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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2002 0 0.54 0.29 0 7 7 73 2 3 0 0 2 100 2 0.29 0.31
2003 0.43 0.53 0.44 0.43 2 9 0 4 7 7 3 7 3 0 0 0.3
2004 0.22 0.6 0.2 0.22 1 10 1 2 9 9 2 9 2 0 0 0.36
2005 0.33 0.6 0.56 0.7 6 16 24 9 18 3 1 10 7 2 22.2 0 0.37
2006 0.43 0.59 1.28 1.06 2 18 7 22 41 7 3 16 17 0 0 0.34
2007 0.25 0.52 0.42 0.44 6 24 39 10 51 8 2 18 8 1 10 2 0.33 0.29
2008 1 0.59 0.79 1 9 33 55 26 77 8 8 17 17 2 7.7 2 0.22 0.29
2009 0.93 0.58 0.7 0.79 17 50 72 35 112 15 14 24 19 7 20 5 0.29 0.33
2010 0.38 0.52 0.4 0.35 8 58 64 22 135 26 10 40 14 0 4 0.5 0.3
2011 0.76 0.62 0.46 0.52 27 85 103 39 174 25 19 42 22 11 28.2 8 0.3 0.37
2012 0.6 0.68 0.42 0.52 32 117 352 49 223 35 21 67 35 9 18.4 8 0.25 0.36
2013 0.63 0.67 0.54 0.62 33 150 172 81 304 59 37 93 58 2 2.5 10 0.3 0.35
2014 0.85 0.67 0.57 0.64 24 174 97 98 403 65 55 117 75 4 4.1 7 0.29 0.34
2015 0.79 0.66 0.54 0.69 36 210 147 113 516 57 45 124 86 7 6.2 11 0.31 0.36
2016 0.68 0.64 0.6 0.67 23 233 36 139 655 60 41 152 102 7 5 4 0.17 0.34
2017 0.75 0.62 0.65 0.78 21 254 85 164 819 59 44 148 116 7 4.3 11 0.52 0.35
2018 0.55 0.61 0.47 0.5 25 279 76 130 950 44 24 137 69 2 1.5 12 0.48 0.34
2019 0.65 0.62 0.53 0.48 21 300 85 158 1109 46 30 129 62 7 4.4 11 0.52 0.36
2020 0.78 0.71 0.44 0.54 15 315 20 140 1249 46 36 126 68 4 2.9 4 0.27 0.76
2021 0.92 0.97 0.51 0.7 7 322 38 163 1412 36 33 105 74 2 1.2 7 1 0.4
2022 1 0.71 0.27 0.51 12 334 5 89 1501 22 22 89 45 1 1.1 1 0.08 0.23
2023 0.68 0.61 0.16 0.31 10 344 0 54 1555 19 13 80 25 0 0 0.19
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12012Unemployment in an Estimated New Keynesian Model. (2012). Wouters, Raf ; Smets, Frank ; Gali, Jordi. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:106.

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22012Real economic convergence and the impact of monetary policy on economic growth of the EU countries: The analysis of time stability and the identification of major turning points based on the Bayesian . (2012). Witkowski, Bartosz ; Próchniak, Mariusz. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:137.

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32010Firms in the great global recession: The role of foreign ownership and financial dependence. (2010). Taglioni, Daria ; Rubaszek, Michał ; Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:77.

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42019The natural rate of interest: estimates, drivers, and challenges to monetary policy. (2019). Penalver, Adrian ; Brand, Claus ; Bielecki, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:308.

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52002Monetary transmission in Poland: some evidence on interest rate and credit channels. (2002). Wróbel, Ewa ; Pawłowska, Małgorzata ; Wrobel, Ewa ; Pawlowska, Malgorzata. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:24.

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62015Investor sophistication and capital income inequality. (2015). Stevens, Luminita ; Nosal, Jaromir ; Kacperczyk, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:199.

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72017Exchange rate forecasting with DSGE models. (2017). Rubaszek, Michał ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Ca' Zorzi, Michele. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:260.

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82013Macroprudential policy and imbalances in the euro area. (2013). Makarski, Krzysztof ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:138.

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92015Collateral constraints and macroeconomic asymmetries. (2015). Iacoviello, Matteo ; Guerrieri, Luca. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:202.

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102011Central bank communication on financial stability. (2011). Fratzscher, Marcel ; Ehrmann, Michael ; Born, Benjamin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:93.

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112011Financial frictions and optimal monetary policy in an open economy. (2011). Lombardo, Giovanni ; Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:91.

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122018Demographics, monetary policy, and the zero lower bound. (2018). Kolasa, Marcin ; Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal ; Bielecki, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:284.

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132013Business cycles in EU new member states: How and why are they different?. (2013). Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:156.

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142012On the empirical importance of periodicity in the volatility of financial time series. (2012). Pipień, Mateusz ; Mazur, Błażej ; Pipien, Mateusz. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:124.

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152021Switching from cash to cashless payments during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. (2021). Wisniewski, Tomasz ; Polasik, Michal ; Moro, Andrea ; Kotkowski, Radosław. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:337.

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162008Internationalization and economic performance of enterprises: evidence from firm-level data. (2008). Kolasa, Marcin ; Hagemejer, Jan. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:51.

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172014Poland’s exceptional performance during the world economic crisis: New growth accounting evidence. (2014). Strzelecki, Paweł ; Postek, Lukasz ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Gradzewicz, Michał ; Growiec, Jakub. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:186.

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182012Monetary policy transmission mechanism in Poland. What do we know in 2011?. (2012). Wróbel, Ewa ; Sznajderska, Anna ; Przystupa, Jan ; Łyziak, Tomasz ; Demchuk, Oksana ; Wrobel, Ewa . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:116.

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19How does FDI inflow affect productivity of domestic firms? The role of horizontal and vertical spillovers, absorptive capacity and competition. (2007). Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:42.

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202009The Macroeconomic Effects of Losing Autonomous Monetary Policy after the Euro Adoption in Poland. (2009). Makarski, Krzysztof ; Gradzewicz, Michał. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:58.

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212014Monetary and macroprudential policy with multiperiod loans. (2014). Kolasa, Marcin ; Gelain, Paolo ; Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:192.

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222018How do firms adjust to rises in the minimum wage? Survey evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. (2018). Wyszynski, Robert ; Tóth, Peter ; Toth, Peter ; Pesliakaite, Jurga ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Wyszyski, Robert ; Jemec, Nataa Todorovi ; Paskaleva, Desislava ; Malk, Liina ; Iordache, Stefania ; Bodnar, Katalin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:292.

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232002A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of the Bank Lending Channel and Loan Market Disequilibrium in Poland. (2002). Hurlin, Christophe ; Kierzenkowski, Rafal. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:22.

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242014Monetary and macroprudential policy with foreign currency loans. (2014). Makarski, Krzysztof ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:184.

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252002Monetary transmission mechanism in Poland.The strenght and delays. (2002). Łyziak, Tomasz. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:26.

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262015Isoelastic elasticity of substitution production functions. (2015). Growiec, Jakub. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:201.

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272021COVID-19 pandemic increases the divide between cash and cashless payment users in Europe. (2021). Polasik, Michal ; Kotkowski, Radoslaw. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:339.

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282008Structural heterogeneity or asymmetric shocks? Poland and the euro area through the lens of a two-country DSGE model. (2008). Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:49.

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292015Central bank credibility and the expectations channel: Evidence based on a new credibility index. (2015). Lucotte, Yannick ; LEVIEUGE, Gregory ; Ringuede, Sebastien . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:209.

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302007Downward nominal wage rigidity in Poland. (2007). Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal ; Socha, Jacek ; Broza-Brzezina, Micha . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:41.

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312014Heterogeneous monetary transmission process in the Eurozone: Does banking competition matter?. (2014). Leroy, Aurélien. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:171.

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322011SOEPL 2009 – An Estimated Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for Policy Analysis And Forecasting. (2011). Koloch, Grzegorz ; Kłos, Bohdan ; Grabek, Grzegorz . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:83.

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332014Monetary policy transmission mechanism in Poland What do we know in 2013?. (2014). Wróbel, Ewa ; Sznajderska, Anna ; Stanisławska, Ewa ; Przystupa, Jan ; Łyziak, Tomasz ; Kapuściński, Mariusz ; Stanislawska, Ewa ; Kapuciski, Mariusz ; Wrobel, Ewa . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:180.

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342019Globalization and the fall of markups. (2019). Mućk, Jakub ; Gradzewicz, Michał ; Muk, Jakub. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:304.

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352005ECMOD Model of the Polish Economy. (2005). Rubaszek, Michał ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Fic, Tatiana ; Kot, Adam ; Tarnicka, Magdalena ; Murawski, Karol . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:36.

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362009The new macroeconometric model of the Polish economy. (2009). Kolasa, Marcin ; Greszta, Michal ; Budnik, Katarzyna ; Rybaczyk, Bartosz ; Rot, Michal ; Hulej, Michal ; Tarnicka, Magdalena ; Murawski, Karol . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:62.

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372017The impact of inflation expectations on Polish consumers’ spending and saving. (2017). Stanisławska, Ewa ; Stanisawska, Ewa ; Premik, Filip . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:255.

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382011Trusting only whom you know, knowing only whom you trust: the joint impact of social capital and trust on individuals’ economic performance and happiness in CEE countries. (2011). Growiec, Jakub. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:94.

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392010What Segments Equity Markets?. (2010). Siegel, Stephan ; Lundblad, Christian ; Harvey, Campbell ; Bekaert, Geert. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:76.

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402013Global identification of linearized DSGE models. (2013). Kociecki, Andrzej ; Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:170.

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412016Monetary policy transmission mechanism in Poland.What do we know in 2015?. (2016). Wróbel, Ewa ; Sznajderska, Anna ; Stanisławska, Ewa ; Przystupa, Jan ; Łyziak, Tomasz ; Kociecki, Andrzej ; Kapuściński, Mariusz ; Kocicki, Andrzej ; Kapuciski, Mariusz ; Kowalczyk, Halina ; Stanisawska, Ewa. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:249.

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422014Market perception of sovereign credit risk in the euro area during the financial crisis. (2014). Serwa, Dobromił ; Camba-Mendez, Gonzalo. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:185.

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432021Medium- vs. short-term consumer inflation expectations: evidence from a new euro area survey. (2021). Paloviita, Maritta ; Stanisawska, Ewa. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:338.

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442013Combining monetary and fiscal policy in an SVAR for a small open economy. (2013). Sznajderska, Anna ; Haug, Alfred ; Jdrzejowicz, Tomasz . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:168.

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452005Competition, Concentration, Efficiency, and their Relationship in the Polish Banking Sector. (2005). Pawłowska, Małgorzata ; Pawlowska, Malgorzata. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:32.

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462008The Relativity Theory Revisited: Is Publishing Interest Rate Forecasts Really so Valuable?. (2008). Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal ; Kot, Adam ; Broza-Brzezina, Michal . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:52.

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472007Migration Flows and Labour Market in Poland. (2007). Budnik, Katarzyna. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:44.

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482002The exchange rate in the monetary transmission mechanism. (2002). Przystupa, Jan. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:25.

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492009An update of the macroeconometric model of the Polish economy NECMOD. (2009). Greszta, Michal ; Budnik, Katarzyna ; Rybaczyk, Bartosz ; Lewinska, Roza ; Krzesicki, Oskar ; Rot, Michal ; Hulej, Michal ; Murawski, Karol . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:64.

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502011The anatomy of standard DSGE models with financial frictions. (2011). Makarski, Krzysztof ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:80.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012Unemployment in an Estimated New Keynesian Model. (2012). Wouters, Raf ; Smets, Frank ; Gali, Jordi. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:106.

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22021Switching from cash to cashless payments during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. (2021). Wisniewski, Tomasz ; Polasik, Michal ; Moro, Andrea ; Kotkowski, Radosław. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:337.

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32021COVID-19 pandemic increases the divide between cash and cashless payment users in Europe. (2021). Polasik, Michal ; Kotkowski, Radoslaw. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:339.

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42021Medium- vs. short-term consumer inflation expectations: evidence from a new euro area survey. (2021). Paloviita, Maritta ; Stanisawska, Ewa. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:338.

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52019Globalization and the fall of markups. (2019). Mućk, Jakub ; Gradzewicz, Michał ; Muk, Jakub. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:304.

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62019A panel analysis of Polish regional cities: residential price convergence in the primary market. (2019). Olszewski, Krzysztof ; Matysiak, George. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:316.

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72017Exchange rate forecasting with DSGE models. (2017). Rubaszek, Michał ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Ca' Zorzi, Michele. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:260.

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82018How do firms adjust to rises in the minimum wage? Survey evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. (2018). Wyszynski, Robert ; Tóth, Peter ; Toth, Peter ; Pesliakaite, Jurga ; Fadejeva, Ludmila ; Wyszyski, Robert ; Jemec, Nataa Todorovi ; Paskaleva, Desislava ; Malk, Liina ; Iordache, Stefania ; Bodnar, Katalin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:292.

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92019Household heterogeneity and the value of government spending multiplier. (2019). Kopiec, Paweł. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:321.

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102010Firms in the great global recession: The role of foreign ownership and financial dependence. (2010). Taglioni, Daria ; Rubaszek, Michał ; Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:77.

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112019Food inflation nowcasting with web scraped data. (2019). Stelmasiak, Damian ; Macias, Pawe. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:302.

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122020The contribution of immigration from Ukraine to economic growth in Poland. (2020). Wyszynski, Robert ; Strzelecki, Paweł ; Growiec, Jakub ; Wyszyski, Robert. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:322.

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132021Investment incentives of rent controls and gentrification – Evidence from German micro data. (2021). Dinger, Valeriya ; Baye, Vera. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:342.

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142017Forecasting with FAVAR: macroeconomic versus financial factors. (2017). Paccagnini, Alessia. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:256.

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152022The impact on the Polish economy of the Structural Open Market Operations programme conducted by NBP. (2022). Stefaski, Maciej ; Rybaczyk, Bartosz ; Muk, Jakub ; Kuziemska-Pawlak, Kamila ; Kleszcz, Tomasz ; Kitala, Marcin ; Humanicki, Marcin ; Hertel, Katarzyna . In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:343.

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162018Demographics, monetary policy, and the zero lower bound. (2018). Kolasa, Marcin ; Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal ; Bielecki, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:284.

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172010The Superiority of Greenbook Forecasts and the Role of Recessions. (2010). Kishor, N. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:74.

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182017Elasticity of substitution between labor and capital: robust evidence from developed economies. (2017). Mućk, Jakub ; Muk, Jakub. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:271.

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192011Financial frictions and optimal monetary policy in an open economy. (2011). Lombardo, Giovanni ; Kolasa, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:91.

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202009Pension reform, institutional investors’ growth and stock market development in the developing countries: does it function?. (2009). Hryckiewicz, Aneta. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:67.

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212015Investor sophistication and capital income inequality. (2015). Stevens, Luminita ; Nosal, Jaromir ; Kacperczyk, Marcin. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:199.

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222022Monetary policy in a two-country model with behavioral expectations. (2022). Makarski, Krzysztof ; Galiński, Paweł ; Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal ; Galiski, Pawe. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:353.

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232002A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of the Bank Lending Channel and Loan Market Disequilibrium in Poland. (2002). Hurlin, Christophe ; Kierzenkowski, Rafal. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:22.

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242014Poland’s exceptional performance during the world economic crisis: New growth accounting evidence. (2014). Strzelecki, Paweł ; Postek, Lukasz ; Kolasa, Marcin ; Gradzewicz, Michał ; Growiec, Jakub. In: NBP Working Papers. RePEc:nbp:nbpmis:186.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 13
2023National culture and the demand for physical money during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023). Kotkowski, Radoslaw. In: Finance Research Letters. RePEc:eee:finlet:v:51:y:2023:i:c:s1544612322006596.

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2023Mobility restrictions and payment choices: The case of the Covid-19 pandemic. (2023). Carbo Valverde, Santiago ; Cuadros-Solas, Pedro J ; Carbo-Valverde, Santiago ; Sanchez-Bejar, Jose Juan ; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Francisco. In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. RePEc:eee:beexfi:v:40:y:2023:i:c:s2214635023000643.

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2023The impact of high inflation on trust in national politics and central banks. (2023). van Rooij, Maarten ; de Haan, Jakob ; van der Cruijsen, Carin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:762.

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2023Central Bank Communication with the General Public. (2023). Drager, Lena. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10713.

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2023Euro area consumers payment behaviour and banking digitalisation. (2023). Teppa, Federica ; Meyer, Justus. In: Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:772.

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2023Non-cash retail payments in selected banks during the COVID-19 pandemic – the case of Poland. (2023). Kotliski, Grzegorz ; Kaczmarek, Mirosawa ; Iwaczuk-Kaliska, Anna. In: Bank i Kredyt. RePEc:nbp:nbpbik:v:54:y:2023:i:3:p:309-334.

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2023Digital Financial Inclusion: COVID-19 Impacts and Opportunities. (2023). Semenog, Andrii ; Lyeonov, Serhiy ; Pakhnenko, Olena ; Dluhopolskyi, Oleksandr ; Jastrzbski, Winczysaw ; Cholewa-Wiktor, Marta ; Artyukhova, Nadiia. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:3:p:2383-:d:1049644.

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2023A Blessing in Disguise: Covid-19 Pandemic and the Emergence of E-Payment. (2023). Yusuf, Amir Alfatakh ; Mohamad, Noor Azillah ; Amran, Nur Hazimah ; Ahmad, Wahida. In: Information Management and Business Review. RePEc:rnd:arimbr:v:15:y:2023:i:1:p:27-36.

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2023Central bank asset purchases in response to the Covid-19 crisis. (2023). Bank for International Settlements, . In: CGFS Papers. RePEc:bis:biscgf:68.

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2023Firms’ responses to foreign demand shocks: Evidence from Indonesia after the global financial crisis. (2023). Patunru, Arianto ; Ardiyono, Sulistiyo K. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:128:y:2023:i:c:s026499932300305x.

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2023Monetary policy rules under bounded rationality. (2023). Schwemmer, Alexander ; Kienzler, Daniel ; Gerke, Rafael ; Dobrew, Michael. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:bubdps:182023.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

YearCiting document
2022Macroeconomic effects and transmission channels of quantitative easing. (2022). Stefaski, Maciej. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:114:y:2022:i:c:s0264999322001894.

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Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Going Cashless: Evidence from Japan’s Point Reward Program. (2021). Sekine, Toshitaka ; Watanabe, Tsutomu ; Shoji, Toshiaki. In: CARF F-Series. RePEc:cfi:fseres:cf525.

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2021ECB Consumer Expectations Survey: an overview and first evaluation. (2021). Dossche, Maarten ; Di Laurea, Davide ; Charalambakis, Evangelos ; Georgarakos, Dimitris ; Tormalehto, Veli-Matti ; da Silva, Antonio Dias ; Teppa, Federica ; Rusinova, Desislava ; Borlescu, Ana Maria ; Meyer, Justus ; Bankowska, Katarzyna ; Kolndrekaj, Aleksandra ; Kenny, Geoff ; Kennedy, Neale ; Honkkila, Juha. In: Occasional Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbops:2021287.

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2021COVID-19 pandemic increases the divide between cash and cashless payment users in Europe. (2021). Polasik, Michal ; Kotkowski, Radoslaw. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:209:y:2021:i:c:s016517652100416x.

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2021Fear of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Distancing as Factors Determining the Change in Consumer Payment Behavior at Retail and Service Outlets. (2021). Szalacha-Jarmuek, Joanna ; Piotrowska, Anna Iwona ; Huterska, Agnieszka. In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:14:y:2021:i:14:p:4191-:d:592344.

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2021Going Cashless: Evidence from Japan’s Point Reward Program. (2021). Sekine, Toshitaka ; Watanabe, Tsutomu ; Shoji, Toshiaki. In: Working Papers on Central Bank Communication. RePEc:upd:utmpwp:036.

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