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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-01-07 21:26:51]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2001 0 0.48 0.17 0 18 18 35 2 3 0 0 0 2 0.11 0.27
2002 0.28 0.52 0.15 0.28 21 39 81 6 9 18 5 18 5 0 1 0.05 0.29
2003 0.23 0.51 0.22 0.23 34 73 229 16 25 39 9 39 9 2 12.5 6 0.18 0.29
2004 0.24 0.57 0.2 0.22 13 86 88 17 42 55 13 73 16 1 5.9 1 0.08 0.35
2005 0.55 0.58 0.37 0.42 44 130 112 48 90 47 26 86 36 7 14.6 11 0.25 0.36
2006 0.3 0.58 0.34 0.28 43 173 133 56 148 57 17 130 36 13 23.2 18 0.42 0.34
2007 0.23 0.5 0.27 0.3 25 198 79 52 202 87 20 155 46 4 7.7 1 0.04 0.29
2008 0.44 0.58 0.39 0.41 14 212 44 82 285 68 30 159 65 3 3.7 4 0.29 0.3
2009 0.36 0.56 0.31 0.29 24 236 133 72 358 39 14 139 41 11 15.3 6 0.25 0.32
2010 0.42 0.51 0.31 0.29 20 256 134 79 437 38 16 150 44 5 6.3 6 0.3 0.29
2011 0.41 0.6 0.27 0.28 25 281 85 76 514 44 18 126 35 4 5.3 5 0.2 0.35
2012 0.64 0.65 0.31 0.39 29 310 111 93 610 45 29 108 42 14 15.1 11 0.38 0.34
2013 0.35 0.64 0.29 0.46 29 339 61 98 708 54 19 112 52 10 10.2 8 0.28 0.34
2014 0.6 0.65 0.36 0.57 15 354 108 128 836 58 35 127 72 3 2.3 11 0.73 0.34
2015 0.52 0.63 0.32 0.51 9 363 16 117 953 44 23 118 60 1 0.9 1 0.11 0.35
2016 0.5 0.63 0.29 0.36 6 369 18 105 1060 24 12 107 39 1 1 1 0.17 0.34
2017 0.07 0.62 0.26 0.38 11 380 8 95 1159 15 1 88 33 0 1 0.09 0.34
2018 0.18 0.62 0.2 0.34 15 395 17 79 1238 17 3 70 24 2 2.5 5 0.33 0.35
2019 0.35 0.62 0.23 0.52 13 408 26 88 1333 26 9 56 29 4 4.5 1 0.08 0.37
2020 0.46 0.7 0.24 0.39 11 419 5 94 1433 28 13 54 21 4 4.3 4 0.36 0.72
2021 0.29 1.01 0.17 0.27 14 433 26 75 1508 24 7 56 15 2 2.7 7 0.5 0.42
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12010Microfinance and Household Poverty Reduction: New evidence from India. (2010). Imai, Katsushi ; ARUN, THANKOM ; Annim, Samuel. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1008.

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22003Do Environmental Regulations Influence Trade Patterns? Testing New and Old Trade Theories. (2003). Elliott, Robert ; Cole, Matthew ; R J R Elliott, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0310.

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32009Conspicuous consumption, inconspicuous leisure. (2009). Arrow, Kenneth ; Dasgupta, Partha. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0903.

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42004Modelling the Long Run Determinants of Private Investment in Senegal. (2004). OUATTARA, BAZOUMANA. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0413.

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52014Women’s Empowerment and Prevalence of Stunted and Underweight Children in Rural India. (2014). Imai, Katsushi ; Annim, Samuel ; Gaiha, Raghav ; Kulkarni, Veena S.. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1409.

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62003Growth, Volatility and Learning. (2003). Blackburn, K ; Galindev, R. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0303.

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72006The Allocation of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth. (2006). Neanidis, Kyriakos ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0608.

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82002Changes in variability of the business cycle in the G7 countries. (2002). van Dijk, Dick ; Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0204.

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92011Inequality of Happiness in US: 1972-2008. (2011). Foster, James ; Dutta, Indranil. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1110.

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102003Entry, Exit, and Imperfect Competition in the Long Run. (2003). Lambson, Val ; AMIR, Rabah. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0315.

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112012Net neutrality and innovation at the core and at the edge. (2012). Valletti, Tommaso ; Reggiani, Carlo. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1202.

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122012Where Have the Routine Workers Gone? A Study of Polarization Using Panel Data. (2012). Cortes, Guido Matias. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1224.

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132007Vulnerability and poverty dynamics in Vietnam. (2007). Kang, Woojin ; Imai, Katsushi ; Gaiha, Raghav. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0708.

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142009Separating Curvature and Elevation: A Parametric Weighting Function. (2009). l'Haridon, Olivier ; Abdellaoui, Mohammed ; Zank, Horst ; Lharidon, Olivier. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0901.

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152009Vulnerability and Poverty in Bangladesh. (2009). Imai, Katsushi ; Azam, Md ; Md. Shafiul Azam, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0905.

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162014Securely Implementable Social Choice Rules with Partially Honest Agents. (2014). Saporiti, Alejandro. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1402.

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172002Nonlinearity in the Feds Monetary Policy Rule. (2002). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; Kim, D H. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0205.

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182010Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty in Bangladesh? New Evidence from Household Panel Data. (2010). Imai, Katsushi ; Azam, Md ; Md. Shafiul Azam, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1019.

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192014Dynamic and Long-term Linkages among Growth, Inequality and Poverty in Developing Countries. (2014). Imai, Katsushi ; Gaiha, Raghav. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1410.

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202006The New Keynesian Phillips Curve: from Sticky Inflation to Sticky Prices. (2006). Zhang, Chengsi ; Osborn, Denise ; Kim, Dong Heon. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0631.

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212005The Geometry of Aggregative Games. (2005). Cornes, Richard ; Hartley, R. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0514.

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222013A New Perspective on Rational Expectations. (2013). Pesce, Marialaura ; de Castro, Luciano I. ; Yannelis, Nicholas C.. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1316.

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232012Agricultural Supply Response and Smallholders Market Participation: the Case of Cambodia. (2012). Imai, Katsushi ; Azam, Md ; Gaiha, Raghav. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1208.

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242001Short-term Volatility Versus Long-term Growth: Evidence in US Macroeconomic Time Series. (2001). van Dijk, Dick ; Sensier, Marianne. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0103.

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252003On the Measurement of Trade-Induced Adjustment. (2003). Elliott, Robert ; Azhar, AKM ; A KM Azhar, ; R J R Elliott, ; A K M Azhar, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0309.

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262011Accounting for Optimism and Pessimism in Expected Utility. (2011). Webb, Craig ; Zank, Horst . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1111.

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272003Capturing Preference Heterogeneity in Stated Choice Models: A Random Parameter Logit Model of the Demand for GM Food. (2003). Rigby, Dan ; burton, michael. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0319.

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282008Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty in India?. (2008). Imai, Katsushi ; ARUN, THANKOM. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0814.

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292018From Convergence to Divergence: Portuguese Economic Growth, 1527-1850. (2018). Palma, Nuno ; Reis, Jaime. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1811.

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302004The Economic and Politics Determinants of IMF and World Bank Lending in the Middle East and North Africa. (2004). Wang, Chengang ; El-Said, H ; Harrigan, J. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0411.

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312006Credit Market Imperfections and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism Part I: Fixed Exchange Rates. (2006). Montiel, Peter ; Agenor, Pierre-Richard. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0628.

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322016Gender, Competition and Performance: Evidence from Real Tournaments. (2016). Sánchez-Pagés, Santiago ; cubel, maria ; Backus, Peter ; Guid, Matej ; Manas, Enrique Lopez ; Sanchez-Pages, Santiago . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1605.

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332002Endogenous Life Expectancy in a Simple Model of Growth. (2002). Issa, H ; Blackburn, K. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0217.

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342013A New Perspective on Rational Expectations. (2013). Yannelis, Nicholas C. ; He, Wei. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1317.

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352005Spillovers and Correlations between US and Major European Stock Markets: The Role of the Euro. (2005). Savva, Christos ; Osborn, Denise ; Gill, Len . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0541.

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362007Firm Performance and Privatization in Ukraine. (2007). Lutz, Stefan ; Grygorenko, Galyna . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0704.

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372019The Imperial Treasury: appraisal methodology and regional economic performance in the UK. (2019). Coyle, Diane ; Sensier, Marianne . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1901.

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382010Pro-Poor Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Rural Vietnam. (2010). Kang, Woojin ; Imai, Katsushi. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1011.

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392003Public Investment in Transportation and Communication and Growth: A Dynamic Panel Approach. (2003). Haque, M. Emranul ; Kim, D H. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0324.

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402019The real effects of money supply shocks: Evidence from maritime disasters in the Spanish Empire. (2019). Palma, Nuno ; Ward, Felix ; Chen, Yao ; Brzezinski, Adam . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1906.

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412005Infrastructure, Public Education and Growth with Congestion Costs. (2005). Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0524.

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422005Business Cycle Linkages for the G7 Countries: Does the US Lead the World?. (2005). Sensier, Marianne ; Perez, Pedro ; Osborn, Denise. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0527.

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432007Changes in the order of integration of US and UK inflation. (2007). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; Halunga, Andreea. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0715.

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442010The regulation of a large sports league. (2010). Madden, Paul . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1007.

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452006The Asymptotic Distribution of the F-Test Statistic for Individual Effects. (2006). Yamagata, Takashi ; Orme, Chris. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0610.

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462012Loss Aversion in Contests. (2012). Cornes, Richard ; Hartley, Roger. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1204.

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472008Demand patterns around retirement: Evidence from Spanish panel data. (2008). Christensen, Mette. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0809.

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48Does the Microfinance Reduce Poverty in India? Propensity Score Matching based on a National-level Household Data. (2006). Imai, Katsushi ; ARUN, THANKOM ; Sinha, Frances. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0625.

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492010Dynamic Relational Contracts with Credit Constraints. (2010). Worrall, Timothy ; Thomas, Jonathan. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1009.

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502021The existence and persistence of liquidity effects: Evidence from a large-scale historical natural experiment. (2019). Palma, Nuno. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1904.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014Women’s Empowerment and Prevalence of Stunted and Underweight Children in Rural India. (2014). Imai, Katsushi ; Annim, Samuel ; Gaiha, Raghav ; Kulkarni, Veena S.. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1409.

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22010Microfinance and Household Poverty Reduction: New evidence from India. (2010). Imai, Katsushi ; ARUN, THANKOM ; Annim, Samuel. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1008.

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32003Do Environmental Regulations Influence Trade Patterns? Testing New and Old Trade Theories. (2003). Elliott, Robert ; Cole, Matthew ; R J R Elliott, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0310.

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42004Modelling the Long Run Determinants of Private Investment in Senegal. (2004). OUATTARA, BAZOUMANA. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0413.

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52019The Imperial Treasury: appraisal methodology and regional economic performance in the UK. (2019). Coyle, Diane ; Sensier, Marianne . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1901.

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62009Conspicuous consumption, inconspicuous leisure. (2009). Arrow, Kenneth ; Dasgupta, Partha. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0903.

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72019The real effects of money supply shocks: Evidence from maritime disasters in the Spanish Empire. (2019). Palma, Nuno ; Ward, Felix ; Chen, Yao ; Brzezinski, Adam . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1906.

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82016Gender, Competition and Performance: Evidence from Real Tournaments. (2016). Sánchez-Pagés, Santiago ; cubel, maria ; Backus, Peter ; Guid, Matej ; Manas, Enrique Lopez ; Sanchez-Pages, Santiago . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1605.

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92010Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty in Bangladesh? New Evidence from Household Panel Data. (2010). Imai, Katsushi ; Azam, Md ; Md. Shafiul Azam, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1019.

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102014Securely Implementable Social Choice Rules with Partially Honest Agents. (2014). Saporiti, Alejandro. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1402.

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112012Agricultural Supply Response and Smallholders Market Participation: the Case of Cambodia. (2012). Imai, Katsushi ; Azam, Md ; Gaiha, Raghav. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1208.

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122022Identifying the vulnerable: Concepts and measurement. (2019). Mishra, Ajit ; Dutta, Indranil. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1915.

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132021The existence and persistence of liquidity effects: Evidence from a large-scale historical natural experiment. (2019). Palma, Nuno. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1904.

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142021Can autocracy promote literacy? Evidence from a cultural alignment success story. (2018). Palma, Nuno ; Reis, Jaime. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1805.

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152021Crime in the Era of COVID-19: Evidence from England. (2021). Neanidis, Kyriakos ; Rana, Maria Paola. In: Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:2103.

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162021The covid-induced uncertainty shocks. (2020). Rossi, Raffaele ; Miescu, Mirela. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:2013.

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172002Changes in variability of the business cycle in the G7 countries. (2002). van Dijk, Dick ; Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0204.

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182003Growth, Volatility and Learning. (2003). Blackburn, K ; Galindev, R. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0303.

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192003Entry, Exit, and Imperfect Competition in the Long Run. (2003). Lambson, Val ; AMIR, Rabah. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0315.

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202015Education, Health, and Economic Growth Nexus: A Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Analysis for Developing Countries. (2015). Kaya, Ayşe ; Şen, Hüseyin ; Alpaslan, Baris ; Sen, Huseyin . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1502.

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212020Severity of the COVID-19 Pandemic in India. (2020). Gaiha, Raghav ; Kaicker, Nidhi ; Imai, Katsushi S. In: Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:2016.

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222012Loss Aversion in Contests. (2012). Cornes, Richard ; Hartley, Roger. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1204.

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232009Vulnerability and Poverty in Bangladesh. (2009). Imai, Katsushi ; Azam, Md ; Md. Shafiul Azam, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0905.

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242015Incentives, Fairness, and Efficiency in Group Identification. (2015). Saporiti, Alejandro ; Cho, Wonki. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1501.

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252020Investigating the governance mechanisms that sustain regional economic resilience and inclusive growth. (2020). Uyarra, Elvira ; Sensier, Marianne. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:2005.

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262011Performance of Microfinance Institutions: A Macroeconomic and Institutional Perspective. (2011). Imai, Katsushi ; Gupta, Aditi ; Samuel Kobina AnnimAditi Gupta, ; Gaiha, Raghav ; Thapa, Ganesh. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1116.

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272019Oligopoly with network effects: Firm-specific versus single network. (2019). Evstigneev, Igor ; Amir, Rabah ; Gama, Adriana. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1910.

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282021Interest on reserves as main monetary policy tool. (2021). Bratsiotis, George J. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:2102.

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292021The fruits of El Dorado: the global impact of American precious metals. (2020). Palma, Nuno ; Abad, Leticia Arroyo. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:2003.

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302019Overclaimed refunds, undeclared sales, and invoice mills: Nature and extent of noncompliance in a value-added tax. (2019). Waseem, Mazhar. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1913.

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312005The Geometry of Aggregative Games. (2005). Cornes, Richard ; Hartley, R. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0514.

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322019Money and Modernization in Early Modern England. (2019). Palma, Nuno ; Schenk-Hoppe, K R ; Evstigneev, I V ; Babaei, E. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1903.

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332009Separating Curvature and Elevation: A Parametric Weighting Function. (2009). l'Haridon, Olivier ; Abdellaoui, Mohammed ; Zank, Horst ; Lharidon, Olivier. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0901.

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342013Crises, Economic Integration and Growth Collapses in African Countries. (2013). Imai, Katsushi ; Ali, Abdilahi. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1302.

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352011Accounting for Optimism and Pessimism in Expected Utility. (2011). Webb, Craig ; Zank, Horst . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:1111.

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362005Portfolio Management without Probabilities or Statistics. (2005). FlÃ¥m, Sjur ; S D Flåm, . In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:0508.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 7
2021Do public policies reduce social exclusion? The role of national and supranational economic tools. (2021). Garofalo, Antonio ; Agovino, Massimiliano ; Cerciello, Massimiliano ; Ferraro, Aniello. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. RePEc:eee:streco:v:57:y:2021:i:c:p:165-181.

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2021Reconstruction of the Spanish Money Supply, 1492-1810. (2021). Palma, Nuno ; Chen, Yao ; Ward, Felix. In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers. RePEc:tin:wpaper:20210033.

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2021Reconstruction of the Spanish money supply, 1492–1810. (2021). Palma, Nuno ; Ward, Felix ; Chen, Yao. In: Explorations in Economic History. RePEc:eee:exehis:v:81:y:2021:i:c:s001449832100019x.

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2021The fruits of El Dorado: the global impact of American precious metals. (2020). Palma, Nuno ; Abad, Leticia Arroyo. In: The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:sespap:2003.

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2021Covid-19 pandemic and economic performances of the states in India. (2021). Nath, Hiranya ; Mandal, Raju ; Goswami, Binoy. In: Economic Analysis and Policy. RePEc:eee:ecanpo:v:69:y:2021:i:c:p:461-479.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021The Common Currency Effect on International Trade: Evidence from an Accidental Monetary Union. (2021). Vicquéry, Roger. In: Working papers. RePEc:bfr:banfra:856.

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2021The Cross of Gold: Brazilian Treasure and the Decline of Portugal. (2021). Palma, Nuno ; Kedrosky, Davis. In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series. RePEc:cge:wacage:574.

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2021Stunting and wasting in a growing economy:biological living standards in Portugal,1924-1994. (2021). Pistola, Renato ; Palma, Nuno ; Cermeo, Alexandra L. In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series. RePEc:cge:wacage:585.

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2021Reconstruction of the Spanish money supply, 1492–1810. (2021). Palma, Nuno ; Ward, Felix ; Chen, Yao. In: Explorations in Economic History. RePEc:eee:exehis:v:81:y:2021:i:c:s001449832100019x.

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2021How COVID-19 reshaped quality of life in cities: A synthesis and implications for urban planning. (2021). Mouratidis, Kostas. In: Land Use Policy. RePEc:eee:lauspo:v:111:y:2021:i:c:s0264837721004956.

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2021Stay at Home if You Can: COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Guidelines and Local Crime. (2021). Fossati, Sebastian ; Díaz, Carlos ; Trajtenberg, Nicolas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ris:albaec:2021_008.

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2021Precautionary Liquidity Shocks, Excess Reserves and Business Cycles. (2021). Theodoridis, Konstantinos ; Bratsiotis, George J. In: EconStor Preprints. RePEc:zbw:esprep:243121.

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