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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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Raw Data


2016 0 0.64 0 0 7 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0.34
2017 0.14 0.62 0.17 0.14 5 12 6 2 2 7 1 7 1 0 1 0.2 0.35
2018 0.17 0.61 0.13 0.17 3 15 9 2 4 12 2 12 2 0 0 0.34
2019 0.13 0.62 0.06 0.07 1 16 0 1 5 8 1 15 1 0 0 0.36
2020 0.25 0.71 1.03 0.38 15 31 95 31 37 4 1 16 6 1 3.2 25 1.67 0.76
2021 1.81 0.97 1.03 1.06 9 40 37 41 78 16 29 31 33 4 9.8 5 0.56 0.4
2022 1.46 0.71 0.79 1.06 13 53 6 42 120 24 35 33 35 1 2.4 1 0.08 0.23
2023 0.64 0.61 0.54 0.83 10 63 0 34 154 22 14 41 34 1 2.9 0 0.19
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12020Initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian labour market. (2020). Schirle, Tammy ; Milligan, Kevin ; Lemieux, Thomas ; Skuterud, Mikal. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:26.

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22020Covid-19, family stress and domestic violence: Remote work, isolation and bargaining power. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Haddad, Joanne ; Brodeur, Abel ; Beland, Louis-Philippe. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:27.

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32021Innovative ideas and gender inequality. (2021). Koffi, Marlene. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:35.

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42020Waiting for recovery: The Canadian labour market in June 2020. (2020). Warman, Casey ; Lange, Fabian ; Riddell, William Craig. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:28.

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52021Endogenous learning, persistent employer biases, and discrimination. (2021). Lepage, Louis Pierre. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:34.

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62021Canadian labour market dynamics during COVID-19. (2021). Warman, Casey ; Riddell, W. Craig ; Lange, Fabian. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:37.

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72020Labor markets in crisis: The causal impact of Canadas COVD19 economic shutdown on hours worked for workers across the earnings distribution. (2020). Pohler, Dionne ; Koebel, Kourtney. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:25.

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82018Identifying the value of teamwork: Application to professional tennis. (2018). Devereux, Kevin. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:14.

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92020Labour market flows and worker trajectories in Canada during COVID-19. (2020). Brochu, Pierre ; Crechet, Jonathan ; Deng, Zechuan. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:32.

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102018Family structure and child cognitive outcomes: Evidence from Canadian longitudinal data. (2018). Ferrer, Ana ; Pan, Yazhuo. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:16.

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112022Approaches to learn about employer learning. (2022). Lange, Fabian ; Ablay, Mahmut. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:49.

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122017Unemployment, marginal attachment and labor force participation in Canada and the United States. (2017). Riddell, W. Craig ; Jones, Stephen ; Stephen, . In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:13.

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132020The Great Depression and the rise of female employment: A new hypothesis. (2020). Cardia, Emanuela ; Bellou, Andriana. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:22.

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142022The long-run effects of parental unemployment in childhood. (2022). Uguccioni, James . In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:45.

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152021Welfare versus work under a negative income tax: Evidence from the Gary, Seattle, Denver and Manitoba income maintenance experiments. (2021). Riddell, W. Craig. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:36.

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162017Immigration and innovation: Evidence from Canadian cities. (2017). Blit, Joel ; Zhang, Jue ; Skuterud, Mikal. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:12.

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172016The effect of house prices on fertility: Evidence from Canada. (2016). Ferrer, Ana ; Clark, Jeremy. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:7.

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182020Household responses to disability shocks: Spousal labor supply, caregiving, and disability insurance. (2020). Lee, Siha. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:21.

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192017The relative labour market performance of former international students: Evidence from the Canadian National Graduates Survey. (2017). Skuterud, Mikal ; Chen, Zong Jia. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:11.

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202016Temporary foreign workers and firms: Theory and Canadian evidence. (2016). Brochu, Pierre ; Worswick, Christopher ; Gross, Till. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:6.

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212017Is there a tradeoff between ethnic diversity and redistribution? The case of income assistance in Canada. (2017). Riddell, W. Craig ; Green, David. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:10.

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222022The impact of unions on nonunion wage setting: Threats and bargaining. (2022). Snoddy, Iain G ; Sand, Benjamin ; Green, David A. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:52.

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232016Evaluation of optimal unemployment insurance with reemployment bonuses using regression discontinuity (kink) design. (2016). Yang, Tzu-Ting ; Huang, Po-Chun. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:2.

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242020Labor market policies in a Roy-Rosen bargaining economy. (2020). Jales, Hugo ; Yu, Zhengfei. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:29.

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252021The heterogenous labour market impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021). Forsythe, Eliza ; Cortes, Guido Matias. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:40.

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262020Endogenous learning and the persistence of employer biases in the labor market. (2020). Lepage, Louis Pierre. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:24.

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272021The intergenerational effects of economic sanctions. (2021). Moeeni, Safoura. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:33.

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282020Caught in the cycle: Economic conditions at enrollment and labor market outcomes of college graduates. (2020). Cortes, Guido Matias ; Mazza, Jacopo ; Biecakova, Alena. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:19.

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292020Descriptive labor market outcomes of immigrant women across Europe. (2020). Adsera, Alicia ; Herranz, Virginia ; Ferrer, Ana M. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:18.

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302020Automation and reallocation: The lasting legacy of COVID-19 in Canada. (2020). Blit, Joel. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:31.

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312022Beyond lost earnings: The long-term impact of jobdisplacement on workers commuting behavior. (2022). Jost, Ramona ; Duan, Yige. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:44.

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322019How skills and parental valuation of education influence human capital acquisition and early labor market return to human capital in Canada. (2019). Lehrer, Steven ; Kottelenberg, Michael J. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:17.

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332020Strategic self-employment and family formation. (2020). Lloyd, Neil . In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:20.

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342020Is increasing productivity COVID-19s silver lining?. (2020). Blit, Joel. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:30.

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352021Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the CARES act on earnings and inequality. (2021). Forsythe, Eliza ; Cortes, Guido Matias. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:41.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020Initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian labour market. (2020). Schirle, Tammy ; Milligan, Kevin ; Lemieux, Thomas ; Skuterud, Mikal. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:26.

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22021Innovative ideas and gender inequality. (2021). Koffi, Marlene. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:35.

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32021Endogenous learning, persistent employer biases, and discrimination. (2021). Lepage, Louis Pierre. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:34.

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42021Canadian labour market dynamics during COVID-19. (2021). Warman, Casey ; Riddell, W. Craig ; Lange, Fabian. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:37.

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52020Covid-19, family stress and domestic violence: Remote work, isolation and bargaining power. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Haddad, Joanne ; Brodeur, Abel ; Beland, Louis-Philippe. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:27.

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62020Labour market flows and worker trajectories in Canada during COVID-19. (2020). Brochu, Pierre ; Crechet, Jonathan ; Deng, Zechuan. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:32.

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72020Waiting for recovery: The Canadian labour market in June 2020. (2020). Warman, Casey ; Lange, Fabian ; Riddell, William Craig. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:28.

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82022Approaches to learn about employer learning. (2022). Lange, Fabian ; Ablay, Mahmut. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:49.

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92018Identifying the value of teamwork: Application to professional tennis. (2018). Devereux, Kevin. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:14.

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102020Labor markets in crisis: The causal impact of Canadas COVD19 economic shutdown on hours worked for workers across the earnings distribution. (2020). Pohler, Dionne ; Koebel, Kourtney. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:25.

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112020Household responses to disability shocks: Spousal labor supply, caregiving, and disability insurance. (2020). Lee, Siha. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:21.

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122022The long-run effects of parental unemployment in childhood. (2022). Uguccioni, James . In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:45.

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132021Welfare versus work under a negative income tax: Evidence from the Gary, Seattle, Denver and Manitoba income maintenance experiments. (2021). Riddell, W. Craig. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:36.

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142018Family structure and child cognitive outcomes: Evidence from Canadian longitudinal data. (2018). Ferrer, Ana ; Pan, Yazhuo. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:16.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 14
2023Ethnic Minority Background and Personality Characteristics: Evidence from a Representative Sample of the Adult Population. (2022). Ayaita, Adam. In: EconStor Preprints. RePEc:zbw:esprep:251745.

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2023The Impact of Qualitative Reviews on Racial Statistical Discrimination: Evidence from Airbnb. (2023). Morris, J. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:2331.

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2023Committee Deliberation and Gender Differences in Influence. (2023). Schiprowski, Amelie ; Radbruch, Jonas. In: ECONtribute Discussion Papers Series. RePEc:ajk:ajkdps:234.

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2023Gender pay gaps in economics: A deeper look at institutional factors. (2023). Weinberg, Bruce A ; Chen, Joyce J ; Kim, Minsub. In: Agricultural Economics. RePEc:bla:agecon:v:54:y:2023:i:4:p:471-486.

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2023Intensification or diversification: responses by anti health-pass entrepreneurs to French government announcements. (2023). Megzari, Haris ; Leveque, Christophe. In: International Journal of Health Economics and Management. RePEc:kap:ijhcfe:v:23:y:2023:i:4:d:10.1007_s10754-023-09355-y.

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2023Measuring Science: Performance Metrics and the Allocation of Talent. (2023). Waldinger, Fabian ; Schwarz, Carlo ; Hager, Sebastian. In: Rationality and Competition Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:rco:dpaper:455.

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2023Search and reallocation in the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the UK. (2023). Zentler-Munro, David ; Visschers, Ludo ; Jackle, Annette ; Comunello, Camila ; Clymo, Alex ; Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos. In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:81:y:2023:i:c:s0927537123000039.

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2023When It Hurts the Most: Timing of Parental Job Loss and a Childs Education. (2023). Ovidi, Marco ; Cappellari, Lorenzo ; Bingley, Paul. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp16367.

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2023Imperfect Signals. (2023). Graetz, Georg. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10403.

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2023Imperfect signals. (2023). Graetz, Georg. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:hhs:ifauwp:2023_010.

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2023Imperfect Signals. (2023). Graetz, Georg. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp16104.

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2023Economic Security and Fertility: Evidence from the Mincome Experiment. (2023). Schneebaum, Alyssa ; Rainer, Carla ; Dokmeci, Tuna. In: Department of Economics Working Papers. RePEc:wiw:wiwwuw:wuwp332.

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2023Economic Security and Fertility: Evidence from the Mincome Experiment. (2023). Schneebaum, Alyssa ; Rainer, Carla ; Dokmeci, Tuna. In: Department of Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:wiw:wus005:35832609.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

YearCiting document
2022Homeoffice spart ein Zehntel Treibstoff ein. (2022). Seibert, Holger ; Jost, Oskar. In: Wirtschaftsdienst. RePEc:spr:wirtsc:v:102:y:2022:i:7:d:10.1007_s10273-022-3228-y.

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Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Remote talks: changes to economics seminars during Covid-19. (2021). Biermann, Marcus. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:114429.

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2021Unpacking the Post-lockdown Employment Recovery of Young Women in the Global South. (2021). Sanchez, Alan ; Porter, Catherine ; Favara, Marta ; Freund, Richard ; Scott, Douglas. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14829.

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2021Marginalized and Overlooked? Minoritized Groups and the Adoption of New Scientific Ideas. (2021). Weinberg, Bruce ; Cheng, Wei. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:29179.

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2021Survey Non-response in Covid-19 Times: The Case of the Labour Force Survey. (2021). Brochu, Pierre ; Crchet, Jonathan ; Brochue, Pierre. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ott:wpaper:2109e.

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2021Survey non-response in Covid-19 times: The case of the labour force survey. (2021). Brochu, Pierre ; Crechet, Jonathan. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:38.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Heavy Work Investment in Romania. (2020). Bratucu, Gabriel ; Chitu, Ioana Bianca ; Lixandroiu, Radu Constantin ; Constantin, Cristinel Petrisor ; Tecau, Alina Simona. In: The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal. RePEc:aes:amfeco:v:22:y:2020:i:special14:p:1049.

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2020COVID-19, Occupation Tasks and Mental Health in Canada. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Brodeur, Abel ; Beland, Louis-Philippe ; Wright, Taylor. In: Carleton Economic Papers. RePEc:car:carecp:20-07.

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2020The Short-Term Effect of COVID-19 on Self-Employed Workers in Canada. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Beland, Louis-Philippe ; Fakorede, Oluwatobi. In: Carleton Economic Papers. RePEc:car:carecp:20-10.

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2020Parental well-being in times of Covid-19 in Germany. (2020). Wagner, Gert ; Huebener, Mathias ; Waights, Sevrin ; Spiess, Katharina C ; Siegel, Nico A. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1713.

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2020Parental Well-Being in Times of Covid-19 in Germany. (2020). Wagner, Gert ; Siegel, Nico A ; Spiess, Katharina C ; Waights, Sevrin ; Huebener, Mathias. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8487.

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2020The Distribution of COVID-19 Related Risks. (2020). Warman, Casey ; Siu, Henry ; Green, David ; Tenyenhuis, Maria ; Baylis, Patrick ; Simard-Duplain, Gaelle ; Molnar, Timea L ; Haeck, Catherine ; Gyetvay, Samuel ; Gutierrez-Cubillos, Pablo ; Fortin, Nicole ; Connolly, Marie ; Beauregard, Pierre-Loup. In: CIRANO Working Papers. RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-50.

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2020Parental Well-Being in Times of Covid-19 in Germany. (2020). Wagner, Gert ; Siegel, Nico A ; Spiess, Katharina C ; Waights, Sevrin ; Huebener, Mathias. In: SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research. RePEc:diw:diwsop:diw_sp1099.

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2020Poverty and economic dislocation reduce compliance with COVID-19 shelter-in-place protocols. (2020). Sonin, Konstantin ; Wilson, Jarnickae ; Driscoll, Jesse ; Wright, Austin L. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:180:y:2020:i:c:p:544-554.

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2020Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Romanian Labor Market. (2020). Burlacu, Sorin ; Ladaru, Georgiana-Raluca ; Radulescu, Carmen Valentina ; Petre, Ionut Laurentiu ; Ioan, Corina ; Constantin, Florentina. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2020:i:1:p:271-:d:470564.

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2020Primary School Reopenings and Parental Work. (2020). Molnar, Timea Laura ; Haeck, Catherine ; Connolly, Marie ; Beauregard, Pierre-Loup. In: Working Papers. RePEc:grc:wpaper:20-06.

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2020Family Life in Lockdown. (2020). Biroli, Pietro ; Jaworska, Sylvia ; di Girolamo, Amalia ; della Giusta, Marina ; Bosworth, Steven ; Vollen, Jeremy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hka:wpaper:2020-051.

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2020Family Life in Lockdown. (2020). Biroli, Pietro ; Vollen, Jeremy ; Jaworska, Sylvia ; di Girolamo, Amalia ; della Giusta, Marina ; Bosworth, Steven J. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13398.

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2020Parental Well-Being in Times of COVID-19 in Germany. (2020). Wagner, Gert ; Siegel, Nico A ; Spiess, Katharina C ; Waights, Sevrin ; Huebener, Mathias. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13556.

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2020Cant Leave You Now! Intimate Partner Violence under Forced Coexistence and Economic Uncertainty. (2020). Nollenberger, Natalia ; Fernandez-Kranz, Daniel ; Arenas-Arroyo, Esther. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13570.

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2020The Distribution of COVID-19 Related Risks. (2020). Warman, Casey ; Siu, Henry ; Molnar, Timea Laura ; Haeck, Catherine ; Green, David ; Fortin, Nicole ; Connolly, Marie ; Beauregard, Pierre-Loup ; Tenyenhuis, Maria ; Simard-Duplain, Gaelle ; Gyetvay, Sam ; Cubillos, Pablo Gutierrez ; Baylis, Patrick. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27881.

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2020Labour Market Flows and Worker Trajectories in Canada During COVID-19. (2020). Brochu, Pierre ; Crechet, Jonathan ; Deng, Zechuan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ott:wpaper:2005e.

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2020Labour market flows and worker trajectories in Canada during COVID-19. (2020). Brochu, Pierre ; Crechet, Jonathan ; Deng, Zechuan. In: CLEF Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:clefwp:32.

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2020The Short-Term Effect of COVID-19 on Self-Employed Workers in Canada. (2020). Mikola, Derek ; Beland, Louis-Philippe ; Fakorede, Oluwatobi. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:585.

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