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Working Papers / Department of Applied Economics II, Universidad de Valencia


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.44000 (%)0.19
20070.37000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.36000 (%)0.17
20100.347729005 (17.2%)0.15
20110.570.410.572532110.345274745 (9.6%)60.240.2
20120.410.450.411749160.3321321332132 (9.5%)20.120.21
20130.40.50.472473300.4124421749232 (8.3%)40.170.2
20140.220.550.381184310.371241973281 (8.3%)0.25
20150.290.570.25993220.248351084211 (12.5%)10.110.26
20160.450.660.24699250.2512098621 (%)10.170.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010Assessing farming eco-efficiency: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach. (2010). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Gomez-Limon, Jose A. ; Reig-Martinez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1004.

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22011Eco-efficiency Assessment of Olive Farms in Andalusia. (2011). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Gomez-Limon, Jose A. ; Reig-Martinez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1105.

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32011Eco-efficiency and convergence in OECD countries. (2011). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; CASTILLO, JUANA ; Camarero, Mariam. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1116.

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42011Is the Border Effect an Artefact of Geographic Aggregation?. (2011). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; Minondo, Asier ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Requena-Silvente, Francisco ; Llano-Verduras, Carlos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1108.

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52011The duration of firm-destination export relationships: Evidence from Spain, 1997-2006. (2011). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; Esteve-Pérez, Silviano ; Requena-Silvente, Francisco ; Pallardo-Lopez, Vicente ; Esteve-Perez, Silviano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1102.

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62012Age and firm growth. Evidence from three European countries. (2012). Pieri, Fabio ; Castellani, Davide ; Barba Navaretti, Giorgio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1217.

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72013Ownership and cyclicality of firms’ R&D investment. (2013). Sanchis-Llopis, Amparo ; Beneito, Pilar ; Rochina-Barrachina, Maria E.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1306.

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82011Assessing eco-efficiency with directional distance functions. (2011). Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Beltran-Esteve, Mercedes ; Gomez-Limon, Jose A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1110.

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92011Networks and the disappearance of the intranational home bias. (2011). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; Minondo, Asier ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Garmendia, Aitor . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1124.

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102013Global imbalances and the Intertemporal External Budget Constraint: A multicointegration approach. (2013). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep ; Camarero, Mariam ; Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvestre, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1303.

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112013Is the eco-efficiency in greenhouse gas emissions converging among European Union countries?. (2013). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; CASTILLO, JUANA ; Camarero, Mariam ; Gimenez, Juana Castillo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1309.

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122012A metafrontier directional distance function approach to assessing eco-efficiency. (2012). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Beltrn-Esteve, Mercedes ; GMEZ-LIMN, JOS A. ; Reig-Martnez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1206.

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132014GOVERNMENT DEFICIT SUSTAINABILITY, AND MONETARY VERSUS FISCAL DOMINANCE: THE CASE OF SPAIN, 1850-2000. (2014). Diaz-Roldan, Carmen ; Bajo-Rubio, Oscar ; Esteve, Vicente . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1408.

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142015Good times, bad times: entrepreneurship and the business cycle. (2015). Thurik, Roy ; Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Millan, Jose Maria ; Burke, Andrew ; Parker, Simon C. ; Baptista, Rui ; Juan A. Sanchis Llopis, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1503.

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152012Are the determinants of CO2 emissions converging among OECD countries?. (2012). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Camarero, Mariam. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1215.

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162013A dynamic approach to measuring ecological-economic performance with directional distance functions: greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. (2013). Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; CASTILLO, JUANA ; Beltran-Esteve, Mercedes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1304.

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172011Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between CO2 and income: the environmental Kuznets curve in Spain, 1857-2007. (2011). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Esteve, Vicente . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1106.

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182012What makes a citrus farmer go organic? Empirical evidence from Spanish citrus farming. (2012). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Beltrn-Esteve, Mercedes ; Reig-Martnez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1205.

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192014Comparing conventional and organic citrus grower efficiency in Spain. (2014). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Beltran, Mercedes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1406.

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202013The “social choice” of privatising urban water services: a case study of Madrid in Spain. (2013). Ruiz-Villaverde, Alberto ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; González-Gómez, Francisco ; Gonzalez-Gomez, Francisco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1322.

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212012Job Creation and the Self-employed Firm Size: evidence from Spain. (2012). Golpe, Antonio ; Esteve, Vicente ; Congregado, Emilio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1202.

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22The determinants of R&D persistence in SMEs. (2014). Sanchis-Llopis, Amparo ; Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Mañez, Juan A. ; Rochina-Barrachina, Maria E. ; Maez, Juan A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1410.

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232010Ranking farms with a composite indicator of sustainability. (2010). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Gomez-Limon, Jose A. ; Reig-Martinez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1005.

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242015Strategic behaviour in Schelling dynamics: Theory and experimental evidence. (2015). Hernandez, Penelope ; Brañas-Garza, Pablo ; Benito, Juan ; Benito-Ostolaza, Juan M. ; Braas-Garza, Pablo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1504.

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252012Reconsidering learning by exporting. (2012). Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Manjon Antolin, Miguel ; Mañez, Juan A. ; Maez, Juan A. ; Rochina-Barrachina, Maria E. ; Sanchis-Llopis, Juan A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1208.

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262010The Spanish term structure of interest rates revisited: cointegration with multiple structural breaks, 1974-2010. (2010). Prats, María ; Navarro-IbaÑez, Manuel ; Esteve, Vicente ; Navarro-Ibaez, Manuel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1001.

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272013Training Strategic Thinking: Experimental Evidence. (2013). Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Benito, Juan ; Sanchis-Llopis, Juan A. ; Benito-Ostolaza, Juan M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1323.

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282015Age and productivity as determinants of firm survival over the product life cycle. (2015). Pieri, Fabio ; Esteve-Pérez, Silviano ; Rodriguez, Diego ; Perez, Silviano Esteve . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1502.

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292011The public choice of urban water service management: a multi-criteria approach. (2011). Ruiz-Villaverde, Alberto ; González-Gómez, Francisco ; Gonzalez-Gomez, Francisco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1101.

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302016The variation of export prices across and within firms. (2016). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; Minondo, Asier ; de Lucio, Juan ; Minguez, Raul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1603.

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312014DOES R&D PROTECT SMES FROM THE HARDNESS OF THE CYCLE? EVIDENCE FROM SPANISH SMES (1990-2009). (2014). Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Manjon Antolin, Miguel ; Mañez, Juan A. ; Higon, Dolores Aon ; Sanchis-Llopis, Juan A. ; Maez, Juan A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1411.

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322010External imbalances in a monetary union. Does the Lawson doctrine apply to Europe?. (2010). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep ; Camarero, Mariam ; Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvestre, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1006.

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332014The Impact of Solar Penetration on Solar and Gas Market Value: an application to the Italian Power Market. (2014). D'Adamo, Gaetano ; Clo, Stefano ; DAdamo, Gaetano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1405.

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342015Are individuals with higher cognitive ability expected to play more strategically?. (2015). Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Hernandez, Penelope ; Benito, Juan ; Sanchis-Llopis, Juan A ; Benito-Ostolaza, Juan M. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1507.

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352012Medio siglo de innovación y transferencia de tecnología en España, 1950-2000. (2012). Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Cubel, Antonio ; Esteve, Vicente . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1212.

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362013An analysis of the trade balance for OECD countries using periodic integration and cointegration. (2013). Tamarit, Cecilio ; del Barrio Castro, Tomás ; Camarero, Mariam ; Tomas del Barrio Castro, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1320.

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372011Re-examining Emissions. Is Assessing Convergence Meaningless?. (2011). Ordóñez, Javier ; Camarero, Mariam ; Ordoez, Javier ; Mendoza, Yurena . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1104.

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382014The Path of R&D Efficiency over Time. (2014). Sanchis-Llopis, Amparo ; Beneito, Pilar ; Rochina-Barrachina, Maria Engracia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1403.

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392011Do Labour Societies Perform Differently to Cooperatives? Evidence from the Spanish Building Industry. (2011). Saez-Fernandez, Francisco ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Llorca-Rodriguez, Carmen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1109.

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402013Wage leadership models: a country-by-country analysis of the EMU. (2013). Tamarit, Cecilio ; D'Adamo, Gaetano ; Camarero, Mariam ; DAdamo, Gaetano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1317.

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412011Exports dynamics and information spillovers: evidence from Spanish firms. (2011). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; CASTILLO, JUANA ; Requena-Silvente, Francisco ; Castillo-Gimenez, Juana ; Serrano, Guadalupe . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1103.

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422011R&D Offshoring and the Productivity Growth of European Regions. (2011). Pieri, Fabio ; Castellani, Davide. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1120.

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432014The relationship between debt level and fiscal sustainability in OECD countries. (2014). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep ; Camarero, Mariam ; Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvestre, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1402.

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442013Product market regulation and innovation efficiency. (2013). Venturini, Francesco ; Pieri, Fabio ; Franco, Chiara . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1313.

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452014The role of Institutions in explaining wage determination in the Euro Area: a panel cointegration approach. (2014). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Camarero, Mariam ; DAdamo, Gaetano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1407.

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462011Referee home bias due to social pressure. Evidence from Spanish football. (2011). Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; González-Gómez, Francisco ; Wanden-Berghe, Jorge Guardiola ; Gonzalez-Gomez, Francisco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1119.

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472017The granularity of Spanish exports. (2017). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; Minondo, Asier ; de Lucio, Juan ; Minguez, Raul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1701.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12013Ownership and cyclicality of firms’ R&D investment. (2013). Sanchis-Llopis, Amparo ; Beneito, Pilar ; Rochina-Barrachina, Maria E.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1306.

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22010Assessing farming eco-efficiency: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach. (2010). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Gomez-Limon, Jose A. ; Reig-Martinez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1004.

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32011Eco-efficiency Assessment of Olive Farms in Andalusia. (2011). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Gomez-Limon, Jose A. ; Reig-Martinez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1105.

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42011Eco-efficiency and convergence in OECD countries. (2011). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; CASTILLO, JUANA ; Camarero, Mariam. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1116.

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52015Good times, bad times: entrepreneurship and the business cycle. (2015). Thurik, Roy ; Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Millan, Jose Maria ; Burke, Andrew ; Parker, Simon C. ; Baptista, Rui ; Juan A. Sanchis Llopis, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1503.

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62014GOVERNMENT DEFICIT SUSTAINABILITY, AND MONETARY VERSUS FISCAL DOMINANCE: THE CASE OF SPAIN, 1850-2000. (2014). Diaz-Roldan, Carmen ; Bajo-Rubio, Oscar ; Esteve, Vicente . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1408.

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72013Global imbalances and the Intertemporal External Budget Constraint: A multicointegration approach. (2013). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep ; Camarero, Mariam ; Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvestre, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1303.

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82012A metafrontier directional distance function approach to assessing eco-efficiency. (2012). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Beltrn-Esteve, Mercedes ; GMEZ-LIMN, JOS A. ; Reig-Martnez, Ernest . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1206.

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92012Age and firm growth. Evidence from three European countries. (2012). Pieri, Fabio ; Castellani, Davide ; Barba Navaretti, Giorgio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1217.

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102012Are the determinants of CO2 emissions converging among OECD countries?. (2012). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Camarero, Mariam. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1215.

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112014Comparing conventional and organic citrus grower efficiency in Spain. (2014). Reig-Martínez, Ernest ; Beltran, Mercedes . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1406.

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122011Is the Border Effect an Artefact of Geographic Aggregation?. (2011). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; Minondo, Asier ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Requena-Silvente, Francisco ; Llano-Verduras, Carlos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1108.

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132013The “social choice” of privatising urban water services: a case study of Madrid in Spain. (2013). Ruiz-Villaverde, Alberto ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; González-Gómez, Francisco ; Gonzalez-Gomez, Francisco . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1322.

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142015Strategic behaviour in Schelling dynamics: Theory and experimental evidence. (2015). Hernandez, Penelope ; Brañas-Garza, Pablo ; Benito, Juan ; Benito-Ostolaza, Juan M. ; Braas-Garza, Pablo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1504.

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152013Is the eco-efficiency in greenhouse gas emissions converging among European Union countries?. (2013). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; CASTILLO, JUANA ; Camarero, Mariam ; Gimenez, Juana Castillo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1309.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 9:

2016Do individuals with higher cognitive ability play more strategically?. (2016). Benito, Juan ; Sanchis-Llopis, Juan A ; Benito-Ostolaza, Juan M ; Hernandez, Penelope . In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics). RePEc:eee:soceco:v:64:y:2016:i:c:p:5-11.

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2016Cognitive load and mixed strategies: On brains and minimax. (2016). Smith, John ; Duffy, Sean ; Owens, David ; Naddeo, JJ. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:71878.

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2016Entrepreneurship vulnerability to business cycle. A new methodology for identification pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical patterns of entrepreneurial activity.. (2016). Lechman, Ewa ; Dominiak, Piotr . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:68793.

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2016Multi-directional program efficiency: the case of Lithuanian family farms. (2016). Hougaard, Jens ; Baležentis, Tomas ; Baleentis, Tomas ; Asmild, Mette . In: Journal of Productivity Analysis. RePEc:kap:jproda:v:45:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s11123-014-0419-6.

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2016Sectoral Wage Rigidities and Labour and Product Market Institutions in the Euro Area. (2016). Toth, Mate ; Hantzsche, Arno ; Anderton, Robert ; Savsek, Simon . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:not:notcfc:16/01.

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2016The elusive character of fiscal sustainability. (2016). Jalles, Joao ; Afonso, Antonio. In: Applied Economics. RePEc:taf:applec:v:48:y:2016:i:28:p:2651-2664.

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2016The role of fiscal policy in Britains Great Inflation. (2016). Ou, Zhirong ; Minford, A. Patrick ; Fan, Jingwen. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:58:y:2016:i:c:p:203-218.

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2016Entrepreneurship vulnerability to business cycle. A new methodology for identification pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical patterns of entrepreneurial activity.. (2016). Lechman, Ewa ; Dominiak, Piotr . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:68793.

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2016Concentration on the few? R&D and innovation in German firms 2001 to 2013. (2016). Rammer, Christian ; Schubert, Torben. In: ZEW Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:zewdip:16005.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Are individuals with higher cognitive ability expected to play more strategically?. (2015). Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Hernandez, Penelope ; Benito, Juan ; Sanchis-Llopis, Juan A ; Benito-Ostolaza, Juan M. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1507.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document

Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013Current account sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does the exchange rate regime matter?. (2013). Gnimassoun, Blaise ; Coulibaly, Issiaka. In: EconomiX Working Papers. RePEc:drm:wpaper:2013-42.

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2013The trade balance in euro countries: a natural case study of periodic integration with a changing mean. (2013). Tamarit, Cecilio ; del Barrio Castro, Tomás ; Camarero, Mariam ; Tomas del Barrio Castro, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1321.

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2013Financial constraints and Spanish manufacturing firms’ R&D and exporting. (2013). Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. ; Mañez, Juan A. ; Maez, Juan A. ; Vicente, Oscar ; Rochina-Barrachina, Maria E. ; Sanchis-Llopis, Juan A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:eec:wpaper:1324.

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2013区域环境绩效测度及收敛性分析. (2013). Su, Jin ; Hu, Zongyi ; tang, liwei . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:60367.

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team