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Working Papers / Egerton University, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3226002 (33.3%)0.15
20000.36222 (%)0.14
20010.363510221 (10%)0.16
20020.3716635 (%)0.18
20030.250.390.172810.13141611 (100%)0.19
20040.670.40.6381670.441932854 (21.1%)20.250.18
20050.4262210.051910141 (5.3%)10.170.2
20060.360.450.3562890.32211452072 (9.5%)0.19
20070.330.380.328130.46124237 (%)0.16
20080.330.390.32937140.3815622272 (13.3%)0.17
20090.360.0713840.1129292 (%)0.17
20100.340.3224080.2310227 (%)0.15
20110.330.40.33949120.2426311861 (3.8%)10.110.19
20120.270.440.38251180.355113218 (%)10.50.2
20130.270.490.351130.25113237 (%)0.2
20140.50.520.43152150.29421146 (%)0.23
20150.540.525490.1711147 (%)0.24
20160.670.60.43357130.23832146 (%)20.670.27
20170.40.640.557100.185284 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12011Maize Revolutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2011). Smale, Melinda ; Jayne, Thomas ; Byerlee, Derek . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202592.

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22006Factors Driving the Growth in Fertilizer Consumption in Kenya, 1990-2005: Sustaining the Momentum in Kenya and Lessons for Broader Replicability in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2006). Jayne, Thomas ; Nyoro, James K. ; Ariga, Joshua. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202619.

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32004Competitiveness of Kenyan and Ugandan Maize Production: Challenges for the Future. (2004). Jayne, Thomas ; Nyoro, James K. ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202669.

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42005Staple Food Consumption Patterns in Urban Kenya: Trends and Policy Implications. (2005). Jayne, Thomas ; Argwings-Kodhek, Gem ; Muyanga, Milu ; Ariga, Joshua. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202624.

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52001Do Farmers Really Benefit from High Food Prices? Balancing Rural Interests in Kenyas Maize Pricing and Marketing Policy. (2001). Yamano, Takashi ; Jayne, Thomas ; Nyoro, James K. ; Awour, Tom . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202678.

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62002Measuring the Impacts of Prime-Age Adult Death on Rural Households in Kenya. (2002). Yamano, Takashi ; Jayne, Thomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202675.

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71999Evolution of Kenyas Maize Marketing Systems in the Post-Liberalization Era. (1999). Jayne, Thomas ; Nyoro, James K. ; Kiiru, M. W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202679.

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82016Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Agricultural Production: The Case of Small-Scale Farmers in Kenya. (2016). Ochieng, Justus ; Mathenge, Mary ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:229711.

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92011A Farm Gate-to-Consumer Value Chain Analysis of Kenyas Maize Marketing System. (2011). Sitko, Nicholas ; Jayne, Thomas ; Karin, Francis ; Muyanga, Milu ; Sheahan, Megan ; Kirimi, Lilian ; Flock, James ; Bor, Gilbert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202597.

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102012A Stochastic Production Function Analysis of Maize Hybrids and Yield Variability in Drought-Prone Areas of Kenya. (2012). Dalton, Timothy ; Jones, Ashley D. ; Smale, Melinda. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202593.

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112005Effects of Government Maize Marketing and Trade Policies on Maize Market Prices in Kenya. (2005). Jayne, Thomas ; Nyoro, James K. ; Myers, Robert J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202628.

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122008Off-Farm Work and Farm Production Decisions: Evidence from Maize-Producing Households in Rural Kenya. (2008). Tschirley, David ; Mathenge, Mary K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202609.

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132005Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Patterns and Supply Chain Systems in Urban Kenya: Implications for Policy and Investment Priorities. (2005). Tschirley, David L. ; Ayieko, Miltone W. ; Mathenge, Mary K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202627.

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142014Targeting of Subsidized Fertilizer Under Kenyas National Accelerated Agricultural Input Access Program (NAAIAP). (2014). Jayne, Thomas ; Olwande, John ; Sheahan, Megan ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202590.

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152005Urban Domestic Consumption Patterns for Meat: Trends and Policy Implications. (2005). Gamba, Paul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202626.

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162006Agricultural Extension in Kenya: Practice and Policy Lessons. (2006). Jayne, Thomas ; Muyanga, Milu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202617.

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172004Working-Age Adult Mortality and Primary School Attendance in Rural Kenya. (2004). Yamano, Takashi ; Jayne, Thomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202631.

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182011Productivity Trends and Performance of Dairy Farming in Kenya. (2011). Opiyo, Joseph ; Wambugu, Stella ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202598.

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192008Agriculture and Livelihood Diversification in Kenyan Rural Households. (2008). Tschirley, David L. ; Kimenju, Simon C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202614.

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202008Assessment of Kenyas Domestic Horticultural Production and Marketing Systems and Lessons for the Future. (2008). Tschirley, David L. ; Ayieko, Miltone W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202610.

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212006Beef and Dairy Cattle Improvement Services: A Policy Perspective. (2006). Gamba, Paul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202620.

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222001Increasing Kenyas Agricultural Competitiveness: Farm Level Issues. (2001). Nyoro, James K. ; Awour, Tom ; Wanzala, Maria . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202676.

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232009Has Kenyan Farmers Access to Markets and Services Improved? Panel Survey Evidence, 1997-2007. (2009). Jayne, Thomas ; Chamberlin, Jordan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202605.

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242011Is Older Better? Maize Hybrid Change on Household Farms in Kenya. (2011). Smale, Melinda ; Olwande, John . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202594.

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252008Rural Incomes, Inequality and Poverty Dynamics in Kenya. (2008). Tschirley, David ; Irungu, Charity ; Suri, Tavneet ; Gitau, Raphael ; Kariuki, Daniel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202613.

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262010Pathways into and out of Poverty: A Study of Rural Household Wealth Dynamics in Kenya. (2010). Jayne, Thomas ; Burke, William ; Muyanga, Milu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202603.

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272004Rural Poverty Dynamics, Agricultural Productivity and Access to Resources. (2004). Mghenyi, Elliot ; Gamba, Paul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202622.

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282004Improving Kenyas Domestic Horticultural Production and Marketing System: Current Competitiveness, Forces of Change, and Challenges for the Future Volume I: Horticultural Production. (2004). Tschirley, David ; Muendo, Kavoi Mutuku . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202672.

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292016The Effects of Kenya’s ‘Smarter’ Input Subsidy Program on Smallholder Behavior and Incomes: Do Different Quasi-Experimental Approaches Lead to the Same Conclusions?. (2016). Wineman, Ayala ; Mason, Nicole M ; Mather, David ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:233674.

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302004Improving Kenyas Domestic Horticultural Production and Marketing System: Current Competitiveness, Forces of Change, and Challenges for the Future Volume II: Horticultural Marketing. (2004). Tschirley, David ; Weber, Michael T. ; Muendo, Kavoi Mutuku . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202671.

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312008Trends and Patterns in Fertilizer Use by Smallholder Farmers in Kenya, 1997-2007. (2008). Jayne, Thomas ; Kibaara, Betty ; Ariga, Joshua ; Nyoro, James K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202615.

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322004Improving Kenyas Domestic Horticultural Production and Marketing System: Current Competitiveness, Forces of Change, and Challenges for the Future Volume III: Horticultural Research and Input Sector Re. (2004). Tschirley, David ; Muendo, Kavoi Mutuku . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202670.

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332015Adaptation to Rising Population Density: Voices from Rural Kenya. (2015). Jayne, Thomas ; Willy, Daniel Kyalo ; Muyanga, Milu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:208250.

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342010Impacts of USAID/Kenya Supported Agricultural Productivity Interventions on Household Income and Poverty Reduction. (2010). Jayne, Thomas ; Oehmke, James F. ; Aralas, Sarma B. ; Mathenge, Mary K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202604.

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352006Rural Financial Services in Kenya: What is Working and Why?. (2006). Kibaara, Betty . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202618.

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362003Developing Income Proxy Models for Use by the USAID Mission in Kenya: A Technical Report. (2003). Tschirley, David L. ; Mathenge, Mary K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202673.

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372011Consumption and Expenditures on Key Food Commodities in Urban Households: The Case of Nairobi. (2011). Githuku, James ; Kamau, Mercy ; Olwande, John . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202602.

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382006Enhancing Access and Utilization of Quality Seed for Improved Food Security in Kenya. (2006). Tschirley, David L. ; Ayieko, Miltone W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202616.

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392001Agricultural Production Incentives: Fertilizer Markets and Insights from Kenya. (2001). Staatz, John ; Mugera, Amin ; Jayne, Thomas ; Wanzala, Maria ; Kirimi, Justus ; Owuor, Joseph . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202677.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12016Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Agricultural Production: The Case of Small-Scale Farmers in Kenya. (2016). Ochieng, Justus ; Mathenge, Mary ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:229711.

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22014Targeting of Subsidized Fertilizer Under Kenyas National Accelerated Agricultural Input Access Program (NAAIAP). (2014). Jayne, Thomas ; Olwande, John ; Sheahan, Megan ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202590.

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32011A Farm Gate-to-Consumer Value Chain Analysis of Kenyas Maize Marketing System. (2011). Sitko, Nicholas ; Jayne, Thomas ; Karin, Francis ; Muyanga, Milu ; Sheahan, Megan ; Kirimi, Lilian ; Flock, James ; Bor, Gilbert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202597.

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42012A Stochastic Production Function Analysis of Maize Hybrids and Yield Variability in Drought-Prone Areas of Kenya. (2012). Dalton, Timothy ; Jones, Ashley D. ; Smale, Melinda. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202593.

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52011Maize Revolutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2011). Smale, Melinda ; Jayne, Thomas ; Byerlee, Derek . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202592.

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62016The Effects of Kenya’s ‘Smarter’ Input Subsidy Program on Smallholder Behavior and Incomes: Do Different Quasi-Experimental Approaches Lead to the Same Conclusions?. (2016). Wineman, Ayala ; Mason, Nicole M ; Mather, David ; Kirimi, Lilian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:233674.

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72005Urban Domestic Consumption Patterns for Meat: Trends and Policy Implications. (2005). Gamba, Paul . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202626.

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82008Assessment of Kenyas Domestic Horticultural Production and Marketing Systems and Lessons for the Future. (2008). Tschirley, David L. ; Ayieko, Miltone W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:egtewp:202610.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 2:

2017Weather extremes and household welfare in rural Kenya. (2017). Wineman, Ayala ; Kirimi, Lilian ; Ochieng, Justus ; Mason, Nicole M. In: Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food. RePEc:spr:ssefpa:v:9:y:2017:i:2:d:10.1007_s12571-016-0645-z.

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2017Boosting the Fertilizer Production in Kenya: a CGE analysis. (2017). Mainar, Alfredo ; Ferrari, Emanuele ; Dudu, Hasan ; Boulanger, Pierre ; Proietti, Ilaria ; Alfredo, Mainar Causape . In: JRC Working Papers. RePEc:ipt:iptwpa:jrc104685.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016Climate, Shocks, Weather and Maize Intensification Decisions in Rural Kenya. (2016). Di Falco, Salvatore ; Bozzola, Martina ; Difalco, Salvatore ; Smale, Melinda. In: 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, Boston, Massachusetts. RePEc:ags:aaea16:235601.

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2016Farm size and effects of chemical fertilizer price on farm households: Insights from Nepal Terai. (2016). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Kumar, Anjani ; Pokhrel, Suroj ; Karkee, Madhab ; Bhattarai, Binod ; Shivakoti, Sabnam . In: IFPRI discussion papers. RePEc:fpr:ifprid:1578.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team