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Other publications TiSEM / Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.150.110.15757260.4619892142042011 (5.6%)20.040.06
19910.060.10.0763120220.182031076226158 (3.9%)20.030.04
19920.120.10.0876196410.21676120142522125 (3.7%)100.130.05
19930.120.130.0783279350.131263139162882110 (%)100.120.06
19940.080.140.0869348540.16798159133292614 (1.8%)60.090.06
19950.20.170.21074551170.26669152303487152 (7.8%)70.070.1
19960.20.220.221686231400.221805176363988859 (3.3%)130.080.09
19970.240.220.321938162650.3214012756750316050 (3.6%)170.090.09
19980.280.240.331259413050.3251536110062020254 (10.5%)130.10.12
19990.180.30.3213110723470.326303185666221057 (9%)110.080.15
20000.220.360.3316812404380.357432565772423641 (5.5%)190.110.14
20010.190.360.317114115250.375832995778523832 (5.5%)210.120.16
20020.240.370.2718615975920.379663398278821534 (3.5%)310.170.18
20030.260.390.2617917766470.368543579278120234 (4%)220.120.19
20040.230.40.2416119376670.349843658383519828 (2.8%)240.150.18
20050.280.420.2812820657160.357593409486523918 (2.4%)80.060.2
20060.310.450.2813021958380.3810292898982522838 (3.7%)370.280.19
20070.530.380.415323489130.39139925813878431437 (2.6%)420.270.16
20080.580.390.49118246610260.42135228316475136725 (1.8%)270.230.17
20090.760.360.6488255411590.4549827120669044119 (3.8%)130.150.17
20100.550.340.5492264610510.43672061136173346 (1.6%)80.090.15
20110.420.40.7100274611810.432851807658140513 (4.6%)120.120.19
20120.40.440.7579282513000.46125192775514162 (1.6%)70.090.2
20130.270.490.6667289213610.4751179484773174 (7.8%)30.040.2
20140.180.520.4987297914360.4811914626426208 (%)90.10.23
20150.140.540.3174305313860.4590154214251303 (3.3%)140.190.24
20160.310.60.3199315214420.4656161504071275 (8.9%)120.120.27
20170.310.640.3109326113900.4326173544061221 (3.8%)50.050.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

11993Global games and equilibrium selection. (1993). van Damme, Eric ; Carlsson, H. ; van Damme, E. E. C., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:49a54f00-dcec-4fc1-9488-4c15ffddf012.

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21994Environmental levies and distortionary taxation. (1994). de Mooij, Ruud ; Bovenberg, A. L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:4b32deaa-ec2f-4de7-b59b-90aa40c46fe3.

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31997An experiment on risk taking and evaluation periods. (1997). Potters, Jan ; gneezy, uri ; Potters, J. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:da6ba1bf-e15c-41b2-ae95-c5a54d9d23a9.

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41996Optimal environmental taxation in the presence of other taxes : General equilibrium analyses. (1996). Bovenberg, A. L. ; Goulder, L. H.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:5d4b7517-c5c8-4ef6-ab76-35964289df0c.

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51993Temporal aggregation of GARCH processes. (1993). Drost, Feike C. ; Nijman, T. E.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:0642fb61-c7f4-4281-b484-4f32b23f2f9c.

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62008Financing patterns around the world : Are small firms different?. (2008). Maksimovic, Vojislav ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten ; Beck, T. H. L., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:7078f1cc-51a6-4556-b193-df23609ebe10.

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72006How transparent are central banks?. (2006). Geraats, Petra ; Eijffinger, Sylvester ; Eijffinger, S. C. W., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:b34dfb1f-520f-4787-a08f-524e5a7b21e6.

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82006The determinants of financing obstacles. (2006). Maksimovic, Vojislav ; Laeven, Luc ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten ; Beck, T. H. L., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:3fd6bd22-71e9-4084-87a3-17dc70dfaeab.

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91996Why is capital so immobile internationally? Possible explanation and implications for capital income taxation. (1996). Gordon, Roger ; Bovenberg, A. L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:6a131c21-fd9a-4d83-8d9a-7b8d13d20ae1.

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101995Environmental quality and pollution-augmenting technological change in a two-sector endogenous growth model. (1995). Smulders, Sjak ; Bovenberg, A. L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:6784bb12-71fb-45a5-bf7e-8b13b97e7945.

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112008Finance, firm size and growth. (2008). Levine, Ross ; Laeven, Luc ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten ; Beck, T. H. L., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:6e2b24b0-1f95-419b-96c5-aafa1e5109e3.

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121997Capital income and profit taxation with foreign ownership of firms. (1997). Huizinga, Harry ; Nielsen, S. B.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:b4f6a916-7f7f-4fe1-9cf0-c7be0c465ca1.

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132007Leading-by-example and signaling in voluntary contribution games : An experimental study. (2007). Vesterlund, Lise ; Sefton, Martin ; Potters, Jan ; Potters, J. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:1ea4e6c8-3071-46d8-a29f-0e1423d3c5cd.

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141992Testing for selectivity in panel data models. (1992). Verbeek, Marno ; Nijman, T. E. ; Verbeek, M. J. C. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:7ec34a6c-1d84-4052-971c-d1cccf0607ab.

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152003The impact of energy conservation on technology and economic growth. (2003). Smulders, Sjak ; de Nooij, M.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:c4db0986-2132-4216-aa53-0e689c5c80e9.

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162002Imitation and belief learning in an oligopoly experiment. (2002). Sonnemans, Joep ; Potters, Jan ; Potters, J. J. M., ; Offerman, T. J. S., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:a6a771c5-31ba-4193-8f76-a69928520be0.

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171996Pollution abatement and long-term growth. (1996). Smulders, Sjak ; Gradus, Raymond ; Gradus, R. H. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:1ed65010-f4ac-4a1f-84b6-4926ce3c96be.

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182007Punishment, counterpunishment, and sanction enforcement in a social dilemma experiment. (2007). Noussair, Charles ; Masclet, David ; Denant-Boèmont, Laurent ; Denant-Boemont, L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:bf51dcf1-7064-41d1-8560-91a181675685.

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192008Measuring inequity aversion in a heterogeneous population using experimental decisions and subjective probabilities. (2008). van soest, arthur ; Kröger, Sabine ; Bellemare, Charles ; van Soest, A. H. O., ; Kroger, S.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:f17bda32-98f9-4580-ab3f-6dda0e89d886.

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202007Vignettes and self-reports of work disability in the United States and the Netherlands. (2007). van soest, arthur ; Smith, James ; Kapteyn, Arie ; van Soest, A. H. O., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:17902a1e-7cbb-4f3f-a772-edfb54aad9f9.

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211997Effects of trust and governance on relational risk. (1997). Nooteboom, Bart ; Noorderhaven, Niels ; Berger, H.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:8e83932e-064c-40e8-afe7-4d6f11995474.

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222008Who are the active investors? Evidence from venture capital. (2008). Hellmann, Thomas ; Da Rin, Marco ; Bottazzi, Laura. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:9336411f-ac48-4fad-8a2c-da211fb5341e.

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232000Hedging pressure effects in futures markets. (2000). Veld, Chris ; Nijman, T. E. ; de Roon, F. A.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:3dfe2c9f-3194-4751-9b34-12828163330e.

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241996Transitional impacts of environmental policy in an endogenous growth model. (1996). Smulders, Sjak ; Bovenberg, A. L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:e002b2ed-f04f-4ffc-98f8-099c5ffef44b.

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251989A moment estimator for the index of an extreme-value distribution. (1989). Einmahl, John ; Dekkers, A. L. M., ; de Haan, L. ; Einmahl, J. H. J., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:81970cb3-5b7a-4cad-9bf6-2f900a6a1518.

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261989Sequencing games. (1989). Pederzoli, G. ; Tijs, S. H. ; Curiel, I.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:cd695be5-0f54-4548-a952-24d91e8b6a1c.

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272008Network embeddedness and the exploration of novel technologies : Technological distance, betweenness centrality and density. (2008). Vanhaverbeke, Wim ; Nooteboom, Bart ; Duysters, Geert ; Oord, A. ; Vanhaverbeke, W. P. M., ; Gilsing, V. A. ; Duijsters, G. M.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:762e80f1-0adc-4184-b1be-96e7257726da.

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281992Vacancies and recruitment of new employees. (1992). van Ours, Jan ; Ridder, G.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:9acc708a-0885-46a2-aef5-7570468567a6.

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291992On the position value for communication situations. (1992). Borm, Peter ; Borm, P. E. M., ; Tijs, S. H. ; Owen, G.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:5a8473e4-1df7-42df-ad53-f6120c9367b9.

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302000Competitive pressure : The effects on investments in product and process innovation. (2000). boone, jan. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:88418185-7603-4c36-92fd-3dafae41b9e7.

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312005After you - endogenous sequencing in voluntary contribution games. (2005). Vesterlund, Lise ; Sefton, Martin ; Potters, Jan ; Potters, J. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:db491f52-df7b-43dd-ab2b-73cdced11627.

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321989Stable equilibria and forward induction. (1989). van Damme, Eric ; van Damme, E. E. C., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:bd598a8f-f017-4cab-a9ed-8e2e00ab1cb3.

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331996Interest groups : A survey of empirical models that try to assess their influence. (1996). Sloof, Randolph ; Potters, Jan ; Potters, J. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:ff27d5d8-f584-4386-a1fc-52f791f087d5.

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342007The collective model of household consumption : A nonparametric characterization. (2007). Vermeulen, Frederic ; De Rock, Bram ; Cherchye, Laurens ; Vermeulen, F. M. P., ; Cherchye, L. J. H., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:0a104373-4fb6-4ef2-9d2b-2a7387890a84.

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352005The effect of varying the causes of environmental problems on stated WTP values : Evidence from a field study. (2005). list, john ; Bulte, Erwin ; de Zeeuw, A. J. ; Gerking, S. D.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:f7559812-40bb-4595-b410-20ba091fc2f8.

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362001Testing for Mean-Variance spanning with short sales constraints and transaction costs : The case of emerging markets. (2001). de Roon, F. A. ; Werker, B. J. M., ; Nijman, T. E.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:f4a3551a-d7ae-4c22-8813-b170fee01383.

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371996A friction model of daily Bundesbank and Federal Reserve intervention. (1996). Eijffinger, Sylvester ; Eijffinger, S. C. W., ; Almekinders, G. J.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:9ca974cc-1549-4752-8dbe-0095ee910aad.

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381996Unemployment dynamics and duration dependence. (1996). van Ours, Jan ; van den Berg, Gerard. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:4374742f-8d86-458d-9ab3-61a672ef9a54.

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391996The effects of trust and interdependence on relationship commitment : A trans-Atlantic study. (1996). Kumar, Naresh ; Geyskens, Inge ; Steenkamp, J. E. B. M., ; Scheer, L. K.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:ef7c8d6c-963d-4ee7-8576-914d76fdfae8.

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402001Unemployment and labor market institutions : An empirical analysis. (2001). van Ours, Jan ; Belot, M. V. K., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:29a3de46-e7bc-4b3d-abe5-baace226a459.

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411999Environmental policy and competitiveness : The Porter hypothesis and the composition of capital. (1999). Xepapadeas, Anastasios ; de Zeeuw, A. J.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:cfb3ecf9-1a3c-4325-ac1d-b3256ef50a9f.

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422004The locking-in effect of subsidized jobs. (2004). van Ours, Jan. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:c4fd99a1-4c2f-46c6-9ee2-364a808c1467.

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431999Two-step estimation of panel data models with censored endogenous variables and selection bias. (1999). Verbeek, Marno ; Vella, Francis ; Verbeek, M. J. C. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:5aad87bc-25d1-49bc-882b-ce789ac094ee.

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442002Technological distance, growth and scale effects. (2002). Smulders, Sjak ; Peretto, Pietro. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:bdce08a7-4ad9-4427-a99e-fb4bbb47dc75.

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451999Endogenous Stackelberg leadership. (1999). Hurkens, J. P. M., ; van Damme, E. E. C., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:83a05fd8-4285-48f3-84ef-30f987f4cfbf.

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462006Public policy and the creation of active venture capital markets. (2006). Sembenelli, Alessandro ; Nicodano, Giovanna ; Da Rin, Marco. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:94370b9a-a6ac-444d-85a2-2ab8254faa31.

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471996Closing the GARCH gap : Continuous time GARCH modeling. (1996). Drost, Feike C. ; Werker, B. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:c3d29817-403a-4ad1-9295-8ce780844884.

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482009Does job loss cause ill health?. (2009). Salm, M.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:314436db-9957-4912-ba47-97123acd7e5b.

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492009Optimal timing of climate change policy : Interaction between carbon taxes and innovation externalities. (2009). Rosendahl, Knut Einar ; Kverndokk, Snorre ; Gerlagh, Reyer. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:4312dde8-f323-4ee2-9764-a18536d92bb7.

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501994Organizational learning and diversification. (1994). pennings, johannes ; Barkema, H. G. ; Douma, S. W.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:2cabb122-340f-4729-afb3-9de4c8f5d7a7.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

11997An experiment on risk taking and evaluation periods. (1997). Potters, Jan ; gneezy, uri ; Potters, J. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:da6ba1bf-e15c-41b2-ae95-c5a54d9d23a9.

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21993Global games and equilibrium selection. (1993). van Damme, Eric ; Carlsson, H. ; van Damme, E. E. C., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:49a54f00-dcec-4fc1-9488-4c15ffddf012.

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32008Financing patterns around the world : Are small firms different?. (2008). Maksimovic, Vojislav ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten ; Beck, T. H. L., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:7078f1cc-51a6-4556-b193-df23609ebe10.

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42006The determinants of financing obstacles. (2006). Maksimovic, Vojislav ; Laeven, Luc ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten ; Beck, T. H. L., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:3fd6bd22-71e9-4084-87a3-17dc70dfaeab.

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52008Network embeddedness and the exploration of novel technologies : Technological distance, betweenness centrality and density. (2008). Vanhaverbeke, Wim ; Nooteboom, Bart ; Duysters, Geert ; Oord, A. ; Vanhaverbeke, W. P. M., ; Gilsing, V. A. ; Duijsters, G. M.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:762e80f1-0adc-4184-b1be-96e7257726da.

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62008Measuring inequity aversion in a heterogeneous population using experimental decisions and subjective probabilities. (2008). van soest, arthur ; Kröger, Sabine ; Bellemare, Charles ; van Soest, A. H. O., ; Kroger, S.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:f17bda32-98f9-4580-ab3f-6dda0e89d886.

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72006How transparent are central banks?. (2006). Geraats, Petra ; Eijffinger, Sylvester ; Eijffinger, S. C. W., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:b34dfb1f-520f-4787-a08f-524e5a7b21e6.

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81996Optimal environmental taxation in the presence of other taxes : General equilibrium analyses. (1996). Bovenberg, A. L. ; Goulder, L. H.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:5d4b7517-c5c8-4ef6-ab76-35964289df0c.

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92008Finance, firm size and growth. (2008). Levine, Ross ; Laeven, Luc ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten ; Beck, T. H. L., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:6e2b24b0-1f95-419b-96c5-aafa1e5109e3.

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101995Environmental quality and pollution-augmenting technological change in a two-sector endogenous growth model. (1995). Smulders, Sjak ; Bovenberg, A. L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:6784bb12-71fb-45a5-bf7e-8b13b97e7945.

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112007Leading-by-example and signaling in voluntary contribution games : An experimental study. (2007). Vesterlund, Lise ; Sefton, Martin ; Potters, Jan ; Potters, J. J. M., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:1ea4e6c8-3071-46d8-a29f-0e1423d3c5cd.

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122007Punishment, counterpunishment, and sanction enforcement in a social dilemma experiment. (2007). Noussair, Charles ; Masclet, David ; Denant-Boèmont, Laurent ; Denant-Boemont, L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:bf51dcf1-7064-41d1-8560-91a181675685.

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132014Of religion and redemption : Evidence from default on Islamic loans. (2014). Ongena, Steven ; Farooq, Moazzam . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:b5dfdcea-ddd7-425f-8618-81f402441182.

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141994Environmental levies and distortionary taxation. (1994). de Mooij, Ruud ; Bovenberg, A. L.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:4b32deaa-ec2f-4de7-b59b-90aa40c46fe3.

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152000Hedging pressure effects in futures markets. (2000). Veld, Chris ; Nijman, T. E. ; de Roon, F. A.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:3dfe2c9f-3194-4751-9b34-12828163330e.

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162012Emerging market multinationals and the theory of the multinational enterprise. (2012). Hennart, Jean-Francois ; Hennart, J. M. A., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:23818daa-f6ed-4fd6-bca4-3d6fde556281.

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172007The theoretical rationale for a multinationality - performance relationship. (2007). Hennart, Jean-Francois ; Hennart, J. M. A., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:b4c7bdd4-bfda-467f-9886-3f840460e774.

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182003The impact of energy conservation on technology and economic growth. (2003). Smulders, Sjak ; de Nooij, M.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:c4db0986-2132-4216-aa53-0e689c5c80e9.

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192008Who are the active investors? Evidence from venture capital. (2008). Hellmann, Thomas ; Da Rin, Marco ; Bottazzi, Laura. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:9336411f-ac48-4fad-8a2c-da211fb5341e.

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202007The collective model of household consumption : A nonparametric characterization. (2007). Vermeulen, Frederic ; De Rock, Bram ; Cherchye, Laurens ; Vermeulen, F. M. P., ; Cherchye, L. J. H., . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:0a104373-4fb6-4ef2-9d2b-2a7387890a84.

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2017Do Incentives for Municipalities Reduce the Welfare Caseload? Evaluation of a Welfare Reform in the Netherlands. (2017). Koning, Pierre ; Kok, Lucy ; Berden, Caroline ; Kroon, Lennart ; Tempelman, Caren . In: De Economist. RePEc:kap:decono:v:165:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10645-017-9292-9.

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2017Adjustable Robust Optimisation approach to optimise discounts for multi-period supply chain coordination under demand uncertainty. (2017). Buhayenko, Viktoryia ; den Hertog, Dick. In: International Journal of Production Research. RePEc:taf:tprsxx:v:55:y:2017:i:22:p:6801-6823.

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2017Premium Levels and Demand Response in Health Insurance: Relative Thinking and Zero-Price Effects. (2017). Douven, Rudy ; Schut, Frederik T ; McGuire, Thomas ; van der Heijden, Ron. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23846.

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2017Premium levels and demand response in health insurance: relative thinking and zero-price effects. (2017). Douven, Rudy ; Schut, Erik ; McGuirec, Thomas ; van der Heijden, Ron. In: CPB Discussion Paper. RePEc:cpb:discus:366.

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2017How to Estimate Beta?. (2017). Prokopczuk, Marcel ; Simen, Chardin Wese ; Hollstein, Fabian . In: Hannover Economic Papers (HEP). RePEc:han:dpaper:dp-617.

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2017Pension Rules and Labour Market Mobility. (2017). Bloemen, Hans ; Hochguertel, Stefan ; Lammers, Marloes . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10840.

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2017Pension Rules and Labour Market Mobility. (2017). Bloemen, Hans ; Hochguertel, Stefan S ; Lammers, Marloes . In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20170060.

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2017Stock-flow consistent data for the Dutch economy, 1995-2015. (2017). Meijers, Huub ; Bonekamp, Bas ; Muysken, Joan. In: MERIT Working Papers. RePEc:unm:unumer:2017045.

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2017Innovation, Skills and Investment: A Digital Industrial Policy for Europe. (2017). Gruber, Harald. In: 28th European Regional ITS Conference, Passau 2017. RePEc:zbw:itse17:169464.

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2017Border Effects in European Public Procurement. (2017). Varela-Irimia, Xose-Luis ; Herz, Benedikt. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:76401.

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2017Innovation, skills and investment: a digital industrial policy for Europe. (2017). Gruber, Harald. In: Economia e Politica Industriale: Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. RePEc:spr:epolin:v:44:y:2017:i:3:d:10.1007_s40812-017-0073-x.

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2017Venturing into the unknown with strangers: Substitutes of relational embeddedness in cross-border partner selection in venture capital syndicates. (2017). Meuleman, Miguel ; Wright, Mike ; Jaaskelainen, Mikko. In: Journal of Business Venturing. RePEc:eee:jbvent:v:32:y:2017:i:2:p:131-144.

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2017Risky business: Institutions vs. social networks in FDI. (2017). Pandya, Sonal ; Leblang, David. In: Economics and Politics. RePEc:bla:ecopol:v:29:y:2017:i:2:p:91-117.

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2017The Origins of Financial Development: How the African Slave Trade Continues to Influence Modern Finance. (2017). Lin, Chen ; Levine, Ross ; Xie, Wensi. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23800.

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2017A Question of Trust: the Pursuit of Consumer Trust in the Financial Sector by Means of EU Legislation. (2017). Jager, C E. In: Journal of Consumer Policy. RePEc:kap:jcopol:v:40:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10603-016-9334-8.

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2017A Simple Regulatory Incentive Mechanism Applied to Electricity Transmission Pricing and Investment. (2017). Vogelsang, Ingo ; Rosellon, Juan ; Gabriel, Steven A ; Hesamzadeh, Mohammad Reza. In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin. RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1696.

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2017Pathways to Better Project Delivery: The Link Between Capacity Factors and Urban Infrastructure Projects in India. (2017). An, Yehyun ; Hall, Ralph P ; Garvin, Michael J. In: World Development. RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:94:y:2017:i:c:p:393-405.

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2017Interactions between the design of short-term electricity markets in the CWE region and power system flexibility. (2017). Brijs, Tom ; Belmans, Ronnie ; Hobbs, Benjamin F ; de Jonghe, Cedric. In: Applied Energy. RePEc:eee:appene:v:195:y:2017:i:c:p:36-51.

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2017The impact of firm prestige on executive compensation. (2017). Niessen-Ruenzi, Alexandra ; Maug, Ernst ; Focke, Florens . In: Journal of Financial Economics. RePEc:eee:jfinec:v:123:y:2017:i:2:p:313-336.

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2017When does the yield curve contain predictive power? Evidence from a data-rich environment. (2017). Hannikainen, Jari. In: International Journal of Forecasting. RePEc:eee:intfor:v:33:y:2017:i:4:p:1044-1064.

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2017Monetary/Fiscal Policy Mix and Agents Beliefs. (2017). Ilut, Cosmin ; Bianchi, Francesco. In: Review of Economic Dynamics. RePEc:red:issued:16-166.

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2017Do we need bigger Islamic banks? An assessment of bank stability. (2017). Rizvi, Syed Aun R. ; Ibrahim, Mansor ; Aun, Syed . In: Journal of Multinational Financial Management. RePEc:eee:mulfin:v:40:y:2017:i:c:p:77-91.

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2017Limit order books and liquidity around scheduled and non-scheduled announcements: Empirical evidence from NASDAQ Nordic. (2017). Siikanen, Milla ; Valli, Jaakko ; Kanniainen, Juho. In: Finance Research Letters. RePEc:eee:finlet:v:21:y:2017:i:c:p:264-271.

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2017Dark pools in European equity markets: emergence, competition and implications. (2017). Wedow, Michael ; Petrescu, Monica. In: Occasional Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbops:2017193.

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2017Effects of lit and dark market fragmentation on liquidity. (2017). Gresse, Carole. In: Journal of Financial Markets. RePEc:eee:finmar:v:35:y:2017:i:c:p:1-20.

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2017Firm size, ownership structure, and systematic liquidity risk: The case of an emerging market. (2017). Sensoy, Ahmet. In: Journal of Financial Stability. RePEc:eee:finsta:v:31:y:2017:i:c:p:62-80.

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2017Coordination of circuit breakers? Volume migration and volatility spillover in fagmented markets. (2017). Clapham, Benjamin ; Panz, Sven ; Gomber, Peter . In: SAFE Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:safewp:196.

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2017An Empirical Analysis of Market Segmentation on U.S. Equity Markets. (2017). Hatheway, Frank ; Zheng, Hui ; Kwan, Amy. In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. RePEc:cup:jfinqa:v:52:y:2017:i:06:p:2399-2427_00.

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2017Effects of Lit and Dark Market Fragmentation on Liquidity. (2017). Gresse, Carole. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01631771.

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2017Trading Out of Sight: An Analysis of Cross-Trading in Mutual Fund Families. (2017). Eisele, Alexander ; Peijnenburg, Kim ; Parise, Gianpaolo ; Nefedova, Tamara . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:12225.

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2017Bank sectoral concentration and (systemic) risk: Evidence from a worldwide sample of banks. (2017). Mulier, Klaas ; De Jonghe, Olivier ; Beck, Thorsten. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:12009.

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2017The impact of uncertainty on macro variables - An SVAR-based empirical analysis for EU countries. (2017). Belke, Ansgar ; Kronen, Dominik . In: ROME Working Papers. RePEc:rmn:wpaper:201708.

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2017The impact of uncertainty on macro variables: An SVAR-based empirical analysis for EU countries. (2017). Belke, Ansgar ; Kronen, Dominik . In: Ruhr Economic Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwirep:699.

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2017Audit quality, bank risks, and cross-country regulations.. (2017). Salganik-Shoshan, Galla ; Zagonov, Maxim ; Pettinicchio, Angela Kate . In: Economics Bulletin. RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-16-00517.

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2017Measuring heterogeneity in bank liquidity risk: Who are the winners and losers?. (2017). Soula, Jean-Loup ; Jean-Loup, Soula. In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. RePEc:eee:quaeco:v:66:y:2017:i:c:p:302-313.

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2017Model Uncertainty in Climate Change Economics. (2017). Berger, Loïc ; Marinacci, Massimo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:igi:igierp:616.

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2017The impact of uncertainty on macro variables - An SVAR-based empirical analysis for EU countries. (2017). Belke, Ansgar ; Kronen, Daniel. In: ROME Working Papers. RePEc:rmn:wpaper:201711.

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2017Games with a Permission Structure: a survey on generalizations and applications. (2017). van den Brink, Rene. In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20170016.

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2017Games with a permission structure - A survey on generalizations and applications. (2017). Brink, Rene. In: TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. RePEc:spr:topjnl:v:25:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11750-017-0440-9.

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2017Rejoinder on: Games with a permission structure - A survey on generalizations and applications. (2017). Brink, Rene. In: TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. RePEc:spr:topjnl:v:25:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11750-017-0443-6.

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2017Pension funds illiquid assets allocation under liquidity and capital constraints. (2017). Broeders, Dirk ; Werker, Bas ; Jansen, Kristy . In: DNB Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:555.

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2017Does banks systemic importance affect their capital structure adjustment process?. (2017). TARAZI, Amine ; De Jonghe, Olivier ; Bakkar, Yassine . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01546995.

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2017Does banks systemic importance affect their capital structure and balance sheet adjustment processes?. (2017). TARAZI, Amine ; De Jonghe, Olivier ; Bakkar, Yassine . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01636253.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

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2017Multi-period risk sharing under financial fairness. (2017). Schumacher, Johannes ; Ponds, Eduard ; Bao, Hailong . In: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. RePEc:eee:insuma:v:72:y:2017:i:c:p:49-66.

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2017Sustainable Consumer Behaviour: A Collection of Empirical Studies. (2017). Antonides, Gerrit. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:9:y:2017:i:10:p:1686-:d:112699.

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2017Who benefits from free health insurance: evidence from Mexico. (2017). Ginja, Rita ; Conti, Gabriella. In: IFS Working Papers. RePEc:ifs:ifsewp:17/26.

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2017Behavioral Impediments to Valuing Annuities: Evidence on the Effects of Complexity and Choice Bracketing. (2017). Samek, Anya ; Mitchell, Olivia ; Luttmer, Erzo ; Kapteyn, Arie ; Brown, Jeffrey. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:24101.

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2016Domestic and Cross-Border Auction Cycle Effects of Sovereign Bond Issuance in the Euro Area. (2016). Beetsma, Roel ; Hanson, Jesper ; Giuliodori, Massimo ; de Jong, Frank. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11122.

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2016The Impact of Sin Culture: Evidence from Earning Management and Alcohol Consumption in China. (2016). Zhang, Hong ; Li, Zhe ; Massa, Massimo ; Xu, Niahang . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11475.

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2016The Anatomy of Behavioral Responses to Social Assistance when Informal Employment is High. (2016). Cruces, Guillermo ; Bergolo, Marcelo. In: CEDLAS, Working Papers. RePEc:dls:wpaper:0204.

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2016Religion, gambling attitudes and corporate innovation. (2016). Adhikari, Binay Kumar ; Agrawal, Anup. In: Journal of Corporate Finance. RePEc:eee:corfin:v:37:y:2016:i:c:p:229-248.

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2016Cooperative investment in incomplete markets under financial fairness. (2016). Schumacher, Johannes ; Pazdera, Jaroslav. In: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. RePEc:eee:insuma:v:71:y:2016:i:c:p:394-406.

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2016Can’t work or won’t work: quasi-experimental evidence on work search requirements for single parents. (2016). Salvatori, Andrea ; Brewer, Mike ; Avram, Silvia . In: IFS Working Papers. RePEc:ifs:ifsewp:16/11.

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2016Cant Work or Wont Work: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Work Search Requirements for Single Parents. (2016). Salvatori, Andrea ; Brewer, Mike ; Avram, Silvia . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10106.

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2016The Anatomy of Behavioral Responses to Social Assistance When Informal Employment Is High. (2016). Cruces, Guillermo ; Bergolo, Marcelo. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10197.

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2016Single Mothers and Their Children: Evaluating a Work-Encouraging Welfare Reform. (2016). Lommerud, Kjell ; Løken, Katrine ; Loken, Katrine Vellesen ; Reiso, Katrine Holm . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10219.

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2016Factors affecting the success of development projects : A behavioral perspective. (2016). Aga, Deribe Assefa . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:867ae95e-d53d-4a68-ad46-62cb80597f4e.

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2016Essays in environmental policy and household economics. (2016). Motavasseli, Ali . In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:b32e287e-169b-4e89-9878-1817e188b356.

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2016The Anatomy of Behavioral Responses to Social Assistance when Informal Employment is High.. (2016). Cruces, Guillermo ; Bergolo, Marcelo. In: Documentos de Trabajo (working papers). RePEc:ulr:wpaper:dt-05-16.

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Recent citations received in 2015

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2015Changes in nominal rigidities in Poland – a regime switching DSGE perspective. (2015). Kuchta, Zbigniew ; Baranowski, Pawel. In: Lodz Economics Working Papers. RePEc:ann:wpaper:6/2015.

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2015Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability. (2015). Larsen, Vegard ; Bjørnland, Hilde. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bny:wpaper:0035.

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2015Discounted Tree Solutions. (2015). Solal, Philippe ; Rémila, Eric ; Béal, Sylvain ; Remila, Eric. In: Working Papers. RePEc:crb:wpaper:2015-18.

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2015Dark trading and price discovery. (2015). Putnins, Talis ; Comerton-Forde, Carole . In: Journal of Financial Economics. RePEc:eee:jfinec:v:118:y:2015:i:1:p:70-92.

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2015Characterization of the Average Tree solution and its kernel. (2015). Solal, Philippe ; Rémila, Eric ; Béal, Sylvain ; Remila, Eric ; Beal, Sylvain. In: Journal of Mathematical Economics. RePEc:eee:mateco:v:60:y:2015:i:c:p:159-165.

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2015From Hierarchies to Levels: New Solutions for Games with Hierarchical Structure. (2015). van den Brink, Rene ; van der Laan, Gerard ; Álvarez-Mozos, Mikel ; Alvarez-Mozos, Mikel ; Tejada, Oriol. In: CER-ETH Economics working paper series. RePEc:eth:wpswif:15-215.

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2015Are Star Funds Really Shining? Cross-trading And Performance Shifting In Mutual Fund Families. (2015). Eisele, Alexander ; Parise, Gianpaolo ; Nefedova, Tamara . In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01458357.

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2015Discounted Tree Solutions. (2015). Solal, Philippe ; Rémila, Eric ; Béal, Sylvain ; Remila, Eric. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01377923.

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2015Measuring heterogeneity in bank liquidity risk: who are the winners and the losers?. (2015). Soula, Jean-Loup. In: Working Papers of LaRGE Research Center. RePEc:lar:wpaper:2015-09.

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2015Trading in Fragmented Markets. (2015). Baldauf, Markus ; Mollner, Joshua . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:sip:dpaper:15-018.

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2015Comparable Characterizations of Four Solutions for Permission Tree Games. (2015). van den Brink, Rene ; van der Laan, Gerard ; Dietz, Chris ; René van den Brink, ; Xu, Genjiu. In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20150021.

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2015From Hierarchies to Levels: New Solutions for Games. (2015). van den Brink, Rene ; van der Laan, Gerard ; Álvarez-Mozos, Mikel ; Tejada, Oriol ; Alvarez-Mozos, Mikel. In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20150072.

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2015Solutions for cooperative games with and without transferable utility. (2015). Suzuki, T.. In: Other publications TiSEM. RePEc:tiu:tiutis:9bd876f2-c055-4d01-95f0-cfc969c49cda.

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2015BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS OF CREDIT AND DEBT NETWORKS. (2015). Garrido, Paulo ; Dias, Andre ; Campos, Pedro . In: Advances in Complex Systems (ACS). RePEc:wsi:acsxxx:v:18:y:2015:i:05n06:n:s0219525915500253.

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Recent citations received in 2014

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2014Experiments on Expectations in Macroeconomics and Finance. (2014). Massaro, Domenico ; Hommes, Cars ; Bao, Te ; Assenza, T. In: CeNDEF Working Papers. RePEc:ams:ndfwpp:14-05.

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2014Cash versus debit card: the role of budget control. (2014). Kosse, Anneke ; Jonker, Nicole ; Hernandez, Lola. In: DNB Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:429.

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2014Islamic Banking and Finance: Recent Empirical Literature and Directions for Future Research. (2014). TARAZI, Amine ; Molyneux, Philip ; Ebrahim, M. Shahid ; Abedifar, Pejman. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01073185.

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2014Why is geoengineering so tempting?. (2014). Doda, Baran. In: GRI Working Papers. RePEc:lsg:lsgwps:wp170.

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2014Behaviorally Rational Expectations and Almost Self-Fulfilling Equilibria. (2014). Hommes, Cars. In: Review of Behavioral Economics. RePEc:now:jnlrbe:105.00000004.

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2014Критичен преглед на основните подходи за моделиране на икономическите очаквания. (2014). Gerunov, Anton. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:68797.

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2014Heterogeneity in Inflation Expectations and Macroeconomic Stability under Satisficing Learning. (2014). Lima, Gilberto ; da Silveira, Jaylson Jair. In: Working Papers, Department of Economics. RePEc:spa:wpaper:2014wpecon28.

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2014Do Macroeconomic Shocks Affect Intuitive Inflation Forecasting? An Experimental Investigation. (2014). Deversi, Marvin. In: Ruhr Economic Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwirep:528.

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