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Working Papers / Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory (GAEL)


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.433100 (%)0.19
20040.42710133 (%)0.19
20050.10.430.151510.074101101 (%)0.21
20060.45722141215 (%)0.2
20070.170.390.09133580.23421222224 (9.5%)60.460.17
20080.550.390.34742120.295201135121 (20%)0.17
20090.250.370.23446100.22205399 (%)0.18
20100.330.1175350.099113643 (33.3%)0.15
20110.410.1686160.1111386 (%)0.2
20120.070.460.28667120.1891513911 (%)10.170.21
20130.290.50.131279120.1591443241 (11.1%)20.170.21
20140.170.540.24988280.32361833794 (11.1%)161.780.26
201510.60.5712100290.292212142241 (50%)20.170.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12014A reconsideration of gender differences in risk attitudes. (2014). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-01.

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22007When and why does it pay to be green ?. (2007). Ambec, Stefan ; Lanoie, P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200704.

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32007Environmental policy, innovation and performance : new insights on the Porter hypothesis. (2007). Laurent-Lucchetti, jérémy ; Johnstone, Nick ; Ambec, Stefan ; Lanoie, P.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200706.

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4Cooperation and equity in the river sharing problem. (2007). Ehlers, Lars ; Ambec, Stefan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200705.

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52010Credence goods, experts and risk aversion. (2010). Tropeano, Jean-Philippe ; Lemarié, Stéphane ; Bonroy, Olivier ; Lemarie, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201005.

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62007Mechanism design with private communication. (2007). MARTIMORT, David ; Dequiedt, Vianney. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200702.

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72006Efficient collusion in optimal auctions. (2006). Dequiedt, Vianney. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200607.

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82012Willingness to pay for environmental attributes of non-food agricultural products: a real choice experiment. (2012). Joly, Iragaël ; Michaud, C. ; Llerena, D.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201201.

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92006Technological agglomeration and the emergence of clusters and networks in nanotechnology. (2006). Mangematin, Vincent ; Rip, A. ; Robinson, D. K. R., . In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200603.

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102013Weak and strong cross-sectional dependence: a panel data analysis of international technology diffusion. (2013). Ertur, Cem ; Musolesi, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2013-09.

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112014On the economics of labels : how their introduction affects the functioning of markets and the welfare of all participants. (2014). Constantatos, Christos ; Bonroy, Olivier. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-03.

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122014Choosing whether to compete: Price and format competition with consumer confusion. (2014). Gaudeul, Alexia ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-08.

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132010Downstream labeling and upstream price competition. (2010). Lemarié, Stéphane ; Bonroy, Olivier ; Lemarie, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201001.

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142005Vertical integration and the licensing of innovation with a fixed fee or a royalty. (2005). Lemarié, Stéphane ; Lemarie, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200517.

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152008Intellectual property rights in agricultural and agro-food biotechnologies to 2030 (© OECD International Futures Programme). (2008). Trommetter, Michel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200805.

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162013Nonlinearity, heterogeneity and unobserved effects in the carbon dioxide emissions-economic development relation for advanced countries. (2013). Mazzanti, Massimiliano ; Musolesi, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2013-08.

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172007On the use of labels in credence goods markets. (2007). Constantatos, Christos ; Bonroy, Olivier. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200709.

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182013On the economics of labels : a review of the theoretical literature. (2013). Constantatos, C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2013-01.

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192015ClicknRoll: No evidence of illusion of control. (2015). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2015-06.

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202006Sharing a common resource with concave benefits. (2006). Ambec, Stefan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200601.

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212012Does fiscal cooperation increase local tax rates in urban areas. (2012). Paty, Sonia ; Charlot, Sylvie ; Piguet, V.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201202.

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222006Ratification and veto constraints in mechanism design. (2006). Dequiedt, Vianney. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200606.

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232012An extended Knowledge Production Function approach to the genesis of innovation in the European regions. (2012). Crescenzi, Riccardo ; Charlot, Sylvie ; Musolesi, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2012-06.

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242006Sharing a river among satiable countries. (2006). Ehlers, Lars ; Ambec, Stefan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200605.

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252008Negotiating remedies : revealing the merger efficiency gains. (2008). Tropeano, Jean-Philippe ; Cosnita-Langlais, Andreea. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200803.

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262014Testing the strength and robustness of the attraction effect in consumer decision making. (2014). Gaudeul, Alexia ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-04.

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272003Roscas as financial agreements to cope with social pressure. (2003). TREICH, Nicolas ; Ambec, Stefan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200301.

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282014Labeling by a private certifier and public regulation. (2014). Barry, I. ; Garella, P. G.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-07.

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292005The role of regional institutional entrepreneurs in the emergence of clusters in nanotechnologies. (2005). Mangematin, Vincent ; Delemarle, Aurelie ; Robinson, D. K. R., ; Rip, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200515.

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302014On the benefits of contractual inefficiency in quality-differentiated markets. (2014). Bonroy, Olivier ; Bacchiega, E.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-06.

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312004Variety and the evolution of refinery processing. (2004). Trommetter, Michel ; Saviotti, Pier Paolo ; nguyen, phuong ; Bourgeois, B.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200428.

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322007Collective management of intellectual property rights. (2007). Trommetter, Michel ; Ménière, Yann ; Dequiedt, Vianney ; Meniere, Y.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200703.

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332011Consumer responses to various nutrition front of pack logos : a framed field experiment. (2011). Ruffieux, Bernard ; Muller, L.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201105.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12014A reconsideration of gender differences in risk attitudes. (2014). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-01.

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22010Credence goods, experts and risk aversion. (2010). Tropeano, Jean-Philippe ; Lemarié, Stéphane ; Bonroy, Olivier ; Lemarie, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201005.

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32012Willingness to pay for environmental attributes of non-food agricultural products: a real choice experiment. (2012). Joly, Iragaël ; Michaud, C. ; Llerena, D.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201201.

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42013Weak and strong cross-sectional dependence: a panel data analysis of international technology diffusion. (2013). Ertur, Cem ; Musolesi, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2013-09.

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52014On the economics of labels : how their introduction affects the functioning of markets and the welfare of all participants. (2014). Constantatos, Christos ; Bonroy, Olivier. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-03.

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62014Choosing whether to compete: Price and format competition with consumer confusion. (2014). Gaudeul, Alexia ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-08.

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72010Downstream labeling and upstream price competition. (2010). Lemarié, Stéphane ; Bonroy, Olivier ; Lemarie, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:201001.

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82015ClicknRoll: No evidence of illusion of control. (2015). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2015-06.

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92008Intellectual property rights in agricultural and agro-food biotechnologies to 2030 (© OECD International Futures Programme). (2008). Trommetter, Michel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200805.

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102014Testing the strength and robustness of the attraction effect in consumer decision making. (2014). Gaudeul, Alexia ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-04.

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112013Nonlinearity, heterogeneity and unobserved effects in the carbon dioxide emissions-economic development relation for advanced countries. (2013). Mazzanti, Massimiliano ; Musolesi, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2013-08.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 21:

2015Putting on a tight leash and levelling playing field: An experiment in strategic obfuscation and consumer protection. (2015). Gu, Yiquan ; Wenzel, Tobias . In: International Journal of Industrial Organization. RePEc:eee:indorg:v:42:y:2015:i:c:p:120-128.

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2015Search and ripoff externalities. (2015). Armstrong, Mark. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:62012.

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2015Search and Ripoff Externalities. (2015). Armstrong, Mark. In: Review of Industrial Organization. RePEc:kap:revind:v:47:y:2015:i:3:p:273-302.

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2015Consumer misperception of eco-labels, green market structure and welfare. (2015). Brécard, Dorothée. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fae:wpaper:2015.01.

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2015Gender Interaction in Teams: Experimental Evidence on Performance and Punishment Behavior. (2015). Vranceanu, Radu ; Jung, SeEun. In: PSE Working Papers. RePEc:hal:psewpa:hal-01171161.

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2015Cognitive (Ir)reflection: New Experimental Evidence. (2015). Sartarelli, Marcello ; Ponti, Giovanni ; Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Inigo ; Cueva, Carlos ; Zhukova, Vita ; Yu, Haihan ; Mata-Perez, Esther . In: QM&ET Working Papers. RePEc:ris:qmetal:2015_006.

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2015Cognitive (Ir)reflection: New Experimental Evidence. (2015). Sartarelli, Marcello ; Ponti, Giovanni ; Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Inigo ; Herrero, Carlos Cueva ; Vita, Zhukova ; Kortajarene, Iigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe ; Yu, Haihan ; Mata-Perez, Esther . In: Working Papers. Serie AD. RePEc:ivi:wpasad:2015-02.

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2015The sound of others: suprising evidence of conformist behavior. (2015). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2015-07.

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2015The Sound of Others: Surprising Evidence of Conformist Behavior. (2015). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9029.

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2015Gender Interaction in Teams: Experimental Evidence on Performance and Punishment Behavior. (2015). Vranceanu, Radu ; Jung, SeEun. In: ESSEC Working Papers. RePEc:ebg:essewp:dr-15013.

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2015Group Gender Composition and Economic Decision-Making. (2015). Vranceanu, Radu ; Lamiraud, Karine. In: ESSEC Working Papers. RePEc:ebg:essewp:dr-15015.

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2015Group Gender Composition and Economic Decision-Making. (2015). Vranceanu, Radu ; Lamiraud, Karine. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01205913.

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2015Women Do Not Play Their Aces: The Consequences of Shying Away. (2015). Praag, Mirjam ; Claussen, Jorg ; van Praag, Mirjam C ; Czibor, Eszter . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9612.

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2015Social comparison and gender differences in risk taking. (2015). Schmidt, Ulrich ; de Miranda, Katharina Lima ; Friedl, Andreas . In: Kiel Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:2011.

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2015Environmental Kuznets Curve time series application for Turkey: Why controversial results exist for similar models?. (2015). tutulmaz, onur. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. RePEc:eee:rensus:v:50:y:2015:i:c:p:73-81.

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2015Carbon dioxide reducing environmental innovations, sector upstream/downstream integration and policy: evidence from the EU. (2015). Nicolli, Francesco ; mancinelli, susanna ; Mazzanti, Massimiliano ; Marin, Giovanni. In: Empirica. RePEc:kap:empiri:v:42:y:2015:i:4:p:709-735.

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2015The Online Supplement to “International R&D Spillovers and other Unobserved Common Spillovers and Shocks”. (2015). Ruge-Leiva, Diego-Ivan. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:62205.

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2015International R&D Spillovers and other Unobserved Common Spillovers and Shocks. (2015). Ruge-Leiva, Diego-Ivan. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:1502.06805.

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2015International R&D Spillovers and other Unobserved Common Spillovers and Shocks. (2015). Ruge Leiva, Diego Ivan, . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:63500.

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2015Panel Data and Productivity Measurement. (2015). Sickles, Robin C ; Shang, Chenjun ; Hao, Jiaqi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ecl:riceco:15-018.

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2015Quality signaling through certification in developing countries. (2015). Auriol, Emmanuelle ; Steven, . In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:116:y:2015:i:c:p:105-121.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015The sound of others: suprising evidence of conformist behavior. (2015). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2015-07.

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2015The Sound of Others: Surprising Evidence of Conformist Behavior. (2015). Filippin, Antonio ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9029.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Economic Behavior under Alcohol Influence: An Experiment on Time, Risk, and Social Preferences. (2014). Vanin, Paolo ; Filippin, Antonio ; Corazzini, Luca. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bol:bodewp:wp944.

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2014The Sources of the Gender Gap in Economics Enrolment. (2014). Tonin, Mirco ; Wahba, Jackline . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4957.

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2014Digit ratio and risk taking: Evidence from a large, multi-ethnic sample. (2014). Nieboer, Jeroen ; Galizzi, Matteo ; Brañas-Garza, Pablo ; Braas-Garza, Pablo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:chu:wpaper:14-23.

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2014On the economics of labels : how their introduction affects the functioning of markets and the welfare of all participants. (2014). Constantatos, Christos ; Bonroy, Olivier. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-03.

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2014Labeling by a private certifier and public regulation. (2014). Barry, I. ; Garella, P. G.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-07.

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2014Choosing whether to compete: Price and format competition with consumer confusion. (2014). Gaudeul, Alexia ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2014-08.

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2014Gender and economic preferences in a large random sample. (2014). Ranehill, Eva ; Muren, Astri ; Dreber, Anna ; Boschini, Anne ; von Essen, Emma . In: Research Papers in Economics. RePEc:hhs:sunrpe:2014_0006.

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2014Economic Behavior under Alcohol Influence: An Experiment on Time, Risk, and Social Preferences. (2014). Vanin, Paolo ; Filippin, Antonio ; Corazzini, Luca. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8170.

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2014The Sources of the Gender Gap in Economics Enrolment. (2014). Tonin, Mirco ; Wahba, Jackline . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8414.

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2014Does Relative Grading Help Male Students? Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Classroom. (2014). Sloof, Randolph ; Praag, Mirjam ; Onderstal, Sander ; Czibor, Eszter ; van Praag, Mirjam C.. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8429.

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2014Risk, Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment. (2014). Sloof, Randolph ; Praag, Mirjam ; Koudstaal, Martin ; van Praag, Mirjam C.. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8577.

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2014Choosing whether to compete: Price and format competition with consumer confusion. (2014). Gaudeul, Alexia ; Crosetto, Paolo. In: Jena Economic Research Papers. RePEc:jrp:jrpwrp:2014-026.

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2014Gender. (2014). Niederle, Muriel. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:20788.

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2014Does Relative Grading help Male Students? Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Classroom. (2014). Sloof, Randolph ; Praag, Mirjam ; Onderstal, Sander ; Czibor, Eszter ; van Praag, Mirjam . In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20140116.

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2014Risk, Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship: Evidence From a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment. (2014). Sloof, Randolph ; Praag, Mirjam ; Koudstaal, Martin ; van Praag, Mirjam . In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20140136.

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2014Minimum quality standards and compulsory labeling: More than the sum of its parts. (2014). Voßwinkel, Jan ; Birg, Laura ; Vowinkel, Jan S.. In: Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:cegedp:226.

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Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013Economic development and CO2 emissions: assessing the effect of policy and energy time events for advanced countries. (2013). Mazzanti, Massimiliano ; Musolesi, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gbl:wpaper:2013-11.

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2013Effects of Carbon Reduction Labels: Evidence From Scanner Data. (2013). Kortelainen, Mika ; Roussillon, Beatrice ; Raychaudhuri, Jibonayan . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1309.

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Recent citations received in 2012

YearCiting document
2012Regional innovation performance in Europe. (2012). Usai, Stefano ; Foddi, Marta . In: Working Paper CRENoS. RePEc:cns:cnscwp:201221.

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team