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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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1991 0 0.15 0.13 0 8 8 72 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.13 0.1
1992 0.5 0.13 0.33 0.5 7 15 60 5 6 8 4 8 4 0 1 0.14 0.09
1993 0.6 0.17 0.52 0.6 6 21 16 11 17 15 9 15 9 2 18.2 2 0.33 0.1
1994 0.62 0.17 0.41 0.48 6 27 24 11 28 13 8 21 10 1 9.1 0 0.08
1995 0.08 0.22 0.33 0.37 12 39 118 13 41 12 1 27 10 5 38.5 3 0.25 0.13
1996 0.61 0.25 0.63 0.56 12 51 114 32 73 18 11 39 22 12 37.5 1 0.08 0.14
1997 0.38 0.28 0.37 0.35 8 59 61 22 95 24 9 43 15 0 4 0.5 0.15
1998 0.6 0.32 0.49 0.41 9 68 150 32 128 20 12 44 18 3 9.4 4 0.44 0.18
1999 0.65 0.39 0.38 0.34 11 79 383 30 158 17 11 47 16 1 3.3 10 0.91 0.26
2000 1.7 0.54 0.74 0.81 5 84 63 60 220 20 34 52 42 2 3.3 1 0.2 0.25
2001 1.38 0.49 0.76 0.93 6 90 43 68 288 16 22 45 42 0 5 0.83 0.28
2002 0.82 0.54 1.03 1.62 8 98 305 101 389 11 9 39 63 2 2 5 0.63 0.31
2003 1.86 0.53 0.87 1.67 8 106 68 91 481 14 26 39 65 7 7.7 5 0.63 0.3
2004 2.19 0.6 0.97 1.68 12 118 297 108 595 16 35 38 64 3 2.8 13 1.08 0.36
2005 1.75 0.6 1.27 2.08 17 135 282 168 766 20 35 39 81 2 1.2 19 1.12 0.37
2006 3.03 0.59 1.17 2.2 16 151 678 176 942 29 88 51 112 5 2.8 17 1.06 0.34
2007 2.64 0.52 1.24 2.33 16 167 399 205 1149 33 87 61 142 4 2 12 0.75 0.29
2008 2.22 0.59 1.14 2 8 175 107 199 1348 32 71 69 138 4 2 6 0.75 0.29
2009 2.42 0.58 1.04 1.97 21 196 152 203 1551 24 58 69 136 1 0.5 3 0.14 0.33
2010 1.07 0.52 0.94 1.41 18 214 135 201 1752 29 31 78 110 0 1 0.06 0.3
2011 0.97 0.62 0.95 1.66 17 231 164 218 1972 39 38 79 131 4 1.8 7 0.41 0.37
2012 0.66 0.68 0.89 0.98 19 250 247 219 2194 35 23 80 78 1 0.5 14 0.74 0.36
2013 1.5 0.67 0.97 1.25 26 276 233 266 2462 36 54 83 104 14 5.3 9 0.35 0.35
2014 1.49 0.67 0.94 1.04 17 293 196 270 2738 45 67 101 105 8 3 14 0.82 0.34
2015 0.93 0.66 0.81 0.96 17 310 139 250 2988 43 40 97 93 1 0.4 8 0.47 0.36
2016 1.21 0.64 0.88 1.27 27 337 267 295 3284 34 41 96 122 9 3.1 16 0.59 0.34
2017 1.41 0.62 0.86 1.27 20 357 143 305 3592 44 62 106 135 10 3.3 12 0.6 0.35
2018 1.43 0.61 0.78 1.22 14 371 56 287 3883 47 67 107 131 4 1.4 0 0.34
2019 1.21 0.62 0.84 1.34 20 391 138 321 4210 34 41 95 127 11 3.4 23 1.15 0.36
2020 1.71 0.71 0.92 1.78 19 410 42 375 4586 34 58 98 174 4 1.1 4 0.21 0.76
2021 1.31 0.97 0.53 0.9 22 432 51 230 4816 39 51 100 90 10 4.3 9 0.41 0.4
2022 0.83 0.71 0.44 0.72 23 455 19 202 5018 41 34 95 68 6 3 5 0.22 0.23
2023 0.62 0.61 0.31 0.48 17 472 2 144 5162 45 28 98 47 2 1.4 2 0.12 0.19
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12006The impact of group membership on cooperation and norm enforcement: evidence using random assignment to real social groups. (2006). Meier, Stephan ; Huffman, David ; Goette, Lorenz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-7.

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22007Debt and the effects of fiscal policy. (2007). Giavazzi, Francesco ; Favero, Carlo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:07-4.

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32006Dishonesty in everyday life and its policy implications. (2006). Ariely, Dan ; Mazar, Nina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-3.

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41999Is bank supervision central to central banking?. (1999). Tootell, Geoffrey ; Rosengren, Eric ; Peek, Joe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:99-7.

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52012Uncertainty shocks in a model of effective demand. (2012). Bundick, Brent ; Basu, Susanto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:12-15.

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62007Subprime outcomes: risky mortgages, homeownership experiences, and foreclosures. (2007). Shapiro, Adam ; Gerardi, Kristopher ; Willen, Paul S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:07-15.

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72004Emerging market business cycles: the cycle is the trend. (2004). Gopinath, Gita ; Aguiar, Mark. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:04-4.

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82002Economic effects of currency unions. (2002). Tenreyro, Silvana ; Barro, Robert. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:02-4.

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91999Capital account liberalization, financial depth, and economic growth. (1999). Olivei, Giovanni ; Klein, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:99-6.

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102014Consumer cash usage: a cross-country comparison with payment diary survey data. (2014). Stix, Helmut ; Schuh, Scott ; Schmidt, Tobias ; Kosse, Anneke ; Huynh, Kim ; Bagnall, John ; Bounie, David. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:14-4.

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112005Real wage rigidities and the New Keynesian model. (2005). Gali, Jordi ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:05-14.

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122002Corporate dollar debt and depreciations: much ado about nothing?. (2002). Cowan, Kevin ; Bleakley, Hoyt. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:02-5.

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132011Managing self-confidence: theory and experimental evidence. (2011). Rosenblat, Tanya ; Niederle, Muriel ; Niehaus, Paul ; Mobius, Markus. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:11-14.

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142017Monetary policy through production networks: evidence from the stock market. (2017). Weber, Michael ; Ozdagli, Ali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:17-15.

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151998Dynamic inconsistencies: counterfactual implications of a class of rational expectations models. (1998). Fuhrer, Jeffrey ; Extrella, Arturo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:98-5.

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162004Effective labor regulation and microeconomic flexibility. (2004). Micco, Alejandro ; Engel, Eduardo ; Cowan, Kevin ; Caballero, Ricardo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:04-6.

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172002A quantile regression analysis of the cross section of stock market returns. (2002). Barnes, Michelle ; Hughes, Anthony W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:02-2.

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182016Cross-sectional patterns of mortgage debt during the housing boom: evidence and implications. (2016). Loewenstein, Lara ; Foote, Christopher ; Willen, Paul S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:16-12.

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191996Redlining in Boston: do mortgage lenders discriminate against neighborhoods?. (1996). Tootell, Geoffrey. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:96-6.

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202012Explaining adoption and use of payment instruments by U. S. consumers. (2012). Stavins, Joanna ; Schuh, Scott ; Rysman, Marc ; Koulayev, Sergei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:12-14.

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211999Are deep parameters stable? the Lucas critique as an empirical hypothesis. (1999). Fuhrer, Jeffrey ; Estrella, Arturo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:99-4.

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222006Measuring trends in leisure: the allocation of time over five decades. (2006). Hurst, Erik ; Aguiar, Mark. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-2.

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232019Tariff passthrough at the border and at the store: evidence from US trade policy. (2019). Tang, Jenny ; Neiman, Brent ; Gopinath, Gita ; Cavallo, Alberto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:19-12.

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241992Mortgage lending in Boston: interpreting HMDA data. (1992). Munnell, Alicia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:92-7.

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252013Household inflation expectations and consumer spending: evidence from panel data. (2013). Ozdagli, Ali ; Burke, Mary A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:13-25.

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262016Downskilling: changes in employer skill requirements over the business cycle. (2016). Modestino, Alicia Sasser ; Ballance, Joshua ; Shoag, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:16-9.

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271991The measurement and determinants of single-family house prices. (1991). Peek, Joe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:91-7.

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282013Payment choice with consumer panel data. (2013). Rysman, Marc ; Cohen, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:13-6.

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292013Enforcement and immigrant location choice. (2013). Watson, Tara. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:13-10.

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301995The [un]importance of forward-looking behavior in price specifications. (1995). Fuhrer, Jeffrey. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:95-6.

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312007Space and time in macroeconomic panel data: young workers and state-level unemployment revisited. (2007). Foote, Christopher. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:07-10.

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322010Some evidence on the importance of sticky wages. (2010). Gottschalk, Peter ; Barattieri, Alessandro ; Basu, Susanto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:10-11.

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331995Small business credit availability: how important is size of lender?. (1995). Rosengren, Eric ; Peek, Joe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:95-5.

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342008Blood donations and incentives: evidence from a field experiment. (2008). Stutzer, Alois ; Goette, Lorenz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:08-3.

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351999Job creation, job destruction, and the real exchange rate. (1999). Triest, Robert ; Schuh, Scott ; Klein, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:99-11.

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362005Borrowing costs and the demand for equity over the life cycle. (2005). Kubler, Felix ; Davis, Steven ; Willen, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:05-7.

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372010Wage setting patterns and monetary policy: international evidence. (2010). Tenreyro, Silvana ; Olivei, Giovanni. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:10-8.

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382005The liquidity trap, the real balance effect, and the Friedman rule. (2005). Ireland, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:05-3.

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392000Optimal monetary policy in a model with habit formation. (2000). Fuhrer, Jeffrey. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:00-5.

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402019Output Hysteresis and Optimal Monetary Policy. (2019). Singh, Sanjay ; Garga, Vaishali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:87414.

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412015Does immigration crowd natives into or out of higher education?. (2015). Jackson, Osborne. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:15-18.

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422007Impatience and credit behavior: evidence from a field experiment. (2007). Sprenger, Charles ; Meier, Stephan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:07-3.

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432004Contingent reserves management: an applied framework. (2004). Caballero, Ricardo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:05-2.

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442006Cyclical wages in a search and bargaining model with large firms. (2006). Rotemberg, Julio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-5.

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452006A tale of tails: an empirical analysis of loss distribution models for estimating operational risk capital. (2006). Perry, Jason ; Dutta, Kabir. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-13.

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462016Relationship lending in the interbank market and the price of liquidity. (2016). Fecht, Falko ; Bräuning, Falk ; Brauning, Falk. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:16-7.

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472004A general-equilibrium asset-pricing approach to the measurement of nominal and real bank output. (2004). Wang, J. Christina ; Fernald, John ; Basu, Susanto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:04-7.

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481999Impact of greater bank disclosure amidst a banking crisis. (1999). Rosengren, Eric ; Peek, Joe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:99-1.

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492008Classroom peer effects and student achievement. (2008). Sass, Tim ; Burke, Mary. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:08-5.

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502009Empirical estimates of changing inflation dynamics. (2009). Olivei, Giovanni ; Fuhrer, Jeffrey ; Geoffrey M. B. Tootell, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:09-4.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12006The impact of group membership on cooperation and norm enforcement: evidence using random assignment to real social groups. (2006). Meier, Stephan ; Huffman, David ; Goette, Lorenz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-7.

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22011Managing self-confidence: theory and experimental evidence. (2011). Rosenblat, Tanya ; Niederle, Muriel ; Niehaus, Paul ; Mobius, Markus. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:11-14.

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32006Dishonesty in everyday life and its policy implications. (2006). Ariely, Dan ; Mazar, Nina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-3.

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42018Intrinsic expectations persistence: evidence from professional and household survey expectations. (2018). Fuhrer, Jeffrey. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:18-9.

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52017Monetary policy through production networks: evidence from the stock market. (2017). Weber, Michael ; Ozdagli, Ali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:17-15.

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62021Should the ECB Adjust Its Strategy in the Face of a Lower r*?. (2021). Matheron, Julien ; LE BIHAN, Hervé ; Andrade, Philippe ; Gali, Jordi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93688.

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72002A quantile regression analysis of the cross section of stock market returns. (2002). Barnes, Michelle ; Hughes, Anthony W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:02-2.

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82016Downskilling: changes in employer skill requirements over the business cycle. (2016). Modestino, Alicia Sasser ; Ballance, Joshua ; Shoag, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:16-9.

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92010Wage setting patterns and monetary policy: international evidence. (2010). Tenreyro, Silvana ; Olivei, Giovanni. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:10-8.

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102013Household inflation expectations and consumer spending: evidence from panel data. (2013). Ozdagli, Ali ; Burke, Mary A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:13-25.

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112019The Optimal Inflation Target and the Natural Rate of Interest. (2019). Matheron, Julien ; Andrade, Philippe ; le Bihan, Herve ; Gali, Jordi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:87412.

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122013Enforcement and immigrant location choice. (2013). Watson, Tara. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:13-10.

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132018What are the consequences of global banking for the international transmission of shocks?: a quantitative analysis. (2018). Garetto, Stefania ; Fillat, Jose ; Smith, Arthur V. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:18-11.

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142013Payment choice with consumer panel data. (2013). Rysman, Marc ; Cohen, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:13-6.

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152021Rising Geographic Disparities in US Mortality. (2021). Gandhi, Kavish ; Foote, Christopher ; Couillard, Benjamin ; Skinner, Jonathan ; Meara, Ellen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93545.

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162021How Resilient Is Mortgage Credit Supply? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2021). Vickery, James ; Fuster, Andreas ; Willen, Paul S ; Lambie-Hanson, Lauren ; Hizmo, Aurel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:91746.

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172005The monetary transmission mechanism. (2005). Ireland, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-1.

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182016Relationship lending in the interbank market and the price of liquidity. (2016). Fecht, Falko ; Bräuning, Falk ; Brauning, Falk. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:16-7.

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192016Does Fed policy reveal a ternary mandate?. (2016). Peek, Joe ; Rosengren, Eric S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:16-11.

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202007Debt and the effects of fiscal policy. (2007). Giavazzi, Francesco ; Favero, Carlo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:07-4.

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212010The financial structure of startup firms: the role of assets, information, and entrepreneur characteristics. (2010). Mann, Catherine ; Sanyal, Paroma . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:10-17.

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221999Is bank supervision central to central banking?. (1999). Tootell, Geoffrey ; Rosengren, Eric ; Peek, Joe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:99-7.

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232021Bank Incentives and the Effect of the Paycheck Protection Program. (2021). Netto, Felipe ; Joaquim, Gustavo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93556.

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242019Tariff passthrough at the border and at the store: evidence from US trade policy. (2019). Tang, Jenny ; Neiman, Brent ; Gopinath, Gita ; Cavallo, Alberto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:19-12.

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252017Credit card utilization and consumption over the life cycle and business cycle. (2017). Schuh, Scott ; Fulford, Scott. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:17-14.

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262014Consumer cash usage: a cross-country comparison with payment diary survey data. (2014). Stix, Helmut ; Schuh, Scott ; Schmidt, Tobias ; Kosse, Anneke ; Huynh, Kim ; Bagnall, John ; Bounie, David. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:14-4.

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272022Inflation Levels and (In)Attention. (2022). Tang, Jenny ; Bracha, Anat. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93857.

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282021Wealth Concentration in the United States Using an Expanded Measure of Net Worth. (2021). Thompson, Jeffrey P ; Moore, Kevin B ; Llanes, Elizabeth ; Jacobs, Lindsay ; Volz, Alice Henriques. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:92855.

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292020The Impact of Regulatory Stress Tests on Bank Lending and Its Macroeconomic Consequences. (2020). Fillat, Jose ; Brauning, Falk. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:89225.

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302012Uncertainty shocks in a model of effective demand. (2012). Bundick, Brent ; Basu, Susanto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:12-15.

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312022How to Increase Housing Affordability: Understanding Local Deterrents to Building Multifamily Housing. (2022). Chiumenti, Nicholas ; Kulka, Amrita ; Sood, Aradhya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:94892.

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322006A tale of tails: an empirical analysis of loss distribution models for estimating operational risk capital. (2006). Perry, Jason ; Dutta, Kabir. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:06-13.

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332019Output Hysteresis and Optimal Monetary Policy. (2019). Singh, Sanjay ; Garga, Vaishali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:87414.

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342020A Fundamental Connection: Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Expectations. (2020). Tang, Jenny ; Stavrakeva, Vania. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:89607.

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352021Has COVID Changed Consumer Payment Behavior?. (2021). Stavins, Joanna ; Greene, Claire ; Merry, Ellen A. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93548.

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362022Interest Rate Surprises: A Tale of Two Shocks. (2022). Tang, Jenny ; Ozdagli, Ali ; Nunes, Ricardo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93691.

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372013Cyclical unemployment, structural unemployment. (2013). Diamond, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:13-5.

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382004Emerging market business cycles: the cycle is the trend. (2004). Gopinath, Gita ; Aguiar, Mark. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:04-4.

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392011Customer recognition and competition. (2011). Shy, Oz ; Stenbacka, Rune. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:11-7.

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402020Do Lenders Still Discriminate? A Robust Approach for Assessing Differences in Menus. (2020). Zhang, David Hao ; Willen, Paul S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:89606.

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412004Effective labor regulation and microeconomic flexibility. (2004). Micco, Alejandro ; Engel, Eduardo ; Cowan, Kevin ; Caballero, Ricardo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:04-6.

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422020Mortgage Prepayment, Race, and Monetary Policy. (2020). Gerardi, Kristopher ; Zhang, David Hao ; Willen, Paul S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:88882.

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432015Consumer revolving credit and debt over the life cycle and business cycle. (2015). Schuh, Scott ; Fulford, Scott. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:15-17.

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442022High-Yield Debt Covenants and Their Real Effects. (2022). Ozdagli, Ali ; Bräuning, Falk ; Ivashina, Victoria ; Brauning, Falk. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93873.

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452019Trends in household portfolio composition. (2019). Thompson, Jeffrey ; Moore, Kevin B ; Bricker, Jesse. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:19-9.

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462021Optimal Allocation of Relief Funds: The Case of the Paycheck Protection Program. (2021). Netto, Felipe ; Joaquim, Gustavo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:93557.

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472007Social networks and vaccination decisions. (2007). Rosenblat, Tanya ; Mobius, Markus M. ; Rao, Neel . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:07-12.

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481999Impact of greater bank disclosure amidst a banking crisis. (1999). Rosengren, Eric ; Peek, Joe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:99-1.

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492020No Firm Is an Island? How Industry Conditions Shape Firms’ Expectations. (2020). Gorodnichenko, Yuriy ; Gautier, Erwan ; Coibion, Olivier ; Andrade, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:89290.

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502017FOMC communication and interest rate sensitivity to news. (2017). Tang, Jenny. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedbwp:17-12.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 28
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2023Regulatory barriers to climate action: evidence from conservation areas in England. (2023). Fetzer, Thiemo. In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series. RePEc:cge:wacage:654.

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