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SBP Research Bulletin / State Bank of Pakistan, Research Department


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.16
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39000 (%)0.19
20040.4000 (%)0.18
20050.423343003 (7%)0.2
200610.451161970.377633333 (3.9%)20.130.19
20070.320.380.32113080.2781961961 (12.5%)0.16
20080.220.390.33333180.5552763010 (%)0.17
20090.360.3841180.446143310 (%)10.130.17
20100.340.22748130.27411419 (%)0.15
20110.130.40.33957260.4661524515 (%)0.19
20120.130.440.18360140.2341623871 (25%)0.2
20130.080.490.07262130.211121302 (%)0.2
20140.20.520.03264120.1951291 (%)0.23
20150.540.09266160.241542321 (6.7%)0.24
20160.250.60.33268320.47141186 (%)0.27
20170.64371200.28411 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12006Equilibrium Real Effective Exchange Rate and Exchange Rate Misalignment in Pakistan. (2006). Hyder, Zulfiqar ; Ahmed, Fareed ; Ahmad, Naved. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:13.

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22005Inflation and Growth: An Estimate of the Threshold Level of Inflation in Pakistan. (2005). Mubarik, Yasir Ali . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:03.

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32005Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Pakistan. (2005). Agha, Asif Idrees ; Shah, Hastam ; Mubarik, Yasir Ali ; Ahmed, Noor . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:01.

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42006Inflation in Pakistan: Money or Wheat?. (2006). Khan, Mohsin ; Mahboob, Adil ; Hyder, Zulfiqar . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:12.

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52006Why the State Bank of Pakistan should not Adopt Inflation Targeting. (2006). Khan, Mohsin S ; Schimmelpfennig, Axel . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:11.

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62006Inflation Targeting in a Small Emerging Market Economy: The Case of Pakistan. (2006). Akbari, Syed ; Chaudhry, Muhammad Aslam . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:10.

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72015Evaluating the Performance of Inflation Forecasting Models of Pakistan. (2015). Hanif, Muhammad ; Malik, Muhammad Jahanzeb. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:66.

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82006Core Inflation Measures for Pakistan. (2006). Agha, Asif Idrees ; Khan, Muhammad Saleem . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:16.

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92006Determining Import Intensity of Exports for Pakistan. (2006). Khan, Safdar Ullah . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:18.

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102005Detection and Forecasting of Islamic Calendar Effects in Time series Data. (2005). Riazuddin, Riaz ; Ul, Mahmood . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:02.

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112006The Long-run and Short-run Endogeneity of Money Supply in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation. (2006). Ahmad, Naved ; Tahir, Pervez . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:14.

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122007Monetary Conditions Index for Pakistan. (2007). Hyder, Zulfiqar ; Jalil, Abdul ; Hussain, Fayyaz. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:28.

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132006Exchange Rate Flexibility and the Monetary Policy Framework in Pakistan. (2006). Zaidi, Iqbal M. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:08.

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142011Household Leverage and the Recession of 2007 to 2009. (2011). Mian, Atif ; Akmal, Muhammad . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:55.

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152010What Drives Interest Rate Spreads of Commercial Banks in Pakistan? Empirical Evidence based on Panel Data. (2010). Khan, Mahmood ul Hasan. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:47.

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162009The 21st Century Neo-Wicksellian Monetary Order. (2009). Clinton, Kevin ; Felipe, Jesus . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:37.

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172015A Pragmatic Model for Monetary Policy Analysis I: The Case of Pakistan. (2015). Pasha, Farooq ; Hanif, Muhammad Nadim ; Malik, Muhammad Jahanzeb. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:65.

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182007Developing Bond Market in Pakistan. (2007). Hyder, Zulfiqar ; Khan, Muhammad Mazhar . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:27.

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192012Procyclical Monetary Policy and Governance. (2012). khan, sajawal ; Hanif, Muhammad ; Choudhary, Ali ; Malik, Muhammad Jahanzeb. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:60.

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202008Short Run Effects of an Unanticipated Change in Monetary Policy: Interpreting Macroeconomic Dynamics in Pakistan. (2008). Khan, Mahmood ul Hasan ; Adnan, S. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:31.

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212007An Empirical Investigation of Cost Efficiency in the Banking Sector of Pakistan. (2007). , . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:30.

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222011: Power, Profits and Inflation: A Study of Inflation and Influence in Pakistan. (2011). Shabbir, Safia . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:57.

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232006Choosing the Right Exchange Rate Regime for Pakistan. (2006). Husain, Aasim M. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:07.

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242009The Whys and Wherefores of Controlling Inflation. (2009). Omer, Muhammad ; Saqib, Omar Farooq . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:35.

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252008Estimating Output Gap for Pakistan Economy: Structural and Statistical Approaches. (2008). Akmal, Muhammad ; Saleem, Muhammad. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:32.

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262006Macro Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan. (2006). Gyntelberg, Jacob . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:19.

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272009Monetary Targeting in Pakistan: A Skeptical Note. (2009). Saqib, Omar ; Omer, Muhammad ; Clinton, Kevin . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:36.

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282013Quarterisation of National Income Accounts of Pakistan. (2013). Hanif, Muhammad ; Mazhar, Ummad. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:61.

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292006An Empirical Analysis of Fiscal Imbalances and Inflation in Pakistan. (2006). Bader, Sadia . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:17.

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302007Role of Securities Law in the Development of Domestic Corporate Bond Markets. (2007). Uppal, Jamshed ; Mays, Marshall . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:24.

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312009An Analysis of Degree of Competition in Banking Sector of Pakistan through a Direct Measure of Market Contestability. (2009). Khan, Mahmood ul Hasan. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:41.

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322016Intrinsic Inflation Persistence in a Developing Country. (2016). Iqbal, Javed ; Hanif, Muhammad ; Malik, Muhammad Jahanzeb. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:71.

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332012Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment to Developing Countries. (2012). Hanif, Muhammad Nadim ; Rehman, Muhammad ; Khan, Sajawal. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:59.

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342007Fixed Income Securities Shari’a Perspective. (2007). Uppal, Jamshed Y. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:23.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12005Inflation and Growth: An Estimate of the Threshold Level of Inflation in Pakistan. (2005). Mubarik, Yasir Ali . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:03.

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22006Equilibrium Real Effective Exchange Rate and Exchange Rate Misalignment in Pakistan. (2006). Hyder, Zulfiqar ; Ahmed, Fareed ; Ahmad, Naved. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:13.

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32006Core Inflation Measures for Pakistan. (2006). Agha, Asif Idrees ; Khan, Muhammad Saleem . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:16.

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42006Why the State Bank of Pakistan should not Adopt Inflation Targeting. (2006). Khan, Mohsin S ; Schimmelpfennig, Axel . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:11.

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52006Inflation in Pakistan: Money or Wheat?. (2006). Khan, Mohsin ; Mahboob, Adil ; Hyder, Zulfiqar . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:12.

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62011Household Leverage and the Recession of 2007 to 2009. (2011). Mian, Atif ; Akmal, Muhammad . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:55.

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72006Determining Import Intensity of Exports for Pakistan. (2006). Khan, Safdar Ullah . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:18.

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82007Monetary Conditions Index for Pakistan. (2007). Hyder, Zulfiqar ; Jalil, Abdul ; Hussain, Fayyaz. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:28.

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92015A Pragmatic Model for Monetary Policy Analysis I: The Case of Pakistan. (2015). Pasha, Farooq ; Hanif, Muhammad Nadim ; Malik, Muhammad Jahanzeb. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:65.

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102006Exchange Rate Flexibility and the Monetary Policy Framework in Pakistan. (2006). Zaidi, Iqbal M. In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:08.

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112005Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Pakistan. (2005). Agha, Asif Idrees ; Shah, Hastam ; Mubarik, Yasir Ali ; Ahmed, Noor . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:01.

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122006Inflation Targeting in a Small Emerging Market Economy: The Case of Pakistan. (2006). Akbari, Syed ; Chaudhry, Muhammad Aslam . In: SBP Research Bulletin. RePEc:sbp:journl:10.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team