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Financial Stability Report / Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austrian Central Bank)


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.04
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.09000 (%)0.04
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.2000 (%)0.07
19960.23000 (%)0.09
19970.27000 (%)0.09
19980.29000 (%)0.1
19990.32000 (%)0.13
20000.4000 (%)0.15
20010.4000 (%)0.15
20020.42442800 (%)0.18
20030.250.440.2571110.09541411 (20%)0.19
20040.270.490.2792030.15301131131 (3.3%)0.2
20050.060.530.172730.1141612023 (75%)0.21
20060.250.510.33734110.32341642791 (2.9%)10.140.2
20070.070.450.1284270.1761413441 (16.7%)10.130.18
20080.270.480.21951100.2131543881 (7.7%)10.110.2
20090.060.470.1596090.15211714064 (19%)0.19
20100.390.450.28868220.323018740115 (16.7%)0.16
20110.180.520.17775100.1331734171 (33.3%)0.2
20120.270.550.32681200.252715441135 (18.5%)0.2
20130.150.620.28990180.23513239116 (17.1%)10.110.22
20140.60.640.46999340.341715939185 (29.4%)10.110.21
20150.560.690.646105350.3310181039252 (20%)20.330.22
20160.60.850.737112410.37715937272 (28.6%)10.140.26
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12006Systemic Risk Monitor: A Model for Systemic Risk Analysis and Stress Testing of Banking Systems. (2006). Summer, Martin ; Puhr, Claus ; Boss, Michael ; Krenn, Gerald . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2006:i:11:b:2.

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22002Macroeconomic Stress Testing: Preliminary Evidence for Austria. (2002). Kalirai, Harvir ; Scheicher, Martin . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2002:i:3:b:3.

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32010Stress Testing Austrian Households. (2010). Fessler, Pirmin ; Albacete, Nicolás. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2010:i:19:b:2.

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42013Household Vulnerability in Austria – A Microeconomic Analysis Based on the Household Finance and Consumption Survey. (2013). Lindner, Peter ; Albacete, Nicolás. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:25:b:2.

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52004An Empirical Analysis of the Network Structure of the Austrian Interbank Market. (2004). Summer, Martin ; Elsinger, Helmut ; Thurner, Stefan ; Boss, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2004:i:7:b:3.

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62009Modeling Credit Risk through the Austrian Business Cycle: An Update of the OeNB Model. (2009). Schneider, Martin ; Puhr, Claus ; Sigmund, Michael ; Schwaiger, Markus . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2009:i:17:b:3.

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72012How Do Austrian Banks Fund Their Swiss Franc Exposure?. (2012). Kraenzlin, Sébastien ; Auer, Raphael ; Liebeg, David . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:24:b:1.

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82014Risk-Bearing Capacity of Households – Linking Micro-Level Data to the Macroprudential Toolkit. (2014). Lindner, Peter ; Albacete, Nicolás ; Krenn, Gerald ; Sigmund, Michael ; Eidenberger, Judith . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:27:b:5.

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92012Contagiousness and Vulnerability in the Austrian Interbank Market. (2012). Puhr, Claus ; Seliger, Reinhardt ; Sigmund, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:24:b:2.

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102010The Economic Impact of Measures Aimed at Strengthening Bank Resilience – Estimates for Austria. (2010). Schmitz, Stefan ; Ragacs, Christian ; Kopp, Emanuel . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2010:i:20:b:3.

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112015Foreign currency borrowers in Austria – evidence from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey. (2015). Lindner, Peter ; Albacete, Nicolás. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2015:i:29:b:3.

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12Risk Buffer Profiles of Foreign Currency Mortgage Holders. (2012). Fessler, Pirmin ; Albacete, Nicolás ; Schurz, Martin . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:23:b:2.

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132004Banking Efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe. (2004). Winkler, Gerhard ; Rossi, Stefania P. S., ; Schwaiger, Markus . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2004:i:8:b:2.

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142009EU Bank Packages: Objectives and Potential Conflicts of Objectives. (2009). Weber, Beat ; Schmitz, Stefan ; Puhr, Claus ; Boss, Michael ; Schneider, Martin ; Fenz, Martin ; Pann, Johannes ; Ubl, Eva . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2009:i:17:b:2.

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152002A New Approach to Assessing the Risk of Interbank Loans. (2002). Summer, Martin ; Lehar, Alfred ; Elsinger, Helmut. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2002:i:3:b:1.

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162016The distribution of residential property price changes across homeowners and its implications for financial stability in Austria. (2016). Lindner, Peter ; Fessler, Pirmin ; Albacete, Nicolas . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2016:i:31:b:1.

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172013Macroeconomic, Market and Bank-Specific Determinants of the Net Interest Margin in Austria. (2013). Krenn, Gerald ; Gunter, Ulrich ; Sigmund, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:25:b:4.

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182008Stress Tests for the Austrian FSAP Update 2007: Methodology, Scenarios and Results. (2008). Schneider, Martin ; Schmitz, Stefan ; Puhr, Claus ; Scheiber, Thomas ; Boss, Michael ; Pann, Johannes ; Fenz, Gerhard ; Krenn, Gerald ; Ubl, Eva . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2008:i:15:b:1.

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192013Measuring Financial (In)Stability in Emerging Europe: A New Index-Based Approach. (2013). Jakubík, Petr ; Jakubik, Petr ; Slaik, Toma . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:25:b:5.

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202014Austrian Subsidiaries’ Profitability in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – CESEE Margins with an Austrian Risk Profile. (2014). Widhalm, Daniela ; Kavan, Stefan . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:28:b:2.

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212012Intra-Group Cross-Border Credit and Roll-Over Risks in CESEE – Evidence from Austrian Banks. (2012). Vogel, Ursula ; Hameter, Markus ; Lahnsteiner, Mathias . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:23:b:3.

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22ARNIE in Action: The 2013 FSAP Stress Tests for the Austrian Banking System. (2013). Siebenbrunner, Christoph ; Schneider, Martin ; Schmitz, Stefan ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Neudorfer, Benjamin ; Ferstl, Robert ; Spitzer, Ralph ; Sigmund, Michael ; Fenz, Gerhard ; Krenn, Gerald ; Puhr, Claus ; Reininger, Thomas . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:26:b:4.

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232004Credit and Deposit Interest Rate Margins in Four New EU Member States. (2004). Reininger, Thomas ; Zoltan, Walko . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2004:i:8:b:1.

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242008An Analysis of Credit to the Household Sector in Austria. (2008). Fritzer, Friedrich ; Reiss, Lukas . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2008:i:16:b:4.

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252014Macroprudential Supervision: A Key Lesson from the Financial Crisis. (2014). Schmitz, Stefan ; Liebeg, David ; Seliger, Reinhardt ; Strobl, Peter ; Sigmund, Michael ; Steiner, Katharina ; Eidenberger, Judith ; Ubl, Eva . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:27:b:4.

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262007Stress Testing the Exposure of Austrian Banks in Central and Eastern Europe. (2007). Puhr, Claus ; Boss, Michael ; Schwaiger, Markus S. ; Krenn, Gerald . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2007:i:13:b:4.

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272014Macrofinancial Developments in Ukraine, Russia and Turkey from an Austrian Financial Stability Perspective. (2014). Widhalm, Daniela ; Wittenberger, Tina ; Barisitz, Stephan ; Lahnsteiner, Mathias . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:27:b:2.

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282003Systemic Risk Factors in the Insurance Industry and Methods for Risk Assessment. (2003). Krenn, Gerald ; Oschischnig, Mario . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2003:i:6:b:1.

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292008Systemically Important Accounts, Network Topology and Contagion in ARTIS. (2008). Schmitz, Stefan ; Puhr, Claus ; Metz, Valentina ; Boss, Michael ; Krenn, Gerald . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2008:i:15:b:2.

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302007Banking Efficiency and Foreign Ownership in Transition: Is There Evidence of a Cream-Skimming Effect?. (2007). Borovička, Jaroslav ; Borovicka, Jaroslav . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2007:i:13:b:1.

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312008Corporate Governance and Credit Institutions. (2008). Sauerzopf, Birgit. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2008:i:16:b:5.

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322006Main Features of Recent Banking Sector Developments in Selected Southeastern European Countries. (2006). Backé, Peter ; Backe, Peter ; Walko, Zoltan ; Reininger, Thomas . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2006:i:11:b:1.

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332006Determinants of the Interest Rate Margins of Austrian Banks. (2006). Liebeg, David ; Schwaiger, Markus S.. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2006:i:12:b:4.

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342015The Russian banking sector – heightened risks in a difficult environment. (2015). Barisitz, Stephan . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2015:i:30:b:2.

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352006Austrian Banks’ Lending and Loan Pricing Strategies against the Background of Basel II. (2006). Jager, Johannes ; Redak, Vanessa . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2006:i:12:b:3.

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362009Quantifying the Cyclicality of Regulatory Capital – First Evidence from Austria. (2009). Kerbl, Stefan ; Sigmund, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2009:i:18:b:4.

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372005Institutional Determinants of Equity Financing in Austria. (2005). Waschiczek, Walter ; Dirschmid, Werner. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2005:i:9:b:2.

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382011What Drives Aggregate Credit Risk?. (2011). Kerbl, Stefan ; Sigmund, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2011:i:22:b:2.

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392002Determinants of Initial Public Offerings - A European Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis. (2002). Glogova, Evgenia ; Breinlinger, Luise . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2002:i:3:b:2.

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402009Investor Commitment Tested by Deep Crisis: Banking Development in Ukraine. (2009). Lahnsteiner, Mathias ; Barisitz, Stephan . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2009:i:18:b:2.

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412009Recent Developments in the Austrian Banking Systems Liquidity Situation and the International Regulatory Debate. (2009). Schmitz, Stefan ; Weidenholzer, Florian . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2009:i:18:b:1.

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422003Credit Derivatives - Overview and Implications for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability. (2003). Scheicher, Martin . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2003:i:5:b:4.

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432010Foreign Currency Lending in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe: The Case of Austrian Banks. (2010). Pann, Johannes ; Seliger, Reinhardt ; beleis, Julia . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2010:i:20:b:1.

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442009Direct Cross-Border Lending by Austrian Banks to Eastern Europe. (2009). Ebner, Gernot ; Barisitz, Stephan ; Lahnsteiner, Mathias ; Pann, Johannes . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2009:i:17:b:4.

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452013Credit Boom in Russia despite Global Woes – Driving Forces and Risks. (2013). Barisitz, Stephan . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:26:b:3.

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462003Overview of Austrian Banks Internal Credit Rating Systems. (2003). Straka, Dagmar ; Wukovits, Sabine ; Datschetzky, Doris . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2003:i:5:b:3.

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472005Demographic Developments, Funded Pension Provision and Financial Stability. (2005). Schmitz, Stefan. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2005:i:9:b:3.

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482007Quantitative Validation of Rating Models for Low Default Portfolios through Benchmarking. (2007). von Pfostl, Georg ; Ricke, Markus. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2007:i:14:b:4.

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492016Bail-in: who invests in noncovered debt securities issued by euro area banks?. (2016). Stern, Carline ; Pigrum, Claudia ; Reininger, Thomas . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2016:i:32:b:3.

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502011The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE: Risks and Opportunities from a Financial Stability Point of View. (2011). Ubl, Eva ; Bianchi, Teresa ; Korherr, Raimund ; Ebner, Gernot . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2011:i:22:b:3.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12013Household Vulnerability in Austria – A Microeconomic Analysis Based on the Household Finance and Consumption Survey. (2013). Lindner, Peter ; Albacete, Nicolás. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:25:b:2.

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22012How Do Austrian Banks Fund Their Swiss Franc Exposure?. (2012). Kraenzlin, Sébastien ; Auer, Raphael ; Liebeg, David . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:24:b:1.

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32010Stress Testing Austrian Households. (2010). Fessler, Pirmin ; Albacete, Nicolás. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2010:i:19:b:2.

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42014Risk-Bearing Capacity of Households – Linking Micro-Level Data to the Macroprudential Toolkit. (2014). Lindner, Peter ; Albacete, Nicolás ; Krenn, Gerald ; Sigmund, Michael ; Eidenberger, Judith . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:27:b:5.

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52012Contagiousness and Vulnerability in the Austrian Interbank Market. (2012). Puhr, Claus ; Seliger, Reinhardt ; Sigmund, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:24:b:2.

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62015Foreign currency borrowers in Austria – evidence from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey. (2015). Lindner, Peter ; Albacete, Nicolás. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2015:i:29:b:3.

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72004An Empirical Analysis of the Network Structure of the Austrian Interbank Market. (2004). Summer, Martin ; Elsinger, Helmut ; Thurner, Stefan ; Boss, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2004:i:7:b:3.

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82006Systemic Risk Monitor: A Model for Systemic Risk Analysis and Stress Testing of Banking Systems. (2006). Summer, Martin ; Puhr, Claus ; Boss, Michael ; Krenn, Gerald . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2006:i:11:b:2.

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92016The distribution of residential property price changes across homeowners and its implications for financial stability in Austria. (2016). Lindner, Peter ; Fessler, Pirmin ; Albacete, Nicolas . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2016:i:31:b:1.

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102014Macroprudential Supervision: A Key Lesson from the Financial Crisis. (2014). Schmitz, Stefan ; Liebeg, David ; Seliger, Reinhardt ; Strobl, Peter ; Sigmund, Michael ; Steiner, Katharina ; Eidenberger, Judith ; Ubl, Eva . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:27:b:4.

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112010The Economic Impact of Measures Aimed at Strengthening Bank Resilience – Estimates for Austria. (2010). Schmitz, Stefan ; Ragacs, Christian ; Kopp, Emanuel . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2010:i:20:b:3.

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122013Macroeconomic, Market and Bank-Specific Determinants of the Net Interest Margin in Austria. (2013). Krenn, Gerald ; Gunter, Ulrich ; Sigmund, Michael . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:25:b:4.

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132012Risk Buffer Profiles of Foreign Currency Mortgage Holders. (2012). Fessler, Pirmin ; Albacete, Nicolás ; Schurz, Martin . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:23:b:2.

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142015The Russian banking sector – heightened risks in a difficult environment. (2015). Barisitz, Stephan . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2015:i:30:b:2.

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152014Austrian Subsidiaries’ Profitability in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – CESEE Margins with an Austrian Risk Profile. (2014). Widhalm, Daniela ; Kavan, Stefan . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:28:b:2.

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162008Stress Tests for the Austrian FSAP Update 2007: Methodology, Scenarios and Results. (2008). Schneider, Martin ; Schmitz, Stefan ; Puhr, Claus ; Scheiber, Thomas ; Boss, Michael ; Pann, Johannes ; Fenz, Gerhard ; Krenn, Gerald ; Ubl, Eva . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2008:i:15:b:1.

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172013ARNIE in Action: The 2013 FSAP Stress Tests for the Austrian Banking System. (2013). Siebenbrunner, Christoph ; Schneider, Martin ; Schmitz, Stefan ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Neudorfer, Benjamin ; Ferstl, Robert ; Spitzer, Ralph ; Sigmund, Michael ; Fenz, Gerhard ; Krenn, Gerald ; Puhr, Claus ; Reininger, Thomas . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:26:b:4.

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182012Intra-Group Cross-Border Credit and Roll-Over Risks in CESEE – Evidence from Austrian Banks. (2012). Vogel, Ursula ; Hameter, Markus ; Lahnsteiner, Mathias . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2012:i:23:b:3.

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192009Modeling Credit Risk through the Austrian Business Cycle: An Update of the OeNB Model. (2009). Schneider, Martin ; Puhr, Claus ; Sigmund, Michael ; Schwaiger, Markus . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2009:i:17:b:3.

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202006Determinants of the Interest Rate Margins of Austrian Banks. (2006). Liebeg, David ; Schwaiger, Markus S.. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2006:i:12:b:4.

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212002Macroeconomic Stress Testing: Preliminary Evidence for Austria. (2002). Kalirai, Harvir ; Scheicher, Martin . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2002:i:3:b:3.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 9:

2016The financial systems in Russia and Turkey: recent developments and challenges. (2016). Cocozza, Emidio ; Colabella, Andrea ; Auer, Simone . In: Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers). RePEc:bdi:opques:qef_358_16.

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2016In focus: Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2014 – first results for Austria (second wave). (2016). Lindner, Peter ; Fessler, Pirmin ; Schurz, Martin . In: Monetary Policy & the Economy. RePEc:onb:oenbmp:y:2016:i:2:b:2.

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2016Papers presented during the Narodowy Bank Polski Workshop: Recent trends in the real estate market and its analysis - 2015 edition. (2016). Olszewski, Krzysztof ; Łaszek, Jacek ; Chen, XI ; Leszczyski, Robert ; Gibas, Petr ; Augustyniak, Hanna ; Karl, Guenter ; Triebskorn, Elena ; Waszczuk, Joanna ; Wagner, Karin ; Mehrhoff, Jens ; Cao, Jerry ; Schneider, Martin ; Tunar, Pinar ; Lai, Rose Neng ; Nierodka, Agnieszka ; Gencay, Ali ; Huang, Bihong ; Jager-Gyovai, Krisztina ; Kizilkaya, Erdi ; Lux, Martin ; Hildebrandt, Antje ; Hulagu, Timur ; Nagy, Gyula ; Beckmann, Elisabeth ; Scatigna, Michela ; Silver, Mick ; Andre, Christophe ; Erdem, Magdalena ; Hajek, Martin ; Hegedus, Jozsef ; Funke, Michael ; Boumova, Irena ; Csizmady, Adrienne . In: NBP Conference Publications. RePEc:nbp:nb
2016Assessing the efficacy of borrower-based macroprudential policy using an integrated micro-macro model for European households. (2016). Gross, Marco ; Poblacion, Francisco Javier . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161881.

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2016Which households are really financially distressed: how micro data could inform the macroprudential policy. (2016). Kotula, Arkadiusz ; Strzelecki, Pawel ; Przeworska, Joanna Gabriela ; Banbula, Piotr . In: IFC Bulletins chapters. RePEc:bis:bisifc:41-11.

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2016In focus: Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2014 – first results for Austria (second wave). (2016). Lindner, Peter ; Fessler, Pirmin ; Schurz, Martin . In: Monetary Policy & the Economy. RePEc:onb:oenbmp:y:2016:i:2:b:2.

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2016The changing role of macroprudential policy in Austria after World War II. (2016). Schmitz, Stefan ; Dome, Sophia ; Ubl, Eva ; Steiner, Katharina . In: Monetary Policy & the Economy. RePEc:onb:oenbmp:y:2016:i:3:b:8.

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2016Papers presented during the Narodowy Bank Polski Workshop: Recent trends in the real estate market and its analysis - 2015 edition. (2016). Olszewski, Krzysztof ; Łaszek, Jacek ; Chen, XI ; Leszczyski, Robert ; Gibas, Petr ; Augustyniak, Hanna ; Karl, Guenter ; Triebskorn, Elena ; Waszczuk, Joanna ; Wagner, Karin ; Mehrhoff, Jens ; Cao, Jerry ; Schneider, Martin ; Tunar, Pinar ; Lai, Rose Neng ; Nierodka, Agnieszka ; Gencay, Ali ; Huang, Bihong ; Jager-Gyovai, Krisztina ; Kizilkaya, Erdi ; Lux, Martin ; Hildebrandt, Antje ; Hulagu, Timur ; Nagy, Gyula ; Beckmann, Elisabeth ; Scatigna, Michela ; Silver, Mick ; Andre, Christophe ; Erdem, Magdalena ; Hajek, Martin ; Hegedus, Jozsef ; Funke, Michael ; Boumova, Irena ; Csizmady, Adrienne . In: NBP Conference Publications. RePEc:nbp:nb
2016The profitability of Austrian banking subsidiaries in CESEE: driving forces, current challenges and opportunities. (2016). Greiner, Andreas ; Kavan, Stefan ; Ohms, Martin ; Redak, Vanessa ; Endlich, Eleonora ; Ebner, Gernot ; Gruber, Manuel ; Hobl, Gunther ; Stockert, Paul ; Schober-Rhomberg, Alexandra ; Widhalm, Daniela ; Wittenberger, Tina . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2016:i:32:b:1.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

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2016In focus: Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2014 – first results for Austria (second wave). (2016). Lindner, Peter ; Fessler, Pirmin ; Schurz, Martin . In: Monetary Policy & the Economy. RePEc:onb:oenbmp:y:2016:i:2:b:2.

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Recent citations received in 2015

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2015Current risks in the CESEE residential property market: evidence from the OeNB Euro Survey. (2015). Beckmann, Elisabeth ; Jager-Gyovai, Krisztina ; Hildebrandt, Antje . In: Focus on European Economic Integration. RePEc:onb:oenbfi:y:2015:i:3:b:2.

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2015Housing Markets in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. (2015). Schneider, Martin ; Wagner, Karin . In: Monetary Policy & the Economy. RePEc:onb:oenbmp:y:2015:i:1:b:4.

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Recent citations received in 2014

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2014Austrian Subsidiaries’ Profitability in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – CESEE Margins with an Austrian Risk Profile. (2014). Widhalm, Daniela ; Kavan, Stefan . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2014:i:28:b:2.

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Recent citations received in 2013

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2013Quantifying Financial Stability in Austria, New Tools for Macroprudential Supervision. (2013). Stein, Ingrid ; Neudorfer, Benjamin ; Sigmund, Michael ; Eidenberger, Judith . In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2013:i:26:b:2.

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