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Working Papers / Utrecht School of Economics


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19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.360100 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.16
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39242460003 (5%)0.19
20040.250.40.253458140.241502462463 (2%)80.240.18
20050.210.420.213189140.1690581258123 (3.3%)20.060.2
20060.290.450.322111270.2455651989271 (1.8%)0.19
20070.130.380.2238149320.211525371112411 (7.2%)40.110.16
20080.370.390.3150199560.281196022149467 (5.9%)40.080.17
20090.420.360.3640239770.32718837175632 (2.8%)0.17
20100.110.340.222261550.21379010181372 (5.4%)10.050.15
20110.290.40.34282891050.36706218172581 (1.4%)70.250.19
20120.320.440.36263151060.341025016178642 (2%)40.150.2
20130.540.490.37183331000.3225429166623 (13.6%)10.060.2
20140.340.520.28163491000.29194415134383 (15.8%)30.190.23
20150.290.540.3414363970.27723410110372 (2.8%)40.290.24
20160.670.60.55153781080.2922302010256 (%)20.130.27
20171.240.640.66203981140.2912293689593 (25%)20.10.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12007Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation. (2007). Lusardi, A. ; Alessie, R. ; M. C. J. van Rooij, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:2323.

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22012Entrepreneurship and role models. (2012). Verheul, I. ; Schutjens, V. ; Bosma, N. S. ; Van Praag, M. ; Hessels, J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:332.

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32008Impact of bank competition on the interest rate pass-through in the euro area. (2008). Rixtel, Adrian ; Van Leuvensteijn, Michiel ; Kok, Christoffer ; Bikker, Jacob ; Sorensen, Kok C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0808.

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42004The Effect of Home-ownership on Labor Mobility in The Netherlands. (2004). Van Leuvensteijn, Michiel ; Koning, Pierre. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0401.

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52015Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Regional Policy : A Sympathetic Critique. (2015). Stam, Erik. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1507.

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62007Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation. (2007). van Rooij, Maarten ; Lusardi, Annamaria ; alessie, rob. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0723.

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72005Risk-return preferences in the pension domain: are people able to choose?. (2005). van Rooij, Maarten ; Prast, Henriette ; Kool, Clemens ; Clemens J. M. Kool, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0504.

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8Cross-Border Takeovers, Corruption, and Related Aspects of Governance. (2006). Weitzel, Utz ; Berns, Sjors. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0603.

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92008How Banking Competition changed over Time. (2008). Bikker, Jacob ; Spierdijk, Laura. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0804.

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102004The Spatial Distribution of Wages:Estimating the Helpman-Hanson model for Germany. (2004). Garretsen, Harry ; Brakman, Steven ; Schramm, Marc. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0309.

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112007The Impact of Market Structure, Contestability and Institutional Environment on Banking Competition. (2007). Bikker, Jacob ; Spierdijk, Laura ; Finnie, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0729.

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122011Central Bank Transparency, the Accuracy of Professional Forecasts, and Interest Rate Volatility. (2011). Middeldorp, Menno. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1112.

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132012How Effective Is Central Bank Forward Guidance?. (2012). Thornton, Daniel ; Kool, Clemens ; Clemens J. M. Kool, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1205.

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142007Stock Market Performance and Pension Fund Investment Policy: Rebalancing, Free Float, or Market Timing. (2007). de Dreu, Jan ; Broeders, Dirk ; Bikker, Jacob ; Dirk W. G. A. Broeders, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0727.

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152007Does the Nominal Exchange Rate Explain the Backus-Smith Puzzle? Evidence from the Eurozone. (2007). Hadzi-Vaskov, Metodij. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0732.

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162011FOMC Communication Policy and the Accuracy of Fed Funds Futures. (2011). Middeldorp, Menno. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1113.

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172009Assessing Competition with the Panzar-Rosse Model: The Role of Scale, Costs, and Equilibrium. (2009). Shaffer, Sherrill ; Bikker, Jacob ; Spierdijk, Laura. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0927.

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182009Pension funds’ asset allocation and participant age: a test of the life-cycle model. (2009). Ponds, Eduard ; Broeders, Dirk ; Bikker, Jacob ; Hollanders, David ; Dirk W. G. A. Broeders, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0925.

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192015Monetary Policy with Diverse Private Expectations. (2015). Piccillo, Giulia ; Motolese, Maurizio ; Kurz, Mordecai ; Hu, H. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1503.

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202004The Role of Inflation Differentials in Regional Adjustment: Evidence from the United States. (2004). Kool, Clemens ; Arnold, Ivo ; Clemens J. M. Kool, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0413.

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212005Soft Regulators, though judges. (2005). Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe ; De Geest, Gerrit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0506.

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222010Origins of persistent macroeconomic imbalances in the Euro area. (2010). Muysken, Joan ; Kool, Clemens ; Holinski, Nils. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1012.

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232004Political Institutions and Trade Protection. (2004). Roelfsema, Hein. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0406.

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242008Innovation, Technology Transfer and Labor Productivity Linkages: Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Industries. (2008). Filippidis, Ioannis ; Economidou, Claire ; Apergis, Nicholas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0829.

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252016Racing With or Against the Machine? Evidence from Europe. (2016). Zierahn, Ulrich ; Gregory, Terry ; Salomons, A M. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1605.

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262003The Strategic Bombing of German Cities during World War II and its Impact for Germany. (2003). Garretsen, Harry ; Brakman, Steven ; Schramm, Marc. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0308.

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272004Is the American Model Miss World? Choosing between the Anglo-Saxon Model and a European-Style Alternative. (2004). Nahuis, Richard ; de Groot, Henri ; Paul J. G. Tang, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0426.

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282004Dutch Corporate Liquidity Management: New Evidence on Aggregation. (2004). Kool, Clemens ; Bruinshoofd, Allard ; Clemens J. M. Kool, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0405.

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292004Increases in Female Labour Force Participation in Europe: Similarities and Differences. (2004). Vlasblom, Jan Dirk ; Schippers, Joop J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0412.

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302008Innovation, Technology Transfer and Labor Productivity Linkages: Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Industries. (2008). Economidou, C. ; Apergis, N. ; Filippidis, I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:2929.

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312004Skills and Creativity in a Cross-section of Dutch Cities. (2004). van Woerkens, Clemens ; Marlet, Gerard . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0429.

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322014Temporal and locational flexibility of work, working-time fit, and job satisfaction. (2014). Possenriede, Daniel ; Plantenga, J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1408.

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332003Rising Skills Premia. You aint seen nothing yet. (2003). Nahuis, Richard ; de Groot, Henri. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0302.

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342005Evaluating the German Bank Merger Wave. (2005). Koetter, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0516.

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352003Invariances and Diversities in the Evolution of Manufacturing Industries. (2003). Secchi, Angelo ; Dosi, Giovanni ; Cefis, Elena ; Bottazzi, Giulio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0317.

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362006Workers Remittances and International Risk-Sharing. (2006). Hadzi-Vaskov, Metodij. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0619.

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372009What is your level of overconfidence? A strictly incentive compatible measurement of absolute and relative overconfidence. (2009). Weitzel, Utz ; Urbig, Diemo ; Stauf, Julia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0920.

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382015From Nash to Lindahl in Climate Change Policy. (2015). Swart, Julia ; Groot, Loek. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1501.

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392003Permanent and Transitory Wage Inequality of British Men, 1975-2001: Year, Age and Cohort Effects. (2003). Kalwij, A. S. ; Alessie, R.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:044.

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402012The Effects of Internationalization on Innovation: Firm-Level Evidence for Transition Economies. (2012). Roelfsema, Hein ; Boermans, Martijn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1204.

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412010Strategic Network Disruption and Defense. (2010). De Jaegher, Kris ; Hoyer, Britta. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1013.

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422003Survivor: The Role of Innovation in Firms’ Survival. (2003). Cefis, Elena ; Marsili, Orietta. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0318.

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432005Trade, location, and wages in the United States. (2005). Knaap, Thijs. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0530.

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442010Revaluating the Tanzi-Model to Estimate the Underground Economy. (2010). Ferwerda, Joras ; Unger, Brigitte ; Deleanu, Ioana . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1004.

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452011Reducing Fuel Volatility - An Additional Benefit From Blending Bio-fuels?. (2011). Sanders, Mark ; Koebl, Barbara Sophia ; Bailis, Rob . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1101.

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462008Network formation with decreasing marginal benefits of information. (2008). Kamphorst, Jurjen ; De Jaegher, Kris. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0816.

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472003The Economics of Tort Law: A Précis. (2003). Parisi, Francesco ; Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0313.

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482005Bargaining in Mergers: The Role of Outside Options and Termination Provisions. (2005). Weitzel, Utz ; Rosenkranz, Stephanie. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0532.

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492008The Economics of Crime and Money Laundering: Does Anti-Money Laundering Policy Reduce Crime?. (2008). Ferwerda, Joras. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0835.

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502009Competition and Innovation: Evidence from Financial Services. (2009). Bos, J. ; Jaap W. B. Bos, ; Ryan C. R. van Lamoen, ; Kolari, James W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0916.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12015Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Regional Policy : A Sympathetic Critique. (2015). Stam, Erik. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1507.

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22012Entrepreneurship and role models. (2012). Verheul, I. ; Schutjens, V. ; Bosma, N. S. ; Van Praag, M. ; Hessels, J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:332.

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32004The Effect of Home-ownership on Labor Mobility in The Netherlands. (2004). Van Leuvensteijn, Michiel ; Koning, Pierre. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0401.

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42015Monetary Policy with Diverse Private Expectations. (2015). Piccillo, Giulia ; Motolese, Maurizio ; Kurz, Mordecai ; Hu, H. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1503.

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52011Central Bank Transparency, the Accuracy of Professional Forecasts, and Interest Rate Volatility. (2011). Middeldorp, Menno. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1112.

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62016Racing With or Against the Machine? Evidence from Europe. (2016). Zierahn, Ulrich ; Gregory, Terry ; Salomons, A M. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1605.

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72007Stock Market Performance and Pension Fund Investment Policy: Rebalancing, Free Float, or Market Timing. (2007). de Dreu, Jan ; Broeders, Dirk ; Bikker, Jacob ; Dirk W. G. A. Broeders, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0727.

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82005Risk-return preferences in the pension domain: are people able to choose?. (2005). van Rooij, Maarten ; Prast, Henriette ; Kool, Clemens ; Clemens J. M. Kool, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0504.

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92006Cross-Border Takeovers, Corruption, and Related Aspects of Governance. (2006). Weitzel, Utz ; Berns, Sjors. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0603.

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102012The Effects of Internationalization on Innovation: Firm-Level Evidence for Transition Economies. (2012). Roelfsema, Hein ; Boermans, Martijn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1204.

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112007Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation. (2007). van Rooij, Maarten ; Lusardi, Annamaria ; alessie, rob. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0723.

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122007Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation. (2007). Lusardi, A. ; Alessie, R. ; M. C. J. van Rooij, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:2323.

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132008Impact of bank competition on the interest rate pass-through in the euro area. (2008). Rixtel, Adrian ; Van Leuvensteijn, Michiel ; Kok, Christoffer ; Bikker, Jacob ; Sorensen, Kok C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0808.

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142015From Nash to Lindahl in Climate Change Policy. (2015). Swart, Julia ; Groot, Loek. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1501.

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152011FOMC Communication Policy and the Accuracy of Fed Funds Futures. (2011). Middeldorp, Menno. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1113.

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162006Workers Remittances and International Risk-Sharing. (2006). Hadzi-Vaskov, Metodij. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0619.

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172017Herding behaviour of Dutch pension funds in sovereign bond investments. (2017). Bikker, Jacob ; Koetsier, I. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1715.

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182007The Impact of Market Structure, Contestability and Institutional Environment on Banking Competition. (2007). Bikker, Jacob ; Spierdijk, Laura ; Finnie, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0729.

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192009Pension funds’ asset allocation and participant age: a test of the life-cycle model. (2009). Ponds, Eduard ; Broeders, Dirk ; Bikker, Jacob ; Hollanders, David ; Dirk W. G. A. Broeders, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0925.

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202011Child Care Prices and Female Labour Force Participation: A Meta-Analysis. (2011). Akgunduz, Yusuf Emre ; Plantenga, Janneke. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1108.

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212014Temporal and locational flexibility of work, working-time fit, and job satisfaction. (2014). Possenriede, Daniel ; Plantenga, J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1408.

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222010Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Dutch and Danish Boardrooms. (2010). Remery, Chantal ; Marinova, Joana ; Plantenga, Janneke. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1003.

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232009What is your level of overconfidence? A strictly incentive compatible measurement of absolute and relative overconfidence. (2009). Weitzel, Utz ; Urbig, Diemo ; Stauf, Julia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0920.

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242016Competing for savings : how important is creditworthiness during the crisis?. (2016). Gerritsen, Dirk ; Bikker, Jacob ; Schwillens, Steffie M. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1601.

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252014Measuring too-big-to-fail funding advantages from small banks’ CDS spreads. (2014). J. H. J. Lukkezen, ; Bijlsma, M. ; Marinova, K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1403.

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262012How Effective Is Central Bank Forward Guidance?. (2012). Thornton, Daniel ; Kool, Clemens ; Clemens J. M. Kool, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1205.

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272013Is there an optimal pension fund size? A scale-economy analysis of administrative and investment costs. (2013). Bikker, Jacob. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1306.

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282016Russian Bank Database : Birth and Death, Location, Mergers, Deposit Insurance Participation, State and Foreign Ownership. (2016). Vernikov, Andrei ; Karas, Alexei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1604.

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292009Assessing Competition with the Panzar-Rosse Model: The Role of Scale, Costs, and Equilibrium. (2009). Shaffer, Sherrill ; Bikker, Jacob ; Spierdijk, Laura. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0927.

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302004The Spatial Distribution of Wages:Estimating the Helpman-Hanson model for Germany. (2004). Garretsen, Harry ; Brakman, Steven ; Schramm, Marc. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0309.

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312010Review of economic theories of regulation. (2010). Hertog, Johan den ; den Hertog, Johan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1018.

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322008How Banking Competition changed over Time. (2008). Bikker, Jacob ; Spierdijk, Laura. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0804.

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332013Reference Points, Performance and Ability: A Real Effort Experiment on Framed Incentive Schemes. (2013). Rosenkranz, Stephanie ; Hilken, Katharina ; De Jaegher, Kris ; Jegers, Marc. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1315.

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342009The Importance of Income and Housing Wealth Constraints for Future Residential Mobility. (2009). Van Leuvensteijn, Michiel ; Hassink, Wolter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0905.

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352014Does temporal and locational flexibility of work reduce absenteeism?. (2014). Possenriede, Daniel ; Plantenga, J. ; W. H. J. Hassink, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1409.

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362008Dancing with the Devil: A Study of Country Size and the Incentive to Tolerate Money Laundering. (2008). McCarthy, Killian ; Unger, Brigitte ; Gnutzmann, Hinnerk . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0818.

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372017Measuring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. (2017). Stam, Erik. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1711.

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382008Innovation, Technology Transfer and Labor Productivity Linkages: Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Industries. (2008). Economidou, C. ; Apergis, N. ; Filippidis, I.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:2929.

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392015Employment Growth in Europe:The Roles of Innovation, Local Job Multipliers and Institutions. (2015). Goos, M ; Vanderweyer, Marieke ; Konings, Jozef. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1510.

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402014Does temporal and locational flexibility of work increase the labour supply of part-timers?. (2014). Possenriede, Daniel ; Hassink, Wolter ; Plantenga, Janneke. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1411.

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412013A Barrier Options Approach to Modeling Project Failure: The Case of Hydrogen Fuel Infrastructure. (2013). Li, Ye ; Kool, Clemens ; Engelen, Peter-Jan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1301.

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422016Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. (2016). Stam, Erik ; Spigel, Ben . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:1613.

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432009Measuring and explaining competition in the financial sector. (2009). Bikker, Jacob ; Spierdijk, Laura. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0901.

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442008Innovation, Technology Transfer and Labor Productivity Linkages: Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Industries. (2008). Filippidis, Ioannis ; Economidou, Claire ; Apergis, Nicholas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0829.

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452005Soft Regulators, though judges. (2005). Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe ; De Geest, Gerrit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:use:tkiwps:0506.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 36:

2017Negative home equity and job mobility. (2017). Morescalchi, Andrea ; Voogt, Bart ; van Veldhuizen, Sander ; Vogt, Benedikt . In: CPB Discussion Paper. RePEc:cpb:discus:345.

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2017Achieving growth within the UKs Domestic Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Services sector, practitioner experiences and strategies moving forward. (2017). Gooding, Luke ; Gul, Mehreen S. In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:105:y:2017:i:c:p:173-182.

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2017Bank switching and deposit rates: Evidence for crisis and non-crisis years. (2017). Gerritsen, Dirk ; Bikker, Jacob ; Brandsen, Mike . In: DNB Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:552.

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2017Limited Attention, Salience and Changing Prices: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Online Supermarket Shopping.. (2017). Eliaz, Kfir ; Weisburd, Sarit ; Oren-Kolbinger, Orli . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:12014.

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2017Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor Markets. (2017). Restrepo, Pascual ; Acemoglu, Daron. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23285.

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2017Robocalypse Now: Does Productivity Growth Threaten Employment?. (2017). Autor, David ; Salomons, Anna. In: NBER Chapters. RePEc:nbr:nberch:14019.

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2017Revisiting the risk of automation. (2017). Zierahn, Ulrich ; Gregory, Terry ; Arntz, Melanie. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:159:y:2017:i:c:p:157-160.

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2017Disappearing routine jobs: Who, how, and why?. (2017). Siu, Henry ; Jaimovich, Nir ; Cortes, Guido Matias. In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:91:y:2017:i:c:p:69-87.

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2017Az ipar 4.0 komplexitása - II.. (2017). Kovacs, Oliver . In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). RePEc:ksa:szemle:1721.

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2017Структурные или институциональные сдвиги? Попытка измерения на примере банковского сектора. (2017). Vernikov, Andrei. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:79978.

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2017Does employment protection legislation promote immigrant self-employment?. (2017). Ulceluse, Magdalena ; Kahanec, Martin. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cel:dpaper:46.

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2017Comparing electricity transitions: A historical analysis of nuclear, wind and solar power in Germany and Japan. (2017). Cherp, Aleh ; Antal, Miklos ; Suzuki, Masahiro ; Jewell, Jessica ; Vinichenko, Vadim. In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:101:y:2017:i:c:p:612-628.

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2017Why does the combination of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and a renewable energy target makes economic sense?. (2017). del Rio, Pablo. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. RePEc:eee:rensus:v:74:y:2017:i:c:p:824-834.

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2017Analysis of biomass hydrothermal liquefaction and biocrude-oil upgrading for renewable jet fuel production: The impact of reaction conditions on production costs and GHG emissions performance. (2017). Tzanetis, Konstantinos F ; Ramirez, Andrea ; Posada, John A. In: Renewable Energy. RePEc:eee:renene:v:113:y:2017:i:c:p:1388-1398.

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2017Is it the way you live or the job you have? Health effects of lifestyles and working conditions.. (2017). Cottini, Elena ; Ghinetti, Paolo . In: DISCE - Working Papers del Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza. RePEc:ctc:serie1:def056.

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2017E Many Pluribus Unum: A Behavioural Macro-Economic Agent Based Model.. (2017). Tettamanzi, Michele. In: DISCE - Working Papers del Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza. RePEc:ctc:serie1:def062.

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2017A multidisciplinary-economic framework of analysis. (2017). Keizer, Piet . In: The Journal of Philosophical Economics. RePEc:bus:jphile:v:11:y:2017:i:1:n:5.

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2017Legitimate to whom? The challenge of audience diversity and new venture legitimacy. (2017). Fisher, Greg ; Bloodgood, James M ; Kuratko, Donald F ; Hornsby, Jeffrey S. In: Journal of Business Venturing. RePEc:eee:jbvent:v:32:y:2017:i:1:p:52-71.

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2017Institutional Reform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: An Agenda for Europe. (2017). Stenkula, Mikael ; Henrekson, Magnus ; Elert, Niklas. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:hhs:iuiwop:1150.

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2017You cant always get what you want: How entrepreneurs perceived resource needs affect the incubators assertiveness. (2017). Nauta, Frans ; van Rijnsoever, Frank J ; van Weele, Marijn . In: Technovation. RePEc:eee:techno:v:59:y:2017:i:c:p:18-33.

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2017Transformation Capacity of the Innovative Entrepreneur: On the interplay between social structure and agency. (2017). Grillitsch, Markus. In: Papers in Innovation Studies. RePEc:hhs:lucirc:2017_002.

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2017A critical review of entrepreneurial ecosystems research: towards a future research agenda. (2017). Boschma, Ron ; Borissenko, Janna . In: Papers in Innovation Studies. RePEc:hhs:lucirc:2017_003.

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2017Information technology clusters and regional growth in America, 1970–1980. (2017). Garcia-Vicente, Florencia ; Campbell-Kelly, Martin ; Garcia-Swartz, Daniel . In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:48:y:2017:i:4:d:10.1007_s11187-016-9808-8.

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2017A new perspective on entrepreneurial regions: linking cultural identity with latent and manifest entrepreneurship. (2017). Audretsch, David B ; Potter, Jeff ; Gosling, Samuel D ; Obschonka, Martin. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:48:y:2017:i:3:d:10.1007_s11187-016-9787-9.

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2017The lineages of the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach. (2017). Stam, Erik ; acs, zoltan ; Oconnor, Allan ; Audretsch, David B. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:49:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11187-017-9864-8.

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2017Looking inside the spiky bits: a critical review and conceptualisation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. (2017). Brown, Ross ; Mason, Colin. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:49:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11187-017-9865-7.

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2017Searching for the existence of entrepreneurial ecosystems: a regional cross-section growth regression approach. (2017). Sanders, Mark ; Bruns, K ; Schramm, M ; Bosma, N. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:49:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11187-017-9866-6.

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2017The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem. (2017). acs, zoltan ; Sussan, Fiona. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:49:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11187-017-9867-5.

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2017The campus as entrepreneurial ecosystem: the University of Chicago. (2017). acs, zoltan ; Miller, David J. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:49:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11187-017-9868-4.

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2017The paradox of new venture legitimation within an entrepreneurial ecosystem. (2017). Kuratko, Donald F ; Hornsby, Jeffrey S ; Bloodgood, James M ; Fisher, Greg . In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:49:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s11187-017-9870-x.

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2017How to identify metaknowledge trends and features in a certain research field? Evidences from innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. (2017). Zhang, Chao ; Guan, Jiancheng. In: Scientometrics. RePEc:spr:scient:v:113:y:2017:i:2:d:10.1007_s11192-017-2503-y.

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2017Hybrid organizations and the logics of entrepreneurial ecosystems. (2017). Roundy, Philip T. In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. RePEc:spr:intemj:v:13:y:2017:i:4:d:10.1007_s11365-017-0452-9.

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2017A vállalkozói ökoszisztémák térbeli megjelenésének modellezési lehetőségei - tények és problémák. (2017). Toth-Pajor, Akos ; Farkas, Richard. In: Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). RePEc:ksa:szemle:1676.

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2017The resilience of entrepreneurial ecosystems. (2017). Roundy, Philip T ; Bradshaw, Mike ; Brockman, Beverly K. In: Journal of Business Venturing Insights. RePEc:eee:jobuve:v:8:y:2017:i:c:p:99-104.

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2017Into the Great Wide Unknown: Untangling the Relationship between Childcare Service Use and In-Work Poverty. (2017). Van Lancker, Wim ; Horemans, Jeroen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:wpaper:1704.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

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2017The resilience of entrepreneurial ecosystems. (2017). Roundy, Philip T ; Bradshaw, Mike ; Brockman, Beverly K. In: Journal of Business Venturing Insights. RePEc:eee:jobuve:v:8:y:2017:i:c:p:99-104.

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2017The Occurrence and Impact of Pension Fund Discontinuity. (2017). , ; van der Lecq, S G ; Steenbeek, O W. In: ERIM Report Series Research in Management. RePEc:ems:eureri:99472.

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2016Price level convergence within the euro area: How Europe caught up with the US and lost terrain again. (2016). Stokman, Ad ; Hoeberichts, Marco. In: DNB Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:497.

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