasha, T.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54703.

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35Food Markets, Policy, and Technology: The Case of Honduran Dry Beans. (2000). Weber, Michael ; Bernsten, Richard ; Martel, Pedro V.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54577.

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361989Food Security and Economic Growth in the Sahel: A Summary of the September 1989 Cereals Workshop. (1989). Staatz, John ; D'Agostino, Victoire C.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54737.

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371995A Strategic Approach to Agricultural Research Program Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa. (1995). Staatz, John ; Crawford, Eric ; Boughton, Duncan ; Howard, Julie ; Shaffer, James ; Oehmke, James . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54702.

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382006Smallholder Farming Under Increasingly Difficult Circumstances: Policy and Public Investment Priorities for Africa. (2006). Jayne, Thomas ; Mather, D. ; Mghenyi, E.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54567.

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391994Assessing the Impact of Cowpea and Sorghum Research and Extension in Northern Cameroon. (1994). Bernsten, Richard ; Sterns, James A.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54727.

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402006Emergency Needs Assessments and the Impact of Food Aid on Local Markets. (2006). Staatz, John ; Donovan, Cynthia ; Tschirley, David ; McGlinchy, Megan. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54566.

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412008Spatial Disadvantages or Spatial Poverty Traps: Household Evidence from Rural Kenya.. (2008). Jayne, Thomas ; Burke, William. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54560.

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421993The Impact of Investments in Maize Research and Dissemination in Zambia, Part II: Annexes. (1993). Chitala, George M. ; Kalonge, Sylvester M. ; Howard, Julie A.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54731.

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432009Spatial Patterns of Food Staple Production and Marketing in South East Africa: Implications for Trade Policy and Emergency Response. (2009). Longabaugh, Steven ; Haggblade, Steven ; Tschirley, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54553.

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441999Increasing Seed System Efficiency in Africa: Concepts, Strategies and Issues. (1999). Naseem, Anwar ; Maredia, Mywish ; Kajisa, Kei ; Boughton, Duncan ; Wanzala, Mariah ; Howard, Julie . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54578.

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451983Periodicals for Microcomputers: An Annotated Bibliography. (1983). Stilwell, Thomas C.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54764.

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462005Using Empirical Information in the Era of HIV/AIDS to Inform Mitigation and Rural Development Strategies: Selected Results from African Country Studies. (2005). Weber, Michael ; Jayne, Thomas ; Donovan, Cynthia ; Mather, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54569.

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471986Rural Small Scale Enterprises in Zambia: Results of a 1985 Country-Wide Survey. (1986). Milimo, John T. ; Fisseha, Yacob. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54743.

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481996An Economic and Institutional Analysis of Maize Research in Kenya. (1996). Karanja, Daniel David. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54693.

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49Opportunities to Improve Household Food Security Through Promoting Informal Maize Marketing Channels: Experience from Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. (2006). Traub, Lulama ; Jayne, Thomas. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54568.

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501996Transforming Poultry Production and Marketing in Developing Countries: Lessons Learned with Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa. (1996). Farrelly, Laura L.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54687.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12010Patterns and Trends in Food Staples Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa: Toward the Identification of Priority Investments and Strategies for Developing Markets and Promoting Smallholder Productivi. (2010). Myers, Robert ; Mason, Nicole ; Jayne, Thomas ; Ferris, John ; Chapoto, Antony ; Boughton, Duncan ; Lenski, Natalie ; Beaver, Margaret ; Mather, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:62148.

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22011A Farm Gate-to-Consumer Value Chain Analysis of Kenya’s Maize Marketing System. (2011). Sitko, Nicholas ; Jayne, Thomas ; Karin, Francis ; Muyanga, Milu ; Sheahan, Megan ; Kirimi, Lilian ; Flock, James ; Bor, Gilbert . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:101172.

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31998Incentives for Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of Empirical Evidence on Fertilizer Response and Profitability. (1998). Reardon, Thomas ; Naseem, Anwar ; Kelly, Valerie ; Yanggen, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54677.

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42009The Impacts of Trade Barriers and Market Interventions on Maize Price Predictability: Evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa. (2009). Jayne, Thomas ; Chapoto, Antony. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:56798.

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51986Contract Farming and Its Effect on Small Farmers in Less Developed Countries. (1986). Minot, Nicholas. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54740.

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61999Effects of Agricultural Commercialization on Food Crop Input Use and Productivity in Kenya. (1999). Yamano, Takashi ; Strauss, John ; Jayne, Thomas ; Karanja, Daniel ; Strasberg, Paul J. ; Nyoro, James . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54675.

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72007Factors Associated with Farm Households’ Movement Into and Out of Poverty in Kenya: The Rising Importance of Livestock.. (2007). Jayne, Thomas ; Burke, William ; Freeman, Ade H. ; Kristjanson, P.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54563.

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81999Effects of Cash Crop Production on Food Crop Productivity in Zimbabwe: Synergies or Trade-offs?. (1999). Jayne, Thomas ; Govereh, Jones . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54670.

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92010Modernizing Africa’s Fresh Produce Supply Chains without Rapid Supermarket Takeover: Towards a Definition of Research and Investment Priorities. (2010). Hichaambwa, Munguzwe ; Tschirley, David L. ; Loescher, Wayne ; Ayieko, Miltone W. ; Goeb, Joey . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:93030.

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102012What is the Scope for Increased Fertilizer Use in Kenya?. (2012). Jayne, Thomas ; Sheahan, Megan ; Black, Roy . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:135283.

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112013A Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar.. (2013). Haggblade, Steven ; Boughton, Duncan. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:161372.

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122009Spatial Patterns of Food Staple Production and Marketing in South East Africa: Implications for Trade Policy and Emergency Response. (2009). Longabaugh, Steven ; Haggblade, Steven ; Tschirley, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54553.

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131997Improving the Impact of Market Reform on Agricultural Productivity in Africa: How Institutional Design Makes a Difference. (1997). Staatz, John ; Reardon, Thomas ; Jayne, Thomas ; Shaffer, James D.. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54684.

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141999Increasing Seed System Efficiency in Africa: Concepts, Strategies and Issues. (1999). Naseem, Anwar ; Maredia, Mywish ; Kajisa, Kei ; Boughton, Duncan ; Wanzala, Mariah ; Howard, Julie . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54578.

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152011Smallholder Heterogeneity and Maize Market Participation in Southern and Eastern Africa: Implications for Investment Strategies to Increase Marketed Food Staple Supply. (2011). Jayne, Thomas ; Boughton, Duncan ; Mather, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:118473.

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162013Cereal Market Dynamics: The Malian Experience from the 1990s to Present. (2013). Me-Nsope, Nathalie ; Murekezi, Abdoul Karim ; Kelly, Valerie A. ; Perakis, Sonja Melissa ; Mather, David . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:146935.

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172014Agribusiness Models for Inclusive Growth in Myanmar: Diagnosis and Ways Forward. (2014). Byerlee, Derek ; San Thein, U ; Kham, Seng L ; Kyaw, Dolly . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:189109.

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181996Intrahousehold Allocations: A Review of Theories, Empirical Evidence and Policy Issues. (1996). Strauss, John ; Beegle, Kathleen. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54688.

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192008Spatial Disadvantages or Spatial Poverty Traps: Household Evidence from Rural Kenya.. (2008). Jayne, Thomas ; Burke, William. In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:54560.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 3:

2015Sorghum Productivity in Mali: Past, Present, and Future. (2015). Kelly, Valerie ; Teme, Bino ; Diakite, Lamissa . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:207024.

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2015• Aquaculture in Transition: Value Chain Transformation, Fish and Food Security in Myanmar. (2015). Reardon, Thomas ; Boughton, Duncan ; Nischan, Ulrike ; Belton, Ben ; Kham, Seng L ; Htoo, Kyan ; Hein, Aung . In: Food Security International Development Working Papers. RePEc:ags:midiwp:230981.

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2015Improving water management in Myanmar’s dry zone for food security, livelihoods and health. (2015). International Water Management Institute, IWMI, . In: IWMI Reports. RePEc:ags:iwmirp:229586.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2014

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2014The Role of Landholding as a Determinant of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Rural Myanmar. (2014). Rammohan, Anu ; Pritchard, Bill . In: World Development. RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:64:y:2014:i:c:p:597-608.

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2014The Fall and Rise Again of Plantations in Tropical Asia: History Repeated?. (2014). Byerlee, Derek . In: Land. RePEc:gam:jlands:v:3:y:2014:i:3:p:574-597:d:37633.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team