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ERSA conference papers / European Regional Science Association


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.2428728750.022200049 (22.3%)40.010.13
19990.040.30.04252539160.03183287112871148 (26.2%)30.010.16
20000.070.370.07260799550.07247539375393748 (19.4%)70.030.14
20010.070.370.06158957710.0776512347994920 (26.3%)40.030.17
20020.060.370.063271284710.06486418259575580 (16.5%)100.030.18
20030.060.40.0635916431000.064574852812847548 (10.5%)140.040.19
20040.130.410.0835720001490.0745068686135611351 (11.3%)100.030.18
20050.150.430.1348624862750.11476716110146118943 (9%)260.050.21
20060.130.440.1243929252710.09261843109168719819 (7.3%)130.030.19
20070.060.370.0729251750.06925601968141 (%)0.17
20080.040.390.0829252080.07439171641136 (%)0.17
20090.360.0729251900.060128284 (%)0.17
20100.340.0629251700.06092557 (%)0.15
20110.410.09102439494190.1135604394128 (7.9%)330.030.2
20120.070.450.0732642752840.0714610246910246915 (10.3%)150.050.21
20130.070.50.0736746422770.061321350991350998 (6.1%)40.010.2
20140.10.550.0736250042840.06996937017171245 (5.1%)70.020.25
20150.110.570.0830653102870.05567298220791602 (3.6%)80.030.26
20160.090.660.069654062400.045668592385147 (%)0.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12002On the concept of territorial competitiveness: sound or misleading?. (2002). Camagni, Roberto. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p518.

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22004Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Growth across the European Regions. (2004). Martin, Ronald ; Gardiner, Ben ; Peter, Tyler. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p333.

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32000EXTERNALITIES, KNOWLEDGE SPILLOVERS AND THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF INNOVATION. (2000). Usai, Stefano ; Paci, Raffaele. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p104.

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42002The regional distribution of spanish unemployment. A spatial analysis. (2002). Lopez-Bazo, Enrique ; del Barrio Castro, Tomás ; Artís, Manuel ; Artis, Manuel . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p020.

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51998Local academic knowledge spillovers and the concentration of economic activity. (1998). Varga, Attila. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa98p493.

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62000INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (2000). Button, Kenneth ; Taylor, Samantha Y. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p483.

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72006R&D, Spillovers, Innovation Systems and the Genesis of Regional Growth in Europe. (2006). Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ; Crescenzi, Riccardo ; Rodriguez-Pose, Andres . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa06p371.

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82004How Flexible are Wages in EU Accession Countries?. (2004). SIEDSCHLAG, IULIA ; Iara, Anna ; Traistaru, Iulia . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p191.

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92002Growth dynamics and space in Brazil. (2002). Bosch, Mariano ; Azzoni, Carlos ; Aroca, Patricio ; Fernandez, Ismael ; Mossi, Mariano. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p499.

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102003Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: which type is good for economic growth?. (2003). Smulders, Sjak ; Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p517.

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111998Technological enclaves and industrial districts: An analysis of the regional distribution of innovative activity in Europe. (1998). Usai, Stefano ; Paci, Raffaele. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa98p461.

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122002Regional development of employment in eastern Germany. An analysis with an econometric analogue to shift-share techniques. (2002). Blien, Uwe ; Wolf, Katja . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p263.

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132005Trade and Migration to New Zealand. (2005). Law, David ; Genc, Murat ; Bryant, John. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p192.

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142003The Institutional Determinants of Bilateral Trade Patterns. (2003). Rietveld, Piet ; Linders, Gert-Jan ; de Groot, Henri ; Subramanian, Uma . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p421.

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152006Regional Income Inequality and Convergence Processes in the EU-25. (2006). Schlitte, Friso ; PAAS, TIIU. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa06p229.

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162000THE EAST GERMAN WAGE CURVE: 1993-1998. (2000). Blien, Uwe ; Baltagi, Badi ; Wolf, Katja . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p196.

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172003Increasing Returns and Spatial Unemployment Disparities. (2003). Suedekum, Jens. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p44.

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182011The Spatial Distribution of Human Capital: Can It Really Be Explained by Regional Differences in Market Access?. (2011). Lopez-Bazo, Enrique ; Karahasan, Burhan ; Lpez-Bazo, Enrique . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa11p1122.

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192004Spatial Patterns of Technology Diffusion: An Empirical Analysis Using TFP. (2004). de Groot, Henri ; Florax, Raymond ; Abreu, Maria. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p425.

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202006Estimation of the Gravity Equation of Bilateral Trade in the Presence of Zero Flows. (2006). Linders, Gert-Jan. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa06p746.

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212005The Impact of EU Enlargement on European Border Regions. (2005). Niebuhr, Annekatrin. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p114.

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222000SCIENCE-INDUSTRY INTERACTION IN THE PROCESS OF INNOVATION - THE IMPORTANCE OF BOUNDARY-CROSSING BETWEEN SYSTEMS. (2000). Tödtling, Franz ; Kaufmann, Alexander ; Todtling, Franz . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p428.

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232005The Geography of Knowledge Spillovers between High-Technology Firms in Europe - Evidence from a Spatial Interaction Modelling Perspective. (2005). Scherngell, Thomas ; Fischer, Manfred ; Jansenberger, Eva . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p5.

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242005Population Growth in European Cities - Weather Matters, but only Nationally. (2005). Magrini, Stefano ; Cheshire, Paul. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p12.

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252003Growth, Integration and Regional Inequality in Europe. (2003). Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ; Petrakos, George ; Rovolis, Antonis . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p46.

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262004Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions using panel data models extended to spatial autocorrelation effects.. (2004). Piras, Gianfranco ; arbia, giuseppe. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p524.

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271999An Assessment of the Capacity and Congestion levels at European Airports. (1999). Reynolds-Feighan, Aisling ; Button, Kenneth. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa99pa241.

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282005Regional Unemployment in Spain - Disparities, Business Cycle and Wage Setting. (2005). Montuenga, Victor ; Fernandez, Melchor ; Bande, Roberto. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p489.

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292003Determinants of Inter-Regional Migration in the Baltic Countries. (2003). Hazans, Mihails. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p354.

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302003An Account of Geographic Concentration Patterns in Europe. (2003). Brülhart, Marius ; Traeger, Rolf. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p473.

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312005The Persistence of Regional New Business Formation-Activity over Time – Assessing the Potential of Policy Promotion Programs. (2005). Mueller, Pamela ; Fritsch, Michael. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p706.

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322002The agglomeration wage differential reconsidered - an investigation with German micro data 1984-1997. (2002). Möller, Joachim ; Haas, Anette ; Moller, Joachim . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p327.

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332004Overeducation and local labour markets in Spain. (2004). Sanroma, Esteban ; Ramos, Raul. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p16.

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342002Macroeconometric evaluation of active labour market policies in Germany - a dynamic panel approach using regional data. (2002). Caliendo, Marco ; Blien, Uwe ; Zeiss, Christopher ; Hujer, Reinhard . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p225.

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352011The Immigrant Wage Gap in Germany: Are East Europeans Worse Off?. (2011). Ludsteck, Johannes ; Lehmer, Florian . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa10p769.

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362004Using Spatial Econometrics to Analyze Local Growth in Sweden. (2004). Lundberg, Johan. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p25.

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372011Territorial Patterns of Innovation in Europe. (2011). Lenzi, Camilla ; Capello, Roberta . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa11p1900.

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382014Forecasting with Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions. (2014). Huber, Florian ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus ; Crespo-Cuaresma, Jesus . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p25.

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392004Regional Business Cycles in New Zealand: Do they exist? What might drive them?. (2004). McDermott, Christopher ; Hall, Viv ; John, McDermott C.. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p200.

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402002Entry-rates, the share of surviving businesses and employment growth: differences between West and East Germany since unification. (2002). Brixy, Udo ; Grotz, Reinhold . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p175.

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412002Trade, human capital and innovation: The engines of European regional growth in the 1990s. (2002). Tondl, Gabriele ; Badinger, Harald. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p043.

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421998Is dualism still a source of convergence in Europe?. (1998). Pigliaru, Francesco ; Paci, Raffaele. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa98p462.

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432011Multi-Dimensional Urban Sprawl in Europe: a Self-Organizing Map Approach. (2011). Nijkamp, Peter ; Arribas-Bel, Daniel ; Scholten, Henk . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa10p485.

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442002Markov or not Markov - this should be a question. (2002). Bode, Eckhardt ; Bickenbach, Frank. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p024.

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452000DETECTING TECHNOLOGICAL CATCH-UP IN ECONOMIC CONVERGENCE. (2000). Pigliaru, Francesco. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p21.

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462002Integration effects in border regions - a survey of economic theory and empirical studies. (2002). Niebuhr, Annekatrin ; Stiller, Silvia . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p066.

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472005Thresholds for Employment and Unemployment - a Spatial Analysis of German Regional Labour Markets 1992-2000. (2005). Kosfeld, Reinhold ; Dreger, Christian. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p39.

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482003Explaining the distribution of manufacturing productivity in the EU regions. (2003). Lopez-Bazo, Enrique ; Fingleton, Bernard. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p197.

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492013On spatial econometric models, spillover effects, and W. (2013). Elhorst, J.Paul ; Vega, Solmaria Halleck . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa13p222.

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502004Spatial disparities in productivity and industry mix: The case of the European regions. (2004). Ezcurra, Roberto ; Benito, Juan. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p102.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12014Forecasting with Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions. (2014). Huber, Florian ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus ; Crespo-Cuaresma, Jesus . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p25.

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22000INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (2000). Button, Kenneth ; Taylor, Samantha Y. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p483.

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32002On the concept of territorial competitiveness: sound or misleading?. (2002). Camagni, Roberto. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p518.

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42006Estimation of the Gravity Equation of Bilateral Trade in the Presence of Zero Flows. (2006). Linders, Gert-Jan. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa06p746.

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52011The Immigrant Wage Gap in Germany: Are East Europeans Worse Off?. (2011). Ludsteck, Johannes ; Lehmer, Florian . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa10p769.

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62014The Effect of (Mostly Unskilled) Immigration on the Innovation of Italian Regions. (2014). Bratti, Massimiliano ; Conti, Chiara . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p485.

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72013On spatial econometric models, spillover effects, and W. (2013). Elhorst, J.Paul ; Vega, Solmaria Halleck . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa13p222.

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82013The institutional and economic foundations of regional proto-federations.. (2013). METAXAS, THEODORE ; KYRIAZIS, NICHOLAS ; ECONOMOU, EMMANOUIL-MARIOS-LAZAROS ; Emmanouil Marios Lazaros Economou, . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa13p739.

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92004Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Growth across the European Regions. (2004). Martin, Ronald ; Gardiner, Ben ; Peter, Tyler. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p333.

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102014INVENTOR DIASPORAS AND THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY. (2014). Miguelez, Ernest ; Ernest, Miguelez . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p1030.

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112011Territorial Patterns of Innovation in Europe. (2011). Lenzi, Camilla ; Capello, Roberta . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa11p1900.

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122012DECENTRALIZATION, SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING AND THE PERCEPTION OF INSTITUTIONS. (2012). Diaz-Serrano, Luis ; Rodrguez-Pose, Andrs . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa12p586.

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132005Factors affecting entrepreneurial intention levels. (2005). Rueda-Cantuche, José ; Rodríguez Cohard, Juan Carlos ; Liñán Alcalde, Francisco ; Lian, Francisco ; Rodriguez-Cohard, Juan Carlos. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p432.

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142012Startups and Local Social Capital in the Municipalities of Sweden. (2012). Westlund, Hans ; Olsson, Amy ; Larsson, Johan. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa12p91.

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152015The persistent effects of placed-based policy - Evidence from the West-German Zonenrandgebiet. (2015). von Ehrlich, Maximilian ; Seidel, Tobias . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa15p1195.

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162005The Persistence of Regional New Business Formation-Activity over Time – Assessing the Potential of Policy Promotion Programs. (2005). Mueller, Pamela ; Fritsch, Michael. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa05p706.

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172014Technological progress and regional disparities in (un)employment. (2014). Ludewig, Oliver ; Blien, Uwe. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p261.

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182014Spatial patterns and size distributions of cities. (2014). Smith, Tony E. ; Hsu, Wen-Tai . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p34.

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192011Multi-Dimensional Urban Sprawl in Europe: a Self-Organizing Map Approach. (2011). Nijkamp, Peter ; Arribas-Bel, Daniel ; Scholten, Henk . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa10p485.

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202012Disentangling Different Patterns of Business Cycle Synchronicity in The EU Regions. (2012). Tsiapa, Maria ; Panteladis, Ioannis ; Anagnostou, Ageliki . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa12p924.

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212000THE EAST GERMAN WAGE CURVE: 1993-1998. (2000). Blien, Uwe ; Baltagi, Badi ; Wolf, Katja . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p196.

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222013The Effect of Tuition Fees on Student Enrollment and Location Choice: Interregional Migration, Border Effects and Gender Differences. (2013). Mitze, Timo ; Alecke, Björn ; Burgard, Claudia . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa13p883.

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232011They arrive with new information. Tourism flows and production efficiency in the European regions. (2011). Paci, Raffaele ; Marrocu, Emanuela. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa10p493.

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242011The impact of oil shocks on the Spanish economy.. (2011). Gómez-Loscos, Ana ; Gadea, María ; Gaamez-Loscos, Ana ; Montaaaaas, Antonio . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa10p835.

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252006A Relational Account of the Causes of Spatial Firm Mobility. (2006). Knoben, Joris. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa06p1.

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262011Multidimensional entrepreneurship: theoretical considerations and Swedish empirics. (2011). Westlund, Hans. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa10p261.

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272013Integration and Convergence in Regional Europe: European Regional Trade Flows from 2000 to 2010. (2013). Oort, Frank ; Diodato, Dario ; Thissen, Mark ; van Oort, Frank . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa13p1116.

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282015The sources of sharing externalities: Specialization vs Competition. (2015). Ushchev, Philip. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa15p1395.

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292011Unequal Pay or Unequal Employment? What Drives the Self-Selection of Internal Migrants in Germany?. (2011). Arntz, Melanie ; Lehmer, Florian ; Gregory, Terry. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa11p972.

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302014New Estimates of the Elasticity of Substitution of Land for Capital. (2014). McMillen, Daniel ; Ahlfeldt, Gabriel. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p108.

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312002The regional distribution of spanish unemployment. A spatial analysis. (2002). Lopez-Bazo, Enrique ; del Barrio Castro, Tomás ; Artís, Manuel ; Artis, Manuel . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p020.

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322015Survey-based indicators vs. hard data: What improves export forecasts in Europe?. (2015). Lehmann, Robert. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa15p756.

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332004A theory of the relationship between foreign direct investment and trade. (2004). Pontes, José. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p47.

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342002Markov or not Markov - this should be a question. (2002). Bode, Eckhardt ; Bickenbach, Frank. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa02p024.

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352012Growth in post-industrial cities: an endogenous model. (2012). Cappellin, Riccardo. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa12p1168.

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362013The cohort size-wage relationship in Europe. (2013). Roth, Duncan ; Moffat, John . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa13p950.

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372004Regional development, Absorption problems and the EU Structural Funds. (2004). Maier, Gunther ; Horvat, Andrej . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p591.

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382012A Long-Term Evaluation of the First Generation of the French Urban Enterprise Zones. (2012). Quantin, Simon ; GIVORD, Pauline ; Trevien, Corentin. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa12p776.

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392015Does public transit reduce car travel externalities? Quasi-natural experiments evidence from transit strikes. (2015). van Ommeren, Jos ; Adler, Martin . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa15p136.

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402014Winning the Oil Lottery: The Impact of Natural Resource Extraction on Growth. (2014). Toscani, Frederik ; Cavalcanti, Tiago. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p109.

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412011The Winners Choice: Sustainable Economic Strategies for Successful 21st Century Regions. (2011). Partridge, Mark ; Olfert, Rose . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa11p1655.

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422015Barriers to cross-region research and development collaborations in Europe. Evidence from the fifth European Framework Programme. (2015). Paier, Manfred ; Fischer, Manfred ; de Clairfontaine, Aurlien Fichet ; Lata, Rafael . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa15p8.

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432013Beyond the SUTVA: how industrial policy evaluations change when we allow for interaction among firms. (2013). Pellegrini, Guido ; Cerqua, Augusto. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa13p340.

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442003Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: which type is good for economic growth?. (2003). Smulders, Sjak ; Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa03p517.

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452000EXTERNALITIES, KNOWLEDGE SPILLOVERS AND THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF INNOVATION. (2000). Usai, Stefano ; Paci, Raffaele. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa00p104.

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462006An Analysis of Gender Differences in UK Graduate Migration Behaviour. (2006). Sheppard, Stephen ; McCann, Philip ; Faggian, Alessandra. In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa06p16.

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492014Location choices of newly created establishments: spatial patterns at the aggregate level. (2014). de Lapparent, Matthieu ; Buczkowska, Sabina . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p940.

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502011The Importance of Creative Industry Agglomerations in Explaining the Wealth of European Regions. (2011). Boix, Rafael ; Blanca De Miguel Molina, ; Domenech, Rafael Boix ; María De Miguel Molina, ; José Luis Hervás Oliver, ; Blanca de Miguel Molina, . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa11p472.

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2016Macroprudential measures and housing markets: a note on the empirical literature. (2016). Eerola, Essi. In: Research Discussion Papers. RePEc:bof:bofrdp:2016_018.

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2016Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium. (2016). Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Werquin, Nicolas ; Sachs, Dominik . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6089.

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2016A Theory of Asset Prices Based on Heterogeneous Information. (2016). Sachs, Dominik ; Werquin, Nicolas ; Tsyvinski, Aleh . In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers. RePEc:cwl:cwldpp:2051.

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2016Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium. (2016). Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Sachs, Dominik ; Werquin, Nicolas . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11497.

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2016Forecasting Employment in Europe: Are Survey Results Helpful?. (2016). Lehmann, Robert ; Weyh, Antje. In: Journal of Business Cycle Research. RePEc:spr:jbuscr:v:12:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s41549-016-0002-5.

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2016The effects of the economic crisis on public research: Spanish budgetary policies and research organizations. (2016). Sanz-Menndez, Luis ; Cruz-Castro, Laura . In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. RePEc:eee:tefoso:v:113:y:2016:i:pb:p:157-167.

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2016Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us. (2016). Berliant, Marcus ; Mori, Tomoya . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:69100.

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2016Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us. (2016). Berliant, Marcus ; Mori, Tomoya . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:70844.

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2016Resilience in the European Union: the effect of the 2008 crisis on the ability of regions in Europe to develop new industrial specializations. (2016). Xiao, Jing ; Boschma, Ron ; Andersson, Martin. In: Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG). RePEc:egu:wpaper:1608.

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2016Forecast model of allergenic hazard using trends of Poaceae airborne pollen over an urban area in SW Iberian Peninsula (Europe). (2016). Maya-Manzano, Jose Maria ; Tormo-Molina, Rafael ; Silva-Palacios, Inmaculada ; Duran-Barroso, Pablo ; Fernandez-Rodriguez, Santiago ; Gonzalo-Garijo, Angela . In: Natural Hazards: Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards. RePEc:spr:nathaz:v:84:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s11069-016-2411-0.

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2016TTIP and intra-European trade: boon or bane?. (2016). Heiland, Inga ; Felbermayr, Gabriel ; Aichele, Rahel . In: ifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ifowps:_220.

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2016Boulevard of broken dreams. The end of the EU funding (1997: Abruzzi, Italy). (2016). de Blasio, Guido ; Barone, Guglielmo ; David, Francesco . In: Temi di discussione (Economic working papers). RePEc:bdi:wptemi:td_1071_16.

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2016Identifying the Effects of Place-based Policies – Causal Evidence from Germany. (2016). Brachert, Matthias ; Dettmann, Eva ; Titze, Mirko. In: IWH Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:iwhdps:iwh-18-16.

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2016Quantitative Spatial Economics. (2016). Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban ; Redding, Stephen. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22655.

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2016Quantitative Spatial Economics. (2016). Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban ; Redding, Stephen. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1452.

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2016Migrating Extremists. (2016). Roesel, Felix ; Ochsner, Christian. In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145632.

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2016Modelling of the relation between financial market and growth in EU: convergence and behavioural regimes. (2016). Albu, Lucian. In: EcoMod2016. RePEc:ekd:009007:9694.

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2016International Research Networks: Determinants of Country Embeddedness. (2016). Kalthaus, Martin ; Graf, Holger. In: Jena Economic Research Papers. RePEc:jrp:jrpwrp:2016-016.

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2016Frammentazione comunale e spesa pubblica: una proposta di aggregazione sui sistemi locali del lavoro. (2016). Iommi, Sabrina ; Marinari, Donatella . In: ECONOMIA PUBBLICA. RePEc:fan:epepep:v:html10.3280/ep2016-001006.

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2016Access to public transport and labor informality. (2016). Moreno-Monroy, Ana. In: IZA World of Labor. RePEc:iza:izawol:journl:y:2016:n:274.

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2016Local representation and strategic voting: Evidence from electoral boundary reforms. (2016). Saarimaa, Tuukka ; Tukiainen, Janne . In: European Journal of Political Economy. RePEc:eee:poleco:v:41:y:2016:i:c:p:31-45.

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2016Do municipal mergers reduce costs? Evidence from a German federal state. (2016). Baskaran, Thushyanthan ; Blesse, Sebastian . In: Regional Science and Urban Economics. RePEc:eee:regeco:v:59:y:2016:i:c:p:54-74.

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2016Vetoing and Inaugurating Policy Like Others Do: Evidence on Spatial Interactions in Voter Initiatives. (2016). Asatryan, Zareh ; Streif, Frank ; Havlik, Annika . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145602.

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2016The impact of economic crisis on R&D convergence in Romania. (2016). Goschin, Zizi ; Sandu, Steliana . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa16p499.

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2016Accessibility, Transportation Cost and Regional Growth: A Case Study for Egypt. (2016). Haddad, Eduardo ; Lahr, Michael L ; Elshahawany, Dina N. In: Working Papers. RePEc:erg:wpaper:1049.

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2016On the effectiveness of EU structural funds during the Great Recession: Estimates from a heterogeneous local average treatment effects framework. (2016). Bachtrögler, Julia ; Bachtrogler, Julia . In: Department of Economics Working Papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwwuw:wuwp230.

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2016Identifying the effects of place-based policies – Evidence from Germany. (2016). Titze, Mirko ; Brachert, Matthias ; Dettmann, Eva . In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change. RePEc:zbw:vfsc16:145735.

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2016The influence of public transport supply on private car use in 17 mid-sized Swedish cities from 1997 to 2011. (2016). Hammes, Johanna Jussila ; Pyddoke, Roger ; Swardh, Jan-Erik . In: Working papers in Transport Economics. RePEc:hhs:ctswps:2016_025.

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2016Long-Lasting Labour Market Consequences of German Unification. (2016). Brunow, Stephan ; Hong, Phan Thi ; Moller, Joachim ; Blien, Uwe . In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik). RePEc:jns:jbstat:v:236:y:2016:i:1:p:158-181.

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2016ELS issues in robotics and steps to consider them. Part 1: Robotics and employment. Consequences of robotics and technological change for the structure and level of employment. (2016). Arntz, Melanie ; Zierahn, Ulrich ; Gregory, Terry. In: ZEW Expertises. RePEc:zbw:zewexp:146501.

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2016Job polarization on local labor markets?. (2016). Dauth, Wolfgang ; Blien, Uwe . In: ERSA conference papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa16p114.

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2016Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us. (2016). Berliant, Marcus ; Mori, Tomoya . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:69100.

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2016Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us. (2016). Berliant, Marcus ; Mori, Tomoya . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:70844.

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2016Modeling the interaction between flooding events and economic growth. (2016). Grames, Johanna ; Bloschl, Gunter ; Viglione, Alberto ; Grass, Dieter ; Prskawetz, Alexia. In: Ecological Economics. RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:129:y:2016:i:c:p:193-209.

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2016The Effects of a Temporary Migration Shock: Evidence from the Arab Spring Migration through Italy. (2016). Labanca, Claudio. In: University of California at San Diego, Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:cdl:ucsdec:qt1fz17847.

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2016Innovation and immigration — Insights from a placement policy. (2016). Steinhardt, Max ; Jahn, Vera. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:146:y:2016:i:c:p:116-119.

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2016Six degrees of cultural diversity and R&D output efficiency. (2016). Tubadji, Annie ; Nijkamp, Peter. In: Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. RePEc:spr:lsprsc:v:9:y:2016:i:3:d:10.1007_s12076-015-0155-1.

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2016The international transmission of US shocks—Evidence from Bayesian global vector autoregressions. (2016). Huber, Florian ; Feldkircher, Martin. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:81:y:2016:i:c:p:167-188.

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2016Order Invariant Evaluation of Multivariate Density Forecasts. (2016). Dovern, Jonas ; Manner, Hans . In: Working Papers. RePEc:awi:wpaper:0608.

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2016Weathering global shocks and macrofinancial vulnerabilities in emerging Europe: Comparing Turkey and Poland. (2016). Huber, Florian ; Eller, Markus ; Schuberth, Helene. In: Focus on European Economic Integration. RePEc:onb:oenbfi:y:2016:i:1:b:3.

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2016Understanding the drivers of capital flows into the CESEE countries. (2016). Huber, Florian ; Eller, Markus ; Schuberth, Helene. In: Focus on European Economic Integration. RePEc:onb:oenbfi:y:2016:i:2:b:2.

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2016Density forecasting using Bayesian global vector autoregressions with stochastic volatility. (2016). Huber, Florian. In: International Journal of Forecasting. RePEc:eee:intfor:v:32:y:2016:i:3:p:818-837.

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2016Does joint modelling of the world economy pay off? Evaluating global forecasts from a Bayesian GVAR. (2016). Huber, Florian ; Feldkircher, Martin ; Dovern, Jonas. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:70:y:2016:i:c:p:86-100.

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2016The effects of probabilistic innovations on Schumpeterian economic growth in a creative region. (2016). Beladi, Hamid ; Batabyal, Amitrajeet. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:53:y:2016:i:c:p:224-230.

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2016The evolution of firm-level distributions for Ukrainian manufacturing firms. (2016). Vakhitov, Volodymyr ; Shepotylo, Oleksandr ; Kryvtsov, Oleksiy ; Jacho-Chávez, David ; Huynh, Kim ; Jacho-Chavez, David T. In: Journal of Comparative Economics. RePEc:eee:jcecon:v:44:y:2016:i:1:p:148-162.

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2016Knowledge economy and metropolitan growth: Barcelona and Helsinki metropolitan areas as case studies. (2016). Chica, Juan Eduardo ; Marmolejo, Carlos . In: International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development. RePEc:ids:ijkbde:v:7:y:2016:i:1:p:22-42.

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2016Measuring the efficiency of energy-intensive industries across European countries. (2016). Makridou, Georgia ; Zopounidis, Constantin ; Doumpos, Michael ; Andriosopoulos, Kostas. In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:88:y:2016:i:c:p:573-583.

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2016Assessing the Potential of Economic-Geographical Position for Russian Regions. (2016). Zemtsov, Stepan ; Baburin, Vyacheslav . In: Economy of region. RePEc:ura:ecregj:v:1:y:2016:i:1:p:117-138.

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2016Spatial Planning and Segmentation of the Land Market. (2016). Rouwendal, Jan ; Levkovich, Or. In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20160018.

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2016The Preservation of Historic Districts - Is it Worth it?. (2016). Waights, Sevrin. In: SERC Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:sercdp:0202.

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2016Regional age structure and young workers wages. (2016). Roth, Duncan ; Garloff, Alfred . In: IAB Discussion Paper. RePEc:iab:iabdpa:201606.

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2016The Impact of the Regional Policy on the European Economy. (2016). Ionescu, Romeo-Victor . In: EuroEconomica. RePEc:dug:journl:y:2016:i:1:p:26-35.

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2016Global Collaborative Patents. (2016). Pekkala Kerr, Sari. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6183.

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2016High-Skilled Migration and Agglomeration. (2016). Pekkala Kerr, Sari ; Parsons, Christopher ; Ozden, Caglar . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6241.

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2016High-Skilled Migration and Agglomeration. (2016). Pekkala Kerr, Sari ; Parsons, Christopher ; Ozden, Caglar. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:22926.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team