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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
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2014 0 0.55 0.13 0 8 8 19 1 0 0 0 0 0.23
2015 0.25 0.55 0.18 0.25 14 22 36 4 5 8 2 8 2 0 2 0.14 0.23
2016 0.09 0.53 0.05 0.09 16 38 35 2 7 22 2 22 2 0 0 0.21
2017 0.07 0.54 0.05 0.08 22 60 72 3 10 30 2 38 3 0 0 0.21
2018 0.26 0.56 0.27 0.32 19 79 27 21 31 38 10 60 19 1 4.8 2 0.11 0.24
2019 0.34 0.57 0.36 0.35 13 92 10 30 64 41 14 79 28 7 23.3 1 0.08 0.23
2020 0.19 0.69 0.44 0.4 20 112 10 49 113 32 6 84 34 10 20.4 6 0.3 0.32
2021 0.18 0.82 0.37 0.36 19 131 8 48 161 33 6 90 32 2 4.2 1 0.05 0.3
2022 0.13 0.88 0.27 0.31 23 154 5 41 202 39 5 93 29 0 1 0.04 0.27
2023 0.24 0.96 0.18 0.16 19 173 1 32 234 42 10 94 15 0 1 0.05 0.28
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12017Logistics sprawl in monocentric and polycentric metropolitan areas: the cases of Paris, France, and the Randstad, the Netherlands. (2017). Heitz, Adeline ; Tavasszy, Lorant A ; Dablanc, Laetitia. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_1_158.

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22017Territory and Sustainable Tourism Development: a Space-Time Analysis on European Regions. (2017). Rodrigues, Paulo ; Guerreiro, Joo ; Romo, Joo . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_142.

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32014Infrastructure and Trade: A Meta-Analysis. (2014). Poot, Jacques ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Celbis, Mehmet. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_1_1_25.

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42015Agglomeration effects on labor productivity: An assessment with microdata. (2015). Brunow, Stephan ; Blien, Uwe. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_1_24.

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52016Regional Energy Efficiency Programs in Russia: The Factors of Success. (2016). Ratner, Svetlana Valerievna . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_1_71.

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62018Towards an Integrated Evaluation Approach for Cultural Urban Landscape Conservation/Regeneration. (2018). Nocca, Francesca ; Girard, Luigi Fusco . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_1_160.

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72015Do we follow the money? The drivers of migration across regions in the EU. (2015). Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés ; Ketterer, Tobias ; Castells-Quintana, David ; Rodriguez-Pose, Andres. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_2_15.

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82016Social Capital and Economic Well-Being in Germanys Regions: An Exploratory Spatial Analysis. (2016). Botzen, Katrin . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_1_73.

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92017Analysis of Freight Trip Generation Model for Food and Beverage in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). (2017). Gomes, Bruno ; de Oliveira, Leise Kelli ; de Albuquerque, Rodrigo Affonso ; Ebias, Daniel Gonalves . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_1_102.

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102017A Tale of Hidden Cities. (2017). Panori, Anastasia. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_189.

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112014Climate change in Lebanon: Higher-order regional impacts from agriculture. (2014). Vieira, Flavio ; Lopes, Ricardo ; Haddad, Eduardo ; Farajalla, Nadim ; Camargo, Marina . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_1_1_19.

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122016A primer for working with the Spatial Interaction modeling (SpInt) module in the python spatial analysis library (PySAL). (2016). Oshan, Taylor M. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_2_175.

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132017Social networks, social satisfaction and place attachment in the neighborhood. (2017). Weijs-Perree, Minou ; Kemperman, Astrid ; Arentze, Theo ; van den Berg, Pauline. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_194.

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142015A multilevel path analysis of social networks and social interaction in the neighbourhood. (2015). Timmermans, Harry ; van den Berg, Pauline. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_1_32.

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152019REAT: A Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox for R. (2019). Wieland, Thomas . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_6_3_267.

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162015Regional quality of living in Europe. (2015). Dongen, Frank ; Visser, Hans ; van Rijn, Frank ; van Dongen, Frank ; Lagas, Piet . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_2_43.

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172018European urban freight transport policies and research funding: are priorities and H2020 calls aligned?. (2018). Lozzi, Giacomo ; Marcucci, Edoardo ; Gatta, Valerio. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_1_168.

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182017Built environment, creativity, social art. The recovery of public space as engine of human development. (2017). Onesti, Anna. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_161.

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192016Happiness in Romanian cities on the road from post-communism transition to EU accession. (2016). Perucca, Giovanni ; Lenzi, Camilla. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_2_123.

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202017Spatial mismatch, wages and unemployment in metropolitan areas in Brazil. (2017). Barufi, Ana Maria ; Haddad, Eduardo Amaral ; Bonomi, Ana Maria. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_171.

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212018Urbanisation in Developing Economies: building cities that work. (2018). Venables, Anthony. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_1_245.

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222016Increasing innovativeness of SMEs in peripheral areas through international networks? The case of Southern Italy. (2016). Calignano, Giuseppe ; Hassink, Robert. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_1_93.

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232017Panel Data Models of New Firm Formation in New England. (2017). Parajuli, Jitendra ; Haynes, Kingsley E. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_167.

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242020Macroeconomic determinants of Port and Douro wine exports: An econometric approach. (2020). REBELO, Joo ; Gouveia, Sofia ; Macedo, Anthony. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_2_314.

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252015Regional determinants of residential energy expenditures and the principal-agent problem in Austria. (2015). Hill, Daniel R.. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_1_66.

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262018An Overview of Urbanization in Ecuador under Functional Urban Area Definition. (2018). Diaz-Sanchez, Juan Pablo ; Obaco, Moises. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_3_235.

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272017Functional Labour Market Areas for Chile. (2017). Rowe, Francisco ; Martinez-Bernabeu, Lucas ; Casado-Diaz, Jose Manuel. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_199.

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282016Tree-based approaches for understanding growth patterns in the European regions. (2016). Annoni, Paola. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_2_115.

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292017Urban Concentration and Spatial Allocation of Rents from natural resources. A Zipfs Curve Approach. (2017). Dentinho, Tomaz Ponce. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_169.

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302015Capital stock in Spain and its distribution by territories (1964-2012). (2015). Uriel, Ezequiel ; perez, francisco ; Mas, Matilde. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_1_72.

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312021Factors Supporting or Hindering the Place-based Structure of Commons in Local Productive Systems. (2021). Bellandi, Marco. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_8_1_270.

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322018Spatial Econometrics and GIS YouTube Playlist. (2018). Burkey, Mark L. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_3_254.

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332019Fueling Research Transparency: Computational Notebooks and the Discussion Section. (2019). Rowe, Francisco ; Koster, Sierdjan. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_6_3_309.

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342020The Potential of Notebooks for Scientific Publication, Reproducibility and Dissemination. (2020). Rey, Sergio ; Arribas-Bel, Daniel ; Maier, Gunther ; Rowe, Francisco. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_3_357.

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352017Potentials and limitations for the use of accessibility measures for national transport policy goals in freight transport and logistics: evidence from Västra Götaland County, Sweden. (2017). Larsson, Anders ; Olsson, Jerry. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_1_172.

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362019The future of European communication and transportation research: a research agenda. (2019). Macharis, Cathy ; Geurs, Karst. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_6_3_281.

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372016Identifying Clusters of Regions in the European South, based on their Economic, Social and Environmental Characteristics. (2016). Dimaki, Katerina ; ANGELIS, VASILIS ; Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_2_81.

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382020Strengthening local economy – an example of higher education institutions’ engagement in “co-creation for sustainability”. (2020). Hamm, Rudiger ; Bogedain, Anna. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_2_271.

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392017Regional Spanish Tourism Competitiveness. A DEA-MONITUR approach. (2017). Martin, Juan Carlos ; Roman, Concepcion ; Mendoza, Cira . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_145.

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402017Regional Public Stock Reductions in Spain: Estimations from a Multiregional Spatial Vector Autorregressive Model. (2017). Ramajo, Julian ; Hewings, Geoffrey ; Marquez, Miguel A. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_1_146.

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412014OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia Map. (2014). Maier, Gunther. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_1_1_70.

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422020Flatten the Curve! - Modeling SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Growth in Germany at the County Level. (2020). Wieland, Thomas . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_2_324.

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432015Making Educational and Scholarly Videos with Screen Capture Software. (2015). Burkey, Mark. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_2_98.

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442017The CHilean Internal Migration (CHIM) database: Temporally consistent spatial data for the analysis of human mobility. (2017). Rowe, Francisco. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_198.

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452014The use of combination forecasting approach and its application to regional market analysis. (2014). Jadevicius, Arvydas. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_1_1_31.

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462018Barriers of Culture, Networks, and Language in International Migration: A Review. (2018). Wang, Zhiling ; Nijkamp, Peter ; de Graaff, Thomas. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_1_203.

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472016Pride and the city. (2016). Morrison, Philip S. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_2_130.

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482022Territorial cohesion, the COVID-19 crisis and the urban paradox: Future challenges in urbanization and economic agglomeration. (2022). Mavrommatis, George ; Artelaris, Panagiotis. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_9_1_403.

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492023Italia di mezzo: The emerging marginality of intermediate territories between metropolises and inner areas. (2023). Zanfi, Federico ; Lanzani, Arturo ; Curci, Francesco ; Kercuku, Agim. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_10_1_397.

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502017Well-being in cities and regions: measurement, analysis and policy practices. (2017). Veneri, Paolo. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_2_188.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12017Logistics sprawl in monocentric and polycentric metropolitan areas: the cases of Paris, France, and the Randstad, the Netherlands. (2017). Heitz, Adeline ; Tavasszy, Lorant A ; Dablanc, Laetitia. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_1_158.

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22017Spatial mismatch, wages and unemployment in metropolitan areas in Brazil. (2017). Barufi, Ana Maria ; Haddad, Eduardo Amaral ; Bonomi, Ana Maria. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_171.

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32014Climate change in Lebanon: Higher-order regional impacts from agriculture. (2014). Vieira, Flavio ; Lopes, Ricardo ; Haddad, Eduardo ; Farajalla, Nadim ; Camargo, Marina . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_1_1_19.

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42018Towards an Integrated Evaluation Approach for Cultural Urban Landscape Conservation/Regeneration. (2018). Nocca, Francesca ; Girard, Luigi Fusco . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_1_160.

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52017Built environment, creativity, social art. The recovery of public space as engine of human development. (2017). Onesti, Anna. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_161.

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62019REAT: A Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox for R. (2019). Wieland, Thomas . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_6_3_267.

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72017A Tale of Hidden Cities. (2017). Panori, Anastasia. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_189.

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82016A primer for working with the Spatial Interaction modeling (SpInt) module in the python spatial analysis library (PySAL). (2016). Oshan, Taylor M. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_3_2_175.

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92017Territory and Sustainable Tourism Development: a Space-Time Analysis on European Regions. (2017). Rodrigues, Paulo ; Guerreiro, Joo ; Romo, Joo . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_142.

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102014Infrastructure and Trade: A Meta-Analysis. (2014). Poot, Jacques ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Celbis, Mehmet. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_1_1_25.

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112017Analysis of Freight Trip Generation Model for Food and Beverage in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). (2017). Gomes, Bruno ; de Oliveira, Leise Kelli ; de Albuquerque, Rodrigo Affonso ; Ebias, Daniel Gonalves . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_1_102.

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122020Flatten the Curve! - Modeling SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Growth in Germany at the County Level. (2020). Wieland, Thomas . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_2_324.

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132015Regional quality of living in Europe. (2015). Dongen, Frank ; Visser, Hans ; van Rijn, Frank ; van Dongen, Frank ; Lagas, Piet . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_2_2_43.

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142018Spatial Econometrics and GIS YouTube Playlist. (2018). Burkey, Mark L. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_5_3_254.

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152020Macroeconomic determinants of Port and Douro wine exports: An econometric approach. (2020). REBELO, Joo ; Gouveia, Sofia ; Macedo, Anthony. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_2_314.

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162017Regional Spanish Tourism Competitiveness. A DEA-MONITUR approach. (2017). Martin, Juan Carlos ; Roman, Concepcion ; Mendoza, Cira . In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_145.

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172017Social networks, social satisfaction and place attachment in the neighborhood. (2017). Weijs-Perree, Minou ; Kemperman, Astrid ; Arentze, Theo ; van den Berg, Pauline. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_4_3_194.

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182020Strengthening local economy – an example of higher education institutions’ engagement in “co-creation for sustainability”. (2020). Hamm, Rudiger ; Bogedain, Anna. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_2_271.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 10
2023“Wanna Be Provoked”: Inner Peripheries Generators of Social Innovation in the Italian Apennine. (2023). Lazzarini, Luca ; Ostanel, Elena ; Micelli, Ezio. In: Land. RePEc:gam:jlands:v:12:y:2023:i:4:p:829-:d:1116108.

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2023Ancestral diversity and performance: Evidence from football data. (2023). Zanaj, Skerdilajda ; Beine, Michel ; Peracchi, Silvia. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:213:y:2023:i:c:p:193-214.

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2023Firm-Level Innovations in an Emerging Economy: Do Perceived Policy Instability and Legal Institutional Conditions Matter?. (2023). Odei, Samuel Amponsah ; Dunyo, Samuel Kwesi. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:2:p:1570-:d:1034974.

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2023Land Suitability of Urban and Industrial Development Using Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) and A New Model by GIS in Fasa County, Iran. (2023). Cerda, Artemi ; Asrari, Elham ; Aboutalebi, Mostafa ; Masoudi, Masoud. In: Land. RePEc:gam:jlands:v:12:y:2023:i:10:p:1898-:d:1256444.

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2023Quantity versus quality in publication activity: knowledge production at the regional level. (2023). Peker, Irina ; Gareev, Timur. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2311.08830.

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2023The Future of Fisheries Co-Management in the Context of the Sustainable Blue Economy and the Green Deal: There Is No Green without Blue. (2023). Chiotinis, Michalis ; Ierapetritis, Dimitrios G ; Kyvelou, Stella Sofia. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:10:p:7784-:d:1143015.

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2023The regional variation of a housing boom. Disparities of land prices in Austria, 2000–2018. (2023). Reiner, Christian ; Musil, Robert. In: Review of Regional Research: Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft. RePEc:spr:jahrfr:v:43:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s10037-022-00176-z.

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2023Place identities and narratives in local development. (2023). Bellanca, Nicolo. In: OSF Preprints. RePEc:osf:osfxxx:jpce6.

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2023The geography of environmental innovation: a critical review and agenda for future research. (2023). Hansmeier, Hendrik ; Losacker, Sebastian ; Liefner, Ingo ; Horbach, Jens. In: Review of Regional Research: Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft. RePEc:spr:jahrfr:v:43:y:2023:i:2:d:10.1007_s10037-023-00193-6.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2023

YearCiting document
2023Spread Is Better: Suitability for Climate Neutrality of Italian Urban Systems. (2023). Fabian, Lorenzo ; Bertin, Mattia. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:18:p:13710-:d:1239639.

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Recent citations received in 2022

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2022Value-Added Tax Revenue Transfers and Regional Social Development: Evidence from Nigeria. (2022). Omodero, Cordelia Onyinyechi. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:21:p:14343-:d:961249.

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Recent citations received in 2021

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2021Local Productive Systems’ Transitions to Industry 4.0+. (2021). de Propris, Lisa ; Bellandi, Marco. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:23:p:13052-:d:687627.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020The Potential of Notebooks for Scientific Publication, Reproducibility and Dissemination. (2020). Rey, Sergio ; Arribas-Bel, Daniel ; Maier, Gunther ; Rowe, Francisco. In: REGION. RePEc:wiw:wiwreg:region_7_3_357.

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