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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-01-07 21:26:51]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2011 0 0.52 0.03 0 33 33 26 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.03 0.24
2012 0.03 0.51 0.02 0.03 30 63 16 1 2 33 1 33 1 1 100 0 0.22
2013 0.05 0.56 0.03 0.05 26 89 21 3 5 63 3 63 3 1 33.3 0 0.24
2014 0.07 0.55 0.09 0.09 14 103 14 9 14 56 4 89 8 6 66.7 0 0.23
2015 0.13 0.55 0.13 0.1 12 115 6 15 29 40 5 103 10 8 53.3 2 0.17 0.23
2016 0.08 0.53 0.1 0.07 13 128 17 13 42 26 2 115 8 5 38.5 0 0.21
2017 0.12 0.55 0.14 0.09 12 140 0 19 61 25 3 95 9 6 31.6 0 0.21
2018 0.2 0.57 0.12 0.13 14 154 11 18 79 25 5 77 10 8 44.4 0 0.24
2019 0.27 0.6 0.1 0.2 13 167 18 17 96 26 7 65 13 9 52.9 0 0.24
2020 0.11 0.73 0.06 0.06 13 180 3 10 106 27 3 64 4 2 20 0 0.34
2021 0.46 1.02 0.15 0.22 13 193 0 28 134 26 12 65 14 5 17.9 0 0.38
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12011Business model in management commentary and the links with management accounting. (2011). Cinquini, Lino ; Tenucci, Andrea . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-su003003.

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22013Lessons from the Third Wave: A reflection on the rediscovery of Corporate Social Responsibility by the mainstream accounting research community. (2013). Patten, Dennis M.. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-002002.

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32018Determining characteristics of boards adopting Integrated Reporting. (2018). Esposito, Alfredo ; Doronzo, Ruggiero ; Cane, Massimo ; Alfiero, Simona. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2018-002003.

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42014Do Corporate Governance Characteristics Affect Non-Financial Risk Disclosure in Government-owned Companies? The Italian Experience. (2014). Allini, Alessandra ; Macchioni, Riccardo ; Manes, Rossi Francesca . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2014-001001.

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52016The Connectivity of Information in Integrated Reporting. Empirical Evidence from International Context. (2016). Incollingo, Alberto ; Bianchi, Michela. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-002003.

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62012The determinants of segment disclosure: an empirical analysis on Italian listed companies. (2012). Pisano, Sabrina ; Landriani, Loris. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2012-001005.

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72016The Real Impact Factor and the Gap between Accounting Research and Practice. (2016). Ramassa, Paola ; Avallone, Francesco ; Quagli, Alberto. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-001003.

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82012Lessons learned from the financial crisis - unveiling alternative approaches within valuation and accounting theory. (2012). Toll, Martin ; Zimmermann, Mario ; Brosel, Gerrit. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2012-004006.

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92011Goodwill accounting as a missing link between financial and management accounting: literature review and research agenda. (2011). Quagli, Alberto. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-su003002.

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102019Systematic literature network analysis in accounting: A first application on integrated reporting research. (2019). Tettamanzi, Patrizia ; Comerio, Niccolo. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002004.

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112016Put Your Money where Your Mouth is: The Difference between Real Commitment to Sustainability and Mere Rhetoric. (2016). Bini, Laura ; Giunta, Francesco ; Bellucci, Marco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-002001.

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122019The level of compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree No. 254/2016 and its determinants: Insights from Italy. (2019). Busso, Donatella ; Fiandrino, Simone ; Devalle, Alain ; Cantino, Valter. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-001004.

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132011The managerialisation of Financial Reporting: an introduction to a destabilising accounting change. (2011). Zambon, Stefano . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-su003001.

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142018Global financial crisis and relevance of GRI disclosure in Italy. Insights from the stakeholder theory and the legitimacy theory. (2018). Fornaciari, Luca ; Pesci, Caterina. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2018-001003.

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152013Has accounting quality increased in Europe after IFRS adoption?. (2013). Raffournier, Bernard. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-002005.

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162014Business Model Literature Overview. (2014). Novak, Ales. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2014-001004.

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172011Country effects on European mandatory disclosure of financial key performance indicators. (2011). Dainelli, Francesco ; Bini, Laura ; Giunta, Francesco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-001004.

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182015Dialogue with standard setters. Business Combinations under Common Control: Concerns, Criticisms and Strides. (2015). Fiume, Raffaele ; Taliento, Marco ; Romano, Mauro ; Onesti, Tiziano . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2015-001005.

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192019Beyond Financial Reporting. Integrated Reporting and its determinants: Evidence from the context of European state-owned enterprises. (2019). TIRON TUDOR, ADRIANA ; Tiron-Tudor, Adriana ; Manes-Rossi, Francesca ; Zanellato, Gianluca ; Nicolo, Giuseppe. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002003.

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202013Assessing value relevance of comprehensive income in European banks and other financial institutions. (2013). Mechelli, Alessandro ; Cimini, Riccardo. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-001003.

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212020Integrated reporting and the epistemic authority of Big Data: An exploratory study from the banking industry. (2020). Sproviero, Alice Francesca. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2020-002004.

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222013Socio-environmental reporting trends in the Italian local government: Thrive or wither?. (2013). Bracci, Enrico ; Tallaki, Mouhcine . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-002003.

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232019Informativeness Assessment of Risk and Risk-Management Disclosure in Corporate Reporting: An Empirical Analysis of Italian Large Listed Firms. (2019). Ho-Tan-Phat Phan, ; de Luca, Francesco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002002.

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242019Beyond financial reporting disclosures. (2019). Corbella, Silvano ; Rossignoli, Francesca ; Behn, Bruce K. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002001.

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252011IAS-IFRS e rendicontazione socio-ambientale: una verifica della estendibilità dei principi generali del Framework alla valutazione della qualità dei documenti volontari. (2011). Cardillo, Eleonora ; Molina, Silvia . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-001003.

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262012Impression management and legitimacy strategies: The BP case. (2012). Michelon, Giovanna. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2012-004004.

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272018Conceptual shifts in accounting: Transplanting the notion of boundary from financial to non-financial reporting. (2018). Girella, Laura ; Ferrari, Elisa Rita ; Abela, Mario . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2018-001005.

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282011The value relevance of non-financial performance indicators: new cues from the European fashion industry. (2011). Dainelli, Francesco ; Giunta, Francesco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-su003005.

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292016Accounting Theory and Accounting Practice as Loosely Coupled Systems: A Historical Perspective on the Italian Case (1930-1990). (2016). Girella, Laura ; Zambon, Stefano. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-001006.

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302013Investigation of risk management and risk disclosure practices of Italian listed local utilities. (2013). Aureli, Selena ; Salvatori, Federica . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-001006.

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312013Research needs and opportunities in Context-Based Sustainability. (2013). Baue, Bill ; McElroy, Mark W.. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-002004.

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322011Case Study Method in Financial Communication Studies: A Review and a Systemic Approach Proposal. (2011). Ramassa, Paola. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-002004.

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332011The role of performance indicators in management commentary. (2011). Silvi, Riccardo ; Bartolini, Monica . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-su003004.

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342012Editoriale. Piccole imprese, piccoli bilanci, piccoli ricercatori... (2012). Quagli, Alberto. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2012-002001.

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352016Web-Based Financial Reporting: An Interpretative Model for Corporate Communications on Social Media. (2016). Ramassa, Paola ; di Fabio, Costanza. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-002004.

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362014The value relevance of earnings and book value across the EU. A comparative Analysis. (2014). Mechelli, Alessandro ; Cimini, Riccardo. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2014-002004.

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372013Dialogue with standard setters. (2013). Fiume, Raffaele ; Pieri, Valerio ; Onesti, Tiziano . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-003008.

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382020A critical approach to BSC studies: State of art, critical issues and future trends. (2020). Chirico, Antonio ; Hristov, Ivo. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2020-001002.

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392011Book Review. (2011). n. d., . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-003007.

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402015Why Do Firms Write Off Their Goodwill? A Comparison of Different Accounting Systems. (2015). Avallone, Francesco ; Sorrentino, Marco ; Ramassa, Paola ; Gabbioneta, Claudia . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2015-001002.

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412012Book Review / Accounting for Value. (2012). Penman, Stephen ; Zambon, Stefano ; di Pietra, Roberto ; Neri, Lorenzo. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2012-001007.

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422014Estimating credit default swap spreads using accounting data, market quotes and credit ratings: the European Banks Case. (2014). Laghi, Enrico ; D'Amico, Eugenio ; di Marcantonio, Michele . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2014-002003.

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432016The Real Impact Factor: Reflections on the Impact of the Research Excellence Framework. (2016). Broadbent, Jane. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-001002.

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442013Regulating through the Logic of Appropriateness and the Rhetoric of the Expert: The Role of Consultants in the Case of Intangibles Reporting in Germany. (2013). Girella, Laura. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-003005.

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452019Putting integrated reporting where it was not: The case of the not-for-profit sector. (2019). Dameri, Paola ; Girella, Laura. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002005.

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462011La rilevazione degli investimenti in R&S e la significatività dell’utile e del capitale netto. (2011). Cocco, Alfonso ; Lucianetti, Lorenzo ; Minunno, Gianfabio . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-003003.

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472015Directive 2013/34/EU, Article 6 An Analysis and some Implications. A Research Note. (2015). Alexander, David. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2015-001001.

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482013Dialogue with standard setters. (2013). Fiume, Raffaele . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-001007.

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492014Detecting Earnings Manipulations: Time think about european SMEs. A call for a Joint International Research Project. (2014). Giunta, Francesco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2014-002001.

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502015Acquisition-type or merger-type accounting? Further insights on transactions involving businesses governed by the same party(-ies). (2015). Romano, Mario ; Taliento, Marco ; Onesti, Tiziano . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2015-002005.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12019Systematic literature network analysis in accounting: A first application on integrated reporting research. (2019). Tettamanzi, Patrizia ; Comerio, Niccolo. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002004.

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22019The level of compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree No. 254/2016 and its determinants: Insights from Italy. (2019). Busso, Donatella ; Fiandrino, Simone ; Devalle, Alain ; Cantino, Valter. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-001004.

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32018Global financial crisis and relevance of GRI disclosure in Italy. Insights from the stakeholder theory and the legitimacy theory. (2018). Fornaciari, Luca ; Pesci, Caterina. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2018-001003.

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42019Beyond Financial Reporting. Integrated Reporting and its determinants: Evidence from the context of European state-owned enterprises. (2019). TIRON TUDOR, ADRIANA ; Tiron-Tudor, Adriana ; Manes-Rossi, Francesca ; Zanellato, Gianluca ; Nicolo, Giuseppe. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002003.

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52013Lessons from the Third Wave: A reflection on the rediscovery of Corporate Social Responsibility by the mainstream accounting research community. (2013). Patten, Dennis M.. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-002002.

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62020Integrated reporting and the epistemic authority of Big Data: An exploratory study from the banking industry. (2020). Sproviero, Alice Francesca. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2020-002004.

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72018Determining characteristics of boards adopting Integrated Reporting. (2018). Esposito, Alfredo ; Doronzo, Ruggiero ; Cane, Massimo ; Alfiero, Simona. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2018-002003.

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82019Informativeness Assessment of Risk and Risk-Management Disclosure in Corporate Reporting: An Empirical Analysis of Italian Large Listed Firms. (2019). Ho-Tan-Phat Phan, ; de Luca, Francesco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002002.

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92014Business Model Literature Overview. (2014). Novak, Ales. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2014-001004.

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102012Lessons learned from the financial crisis - unveiling alternative approaches within valuation and accounting theory. (2012). Toll, Martin ; Zimmermann, Mario ; Brosel, Gerrit. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2012-004006.

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112011Country effects on European mandatory disclosure of financial key performance indicators. (2011). Dainelli, Francesco ; Bini, Laura ; Giunta, Francesco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2011-001004.

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122015Dialogue with standard setters. Business Combinations under Common Control: Concerns, Criticisms and Strides. (2015). Fiume, Raffaele ; Taliento, Marco ; Romano, Mauro ; Onesti, Tiziano . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2015-001005.

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132016The Real Impact Factor and the Gap between Accounting Research and Practice. (2016). Ramassa, Paola ; Avallone, Francesco ; Quagli, Alberto. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-001003.

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142014Do Corporate Governance Characteristics Affect Non-Financial Risk Disclosure in Government-owned Companies? The Italian Experience. (2014). Allini, Alessandra ; Macchioni, Riccardo ; Manes, Rossi Francesca . In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2014-001001.

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152016Put Your Money where Your Mouth is: The Difference between Real Commitment to Sustainability and Mere Rhetoric. (2016). Bini, Laura ; Giunta, Francesco ; Bellucci, Marco. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2016-002001.

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162012The determinants of segment disclosure: an empirical analysis on Italian listed companies. (2012). Pisano, Sabrina ; Landriani, Loris. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2012-001005.

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172013Research needs and opportunities in Context-Based Sustainability. (2013). Baue, Bill ; McElroy, Mark W.. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2013-002004.

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182019Beyond financial reporting disclosures. (2019). Corbella, Silvano ; Rossignoli, Francesca ; Behn, Bruce K. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2019-002001.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 12
2021A Text-Mining Analysis on the Review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive: Bringing Value Creation for Stakeholders into Accounting. (2021). Tonelli, Alberto ; Fiandrino, Simona. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:2:p:763-:d:480328.

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2021The Dimension of Sustainability: A Comparative Analysis of Broadness of Information in Italian Companies. (2021). Nisio, Antonio ; Milone, Virginia ; Spallini, Sabrina ; Romanazzi, Patrizia. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:3:p:1457-:d:490043.

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2021Sustainability regulation and global corporate citizenship: A lesson (already) learned?. (2021). Teodori, Claudio ; Veneziani, Monica ; Rocca, Laura ; Carini, Cristian. In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. RePEc:wly:corsem:v:28:y:2021:i:1:p:116-126.

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2021Determinants of Animal Welfare Disclosure Practices: Evidence from China. (2021). Jones, Michael ; san Ip, Pui ; Sun, Yanqi ; Wang, Jenny Jing. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:4:p:2200-:d:501533.

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2021The Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanism over Financial Performance: Evidence from Romania. (2021). Popa, Maria-Alexandra ; Sptcean, Ioan-Ovidiu ; Dnescu, Tatiana ; Sirbu, Carmen-Gabriela. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:19:p:10494-:d:640361.

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2021Toward a Sustainable University: Babes-Bolyai University Goes Green. (2021). Tiron-Tudor, Adriana ; Zanellato, Gianluca. In: Administrative Sciences. RePEc:gam:jadmsc:v:11:y:2021:i:4:p:133-:d:677384.

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2021Book reviews. (2021). Lombardi, Rosa. In: FINANCIAL REPORTING. RePEc:fan:frfrfr:v:html10.3280/fr2021-002006.

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2021Including Sustainable Reporting Practices in Corporate Management Reports: Assessing the Impact of Transparency on Economic Performance. (2021). Sitnikov, Catalina Soriana ; Bocean, Claudiu George ; Bndoi, Anca ; Mnescu, Leonardo Geo ; Mandache, Lucian ; del Baldo, Mara. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:2:p:940-:d:482419.

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2021Do audit committee attributes influence integrated reporting quality? An agency theory viewpoint. (2021). Rubino, Michele ; Marrone, Arcangelo ; Vitolla, Filippo ; Raimo, Nicola. In: Business Strategy and the Environment. RePEc:bla:bstrat:v:30:y:2021:i:1:p:522-534.

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2021Differences in Disclosure of Integrated Reports at Energy and Non-Energy Companies. (2021). Kufel, Pawel ; Ciechan-Kujawa, Marlena ; Piesiewicz, Maja. In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:14:y:2021:i:5:p:1253-:d:505551.

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2021The Human Capital for Value Creation and Social Impact: The Interpretation of the IR’s HC Definition. (2021). Centrone, Francesca Alice ; Cisi, Maurizio. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:13:p:6989-:d:579348.

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