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Economics and Quantitative Methods / Department of Economics, University of Insubria


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.36779004 (44.4%)0.14
20010.140.360.14121940.213971718 (20.5%)10.080.16
20020.580.370.582342220.52471911191113 (27.7%)90.390.18
20030.370.390.312365180.2836351342132 (5.6%)10.040.19
20040.20.40.182590190.21846965123 (37.5%)30.120.18
20050.040.420.061110160.0654829052 (40%)10.090.2
20060.030.450.061211370.0653619461 (20%)0.19
20070.040.380.1112125110.0942319410 (%)0.16
20080.040.390.02813330.021241832 (%)0.17
20090.36413740.03220681 (50%)0.17
20100.340.02914650.03212471 (%)0.15
20110.150.40.091516190.066132454 (%)0.19
20120.040.440.025166120.07241481 (%)0.2
20130.050.490.02166110.07201411 (%)0.2
20140.520.12116790.055334 (%)0.23
20150.5416780.05130 (%)0.24
20160.60.0516780.051211 (%)0.27
20170.6416760.0406 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

1Internationalization and Performance: findings from a set of Italian SMEs. (2001). Majocchi, Antonio ; Antonio, Majocchi ; Antonella, Zucchella. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0110.

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22002Bootstrapping and Bartlett corrections in the cointegrated VAR model. (2002). Omtzigt, Pieter ; Fachin, Stefano. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0212.

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32003Common dynamics in I(1) VAR systems. (2003). Paruolo, Paolo ; Paolo, Paruolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0316.

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42003Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from European Data. (2003). Montobbio, Fabio ; Mancusi, Maria ; malerba, franco ; Franco, Malerba ; Fabio, Montobbio ; Luisa, Mancusi Maria. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0319.

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52002C 1,1 functions and optimality conditions. (2002). La Torre, Davide ; Rocca, Matteo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0208.

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62001A characterization of Ck,1 functions. (2001). La Torre, Davide ; Rocca, Matteo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0103.

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72001LR cointegration tests when some cointegrating relations are known. (2001). Paruolo, Paolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0106.

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82003The emergence of new technologies in the ICT field: main actors, geographical distribution and knowledge sources. (2003). Montobbio, Fabio ; malerba, franco ; Corrocher, Nicoletta ; Nicoletta, Corrocher ; Fabio, Montobbio ; Franco, Malerba. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0317.

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92000Are industrial clusters going international? The case of Italian SMEs in Romania. (2000). Majocchi, Antonio. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0008.

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102004The Italian Experience in Social Reporting. (2004). Secchi, Davide ; Davide, Secchi. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf04016.

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112000The power of lambda max. (2000). Paruolo, Paolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0004.

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122002Impact factors. (2002). Paruolo, Paolo ; Omtzigt, Pieter. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0203.

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132002The role of credit in a Keynesian monetary economy. (2002). bertocco, giancarlo ; Fanelli, Luca ; Paruolo, Paolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0222.

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142002Automatic identification and restriction of the cointegration space. (2002). Omtzigt, Pieter. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0213.

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152006Some observations about the endogenous money theory. (2006). bertocco, giancarlo ; Giancarlo, Bertocco . In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0602.

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162007Location of value added activities in hi-tech industries. The case of pharma-biotech firms in Italy.. (2007). Paruolo, Paolo ; Abadir, Karim ; Ivan, Ginchev ; Matteo, Rocca. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0708.

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172002Common features and common I(2) trends in VAR systems. (2002). Paruolo, Paolo ; Guerraggio, Angelo ; Rocca, Matteo ; Ginchev, Ivan . In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0217.

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182002Testing for common trends in conditional I(2) VAR models. (2002). Paruolo, Paolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0216.

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192005Spatial effects in multivariate ARCH. (2005). Paruolo, Paolo ; Caporin, Massimiliano ; Massimiliano, Caporin. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0501.

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202011Palestine: a theoretical model of an Investment-Constrained Economy. (2011). Vaggi, Gianni ; Botta, Alberto. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf1105.

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212002Well-posedness and convexity in vector optimization. (2002). . In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0221.

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222005Extending the Bounded Rationality Model: The Distributed Cognition Approach. (2005). Secchi, Davide ; Emanuele, Bardone ; Davide, Secchi. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0506.

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232011Fiscal Policy, Eurobonds and Economic Recovery: Some Heterodox Policy Recipes against Financial Instability and Sovereign Debt Crisis. (2011). Botta, Alberto. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf1114.

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242009On Keynes’s criticism of the Loanable Funds Theory. (2009). bertocco, giancarlo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0904.

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252011Global Saving Glut and housing bubble: a critical analysis. (2011). bertocco, giancarlo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf1112.

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262003The economics of financing firms: the role of banks. (2003). bertocco, giancarlo ; Giancarlo, Bertocco . In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0312.

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27On efficient simulation in dynamic models. (2008). Paruolo, Paolo ; Abadir, Karim ; Ivan, Ginchev ; Matteo, Rocca. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0709.

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282004First order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization. (2004). Crespi Giovanni P., ; Matteo, Rocca ; Ivan, Ginchev. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf04010.

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292003The characteristics of a monetary economy: a Keynes-Schumpeter approach. (2003). bertocco, giancarlo ; Giancarlo, Bertocco . In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0311.

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302004Well-posedness and scalarization in vector optimization. (2004). Enrico, Miglierina ; Matteo, Rocca ; Elena, Molho. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0403.

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312002Automatic identification of simultaneous equations models. (2002). Omtzigt, Pieter. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0201.

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322001Bridge estimation of the probability density at a point. (2001). Mira, Antonietta ; Nicholls, Geoff. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0105.

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332010Internationalization and business model decisions: A business case in mobile telecommunication industry. (2010). Menegotto, Manuela ; Cortili, Massimo . In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf1006.

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342003The new keynesian monetary theory: a critical analysis. (2003). bertocco, giancarlo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0309.

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352004Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: Analyzing Business in Transnational Contexts. (2004). Secchi, Davide ; Davide, Secchi. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf04023.

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362001On Monte Carlo Estimation of Relative Power. (2001). Paruolo, Paolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0112.

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372007Metropolis Algorithm and equienergy sampling for two mean field spin systems. (2007). Leisen, Fabrizio ; Bassetti, Federico. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0704.

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382002On second-order conditions in vector optimization. (2002). Rampa, Francesco. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0218.

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392005Altruism and Selfish Behavior. The Docility Model Revisited. (2005). Secchi, Davide ; Davide, Secchi. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0505.

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402010IFRS Adoption in the E.U., accounting harmonization and market efficiency: a review. (2010). Guggiola, Gabriele . In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf1002.

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412003Expectations and perceived causality in fiscal policy: an experimental analysis using real world data. (2003). Paruolo, Paolo ; Omtzigt, Pieter ; Kirchkamp, Oliver ; Bernasconi, Michele. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0224.

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422004Variational inequalities in vector optimization. (2004). Crespi Giovanni P., ; Matteo, Rocca ; Ivan, Ginchev. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf04020.

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432006Finite sample comparison of alternative tests on the rank of a cointegration submatrix. (2006). Paruolo, Paolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0606.

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442005Design of vector autoregressive processes for invariant statistics. (2005). Paruolo, Paolo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0504.

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452002Approximating continuous functions by iterated function systems and optimization problems. (2002). La Torre, Davide ; Rocca, Matteo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0206.

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46On the determinants of inflation in Italy: evidence of cost-push effects before the European Monetary Union. (2002). Paruolo, Paolo ; Fanelli, Luca ; bertocco, giancarlo ; Bernasconi, Michele. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0223.

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472001Determining the number of cointegrating relations under rank constraints. (2001). Paruolo, Paolo ; Fanelli, Luca ; Cavaliere, Giuseppe. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0109.

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482006Are banks special? A note on Tobin’s theory of financial intermediaries.. (2006). bertocco, giancarlo. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0605.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12001Internationalization and Performance: findings from a set of Italian SMEs. (2001). Majocchi, Antonio ; Antonio, Majocchi ; Antonella, Zucchella. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0110.

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22003The emergence of new technologies in the ICT field: main actors, geographical distribution and knowledge sources. (2003). Montobbio, Fabio ; malerba, franco ; Corrocher, Nicoletta ; Nicoletta, Corrocher ; Fabio, Montobbio ; Franco, Malerba. In: Economics and Quantitative Methods. RePEc:ins:quaeco:qf0317.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team