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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2008 0 0.59 1.3 0 40 40 540 51 61 0 0 8 15.7 51 1.28 0.29
2009 2.05 0.58 1.57 2.05 25 65 243 101 163 40 82 40 82 4 4 5 0.2 0.33
2010 1.32 0.52 1.54 1.32 31 96 330 148 311 65 86 65 86 8 5.4 47 1.52 0.3
2011 1.43 0.62 1.62 1.45 28 124 155 184 512 56 80 96 139 16 8.7 10 0.36 0.37
2012 1.24 0.68 1.29 1.1 47 171 576 216 733 59 73 124 137 21 9.7 51 1.09 0.36
2013 1.12 0.67 1.07 1.11 49 220 249 233 969 75 84 171 190 18 7.7 18 0.37 0.35
2014 1.32 0.67 1.2 1.08 50 270 443 324 1293 96 127 180 195 37 11.4 51 1.02 0.34
2015 1.11 0.66 0.88 0.91 51 321 231 282 1577 99 110 205 186 19 6.7 8 0.16 0.36
2016 1.25 0.64 0.78 0.88 44 365 267 284 1863 101 126 225 199 25 8.8 16 0.36 0.34
2017 1.04 0.62 0.73 0.86 51 416 81 303 2168 95 99 241 208 34 11.2 7 0.14 0.35
2018 0.74 0.61 0.6 0.58 39 455 95 263 2439 95 70 245 141 17 6.5 16 0.41 0.34
2019 0.37 0.62 0.6 0.57 29 484 118 291 2730 90 33 235 135 26 8.9 31 1.07 0.36
2020 0.81 0.71 0.56 0.6 52 536 113 301 3031 68 55 214 129 30 10 26 0.5 0.76
2021 0.89 0.97 0.49 0.54 29 565 41 275 3306 81 72 215 117 13 4.7 10 0.34 0.4
2022 0.53 0.71 0.25 0.33 40 605 23 149 3455 81 43 200 65 8 5.4 5 0.13 0.23
2023 0.36 0.61 0.21 0.29 26 631 7 131 3586 69 25 189 55 10 7.6 2 0.08 0.19
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12014The Financial and Macroeconomic Effects of OMT Announcements. (2014). Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico ; Altavilla, Carlo ; Carlo Altavilla , . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/163617.

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22012Now-Casting and the Real-Time Data Flow. (2012). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Modugno, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico ; Banbura, Marta. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/125192.

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32012Prior Selection for Vector Autoregressions. (2012). Primiceri, Giorgio ; Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/106648.

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42012The ECB and the Interbank Market. (2012). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Pill, Huw ; Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/108100.

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52016The Post-Crisis Slump in the Euro Area and the US: Evidence from an Estimated Three-Region DSGE Model. (2016). Vogel, Lukas ; Raciborski, Rafal ; Ratto, Marco ; Kollmann, Robert ; Pataracchia, Beatrice ; Roeger, Werner. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/227474.

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62008Large Bayesian VARs. (2008). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Giannone, Domenico ; Banbura, Marta. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2008_033.

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72009Macroeconomic Forecasting and Structural Change. (2009). Giannone, Domenico ; Gambetti, Luca ; D'Agostino, Antonello. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2009_020.

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82010Short-term inflation projections: a Bayesian vector autoregressive approach. (2010). onorante, luca ; Momferatou, Daphne ; Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico ; Momferatu, Daphne . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2010_011.

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92008Opening the Black Box: Structural Factor Models with Large Cross-Sections. (2008). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Lippi, Marco ; Giannone, Domenico ; Forni, Mario. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2008_036.

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102015Dynamic Factor Models with Infinite-Dimensional Factor Space: Asymptotic Analysis. (2015). Lippi, Marco ; Hallin, Marc ; Forni, Mario ; Zaffaroni, Paolo. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/200650.

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112014International Capital Flows and the Boom-Bust Cycle in Spain. (2014). Ratto, Marco ; Pataracchia, Beatrice ; Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, ; Jan in't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/160267.

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122008Business Cycles in the euro Area. (2008). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2008_040.

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132012Money, Credit, Monetary Policy and the Business Cycle in the Euro Area. (2012). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/112202.

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142008Short-Term Forecasts of Euro Area GDP Growth. (2008). Rünstler, Gerhard ; Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Giannone, Domenico ; Camba-Mendez, Gonzalo ; Angelini, Elena ; Runstler, Gerhard. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2008_035.

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152008A Quasi Maximum Likelihood Approach for Large Approximate Dynamic Factor Models. (2008). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Giannone, Domenico ; Doz, Catherine. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2008_034.

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162019The Origins of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach. (2019). Moxnes, Andreas ; Manova, Kalina ; Magerman, Glenn ; Dhyne, Emmanuel ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/280869.

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172014What Drives the German Current Account ?And How Does It Affect Other EU Member States ?. (2014). Vogel, Lukas ; Ratto, Marco ; Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Jan in't Veld, ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/159544.

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182012Fiscal Policy in a Financial Crisis: Standard Policy vs. Bank Rescue Measure. (2012). Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Jan in't Veld, ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/109907.

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192012Fiscal Policy in a Financial Crisis: Standard Policy vs. Bank Rescue Measures. (2012). Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Jan in't Veld, ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/108554.

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202016Heterogeneous Firms and the Micro Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations. (2016). Magerman, Glenn ; Dhyne, Emmanuel ; van Hove, Jan ; de Bruyne, Karolien . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/239575.

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212010Market Freedom and the Global Recession. (2010). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/57647.

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222009Nowcasting Euro Area Economic Activity in Real-Time: The Role of Confidence Indicator. (2009). Simonelli, Saverio ; Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2009_021.

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23The London Agreement and the Cost of Patenting in Europe. (2008). van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, Bruno ; Mejer, Malwina. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2008_032.

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242013Factor Models in High-Dimensional Time Series: A Time-Domain Approach. (2013). Lippi, Marco ; Hallin, Marc. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/142428.

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252015Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis. (2015). Conconi, Paola ; Chor, Davin ; Antras, Pol ; Alfaro, Laura. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/216728.

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262010Does conflict affect preferences? Results from field experiments in Burundi. (2010). verwimp, philip ; van Soest, Daan ; lensink, robert ; Bulte, Erwin ; Voorst, M. ; Nillesen, E.. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2010_006.

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272016International Business Cycles and Risk Sharing with Uncertainty Shocks and Recursive Preferences. (2016). Kollmann, Robert. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/228794.

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282010Productive Government Purchases and the Real Exchange Rate. (2010). Kollmann, Robert ; Basu, Parantap. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2010_001.

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292011Asymptotic Power of Sphericity Tests for High-Dimensional Data. (2011). Onatski, Alexei ; Moreira, Marcelo ; Hallin, Marc ; Marcelo Moreira J., . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/94952.

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302008Nonparametric tests of collectively rational consumption behavior: an integer programming procedure. (2008). Vermeulen, Frederic ; Sabbe, Jeroen ; De Rock, Bram ; Cherchye, Laurens. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/230513.

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312014The Effectiveness of Non-Standard Monetary Policy Measures: Evidence from Survey Data. (2014). Giannone, Domenico ; Altavilla, Carlo ; Carlo Altavilla , . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/163480.

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322009The Feldstein-Horioka Fact. (2009). Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2009_022.

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332008On the Price Elasticity of Demand for Patents. (2008). van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, Bruno ; de Rassenfosse, Gaetan. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2008_031.

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342014Conditional Forecasts and Scenario Analysis with Vector Autoregressions for Large Cross-Sections. (2014). Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico ; Banbura, Marta. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/158499.

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352015Self-Selection in School Choice. (2015). Chen, LI ; Pereyra, Juan Sebastian . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/222320.

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362013Nowcasting Norway. (2013). Ricci, Lorenzo ; Luciani, Matteo. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/139866.

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372010A Phoenix in Flames ?Portfolio Choice and Violence in Civil War in Rural Burundi. (2010). verwimp, philip ; Nillesen, Eleonora. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/57639.

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382010The Quality Factor in Patent Systems. (2010). van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, Bruno. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/59650.

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392010A survey of impact evaluations of infrastructure projects, programs and policies. (2010). Estache, Antonio. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2010_005.

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402012Shapley Ranking of Wines. (2012). Zang, Israel ; Ginsburgh, Victor. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/135012.

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412019Imperfect Competition in Firm-to-Firm Trade. (2019). Magerman, Glenn ; Dhyne, Emmanuel ; Kikkawa, Ayumu Ken. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/280981.

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422012Fiscal Policy, Banks and the Financial Crisis. (2012). Ratto, Marco ; Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Jan in't Veld, ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/129449.

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432012Optimal Combination of Survey Forecasts. (2012). Giannone, Domenico ; Conflitti, Cristina ; de Mol, Christine . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/124527.

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442008Democratic Peace and Electoral Accountability. (2008). Zanardi, Maurizio ; Sahuguet, Nicolas ; Conconi, Paola. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/230570.

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452020What and how did people buy during the Great Lockdown? Evidence from electronic payments. (2020). Peralta, Susana ; Carvalho, Bruno ; Dos, Joao Pereira. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/307531.

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462012Ranking Systemically Important Financial Institutions. (2012). Veredas, David ; Luciani, Matteo ; Dungey, Mardi. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/130530.

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472019The Unexpected Consequences of Generic Entry. (2019). Siotis, Georges ; Ornaghi, Carmine ; Castanheira, Micael. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/293928.

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482013Guns and Votes. (2013). Zanardi, Maurizio ; Pino, Francisco ; Conconi, Paola ; Bouton, Laurent. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/150952.

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492014Low Frequency Effects of Macroeconomic News on Government Bond Yields. (2014). Modugno, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico ; Altavilla, Carlo. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/174573.

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502009Optimal rank-based testing for principal component. (2009). Paindaveine, Davy ; Hallin, Marc ; Verdebout, Thomas. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2009_013.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12016The Post-Crisis Slump in the Euro Area and the US: Evidence from an Estimated Three-Region DSGE Model. (2016). Vogel, Lukas ; Raciborski, Rafal ; Ratto, Marco ; Kollmann, Robert ; Pataracchia, Beatrice ; Roeger, Werner. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/227474.

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22019The Origins of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach. (2019). Moxnes, Andreas ; Manova, Kalina ; Magerman, Glenn ; Dhyne, Emmanuel ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/280869.

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32020Corporate Tax Avoidance and Industry Concentration. (2020). Toubal, Farid ; Parenti, Mathieu ; Martin, Julien. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/309910.

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42012Shapley Ranking of Wines. (2012). Zang, Israel ; Ginsburgh, Victor. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/135012.

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52015Dynamic Factor Models with Infinite-Dimensional Factor Space: Asymptotic Analysis. (2015). Lippi, Marco ; Hallin, Marc ; Forni, Mario ; Zaffaroni, Paolo. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/200650.

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62012The ECB and the Interbank Market. (2012). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Pill, Huw ; Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/108100.

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72014The Financial and Macroeconomic Effects of OMT Announcements. (2014). Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico ; Altavilla, Carlo ; Carlo Altavilla , . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/163617.

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82016International Business Cycles and Risk Sharing with Uncertainty Shocks and Recursive Preferences. (2016). Kollmann, Robert. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/228794.

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92016Heterogeneous Firms and the Micro Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations. (2016). Magerman, Glenn ; Dhyne, Emmanuel ; van Hove, Jan ; de Bruyne, Karolien . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/239575.

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102021Vaccination Strategies in the Midst of an Epidemic. (2021). Dewatripont, Mathias. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/332843.

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112019The Unexpected Consequences of Generic Entry. (2019). Siotis, Georges ; Ornaghi, Carmine ; Castanheira, Micael. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/293928.

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122012Two concepts of discrimination: inequality of opportunity versus unequal treatment of equals. (2012). Capéau, Bart ; Capeau, Bart ; Groenez, Steven ; Lamberts, Miet ; Eeman, Lieve . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/123943.

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132013Factor Models in High-Dimensional Time Series: A Time-Domain Approach. (2013). Lippi, Marco ; Hallin, Marc. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/142428.

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142020The Big Sell: Privatizing East Germany’s Economy. (2020). Mergele, Lukas ; Lubczyk, Moritz ; Hennicke, Moritz. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/312650.

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152011Market liquidity as dynamic factors. (2011). Veredas, David ; Mathias, Charles ; Hallin, Marc ; Pirotte, Hugues . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/230740.

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162023Profit Shifting Frictions and the Geography of Multinational Activity. (2022). Laffitte, Sebastien ; Parenti, Mathieu ; Toubal, Farid ; Ferrari, Alessandro. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/351241.

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172022Nonparametric Multiple-Output Center-Outward Quantile Regression. (2022). Hallin, Marc ; Gonzalez-Sanz, Alberto ; del Barrio, Eustasio ; delBarrio, Eustasio . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/342212.

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182021Relationship Stickiness, International Trade, and Economic Uncertainty. (2021). Parenti, Mathieu ; Mejean, Isabelle ; Martin, Julien. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/317363.

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192012Now-Casting and the Real-Time Data Flow. (2012). Reichlin, Lucrezia ; Modugno, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico ; Banbura, Marta. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/125192.

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202014International Capital Flows and the Boom-Bust Cycle in Spain. (2014). Ratto, Marco ; Pataracchia, Beatrice ; Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, ; Jan in't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/160267.

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212012Fiscal Policy in a Financial Crisis: Standard Policy vs. Bank Rescue Measure. (2012). Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Jan in't Veld, ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/109907.

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222021Effects of Covid-19 on Euro Area GDP and Inflation: Demand vs. Supply Disturbances. (2021). Kollmann, Robert. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/325393.

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232011Semiparametrically Efficient Inference Based on Signed Ranks in Symmetric Independent Component Models. (2011). Paindaveine, Davy ; Ilmonen, Paulina . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/76045.

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242010Productive Government Purchases and the Real Exchange Rate. (2010). Kollmann, Robert ; Basu, Parantap. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2010_001.

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252012Fiscal Policy in a Financial Crisis: Standard Policy vs. Bank Rescue Measures. (2012). Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Jan in't Veld, ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/108554.

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262020A Theory of Small Campaign Contributions. (2020). Castanheira, Micael ; Drazen, Allan ; de Moura, Micael Castanheira ; Bouton, Laurent. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/313224.

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272014What Drives the German Current Account ?And How Does It Affect Other EU Member States ?. (2014). Vogel, Lukas ; Ratto, Marco ; Kollmann, Robert ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Jan in't Veld, ; Roeger, Werner ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/159544.

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282020What and how did people buy during the Great Lockdown? Evidence from electronic payments. (2020). Peralta, Susana ; Carvalho, Bruno ; Dos, Joao Pereira. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/307531.

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292019Reconsidering the Market Size Effect in Innovation and Growth. (2019). Parenti, Mathieu ; Matsuyama, Kiminori ; Latzer, Helene. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/298200.

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302018Do Standards Improve the Quality of Traded Products?. (2018). Gaigne, Carl ; Herghelegiu, Cristina ; Disdier, Anne-Celia. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/279619.

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312021Are Patent Offices Substitutes?. (2021). van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, Bruno ; Fabra, Lluis Gimeno ; Petit, Elise. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/330841.

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322013On the Origins of the Worldwide Surge in Patenting: An Industry Perspective on the R&D-patent Relationship. (2013). van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, Bruno ; Danguy, Jerome ; de Rassenfosse, Gaetan. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/143016.

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332015Self-Selection in School Choice. (2015). Chen, LI ; Pereyra, Juan Sebastian . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/222320.

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342009The Feldstein-Horioka Fact. (2009). Lenza, Michele ; Giannone, Domenico. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2009_022.

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352020The Spread of COVID-19 in Belgium: a Municipality-Level Analysis. (2020). Verwimp, Philip. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/309398.

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362022Respecting priorities versus respecting preferences in school choice: When is there a trade-off ?. (2022). Cantillon, Estelle ; Pereyra, Juan Sebastian ; Chen, LI. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/352301.

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372015Financing Infrastructure in Developing Countries. (2015). Wren-Lewis, Liam ; Serebrisky, Tomas ; Estache, Antonio. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/196926.

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382017A New Year, a New You ?Heterogeneity and Self-control in Food Purchases. (2017). Vermeulen, Frederic ; Smith, Kate ; O'Connell, Martin ; Griffith, Rachel ; De Rock, Bram ; Cherchye, Laurens. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/262114.

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392020Are Consumers Rational ?Shifting the Burden of Proof. (2020). De Rock, Bram ; Cherchye, Laurens ; Lanier, Joshua ; Demuynck, Thomas. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/307516.

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402009On multivariate runs tests for randomness. (2009). Paindaveine, Davy. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2009_002.

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412022The Impact of Firm-level Covid Rescue Policies on Productivity Growth and Reallocation. (2022). van Esbroeck, Dieter ; Magerman, Glenn ; Konings, Jozef. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/349952.

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422019Imperfect Competition in Firm-to-Firm Trade. (2019). Magerman, Glenn ; Dhyne, Emmanuel ; Kikkawa, Ayumu Ken. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/280981.

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432022Which Policies for Vaccine Innovation and Delivery in Europe ?. (2022). Dewatripont, Mathias. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/343280.

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442013The Evolution of International Subsidy Rules. (2013). DeRemer, David ; De Remer, David . In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/153041.

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452020Trade Policy and the China Syndrome. (2020). Trimarchi, Lorenzo. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/304888.

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462021Liquidity Traps in a World Economy. (2021). Kollmann, Robert. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/316780.

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472020Medical Device Companies and Doctors: Do their Interactions Affect Medical Treatments ?. (2020). Amaral-Garcia, Sofia. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/307140.

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482014Extortion with Protection: Understanding the Effect of Rebel Taxation on Civilian Welfare in Burundi. (2014). verwimp, philip ; Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/155694.

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492022The Morality of Markets. (2022). Tirole, Jean ; Dewatripont, Mathias. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/351283.

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