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Economic Research Report / United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.370200 (%)0.18
20030.40100 (%)0.19
20040.410500 (%)0.18
20050.43131350.3890008 (8.9%)40.310.21
20060.620.440.621932190.591101381386 (5.5%)80.420.19
20070.50.370.52052210.4155321632165 (3.2%)20.10.17
20080.820.390.881668540.79116393252466 (5.2%)60.380.17
20090.670.360.661987480.551233624684511 (8.9%)10.050.17
20100.860.340.6616103670.65180353087575 (2.8%)40.250.15
20110.860.410.6711114740.65138353090607 (5.1%)60.550.2
20121.850.451.2751191381.16272750821041 (3.7%)0.21
201320.51.5461251341.07331632671031 (3%)10.170.2
20141.730.551.56151401671.1993111957894 (4.3%)110.730.25
20151.710.571.81131531470.961621365396 (%)50.380.26
20161.430.661.4261591510.95228405071 (%)0.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010Local Food Systems: Concepts, Impacts, and Issues. (2010). Smith, Travis ; Ralston, Katherine ; Martinez, Steve ; Low, Sarah ; Lohr, Luanne ; Newman, Constance ; Pollack, Susan ; Vogel, Stephen ; Clark, Shellye ; DaPra, Michelle ; Da Pra, Michelle ; Hand, Michael S.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:96635.

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22014Household Food Security in the United States in 2013. (2014). Gregory, Christian ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha ; Singh, Anita . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:183589.

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32011Direct and Intermediated Marketing of Local Foods in the United States. (2011). Low, Sarah ; Vogel, Stephen J.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:118025.

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42007DEMAND FOR FOOD QUANTITY AND QUALITY IN CHINA. (2007). Huang, Kuo ; Gale, Fred. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7252.

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52011Household Food Security in the United States in 2010. (2011). Nord, Mark ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:118021.

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62009Does SNAP Decrease Food Insecurity? Untangling the Self-Selection Effect. (2009). Nord, Mark ; Golla, Anne Marie . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55955.

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72011Household Food Security in the United States in 2011. (2011). Nord, Mark ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:134715.

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82010Taxing Caloric Sweetened Beverages: Potential Effects on Beverage Consumption, Calorie Intake, and Obesity. (2010). Smith, Travis ; Lin, Biing-Hwan ; Lee, Jong-Ying ; Biing-Hwan, Lin . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:95465.

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92014Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States. (2014). Mitchell, Lorraine ; Livingston, Michael ; Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge ; Wechsler, Seth . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:164263.

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102011Research Investments and Market Structure in the Food Processing, Agricultural Input, and Biofuel Industries Worldwide. (2011). Wang, Sun Ling ; Schimmelpfennig, David ; Fuglie, Keith ; Heisey, Paul ; Day-Rubenstein, Kelly ; King, John . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:120324.

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112007Profits, Costs, and the Changing Structure of Dairy Farming. (2007). O'Donoghue, Erik ; Mosheim, Robert ; McBride, William ; Sandretto, Carmen L. ; Nehring, Richard F. ; MacDonald, James . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:6704.

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122009Household Food Security in the United States, 2008. (2009). Nord, Mark ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55953.

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132007Could Behavioral Economics Help Improve Diet Quality for Nutrition Assistance Program Participants?. (2007). Mancino, Lisa ; Just, David ; Wansink, Brian . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:6391.

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142013Resources, Policies, and Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2013). Rada, Nicholas ; Fuglie, Keith. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:145368.

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152006Conservation-Compatible Practices and Programs: Who Participates?. (2006). Sullivan, Patrick ; Lambert, Dayton ; Foreman, Linda ; Claassen, Roger . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7255.

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162006ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF AGRICULTURAL LAND-USE CHANGE: THE ROLE OF ECONOMICS AND POLICY. (2006). Roberts, Michael ; Johansson, Robert ; Cooper, Joseph ; Gueorguieva, Anna ; Bucholtz, Shawn ; Lubowski, Ruben N. ; Claassen, Roger . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:33591.

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172008On the Accuracy of Nielsen Homescan Data. (2008). Nevo, Aviv ; Leibtag, Ephraim ; Einav, Liran . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56490.

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182005MANAGING MANURE TO IMPROVE AIR AND WATER QUALITY. (2005). Ribaudo, Marc ; Key, Nigel ; Johansson, Robert ; Kaplan, Jonathan ; Gollehon, Noel ; Aillery, Marcel . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:33593.

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192008The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues. (2008). Ralston, Katherine ; Guthrie, Joanne ; Buzby, Jean ; Clauson, Annette ; Newman, Constance . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56464.

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202007The Changing Economics of U.S. Hog Production. (2007). McBride, William ; Key, Nigel. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:6389.

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212008Economic Impacts of Foreign Animal Disease. (2008). Mathews, Kenneth ; Hillberg, Ann ; Paarlberg, Philip L. ; Mathews, Kenneth H. Jr, ; Lee, John G.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56453.

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222007Indian Wheat and Rice Sector Policies and the Implications of Reform. (2007). Landes, Maurice ; Jha, Shikha ; Srinivasan, P. V.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:6386.

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232010The Impact of Food Away from Home on Adult Diet Quality. (2010). Todd, Jessica ; Mancino, Lisa ; Lin, Biing-Hwan. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:58298.

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242011Nitrogen in Agricultural Systems: Implications for Conservation Policy. (2011). Ribaudo, Marc ; Mosheim, Robert ; Livingston, Michael ; Hansen, LeRoy ; Williamson, James M. ; Delgado, Jorge . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:118022.

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252007OFF-FARM INCOME, TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION, AND FARM ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE. (2007). Mishra, Ashok ; Gregory, Alexandra ; Nehring, Richard ; Southern, Malaya ; Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge ; Hendricks, Chad . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7234.

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262010Rising Infant Formula Costs to the WIC Program: Recent Trends in Rebates and Wholesale Prices. (2010). Smallwood, David ; Frazao, Elizabeth ; Oliveira, Victor . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:59384.

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272008The Use of Markets To Increase Private Investment in Environmental Stewardship. (2008). Ribaudo, Marc ; Hellerstein, Daniel ; Hansen, LeRoy ; Greene, Catherine. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56473.

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282007Who Has Time To Cook? How Family Resources Influence Food Preparation. (2007). Mancino, Lisa ; Newman, Constance . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55961.

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292005Greenhouse Tomatoes Change the Dynamics of the North American Fresh Tomato Industry. (2005). Calvin, Linda ; Cook, Roberta . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7244.

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302008Household Food Security in the United States, 2007. (2008). Nord, Mark ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56483.

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312005Structural Change in the Meat, Poultry, Dairy and Grain Processing Industries. (2005). Ollinger, Michael ; Nguyen, Sang ; Blayney, Don ; Chambers, Bill ; Nelson, Ken . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7217.

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322012Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate: Economic and Environmental Implications Vary by U.S. Region. (2012). Marshall, Elizabeth ; Livingston, Michael ; Malcolm, Scott A. ; Heisey, Paul W. ; Aillery, Marcel P. ; Day-Rubenstein, Kelly A.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:127734.

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332005Flexible Conservation Measures on Working Land: What Challenges Lie Ahead?. (2005). Weinberg, Marca ; Johansson, Robert ; Cattaneo, Andrea ; Claassen, Roger . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7248.

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342006DID BSE ANNOUNCEMENTS REDUCE BEEF PURCHASES?. (2006). Tegene, Abebayehu ; Kuchler, Fred . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7251.

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352014Agriculture in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. (2014). Zahniser, Steven ; Wainio, John ; Mitchell, Lorraine ; Meade, Birgit ; Dyck, John ; Beckman, Jayson ; Arita, Shawn ; Burfisher, Mary . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:188429.

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362009The Transmission of Exchange Rate Changes to Agricultural Prices. (2009). Persaud, Suresh ; Liefert, William ; Persuad, Suresh . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55942.

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372008The EU Sugar Policy Regime and Implications of Reform. (2008). Kelch, David ; Elbehri, Aziz ; Umstaetter, Johannes . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56457.

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382010Comparing the Structure, Size, and Performance of Local and Mainstream Food Supply Chains. (2010). King, Robert ; McLaughlin, Edward W ; Lev, Larry ; Hardesty, Shermain D ; Gomez, Miguel I ; Clancy, Kate ; Digiacomo, Gigi ; Hand, Michael S. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:246989.

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392009Broadband Internets Value for Rural America. (2009). Brown, Dennis ; Breneman, Vince ; Vogel, Stephen ; Stenberg, Peter ; Morehart, Mitchell ; Cromartie, John . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55944.

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402006Household Food Security in the United States, 2005. (2006). Nord, Mark ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7243.

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412012The Demand for Disaggregated Food-Away-from-Home and Food-at-Home Products in the United States. (2012). Okrent, Abigail ; Alston, Julian. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:132469.

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422009Fruit and Vegetable Consumption by Low-Income Americans: Would a Price Reduction Make a Difference?. (2009). Lin, Biing-Hwan ; Dong, Diansheng. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55835.

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432009The WIC Program: Background, Trends, and Economic Issues, 2009 Edition. (2009). Frazao, Elizabeth ; Oliveira, Victor . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55839.

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442013Growth and Evolution in Chinas Agricultural Support Policies. (2013). Gale, Fred. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:155385.

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452006U.S. Dairy at a Global Crossroads. (2006). Somwaru, Agapi ; Normile, Mary Anne ; Langley, Suchada ; Jones, Keithly ; Gehlhar, Mark ; Blayney, Don ; Bolling, Chris Hilda. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7209.

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462006The Income Volatility See-Saw: Implications for School Lunch. (2006). Newman, Constance . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7237.

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472005Nutrition Labeling in the Food-Away-From-Home Sector: An Economic Assessment. (2005). Variyam, Jayachandran N.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7235.

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482009Characteristics, Costs, and Issues for Organic Dairy Farming. (2009). McBride, William ; Greene, Catherine. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55952.

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492015Agricultural Productivity Growth in the United States: Measurement, Trends, and Drivers. (2015). Wang, Sun Ling ; Schimmelpfennig, David ; Ball, Eldon ; Heisey, Paul . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:207954.

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502007Farm-Based Recreation: A Statistical Profile. (2007). Brown, Dennis M. ; Reeder, Richard J.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56445.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12010Local Food Systems: Concepts, Impacts, and Issues. (2010). Smith, Travis ; Ralston, Katherine ; Martinez, Steve ; Low, Sarah ; Lohr, Luanne ; Newman, Constance ; Pollack, Susan ; Vogel, Stephen ; Clark, Shellye ; DaPra, Michelle ; Da Pra, Michelle ; Hand, Michael S.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:96635.

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22014Household Food Security in the United States in 2013. (2014). Gregory, Christian ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha ; Singh, Anita . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:183589.

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32011Direct and Intermediated Marketing of Local Foods in the United States. (2011). Low, Sarah ; Vogel, Stephen J.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:118025.

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42014Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States. (2014). Mitchell, Lorraine ; Livingston, Michael ; Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge ; Wechsler, Seth . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:164263.

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52011Research Investments and Market Structure in the Food Processing, Agricultural Input, and Biofuel Industries Worldwide. (2011). Wang, Sun Ling ; Schimmelpfennig, David ; Fuglie, Keith ; Heisey, Paul ; Day-Rubenstein, Kelly ; King, John . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:120324.

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62009Does SNAP Decrease Food Insecurity? Untangling the Self-Selection Effect. (2009). Nord, Mark ; Golla, Anne Marie . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55955.

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72013Growth and Evolution in Chinas Agricultural Support Policies. (2013). Gale, Fred. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:155385.

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82015Agricultural Productivity Growth in the United States: Measurement, Trends, and Drivers. (2015). Wang, Sun Ling ; Schimmelpfennig, David ; Ball, Eldon ; Heisey, Paul . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:207954.

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92007DEMAND FOR FOOD QUANTITY AND QUALITY IN CHINA. (2007). Huang, Kuo ; Gale, Fred. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7252.

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102014Agriculture in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. (2014). Zahniser, Steven ; Wainio, John ; Mitchell, Lorraine ; Meade, Birgit ; Dyck, John ; Beckman, Jayson ; Arita, Shawn ; Burfisher, Mary . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:188429.

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112012Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate: Economic and Environmental Implications Vary by U.S. Region. (2012). Marshall, Elizabeth ; Livingston, Michael ; Malcolm, Scott A. ; Heisey, Paul W. ; Aillery, Marcel P. ; Day-Rubenstein, Kelly A.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:127734.

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122011Household Food Security in the United States in 2010. (2011). Nord, Mark ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:118021.

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132007Profits, Costs, and the Changing Structure of Dairy Farming. (2007). O'Donoghue, Erik ; Mosheim, Robert ; McBride, William ; Sandretto, Carmen L. ; Nehring, Richard F. ; MacDonald, James . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:6704.

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142007Could Behavioral Economics Help Improve Diet Quality for Nutrition Assistance Program Participants?. (2007). Mancino, Lisa ; Just, David ; Wansink, Brian . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:6391.

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152012The Demand for Disaggregated Food-Away-from-Home and Food-at-Home Products in the United States. (2012). Okrent, Abigail ; Alston, Julian. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:132469.

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162010The Impact of Food Away from Home on Adult Diet Quality. (2010). Todd, Jessica ; Mancino, Lisa ; Lin, Biing-Hwan. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:58298.

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172014Additionality in U.S. Agricultural Conservation and Regulatory Offset Programs. (2014). Duquette, Eric ; Kohei, UEDA ; Claassen, Roger ; Horowitz, John . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:180414.

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182010Taxing Caloric Sweetened Beverages: Potential Effects on Beverage Consumption, Calorie Intake, and Obesity. (2010). Smith, Travis ; Lin, Biing-Hwan ; Lee, Jong-Ying ; Biing-Hwan, Lin . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:95465.

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192013Resources, Policies, and Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2013). Rada, Nicholas ; Fuglie, Keith. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:145368.

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202011Nitrogen in Agricultural Systems: Implications for Conservation Policy. (2011). Ribaudo, Marc ; Mosheim, Robert ; Livingston, Michael ; Hansen, LeRoy ; Williamson, James M. ; Delgado, Jorge . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:118022.

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212011Household Food Security in the United States in 2011. (2011). Nord, Mark ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:134715.

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222007Indian Wheat and Rice Sector Policies and the Implications of Reform. (2007). Landes, Maurice ; Jha, Shikha ; Srinivasan, P. V.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:6386.

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232006ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF AGRICULTURAL LAND-USE CHANGE: THE ROLE OF ECONOMICS AND POLICY. (2006). Roberts, Michael ; Johansson, Robert ; Cooper, Joseph ; Gueorguieva, Anna ; Bucholtz, Shawn ; Lubowski, Ruben N. ; Claassen, Roger . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:33591.

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242008On the Accuracy of Nielsen Homescan Data. (2008). Nevo, Aviv ; Leibtag, Ephraim ; Einav, Liran . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56490.

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252013Food Insecurity Among Households With Working-Age Adults With Disabilities. (2013). Nord, Mark ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:142955.

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262005Greenhouse Tomatoes Change the Dynamics of the North American Fresh Tomato Industry. (2005). Calvin, Linda ; Cook, Roberta . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7244.

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272007Commodity Payments, Farm Business Survival, and Farm Size Growth. (2007). Roberts, Michael ; Key, Nigel. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55968.

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282010How Food Away From Home Affects Childrens Diet Quality. (2010). Todd, Jessica ; Lin, Biing-Hwan ; Guthrie, Joanne. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:134700.

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292012Policy, Technology, and Efficiency of Brazilian Agriculture. (2012). Rada, Nicholas ; Valdes, Constanza . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:127498.

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302006U.S. Dairy at a Global Crossroads. (2006). Somwaru, Agapi ; Normile, Mary Anne ; Langley, Suchada ; Jones, Keithly ; Gehlhar, Mark ; Blayney, Don ; Bolling, Chris Hilda. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7209.

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312007COST PASS-THROUGH IN THE U.S. COFFEE INDUSTRY. (2007). Nakamura, Alice ; Leibtag, Ephraim. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7253.

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322010Rising Infant Formula Costs to the WIC Program: Recent Trends in Rebates and Wholesale Prices. (2010). Smallwood, David ; Frazao, Elizabeth ; Oliveira, Victor . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:59384.

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332010Energy Use in the U.S. Food System. (2010). Charles, Ainsley ; Huang, Sonja ; Canning, Patrick ; Polenske, Karen R. ; Waters, Arnold . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:59381.

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342008Economic Impacts of Foreign Animal Disease. (2008). Mathews, Kenneth ; Hillberg, Ann ; Paarlberg, Philip L. ; Mathews, Kenneth H. Jr, ; Lee, John G.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56453.

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352014Livestock Gross Margin-Dairy Insurance: An Assessment of Risk Management and Potential Supply Impacts. (2014). Maynard, Leigh ; Blaney, Don ; Mosheim, Roberto ; Burdine, Kenny . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:164606.

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362009Growth and Equity Effects of Agricultural Marketing Efficiency Gains in India. (2009). Landes, Maurice ; Burfisher, Mary E.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55959.

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372009Fruit and Vegetable Consumption by Low-Income Americans: Would a Price Reduction Make a Difference?. (2009). Lin, Biing-Hwan ; Dong, Diansheng. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55835.

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382009Household Food Security in the United States, 2008. (2009). Nord, Mark ; Andrews, Margaret ; Carlson, Steven . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55953.

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392005MANAGING MANURE TO IMPROVE AIR AND WATER QUALITY. (2005). Ribaudo, Marc ; Key, Nigel ; Johansson, Robert ; Kaplan, Jonathan ; Gollehon, Noel ; Aillery, Marcel . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:33593.

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402008The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues. (2008). Ralston, Katherine ; Guthrie, Joanne ; Buzby, Jean ; Clauson, Annette ; Newman, Constance . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56464.

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412010Promoting Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Are Coupons More Effective Than Pure Price Discounts?. (2010). Leibtag, Ephraim ; Dong, Diansheng ; Ephraim, Leibtag . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:94853.

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422008The EU Sugar Policy Regime and Implications of Reform. (2008). Kelch, David ; Elbehri, Aziz ; Umstaetter, Johannes . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56457.

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432014Global Drivers of Agricultural Demand and Supply. (2014). Marshall, Elizabeth ; Jones, Carol ; Sands, Ronald . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:186137.

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442015Food Choices and Store Proximity. (2015). Rahkovsky, Ilya ; Snyder, Samantha . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:210316.

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452006Recent Trends and Economic Issues in the WIC Infant Formula Rebate Program. (2006). Davis, David ; Oliveria, Victor. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7228.

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462005Effect of Food Industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Employment and Wages. (2005). Ollinger, Michael ; Nguyen, Sang ; Blayney, Don ; Chambers, Bill ; Nelson, Ken . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7250.

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472007Farm-Based Recreation: A Statistical Profile. (2007). Brown, Dennis M. ; Reeder, Richard J.. In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:56445.

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482007OFF-FARM INCOME, TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION, AND FARM ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE. (2007). Mishra, Ashok ; Gregory, Alexandra ; Nehring, Richard ; Southern, Malaya ; Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge ; Hendricks, Chad . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:7234.

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492010Nonmetropolitan Outmigration Counties: Some Are Poor, Many Are Prosperous. (2010). Wojan, Timothy ; McGranahan, David ; Cromartie, John . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:96769.

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502009The Transmission of Exchange Rate Changes to Agricultural Prices. (2009). Persaud, Suresh ; Liefert, William ; Persuad, Suresh . In: Economic Research Report. RePEc:ags:uersrr:55942.

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2016Store Choice and Consumer Behavior in Food Deserts: An Empirical Application of the Distance Metric Method. (2016). Chenarides, Lauren ; Jaenicke, Edward C. In: 2017 Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) Annual Meeting, January 6-8, 2017, Chicago, Illinois. RePEc:ags:assa17:250118.

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2016Changing agricultural land-use in the United States and its implications for ecosystem services. (2016). Dumortier, Jerome. In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235653.

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2016Impact of contracts in high yielding varieties seed production on profits and yield: The case of Nepal. (2016). Mishra, Ashok ; Kumar, Anjani ; Joshi, Pramod K ; D'Souza, Alwin . In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:62:y:2016:i:c:p:110-121.

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2016Do Large School Food Authorities Pay Less for Food used in the National School Lunch. (2016). Ollinger, Michael ; Guthrie, Joanne ; Peo, Audrey . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235687.

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2016Rural Villagers’ Quality of Life Improvement by Economic Self-Reliance Practices and Trust in the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. (2016). Janmaimool, Piyapong ; Denpaiboon, Chaweewan . In: Societies. RePEc:gam:jsoctx:v:6:y:2016:i:3:p:26-:d:76537.

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2016The Harrington Seed Destructor: Its role and value in farming systems facing the challenge of herbicide-resistant weeds. (2016). Jacobs, A ; Kingwell, R. In: Agricultural Systems. RePEc:eee:agisys:v:142:y:2016:i:c:p:33-40.

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2016Potential Economic Effects of the Reduction in Agricultural and Nonagricultural Trade Barriers in the Transatlantic and Investment Partnership. (2016). Orden, David ; Cororaton, Caesar B. In: Proceedings Issues, 2016: Climate Change and International Agricultural Trade in the Aftermath of COP21, December 11-13, 2016, Scottsdale, Arizona. RePEc:ags:iats16:252425.

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2016Stochastic Analysis of Margin Protection (MP) Crop Insurance in Arkansas Rice Production. (2016). Mane, Ranjitsinh ; Watkins, Bradley . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, February 6-9, 2016, San Antonio, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea16:229877.

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2016Low-income Childrens participation in the National School Lunch Program and household food insufficiency. (2016). Huang, Jin ; Barnidge, Ellen . In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:150:y:2016:i:c:p:8-14.

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2016The impact of health claims and food deprivation levels on health risk perceptions of fast-food restaurants. (2016). Cadario, Romain. In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:149:y:2016:i:c:p:130-134.

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2016Neighborhood poverty and childrens food insecurity. (2016). Oellerich, Don ; Morrissey, Taryn W ; Simms, Jeffrey ; Stock, Ann ; Meade, Erica . In: Children and Youth Services Review. RePEc:eee:cysrev:v:66:y:2016:i:c:p:85-93.

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2016Do locavores have a dilemma? Economic discourse and the local food critique. (2016). Dancs, Anita ; Scharber, Helen . In: Agriculture and Human Values. RePEc:spr:agrhuv:v:33:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s10460-015-9598-7.

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2016The Prevalence and Risk of Food Insecurity in the Nordic Region: Preliminary Results. (2016). Borch, Anita ; Kjarnes, Unni . In: Journal of Consumer Policy. RePEc:kap:jcopol:v:39:y:2016:i:2:d:10.1007_s10603-016-9316-x.

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2016Who Benefits Most from SNAP?. (2016). Deb, Partha ; Gregory, Christian . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:236648.

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2016Comparing National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS) Data With Other National Food Surveys’ Data. (2016). Rabbitt, Matthew ; Levin, David ; Elitzak, Howard ; Newman, Constance ; Gregory, Christian ; Coleman-Jensen, Alisha ; Ploeg, Michele Ver ; Clay, Marie . In: Economic Information Bulletin. RePEc:ags:uersib:242451.

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2016Effects of maternal depression on family food insecurity. (2016). Reichman, Nancy E ; Corman, Hope ; Noonan, Kelly . In: Economics & Human Biology. RePEc:eee:ehbiol:v:22:y:2016:i:c:p:201-215.

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2016Promotion of healthy nutrition among students participating in a school food aid program: a randomized trial. (2016). Linos, Athena ; Lykou, Anastasia ; Malik, Rhea ; Riza, Elena ; Belogianni, Katerina ; Karnaki, Pania ; Yannakoulia, Mary ; Kastorini, Christina-Maria ; Petralias, Athanassios ; Dalma, Archontoula ; Zota, Dina ; Veloudaki, Afroditi . In: International Journal of Public Health. RePEc:spr:ijphth:v:61:y:2016:i:5:d:10.1007_s00038-016-0813-0.

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2016Of Waste and Waists: The Effect of Plate Material on Food Consumption and Waste. (2016). Keller, Punam A ; Williamson, Sara ; Block, Lauren G. In: Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. RePEc:ucp:jacres:doi:10.1086/684287.

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2016When the Cupboards Are Bare: Nudging Food Pantry Clients to Healthier Foods. (2016). Wilson, Norbert . In: Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. RePEc:ucp:jacres:doi:10.1086/684476.

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2016Influence of socio-demographic characteristics on different dimensions of household food insecurity in Montevideo, Uruguay. (2016). Rossi, Maximo ; Ferre, Zuleika ; Ares, Gaston ; Gimenez, Ana ; Curutchet, Maria Rosa . In: Documentos de Trabajo (working papers). RePEc:ude:wpaper:0516.

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2016Understanding ‘energy insecurity’ and why it matters to health. (2016). Hernandez, Diana . In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:167:y:2016:i:c:p:1-10.

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2016Analysis and prediction of food donation behavior for a domestic hunger relief organization. (2016). Davis, Lauren B ; Jiang, Steven X ; Terry, Jessica R ; Nuamah, Isaac A ; Morgan, Shona D. In: International Journal of Production Economics. RePEc:eee:proeco:v:182:y:2016:i:c:p:26-37.

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2016Child Age and Gender Differences in Food Security in a Low-Income Inner-City Population. (2016). Ribar, David ; Moffitt, Robert. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22988.

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2016Who Benefits Most from SNAP? A Study of Food Security and Food Spending. (2016). Gregory, Christian ; Deb, Partha. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22977.

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2016Determinants of food Insecurity in Pakistan: Evidence from PSLM 2010-11. (2016). Cheema, Ahmed Raza ; Abbas, Zafar . In: Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics. RePEc:pje:journl:article16winii.

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2016Family farms of North America. (2016). Ikerd, John . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ipc:wpaper:152.

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2016Additionality in Payments for Environmental Service Contracts with Technology Diffusion. (2016). Hendricks, Nathan ; Pates, Nicholas J. In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:236066.

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2016United States agricultural policy: Its evolution and impact. (2016). Effland, Anne ; Glauber, Joseph W. In: IFPRI discussion papers. RePEc:fpr:ifprid:1543.

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2016The Economic Effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Estimates. (2016). Plummer, Michael ; Petri, Peter. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp16-2.

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2016Interdependencies between Atlantic and Pacific agreements: Evidence from agri-food sectors. (2016). Fouré, Jean ; Disdier, Anne-Célia ; Foure, Jean ; Emlinger, Charlotte . In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:55:y:2016:i:c:p:241-253.

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2016A COOL Repeal: Potential Outcomes of U.S. Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling Requirements on Dairy and Beef Sectors. (2016). Countryman, Amanda ; Bonanno, Alessandro . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:236020.

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2016Potential Impacts of Trans-Pacific Partnership on Japanese Cheese Imports. (2016). Davis, Christopher G. In: International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. RePEc:ags:ifaamr:244617.

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2016Gains from Trade but to Whom? Canola and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. (2016). Campbell, Hawley ; An, Henry . In: Western Economics Forum. RePEc:ags:weecfo:253361.

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2016Evaluating the Economic and Environmental Impacts of a Global GMO Ban. (2016). Tyner, Wallace ; Mahaffey, Harry ; Taheripour, Farzad . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235591.

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2016GM Labeling Regulation by Plebiscite: Analysis of Voting on Proposition 37 in California. (2016). Bovay, John ; Alston, Julian. In: Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. RePEc:ags:jlaare:235151.

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2016Economic Issues in the Coexistence of Organic, Genetically Engineered (GE), and Non-GE Crops. (2016). Greene, Catherine ; Hanson, James ; Adalja, Aaron ; Wechsler, Seth J. In: Economic Information Bulletin. RePEc:ags:uersib:232929.

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2016Why Has not Genetically Modified Wheat Been Commercialized: A Game Theoretical Perspective. (2016). Schmtiz, Troy G ; Schmitz, Andrew ; Zhu, Manhong . In: 2016 Annual Meeting, February 6-9, 2016, San Antonio, Texas. RePEc:ags:saea16:230796.

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2016Genetic Engineering and Sustainable Crop Disease Management: Opportunities for Case-by-Case Decision-Making. (2016). Vincelli, Paul . In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:8:y:2016:i:5:p:495-:d:70523.

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2016Tracking U.S. biofuel innovation through patents. (2016). Kessler, Jeff ; Sperling, Daniel. In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:98:y:2016:i:c:p:97-107.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

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2015A Chronological Study of Total Factor Productivity and Agricultural Growth in U.S. Agriculture. (2015). Saghaian, Sayed ; Dutta, Ritwik . In: 2015 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia. RePEc:ags:saea15:196890.

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2015A Chronological Study of Total Factor Productivity and Agricultural Growth in U.S. Agriculture. (2015). Saghaian, Sayed ; Dutta, Ritwik . In: 2015 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia. RePEc:ags:saea15:196953.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team