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Global Environmental Politics / MIT Press


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19900.1000 (%)0.04
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.09000 (%)0.04
19930.11000 (%)0.05
19940.12000 (%)0.04
19950.19000 (%)0.07
19960.23000 (%)0.09
19970.26000 (%)0.09
19980.28000 (%)0.1
19990.32000 (%)0.13
20000.39000 (%)0.15
20010.39424287005 (5.7%)0.14
20020.070.40.07418360.07644234233 (4.7%)0.17
20030.050.430.054212560.051238348344 (3.3%)20.050.18
20040.060.480.063816380.0514183512577 (5%)10.030.19
20050.10.520.0641204100.0583808163106 (7.2%)0.2
20060.060.510.1127231250.1195795204223 (3.2%)0.2
20070.090.450.0737268160.06135686189137 (5.2%)10.030.18
20080.080.480.1141309270.09128645185209 (7%)10.020.2
20090.130.490.1440349490.141557810184256 (3.9%)40.10.19
20100.310.460.2640389910.2314581251864916 (11%)20.050.17
20110.210.490.24334221040.25628017185457 (11.3%)0.19
20120.140.520.29454671050.22677310191559 (13.4%)10.020.19
20130.140.580.27475141590.319678111995322 (22.9%)60.130.2
20140.220.60.33445581610.295392202056716 (30.2%)30.070.2
20150.330.610.36446022220.374291302097510 (23.8%)20.050.19
20160.240.680.33466482640.41238821213715 (21.7%)20.040.2
20170.310.730.36456932460.3511902822681 (%)40.090.22
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
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CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
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C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12009The Fragmentation of Global Governance Architectures: A Framework for Analysis. (2009). Zelli, Fariborz ; Pattberg, Philipp ; van Asselt, Harro ; Biermann, Frank. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:4:p:14-40.

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22007Harnessing Community Energies: Explaining and Evaluating Community-Based Localism in Renewable Energy Policy in the UK. (2007). Evans, Bob ; Hunter, Sue ; Devine-Wright, Patrick ; Fay, Helen ; Walker, Gordon . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:7:y:2007:i:2:p:64-82.

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32003Environment and Statecraft: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making. (2003). Young, Oran R.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:3:y:2003:i:1:p:145-147.

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42007Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation. (2007). Schreurs, Miranda A. ; Tiberghien, Yves. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:7:y:2007:i:4:p:19-46.

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52004Overlapping Public and Private Governance: Can Forest Certification Fill the Gaps in the Global Forest Regime?. (2004). Gulbrandsen, Lars H.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:2:p:75-99.

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62009Transnational Climate Governance. (2009). Bulkeley, Harriet ; Betsill, Michele M. ; Andonova, Liliana B.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:2:p:52-73.

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72003Private Environmental Governance and International Relations: Exploring the Links. (2003). Falkner, Robert. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:3:y:2003:i:2:p:72-87.

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82004Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations: A New Role for the Nation State. (2004). Jacob, Klaus ; Janicke, Martin . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:1:p:29-46.

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92008Transparency Under Scrutiny: Information Disclosure in Global Environmental Governance. (2008). Gupta, Aarti. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:2:p:1-7.

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102001NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: A Framework for Analysis. (2001). Corell, Elisabeth ; Betsill, Michele M.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:4:p:65-85.

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112013Introduction: The Institutional Fragmentation of Global Environmental Governance: Causes, Consequences, and Responses. (2013). Zelli, Fariborz ; van Asselt, Harro. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:13:y:2013:i:3:p:1-13.

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122010Disclosure as Governance: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and Resource Management in the Developing World. (2010). Haufler, Virginia . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:3:p:53-73.

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132009Conceptualizing Climate Governance Beyond the International Regime. (2009). Okereke, Chukwumerije ; Schroeder, Heike ; Bulkeley, Harriet. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:1:p:58-78.

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142006Toward Effective International Cooperation on Climate Change: Numbers, Interests and Institutions. (2006). Victor, David G.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:3:p:90-103.

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152010Public-Private Partnerships for the Earth: Politics and Patterns of Hybrid Authority in the Multilateral System. (2010). Andonova, Liliana B.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:2:p:25-53.

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162001Inferences and Indices: Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. (2001). Young, Oran R.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:1:p:99-121.

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172004Addressing the Global Governance Deficit. (2004). Haas, Peter M.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:4:p:1-15.

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182008The Governance of Transnational Environmental Harm: Addressing New Modes of Accountability/Responsibility. (2008). Mason, Michael . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:3:p:8-24.

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192014The Rise of Renewable Energy Protectionism: Emerging Trade Conflicts and Implications for Low Carbon Development. (2014). Lewis, Joanna I.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:14:y:2014:i:4:p:10-35.

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202005Explaining the Gaps between Mandate and Performance: Agency Theory and World Bank Environmental Reform. (2005). Gutner, Tamar . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:5:y:2005:i:2:p:10-37.

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212008Cool Rationalities and Hot Air: A Rhetorical Approach to Understanding Debates on Renewable Energy. (2008). Robinson, Clive ; Barry, John ; Ellis, Geraint. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:2:p:67-98.

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222012Moving Forward in the Climate Negotiations: Multilateralism or Minilateralism?. (2012). Eckersley, Robyn . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:12:y:2012:i:2:p:24-42.

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232004Understanding Disenfranchisement: Civil Society and Developing Countries Influence and Participation in Global Governance for Sustainable Development. (2004). Fisher, Dana R. ; Green, Jessica F.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:3:p:65-84.

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242008Accountability of Networked Climate Governance: The Rise of Transnational Climate Partnerships. (2008). Backstrand, Karin. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:3:p:74-102.

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252006Soft Law, Hard Law, and Effective Implementation of International Environmental Norms. (2006). Skjarseth, Jon Birger ; Stokke, Olav Schram ; Wettestad, Jorgen . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:3:p:104-120.

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262005Global Environmental Governance for Corporate Responsibility and Accountability. (2005). Clapp, Jennifer. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:5:y:2005:i:3:p:23-34.

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272004NGO Influence in the Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol: Compliance, Flexibility Mechanisms, and Sinks. (2004). Gulbrandsen, Lars H. ; Andresen, Steinar. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:4:p:54-75.

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282013The Politics of International Climate Adaptation Funding: Justice and Divisions in the Greenhouse. (2013). Ciplet, David ; Roberts, Timmons J. ; Khan, Mizan . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:13:y:2013:i:1:p:49-68.

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292002Business Strategy and International Environmental Governance: Toward a Neo-Gramscian Synthesis. (2002). Levy, David L. ; Newell, Peter J.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:2:y:2002:i:4:p:84-101.

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302005Hostage to Norms: States, Institutions and Global Forest Politics. (2005). Dimitrov, Radoslav S.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:5:y:2005:i:4:p:1-24.

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312003The Oslo-Potsdam Solution to Measuring Regime Effectiveness: Critique, Response, and the Road Ahead. (2003). Underdal, Arild ; Hovi, Jon ; Sprinz, Detlef F.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:3:y:2003:i:3:p:74-96.

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322001Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problems, Different Strategies. (2001). Skjarseth, Jon Birger ; Skodvin, Tora . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:4:p:43-64.

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332007The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. (2007). Harrison, Kathryn ; Sundstrom, Lisa McIntosh. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:7:y:2007:i:4:p:1-18.

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342006Leadership Revisited. (2006). Andresen, Steinar ; Skodvin, Tora . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:3:p:13-27.

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352010Preparing for a Warmer World: Towards a Global Governance System to Protect Climate Refugees. (2010). Biermann, Frank ; Boas, Ingrid . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:1:p:60-88.

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362009Scarcity and Cooperation Along International Rivers. (2009). Dinar, Shlomi. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:1:p:109-135.

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372004Who Ratifies Environmental Treaties and Why? Institutionalism, Structuralism and Participation by 192 Nations in 22 Treaties. (2004). Vasquez, Alexis A. ; Roberts, Timmons J. ; Parks, Bradley C.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:3:p:22-64.

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382013Is There a Democracy–Civil Society Paradox in Global Environmental Governance?. (2013). Bernauer, Thomas ; Koubi, Vally ; Bohmelt, Tobias. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:13:y:2013:i:1:p:88-107.

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392010Transparency in Nonstate Certification: Consequences for Accountability and Legitimacy. (2010). Auld, Graeme ; Gulbrandsen, Lars H.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:3:p:97-119.

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402001Individualization: Plant a Tree, Buy a Bike, Save the World?. (2001). Maniates, Michael F.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:3:p:31-52.

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412010Transparency in Global Environmental Governance: A Coming of Age?. (2010). Gupta, Aarti. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:3:p:1-9.

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422010Indigenous Struggles, Environmental Justice, and Community Capabilities. (2010). Carruthers, David ; Schlosberg, David . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:4:p:12-35.

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432013Fragmentation in Global Energy Governance: Explaining the Creation of IRENA. (2013). Van de Graaf, Thijs . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:13:y:2013:i:3:p:14-33.

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442006The Opposite of Learning: Ossification in the Climate Change Regime. (2006). Depledge, Joanna. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:1:p:1-22.

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452009Closing the Legitimacy Gap in Global Environmental Governance? Lessons from the Emerging CDM Market. (2009). Lovbrand, Eva ; Rindefjall, Teresia ; Nordqvist, Joakim. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:2:p:74-100.

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462007The Scope of Action for Local Climate Policy: The Case of Norway. (2007). Aall, Carlo ; Groven, Kyrre ; Lindseth, Gard . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:7:y:2007:i:2:p:83-101.

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472005The Making of the 2003 EU Emissions Trading Directive: An Ultra-Quick Process due to Entrepreneurial Proficiency?. (2005). Wettestad, Jorgen . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:5:y:2005:i:1:p:1-23.

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482006Problem Structure, Institutional Design, and the Relative Effectiveness of International Environmental Agreements. (2006). Mitchell, Ronald B.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:3:p:72-89.

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492011This Must Be the Place: Underrepresentation of Identity and Meaning in Climate Change Decision-Making. (2011). Chapin, F. S. ; Adger, Neil W. ; Barnett, Jon ; Ellemor, Heidi . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:11:y:2011:i:2:p:1-25.

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502008Civil Society, Corporate Accountability and the Politics of Climate Change. (2008). Newell, Peter. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:3:p:122-153.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12009The Fragmentation of Global Governance Architectures: A Framework for Analysis. (2009). Zelli, Fariborz ; Pattberg, Philipp ; van Asselt, Harro ; Biermann, Frank. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:4:p:14-40.

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22007Harnessing Community Energies: Explaining and Evaluating Community-Based Localism in Renewable Energy Policy in the UK. (2007). Evans, Bob ; Hunter, Sue ; Devine-Wright, Patrick ; Fay, Helen ; Walker, Gordon . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:7:y:2007:i:2:p:64-82.

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32013Introduction: The Institutional Fragmentation of Global Environmental Governance: Causes, Consequences, and Responses. (2013). Zelli, Fariborz ; van Asselt, Harro. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:13:y:2013:i:3:p:1-13.

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42014The Rise of Renewable Energy Protectionism: Emerging Trade Conflicts and Implications for Low Carbon Development. (2014). Lewis, Joanna I.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:14:y:2014:i:4:p:10-35.

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52007Multi-Level Reinforcement: Explaining European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation. (2007). Schreurs, Miranda A. ; Tiberghien, Yves. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:7:y:2007:i:4:p:19-46.

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62010Public-Private Partnerships for the Earth: Politics and Patterns of Hybrid Authority in the Multilateral System. (2010). Andonova, Liliana B.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:2:p:25-53.

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72012Moving Forward in the Climate Negotiations: Multilateralism or Minilateralism?. (2012). Eckersley, Robyn . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:12:y:2012:i:2:p:24-42.

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82010Disclosure as Governance: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and Resource Management in the Developing World. (2010). Haufler, Virginia . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:3:p:53-73.

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92001NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: A Framework for Analysis. (2001). Corell, Elisabeth ; Betsill, Michele M.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:4:p:65-85.

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102009Transnational Climate Governance. (2009). Bulkeley, Harriet ; Betsill, Michele M. ; Andonova, Liliana B.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:2:p:52-73.

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112006Toward Effective International Cooperation on Climate Change: Numbers, Interests and Institutions. (2006). Victor, David G.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:3:p:90-103.

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122001Individualization: Plant a Tree, Buy a Bike, Save the World?. (2001). Maniates, Michael F.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:3:p:31-52.

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132009Methods for Long-Term Environmental Policy Challenges. (2009). Sprinz, Detlef F. ; Lempert, Robert ; Scheffran, Jurgen. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:3:p:106-133.

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142006Soft Law, Hard Law, and Effective Implementation of International Environmental Norms. (2006). Skjarseth, Jon Birger ; Stokke, Olav Schram ; Wettestad, Jorgen . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:3:p:104-120.

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152004Overlapping Public and Private Governance: Can Forest Certification Fill the Gaps in the Global Forest Regime?. (2004). Gulbrandsen, Lars H.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:2:p:75-99.

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162010Indigenous Struggles, Environmental Justice, and Community Capabilities. (2010). Carruthers, David ; Schlosberg, David . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:4:p:12-35.

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172011The Limits of Carbon Disclosure: Theorizing the Business Case for Investor Environmentalism. (2011). Harmes, Adam . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:11:y:2011:i:2:p:98-119.

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182004Understanding Disenfranchisement: Civil Society and Developing Countries Influence and Participation in Global Governance for Sustainable Development. (2004). Fisher, Dana R. ; Green, Jessica F.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:3:p:65-84.

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192003Private Environmental Governance and International Relations: Exploring the Links. (2003). Falkner, Robert. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:3:y:2003:i:2:p:72-87.

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202016“All Hands on Deck”: The Paris Agreement and Nonstate Climate Action. (2016). Hale, Thomas . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:16:y:2016:i:3:p:12-22.

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212010Transparency in Nonstate Certification: Consequences for Accountability and Legitimacy. (2010). Auld, Graeme ; Gulbrandsen, Lars H.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:3:p:97-119.

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222013Is There a Democracy–Civil Society Paradox in Global Environmental Governance?. (2013). Bernauer, Thomas ; Koubi, Vally ; Bohmelt, Tobias. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:13:y:2013:i:1:p:88-107.

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232010Inside Copenhagen: The State of Climate Governance. (2010). Dimitrov, Radoslav S.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:2:p:18-24.

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242013The Politics of International Climate Adaptation Funding: Justice and Divisions in the Greenhouse. (2013). Ciplet, David ; Roberts, Timmons J. ; Khan, Mizan . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:13:y:2013:i:1:p:49-68.

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252009Conceptualizing Climate Governance Beyond the International Regime. (2009). Okereke, Chukwumerije ; Schroeder, Heike ; Bulkeley, Harriet. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:9:y:2009:i:1:p:58-78.

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262008The Governance of Transnational Environmental Harm: Addressing New Modes of Accountability/Responsibility. (2008). Mason, Michael . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:3:p:8-24.

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272011This Must Be the Place: Underrepresentation of Identity and Meaning in Climate Change Decision-Making. (2011). Chapin, F. S. ; Adger, Neil W. ; Barnett, Jon ; Ellemor, Heidi . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:11:y:2011:i:2:p:1-25.

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282010Transparency in Global Environmental Governance: A Coming of Age?. (2010). Gupta, Aarti. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:3:p:1-9.

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292004Addressing the Global Governance Deficit. (2004). Haas, Peter M.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:4:p:1-15.

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302015Building Productive Links between the UNFCCC and the Broader Global Climate Governance Landscape. (2015). Betsill, Michelle ; Winkler, Harald ; Vihma, Antto ; van Asselt, Harro ; Paterson, Matthew ; Dubash, Navroz K.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:14:y:2014:i:4:p:1-10.

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312010COP-15 in Copenhagen: How the Merging of Movements Left Civil Society Out in the Cold. (2010). Fisher, Dana R.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:2:p:11-17.

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322006Problem Structure, Institutional Design, and the Relative Effectiveness of International Environmental Agreements. (2006). Mitchell, Ronald B.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:6:y:2006:i:3:p:72-89.

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332008Transparency Under Scrutiny: Information Disclosure in Global Environmental Governance. (2008). Gupta, Aarti. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:2:p:1-7.

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342011Climate Change Bandwagoning: The Impacts of Strategic Linkages on Regime Design, Maintenance, and Death. (2011). Jinnah, Sikina . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:11:y:2011:i:3:p:1-9.

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352002Business Strategy and International Environmental Governance: Toward a Neo-Gramscian Synthesis. (2002). Levy, David L. ; Newell, Peter J.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:2:y:2002:i:4:p:84-101.

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362004Who Ratifies Environmental Treaties and Why? Institutionalism, Structuralism and Participation by 192 Nations in 22 Treaties. (2004). Vasquez, Alexis A. ; Roberts, Timmons J. ; Parks, Bradley C.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:4:y:2004:i:3:p:22-64.

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372015Transnational Advocacy over Time: Business and NGO Mobilization at UN Climate Summits. (2015). Hanegraaff, Marcel . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:14:y:2014:i:4:p:83-104.

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382001Inferences and Indices: Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. (2001). Young, Oran R.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:1:p:99-121.

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392007The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. (2007). Harrison, Kathryn ; Sundstrom, Lisa McIntosh. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:7:y:2007:i:4:p:1-18.

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402010Preparing for a Warmer World: Towards a Global Governance System to Protect Climate Refugees. (2010). Biermann, Frank ; Boas, Ingrid . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:1:p:60-88.

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412001Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problems, Different Strategies. (2001). Skjarseth, Jon Birger ; Skodvin, Tora . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:1:y:2001:i:4:p:43-64.

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422005The Third World and Global Environmental Negotiations: Interests, Institutions and Ideas. (2005). Williams, Marc . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:5:y:2005:i:3:p:48-69.

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432015Advancing Comparative Climate Change Politics: Theory and Method. (2015). Purdon, Mark . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:15:y:2015:i:3:p:1-26.

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442005Hostage to Norms: States, Institutions and Global Forest Politics. (2005). Dimitrov, Radoslav S.. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:5:y:2005:i:4:p:1-24.

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452008Cool Rationalities and Hot Air: A Rhetorical Approach to Understanding Debates on Renewable Energy. (2008). Robinson, Clive ; Barry, John ; Ellis, Geraint. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:8:y:2008:i:2:p:67-98.

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462014Governance by Diffusion: Transnational Municipal Networks and the Spread of Local Climate Strategies in Europe. (2014). Hakelberg, Lukas. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:14:y:2014:i:1:p:107-129.

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472016The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Behind Closed Doors. (2016). Dimitrov, Radoslav S. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:16:y:2016:i:3:p:1-11.

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482010Tamed Transparency: How Information Disclosure under the Global Reporting Initiative Fails to Empower. (2010). Dingwerth, Klaus ; Eichinger, Margot . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:10:y:2010:i:3:p:74-96.

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492014Rescuing EU Emissions Trading: Mission Impossible?. (2014). Wettestad, Jorgen . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:14:y:2014:i:2:p:64-81.

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502012Resisting Transparency: Corruption, Legitimacy, and the Quality of Global Environmental Policies. (2012). Bauhr, Monika ; Nasiritousi, Naghmeh . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:12:y:2012:i:4:p:9-29.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 28:

2017Valuing the Contributions of Nonstate and Subnational Actors to Climate Governance. (2017). Hoffmann, Matthew ; van der Ven, Hamish ; Bernstein, Steven. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:1:p:1-20.

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2017China’s Paris pledge on climate change: inadequate and irresponsible. (2017). Harris, Paul G. In: Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. RePEc:spr:jenvss:v:7:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s13412-017-0422-0.

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2017Embodied carbon in China’s foreign trade: An online SCI-E and SSCI based literature review. (2017). Zhang, Yongfeng ; Zhao, Yuhuan ; Su, Bin ; Li, Hao ; Liu, YA ; Wang, Song. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. RePEc:eee:rensus:v:68:y:2017:i:p1:p:492-510.

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2017The European Commission’s Shifting Climate Leadership. (2017). Skjarseth, Jon Birger. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:2:p:84-104.

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2017Protected tax havens: Cornering the market through international reform?. (2017). Kolstad, Ivar. In: CMI Working Papers. RePEc:chm:wpaper:wp2017-7.

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2017A Cointegration Analysis of Real GDP and CO 2 Emissions in Transitional Countries. (2017). Miti, Petar ; Zdravkovi, Aleksandar ; Ivanovi, Olja Munitlak . In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:9:y:2017:i:4:p:568-:d:95321.

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2017Detoxification of a Lignocellulosic Waste from a Pulp Mill to Enhance Its Fermentation Prospects. (2017). Llano, Tamara ; Coz, Alberto ; Quijorna, Natalia . In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:10:y:2017:i:3:p:348-:d:92823.

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2017Sensing Reality? New Monitoring Technologies for Global Sustainability Standards. (2017). Gale, Fred ; Lovell, Heather ; Ascui, Francisco . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:2:p:65-83.

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2017Aligning subnational climate actions for the new post-Paris climate regime. (2017). Hsu, Angel ; Xu, Kaiyang ; Weinfurter, Amy J. In: Climatic Change. RePEc:spr:climat:v:142:y:2017:i:3:d:10.1007_s10584-017-1957-5.

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2017A Polycentric Approach to Global Climate Governance. (2017). Dorsch, Marcel J ; Flachsland, Christian. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:2:p:45-64.

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2017Special issue: managing fragmentation and complexity in the emerging system of international climate finance. (2017). Pickering, Jonathan ; Skovgaard, Jakob ; Betzold, Carola. In: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. RePEc:spr:ieaple:v:17:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10784-016-9349-2.

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2017What drives national support for multilateral climate finance? International and domestic influences on Australia’s shifting stance. (2017). Pickering, Jonathan ; Mitchell, Paul . In: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. RePEc:spr:ieaple:v:17:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10784-016-9346-5.

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2017Postface: fragmentation, failing trust and enduring tensions over what counts as climate finance. (2017). Roberts, Timmons J ; Weikmans, Romain . In: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. RePEc:spr:ieaple:v:17:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10784-016-9347-4.

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2017Aligning domestic policies with international coordination in a post-Paris global climate regime: A case for China. (2017). Cassen, Christophe ; Li, Jun ; Hamdi-Cherif, Meriem. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. RePEc:eee:tefoso:v:125:y:2017:i:c:p:258-274.

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2017Negotiating Effectively: Justice in International Environmental Negotiations. (2017). Albin, Cecilia ; Druckman, Daniel. In: Group Decision and Negotiation. RePEc:spr:grdene:v:26:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10726-016-9509-3.

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2017Regulatory Institutions and Market-Based Climate Policy in China. (2017). Goron, Coraline ; Cassisa, Cyril. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:1:p:99-120.

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2017The politics of renewable energy trade: The US-China solar dispute. (2017). Hughes, Llewelyn ; Meckling, Jonas . In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:105:y:2017:i:c:p:256-262.

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2017Fighting for King Coal’s Crown: Business Actors in the US Coal and Utility Industries. (2017). Downie, Christian. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:1:p:21-39.

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2017Ratcheting Up Carbon Trade: The Politics of Reforming EU Emissions Trading. (2017). Jevnaker, Torbjorg ; Wettestad, Jorgen . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:2:p:105-124.

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2017Indigenous Belief Systems, Science, and Resource Extraction: Climate Change Attitudes in Ecuador. (2017). Eisenstadt, Todd A ; West, Karleen Jones . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:1:p:40-58.

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2017Aligning subnational climate actions for the new post-Paris climate regime. (2017). Hsu, Angel ; Xu, Kaiyang ; Weinfurter, Amy J. In: Climatic Change. RePEc:spr:climat:v:142:y:2017:i:3:d:10.1007_s10584-017-1957-5.

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2017Regulatory change and innovation in Latin America: The case of renewable energy in Brazil. (2017). Bradshaw, Amanda. In: Utilities Policy. RePEc:eee:juipol:v:49:y:2017:i:c:p:156-164.

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2017Estimating Smallholder Opportunity Costs of REDD+: A Pantropical Analysis from Households to Carbon and Back. (2017). Ickowitz, Amy ; de Sassi, Claudio ; Sills, Erin. In: World Development. RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:95:y:2017:i:c:p:15-26.

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2017When Normative and Market Power Interact: The European Union and Global Biofuels Governance. (2017). Renckens, Stefan ; Mondou, Matthieu ; Skogstad, Grace. In: Journal of Common Market Studies. RePEc:bla:jcmkts:v:55:y:2017:i:6:p:1432-1448.

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2017Balancing friends and foes: Explaining advocacy styles at global diplomatic conferences. (2017). Beyers, Jan ; Hanegraaff, Marcel . In: The Review of International Organizations. RePEc:spr:revint:v:12:y:2017:i:3:d:10.1007_s11558-016-9262-z.

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2017The Promise and Pitfalls of Assembled Institutions: Lessons from the Global Environment Facility and UNAIDS. (2017). Graham, Erin R. In: Global Policy. RePEc:bla:glopol:v:8:y:2017:i:1:p:52-61.

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2017Valuing the Contributions of Nonstate and Subnational Actors to Climate Governance. (2017). Hoffmann, Matthew ; van der Ven, Hamish ; Bernstein, Steven. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:1:p:1-20.

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2017Stakeholder Engagement in the Making: IPBES Legitimization Politics. (2017). Lidskog, Rolf ; Esguerra, Alejandro ; Beck, Silke . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:17:y:2017:i:1:p:59-76.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

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2017A Theory of Gains from Trade in Multilaterally Linked ETSs. (2017). Taschini, Luca ; Quemin, Simon ; Doda, Baran. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cec:wpaper:1706.

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2017Linking Heterogeneous Climate Policies (Consistent with the Paris Agreement). (2017). Stavins, Robert ; Metcalf, Gilbert ; Mehling, Michael A. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:harjfk:rwp17-042.

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2017Business actors, political resistance, and strategies for policymakers. (2017). Downie, Christian. In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:108:y:2017:i:c:p:583-592.

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2017A theory of gains from trade in multilaterally linked ETSs. (2017). Taschini, Luca ; Quemin, Simon ; Baran, Simon Quemin . In: GRI Working Papers. RePEc:lsg:lsgwps:wp275.

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2016Teaching and Learning from Environmental Summits: COP 21 and Beyond. (2016). Selin, Noelle E. In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:16:y:2016:i:3:p:31-40.

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Recent citations received in 2015

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2015Opening the Black Box of Carbon Finance “Additionality”: The Political Economy of Carbon Finance Effectiveness across Tanzania, Uganda, and Moldova. (2015). Purdon, Mark . In: World Development. RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:74:y:2015:i:c:p:462-478.

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2015Advancing Comparative Climate Change Politics: Theory and Method. (2015). Purdon, Mark . In: Global Environmental Politics. RePEc:tpr:glenvp:v:15:y:2015:i:3:p:1-26.

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2014Pluralising climate change solutions? Views held and voiced by participants at the international climate change negotiations. (2014). Buhr, Katarina ; Nasiritousi, Naghmeh ; Hjerpe, Mattias. In: Ecological Economics. RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:105:y:2014:i:c:p:177-184.

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2014Resource governance dynamics: The challenge of ‘new oil’ in Uganda. (2014). AmanigaRuhanga, Ivan ; Smith, Laura ; Dixon, Jami ; Van Alstine, James ; Manyindo, Jacob . In: Resources Policy. RePEc:eee:jrpoli:v:40:y:2014:i:c:p:48-58.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team