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Economia Internazionale / International Economics / Camera di Commercio di Genova


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

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19900.11616112664 (%)0.06
19910.09223810.031229621 (8.3%)0.05
19920.030.110.03195720.048381802 (%)0.06
19930.141875194183 (%)0.07
19940.12229710.01363788 (%)0.06
19950.162412110.01374097 (%)10.040.1
19960.090.20.052814960.04164641055 (%)0.09
19970.210.013218170.0423521111 (%)0.09
19980.020.220.043221380.042360112451 (4.3%)0.13
19990.020.280.042724070.03116411385 (%)0.16
20000.370.013127160.0230591432 (%)0.14
20010.070.360.0728299190.0633584150101 (3%)20.070.17
20020.050.370.0529328130.04115931508 (%)0.18
20030.050.40.0527355200.06115731477 (%)10.040.19
20040.110.420.1125380250.0717566142152 (11.8%)0.19
20050.020.430.0425405190.05155211405 (%)30.120.21
20060.080.450.0727432290.072050413410 (%)40.150.2
20070.060.390.0823455260.062852313310 (%)20.090.17
20080.060.390.0429484150.0365031275 (%)0.17
20090.020.370.0521505150.032552112963 (12%)0.18
20100.020.330.0621526230.0415011257 (%)0.15
20110.070.410.0527553330.064231216 (%)0.2
20120.460.0838591260.044812110 (%)0.21
20130.50.0231622200.0316513631 (100%)0.21
20140.540.0433655280.0426913862 (100%)0.26
20150.030.60.0130685270.046421502 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

11994On the Robustness of Cointegration Tests of the Market Efficiency Hypothesis: Evidence from Six European Foreign Exchange Markets. (1994). Masih, Rumi ; Masih, Abul M. M., ; Masih , Abul M. M., . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0416.

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22007A Survey of the Assessments of the Effectiveness of Preferential Trade Agreements using Gravity Models. (2007). Cardamone, Paola. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0047.

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31995The Relationship between the Law of One Price and Exchange Rate Pass-through. (1995). Menon, Jayant. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0389.

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42004FDI and Regional Income Disparity in Host Countries: Evidence from China. (2004). Xing, Yuqing ; Zhang, Kevin Honglin . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0133.

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51994Determinants of National Saving Rate in Pakistan. (1994). Malik, Afia ; Hasan, Lubna ; Khan, Ashfaque H.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0411.

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61995The Impact of Growth in the Tourism Sector on Economic Development: The Experience of Selected Caribbean Countries. (1995). Modeste, Nelson C.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0394.

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71998Does Devaluation of the Renminbi Improve China’s Balance of Trade?. (1998). Zhang, Zhaoyong. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0301.

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81996Saving and Economic Growth in India. (1996). Sinha, Dipendra. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0356.

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91995Financial Deepening and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. (1995). Thornton, John. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0397.

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101990Imports and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Study. (1990). Ram, Rati . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0504.

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112001Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Eight Asian Countries. (2001). Sinha, Dipendra ; Macri, Joseph . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0219.

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122006A Single Currency for Pacific Island Countries: An SVAR Analysis. (2006). Jayaraman, TIRU ; Ward, Bert D.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0093.

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131991Fiscal Deficit and Private Sector Activities in Pakistan. (1991). Khan, Ashfaque H. ; Iqbal, Zafar . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0475.

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142009Foreign Direct Investment and Electricity Consumption on Economic Growth: Evidence from South Africa. (2009). Dube, Smile . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0009.

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152001Foreign Aid, Government Policies, and Economic Growth: Further Evidence from Cross-Country Panel Data for 1970-1993. (2001). Ram, Rati ; Lu, Shuang . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0223.

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16The Tax Reform Act of 1986: An Assessment in Terms of Tax Compliance Behavior. (2009). Cebula, Richard ; Yang, Bill Z. ; Coombs, Christopher . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0007.

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171993International Capital Mobility and the Long-Run Investrnent and Saving in Canada. (1993). Serletis, Apostolos ; Afxentiou, Panos . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0436.

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182000Exchange Rate Adjustment and Output in Selected Latin American Countries. (2000). Upadhyaya, Kamal ; Dhakal, Dharmendra ; Mixon, Franklin G.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0259.

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192000Convergence, the Maastricht Criteria, and Their Benefits. (2000). Afxentiou, Panos . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0229.

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202006Distribution and Growth in a Multi-Sector Open Economy with Excess Capacity. (2006). Mariolis, Theodore. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0091.

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212007Foreign Direct Investment and Growth: An Empirical Investigation based on Cross-Country Comparison. (2007). Ozturk, Ilhan ; KALYONCU, Huseyin. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0066.

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221993Trade and Welfare Effects of Common Market Membership: An Ex-post Evaluation for Greece. (1993). Georgakopoulos, Theodore A.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0432.

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232005Ownership Relative Efficiency in the Water Industry: A Survey of the International Empirical Evidence. (2005). Conti, Maurizio. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0102.

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241997Resolving the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle. (1997). Moosa, Imad A.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0332.

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251997Is Government Investment Underprovided in Europe? Evidence from a Panel of Fifteen Countries. (1997). Karras, Georgios. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0338.

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262008Testing for Trade-Induced Investment-Led Growth. (2008). Seghezza, Elena ; Baldwin, Richard. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0036.

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272003Banks, Maturity Mismatches and Liquidity Crises: A Simple Model. (2003). Rajan, Ramkishen ; Bird, Graham ; Rajan , . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0160.

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282002Financial Conditions Indexes. (2002). Mayes, David ; Viren, Matti . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0176.

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291988Federal Government Budget Deficits and Interest Rates in the United States: An Empirical Analysis. (1988). Cebula, Richard ; Roth, Allison ; Marks, Louise ; Bates, Kimberly . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0525.

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301997Catching up and Structural Change. (1997). Gries, Thomas ; Jungblut, Stefan . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0323.

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311998Ex Ante Real Long-Term Interest Rates and U.S. Federal Budget Deficits: Preliminary Error-Correction Evidence, 1971-1991. (1998). Cebula, Richard ; Saltz, Ira S.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0303.

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321994The Effects of Government Budget Deficits on the Interest Rates: A Case Study of a Small Open Economy. (1994). Ahmad, Mushtaq . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0424.

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332001What Explains the Boom of Foreign Direct Investment in China?. (2001). Zhang, Kevin Honglin . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0221.

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342002Do monetary Shocks Exert Nonlinear Real Effects on UK Industrial Production?. (2002). Wang, Ping ; Holmes, Mark. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0182.

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352006The Cost Implications of Hypothetical Bank Mergers in Italy. (2006). Thornton, John ; Molyneux, Philip ; Altunbas, Yener. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0379.

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361997Changes in the Income and Price Elasticities of U.S. Import Demand. (1997). Sawyer, W. Charles ; Sprinkle, Richard L. ; Deyak, Timothy A. Deyak, . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0335.

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371994The Theory of Exchange Rates and Traded Goods Prices in the Short-Run. (1994). Menon, Jayant. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0428.

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382000Human Capital, Country Size, and North-South Manufacturing Multinational Enterprises. (2000). Zhang, Kevin Honglin . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0251.

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391999Inflation, Demand, Import Competition and Markups in Greek Manufacturing Industries. (1999). Tsoulfidis, Lefteris ; Kaskarelis, Ioannis . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0274.

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402007Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment in Pacifi c Island Countries: An Empirical Study of Fiji. (2007). Jayaraman, TIRU ; Singh, Baljeet . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0065.

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412001Diversity, Globalisation and Market Stability. (2001). Tisdell, Clement ; Lasselle, Laurence ; Svizzero, Serge . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0212.

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422000The Role of Fundamentalists and Technicians in Exchange Rate Determination. (2000). Moosa, Imad A. ; Korczak, Marta . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0258.

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432004How Intense is Competition in International Markets of Traditional Goods? The Case of Italian Exporters. (2004). de Nardis, Sergio ; Pensa, Cristina . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0128.

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442001Roads to Prosperity: Assessing the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in China. (2001). Zhang, Kevin Honglin . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0228.

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451996Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries: A Simulta¬neous Equation Approach with an Appli¬cation to Greece, 1958-90. (1996). Antonakis, Nicholas . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0358.

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461990Government Borrowing and Interest Rates in the United States: An Empirical Ana¬lysis Using the IS-LM Framework. (1990). Cebula, Richard. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0495.

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471996Devaluation and the Balance of Trade: A Policy Analysis for Pakistan. (1996). Aftab, Safiya ; Khan, Shahrukh R.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0376.

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482001Inter-Industry Specialisation versus Intra- Industry Trade: a Regional Approach. (2001). Algieri, Bernardina ; Ankkuriniemi, Salla ; Zampieri, Laura . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0209.

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492001Is Lebanon’s Trade Deficit Sustainable? A Cointegration Analysis. (2001). Pattichis, Charalambos ; kanaan, Mona . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0225.

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502000Exchange Rate Economic Exposure under Collusive Pricing and Hedging Using Asian Currency Options. (2000). Kanas, Angelos. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0255.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12007A Survey of the Assessments of the Effectiveness of Preferential Trade Agreements using Gravity Models. (2007). Cardamone, Paola. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0047.

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22008Testing for Trade-Induced Investment-Led Growth. (2008). Seghezza, Elena ; Baldwin, Richard. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0036.

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32005Ownership Relative Efficiency in the Water Industry: A Survey of the International Empirical Evidence. (2005). Conti, Maurizio. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0102.

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42001What Explains the Boom of Foreign Direct Investment in China?. (2001). Zhang, Kevin Honglin . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0221.

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52007Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment in Pacifi c Island Countries: An Empirical Study of Fiji. (2007). Jayaraman, TIRU ; Singh, Baljeet . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0065.

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61998Does Devaluation of the Renminbi Improve China’s Balance of Trade?. (1998). Zhang, Zhaoyong. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0301.

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72009Responses of Output to Declining Stock Values and Real Depreciation in Lituania. (2009). Hsing, Yu. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0367.

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82009Exchange Rate Regime Verifi cation: Has China Actually Moved from a Dollar Peg to a Basket Peg? Peg?. (2009). Naughton, Tony ; Moosa, Imad . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0013.

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91995The Impact of Growth in the Tourism Sector on Economic Development: The Experience of Selected Caribbean Countries. (1995). Modeste, Nelson C.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0394.

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102001Foreign Aid, Government Policies, and Economic Growth: Further Evidence from Cross-Country Panel Data for 1970-1993. (2001). Ram, Rati ; Lu, Shuang . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0223.

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111998P. Pogany - The Global Income Elasticity of Trade: Theory and Potential Applications. (1998). Pogany, Peter. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0299.

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122009The Tax Reform Act of 1986: An Assessment in Terms of Tax Compliance Behavior. (2009). Cebula, Richard ; Yang, Bill Z. ; Coombs, Christopher . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0007.

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132005Openness and Growth in Central Eastern European Countries. (2005). Celi, Giuseppe ; Capolupo, Rosa. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0109.

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142007Foreign Direct Investment and Growth: An Empirical Investigation based on Cross-Country Comparison. (2007). Ozturk, Ilhan ; KALYONCU, Huseyin. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0066.

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152000Exchange Rate Adjustment and Output in Selected Latin American Countries. (2000). Upadhyaya, Kamal ; Dhakal, Dharmendra ; Mixon, Franklin G.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0259.

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162001Roads to Prosperity: Assessing the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in China. (2001). Zhang, Kevin Honglin . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0228.

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172000Convergence, the Maastricht Criteria, and Their Benefits. (2000). Afxentiou, Panos . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0229.

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181993An Investigation on the Effectiveness of the Devaluation Policy in the Case of the Greek Economy: 1975 I - 1991 I. (1993). Paleologos, John M.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0441.

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191991Fiscal Deficit and Private Sector Activities in Pakistan. (1991). Khan, Ashfaque H. ; Iqbal, Zafar . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0475.

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202009Foreign Direct Investment and Electricity Consumption on Economic Growth: Evidence from South Africa. (2009). Dube, Smile . In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0009.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 2:

2015Country Risk: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Northern African Economies - Il rischio paese: un’analisi teorica e empirica con particolare riferimento ai paesi del Nor. (2015). Chopra, Parvesh K.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0747.

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2015Country Risk: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Northern African Economies - Il rischio paese: un’analisi teorica e empirica con particolare riferimento ai paesi del Nor. (2015). Chopra, Parvesh K.. In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics. RePEc:ris:ecoint:0747.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team