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Working Papers / Turkish Economic Association


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.3611111800 (%)110.16
200240.3744561.21414 (%)0.18
20030.39222716552 (12.5%)0.19
20040.437643226273 (9.4%)0.18
20050.050.420.053910340.04305936433 (10%)10.030.2
20060.030.450.041311680.072076210343 (15%)40.310.19
20070.310.380.1913129320.25165216115221 (6.3%)50.380.16
20080.150.390.0911140140.116264124111 (6.3%)10.090.17
20090.080.360.079149100.0792421138 (%)0.17
20100.10.340.1112161180.11452028593 (6.7%)40.330.15
20110.140.40.19170150.0992135861 (11.1%)40.440.19
20120.10.440.1362232170.07372125472 (5.4%)30.050.2
20130.070.490.317249350.141471510331 (%)10.060.2
20140.110.520.159258240.09279910916 (%)0.23
20150.150.540.1716274290.11726410919 (%)0.24
20160.160.60.093277240.099254113101 (11.1%)310.27
20170.470.640.158285270.09419910716 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12005Aid and Foreign Direct Investment: International Evidence. (2005). Sayek, Selin ; Neyapti, Bilin ; Karakaplan, Mustafa. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2005/12.

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22001Krizden Krize Türkiye: 2000 Kasým ve 2001 Þubat Krizleri. (2001). Uygur, Ercan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2001/1.

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32012The Formal/Informal Employment Earnings GAP: Evidence From Turkey. (2012). tansel, aysıt ; Kan, Elif Oznur . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2012/23.

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42004Türkiye’de Bölgelerarasý Gelir Farklýlýklarý: Yakýnsama Var mý?. (2004). Karaca, Orhan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2004/7.

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52010Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances on Output Growth: Evidence From Turkey. (2010). tansel, aysıt ; Yasar, Pinar . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/12.

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62010THE GLOBAL CRISIS AND THE TURKISH ECONOMY. (2010). Uygur, Ercan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/3.

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72012Labor Mobility Across The Formal/Informal Divide in Turkey: Evidence From Individual Level Data. (2012). tansel, aysıt ; Acar, Elif ; Kan, Elif Oznur . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2012/1.

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82010HAZARD ANALYSIS OF UNEMPLOYMENT DURATION BY GENDER IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: THE CASE OF TURKEY. (2010). tansel, aysıt ; Tasi, Mehmet H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/6.

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92016THE CAUSAL EFFECT OF EDUCATION ON HEALTH BEHAVIORS: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY. (2016). tansel, aysıt ; Karaolan, Deniz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2016/2.

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102003Corporate Governance and Implications for Minority Shareholders in Turkey. (2003). Yurtoglu, Burcin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2003/7.

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112008Macroeconomic Policy and Unemployment by Economic Activity: Evidence from Turkey. (2008). tansel, aysıt ; Dogan, Nukhet ; Berument, Hakan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2008/7.

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122004Determinants of Unemployment Duration for Men and Women in Turkey. (2004). tansel, aysıt ; Tasci, Mehmet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2004/6.

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132006Determinants of Turkish Inflation. (2006). KORAP, LEVENT ; Saatcioglu, Cem. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2006/7.

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142011Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis. (2011). tansel, aysıt ; Bircan, Fatma . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2011/1.

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152013Supplementary Education in Turkey; Recent Developments and Future Prospects. (2013). tansel, aysıt. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2013/13.

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162006Brain Drain From Turkey: An Investigation of Students’ Return Intentions. (2006). tansel, aysıt ; Güngör, Nil Demet ; Gungor, Nil Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2006/11.

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17Price Setting Behavior in Turkish Industries: Evidence From Survey Data. (2008). SAHINOZ, SAYGIN ; Saracoglu, Bedriye . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2008/3.

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182007Brain Drain from Turkey: The Case of Professionals Abroad. (2007). tansel, aysıt ; Güngör, Nil Demet ; Gungor, Nil Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2007/2.

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192003Sermaye Akýmlarýnýn Temel Makroekonomik Göstergeler Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türkiye Örneði-1989:III-1999:IV. (2003). Sungur, Nesrin ; Insel, Aysu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2003/8.

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202007A Critique on Turkish Real Estate Market. (2007). Salman, Ferhan ; Binay, Sukru. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2008/8.

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212017Do emigrants self-select along cultural traits? Evidence from the MENA countries. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Turati, Riccardo ; Docquiera, Frederic. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2017/6.

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222006An Analysis of Central Bank Interventions on Forex Market For The Post-Crisis Period. (2006). KORAP, LEVENT. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2006/4.

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232006From Liberalization To Investment and Jobs: Lost in Translation. (2006). Akyuz, Yilmaz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2006/3.

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242007Global Rules and Markets: Constraints over Policy Autonomy in Developing Countries.. (2007). Akyuz, Ylmaz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2007/5.

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252009Parliamentary Election Cycles and the Turkish Banking Sector. (2009). Talavera, Oleksandr ; Caglayan, Mustafa ; Baum, Christopher. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2009/5.

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262013Implicit Asymmetric Exchange Rate Peg under Inflation Targeting Regimes: The Case of Turkey. (2013). Cömert, Hasan ; Benlialper, Ahmet ; Comert, Hasan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2013/11.

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272009Capital flows and economic growth across spectral frequencies: Evidence from Turkey. (2009). YILDIRIM, Nuri ; Tastan, Huseyin ; H useyin T astan, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2009/2.

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282010Industrial Policy: Can We Go Beyond an Unproductive Confrontation?. (2010). Chang, Ha-Joon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/1.

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292004Informal Sector in the Turkish Labour Market. (2004). Tat, Enver. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2004/22.

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302005The WTO Negotiations on Industrial Tariffs: What is at Stake for Developing Countries?. (2005). Akyuz, Yilmaz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2005/8.

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312005Financial Dollarization, (De)Dollarization and The Turkish Experience. (2005). Yılmaz, Gökhan ; Yilmaz, Gokhan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2005/6.

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322015Is There An Informal Employment Wage Penalty In Egypt?. (2015). tansel, aysıt ; Ozdemir, Zeynel ; Keskin, Halil Ibrahim. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2015/14.

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332006The Failure of Competition in the Credit Card Market in Turkey: The New Empirical Evidence. (2006). Aysan, Ahmet ; Muslim, Nusret Ahmet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2006/10.

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342005Does Time Inconsistency Problem Apply For Turkish Monetary Policy?. (2005). Metin Özcan, Kivilcim ; Ozcan, Kivilcim Metin ; zlale, mit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2005/2.

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352011Comparative Essay on Returns to Education in Palestine and Turkey. (2011). tansel, aysıt ; Daoud, Yousef. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2011/7.

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362012Turkish Voter Response to Government Incompetence and Corruption Related to the 1999 Earthquakes. (2012). tansel, aysıt ; Akarca, Ali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2012/2.

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372007Global Dynamics, Domestic Coalitions and a Reactive State: Major Policy Shifts in Post-War Turkish Economic Development. (2007). Senses, Fikret ; Onis, Ziya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2007/7.

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382009The Turkish Economy After The Crisis. (2009). Rodrik, Dani. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2009/9.

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392015INTERGENERATIONAL EDUCATIONAL MOBILITY IN TURKEY. (2015). tansel, aysıt. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2015/16.

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402012Gender Effects of Education on Economic Development in Turkey. (2012). tansel, aysıt ; Güngör, Nil Demet ; Gungor, Nil Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2012/19.

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412013Returns to Foreign Language Skills in a Developing Country: The Case of Turkey. (2013). tansel, aysıt ; Di Paolo, Antonio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2013/14.

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422004Trade and Competitiveness Between Turkey and the EU: Time Series Evidence. (2004). Seymen, Dilek ; Utkulu, Utku . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2004/8.

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432004Partial Adjustment Without Apology. (2004). Thomas, Julia ; King, Robert. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2004/15.

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442015Inequality Of Opportunities Of Educational Achievement In Turkey Over Time. (2015). tansel, aysıt. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2015/09.

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452010Export Dependence and Sustainability of Growth in China and the East Asian Production Network. (2010). Akyuz, Ylmaz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/7.

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462013Private Tutoring and the Question of Equitable Opportunities in Turkey. (2013). tansel, aysıt. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2013/6.

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472004Private Tutoring Expenditures in Turkey. (2004). tansel, aysıt ; Bircan, Fatma . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2004/13.

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482005Trade, Growth and Industralization: Issues, Experience and Policy Challenges. (2005). Akyuz, Yilmaz . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2005/3.

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492015Dynamics of Business Cycle Synchronization within Turkey. (2015). Duran, Hasan Engin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2015/01.

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502002 Yýlýnda Türkiye Ekonomisinin Sorunlarý. (2003). Emil, Ferhat. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2012/22.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12016THE CAUSAL EFFECT OF EDUCATION ON HEALTH BEHAVIORS: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY. (2016). tansel, aysıt ; Karaolan, Deniz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2016/2.

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22012Labor Mobility Across The Formal/Informal Divide in Turkey: Evidence From Individual Level Data. (2012). tansel, aysıt ; Acar, Elif ; Kan, Elif Oznur . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2012/1.

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32012The Formal/Informal Employment Earnings GAP: Evidence From Turkey. (2012). tansel, aysıt ; Kan, Elif Oznur . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2012/23.

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42010HAZARD ANALYSIS OF UNEMPLOYMENT DURATION BY GENDER IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: THE CASE OF TURKEY. (2010). tansel, aysıt ; Tasi, Mehmet H.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/6.

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52003Corporate Governance and Implications for Minority Shareholders in Turkey. (2003). Yurtoglu, Burcin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2003/7.

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62017Do emigrants self-select along cultural traits? Evidence from the MENA countries. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Turati, Riccardo ; Docquiera, Frederic. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2017/6.

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72005Aid and Foreign Direct Investment: International Evidence. (2005). Sayek, Selin ; Neyapti, Bilin ; Karakaplan, Mustafa. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2005/12.

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82001Krizden Krize Türkiye: 2000 Kasým ve 2001 Þubat Krizleri. (2001). Uygur, Ercan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2001/1.

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92004Türkiye’de Bölgelerarasý Gelir Farklýlýklarý: Yakýnsama Var mý?. (2004). Karaca, Orhan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2004/7.

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102010Industrial Policy: Can We Go Beyond an Unproductive Confrontation?. (2010). Chang, Ha-Joon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/1.

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112015INTERGENERATIONAL EDUCATIONAL MOBILITY IN TURKEY. (2015). tansel, aysıt. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2015/16.

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122015Is There An Informal Employment Wage Penalty In Egypt?. (2015). tansel, aysıt ; Ozdemir, Zeynel ; Keskin, Halil Ibrahim. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2015/14.

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132010Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances on Output Growth: Evidence From Turkey. (2010). tansel, aysıt ; Yasar, Pinar . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2010/12.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 9:

2017Education Effects on Days Hospitalized and Days Out of Work by Gender: Evidence from Turkey. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Keskin, Halil Ibrahim. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:83227.

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2017EDUCATION EFFECTS ON DAYS HOSPITALIZED AND DAYS OUT OF WORK BY GENDER: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Keskin, Halil Brahim. In: ERC Working Papers. RePEc:met:wpaper:1715.

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2017Education effects on days hospitalized and days out of work by gender: Evidence from Turkey. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Keskin, Halil Ibrahim. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:156.

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2017EDUCATION EFFECTS ON DAYS HOSPITALIZED AND DAYS OUT OF WORK BY GENDER: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Keskin, Halil Ibrahim. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tek:wpaper:2017/7.

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2017Education Effects on Days Hospitalized and Days out of Work by Gender: Evidence from Turkey. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Keskin, Halil Ibrahim. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp11210.

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2017Education Effects on Days Hospitalized and Days out of Work by Gender: Evidence from Turkey. (2017). tansel, aysıt ; Keskin, Halil Ibrahim. In: Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers. RePEc:koc:wpaper:1721.

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2017Intergenerational Education Mobility and the Level of Development: Evidence from Turkey. (2017). Yazici, Hakki ; Aydemir, Abdurrahman. In: Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers. RePEc:koc:wpaper:1717.

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2017Intergenerational Education Mobility and the Level of Development: Evidence from Turkey. (2017). Yazici, Hakki ; Aydemir, Abdurrahman. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp11164.

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2017Labor Informality: Choice or Sign of Segmentation? A Quantile Regression Approach at the Regional Level for Colombia. (2017). García Cruz, Gustavo ; García Cruz, Gustavo ; García Cruz, Gustavo ; García Cruz, Gustavo. In: Review of Development Economics. RePEc:bla:rdevec:v:21:y:2017:i:4:p:985-1017.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2017

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Recent citations received in 2016

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2016The Causal Effect of Education on Health Behaviors: Evidence from Turkey. (2016). tansel, aysıt ; Karaolan, Deniz. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10020.

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2016The Causal Effect of Education on Health Behaviors: Evidence from Turkey. (2016). tansel, aysıt ; Karaoglan, Deniz . In: Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers. RePEc:koc:wpaper:1606.

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2016The Causal Effect of Education on Health Behaviors: Evidence From Turkey. (2016). tansel, aysıt ; Karaoglan, Deniz . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:72146.

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